HS10.3 | Vegetation and canopies: Effects on erosion and hydrological, pedological, biogeochemical processes and patterns
Vegetation and canopies: Effects on erosion and hydrological, pedological, biogeochemical processes and patterns
Co-organized by BG3/SSS8
Convener: Johanna Clara MetzgerECSECS | Co-conveners: Miriam MarzenECSECS, Kazuki Nanko, Steffen Seitz, Miriam Coenders-Gerrits, Jan Friesen, Pilar Llorens
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:10 (CEST)
Room 2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 16:15
Thu, 16:15
Vegetation is a structured and complex layer that importantly affects Earth’s surface processes. Hydrologically, the canopy intercepts precipitation (eventually evaporating) and redistributes it into throughfall and stemflow. Along those pathways, matter deposited on or produced in the canopy is transported to the forest floor. Canopies also interact with radiation and atmospheric conditions, impacting transpiration and root water uptake. Such, vegetation and canopies affect balances of water, matter and energy as well as their spatio-temporal distribution and generate feedbacks in ecosystems, water bodies and atmosphere. Moreover, plants absorb the energy of falling raindrops, reduce wind speed and contribute to soil stabilization through their root system. In this way, vegetation impacts the occurrence of erosion events. Plant traits, depending on their characteristics, can be erosion-reducing or erosion-promoting. Also, significant differences in erosion can be observed between and within different plant communities and developmental stages of the plant cover. Various mechanisms behind these complex processes are still not understood in detail and require the interdisciplinary expertise of soil scientists, geomorphologists, ecologists and botanists, as well as (eco-)hydrologists. This session broadly invites contributions from various disciplines to illustrate recent progress in research on vegetation and canopy impacts on soil erosion, soils, biogeochemical and hydrological processes of all (eco)systems by experimental work or modeling.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Johanna Clara Metzger, Steffen Seitz
Canopy water and solute fluxes
On-site presentation
Beate Michalzik, Alexander Tischer, Patrick Zerhusen, Ronny Richter, Rolf A. Engelmann, Kirsten Küsel, Christian Wirth, and Martina Herrmann

Trees affect the direction and distribution of crucial components of the hydrological cycle, which were mostly described by measurements on the quantity of precipitation, stemflow and throughfall (TF) collected underneath the canopy. However, due to poor accessibility of tree canopies, our knowledge on hydrological processes within canopies is limited. 

We propose that canopy structure shapes the spatial distribution of incoming rainfall (RF) within the canopy as well as the intra-canopy TF composition. The Leipzig Canopy Crane facility allows to (i) determine water fluxes from above the canopies (RF) and with TF at top, mid and bottom position within the canopy of three tree species – Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, and Tilia cordata, and (ii) to determine the transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen with TF. In total, 81 TF collectors were set up every month for a two-weeks-period from March to October 2021.

We found amplified water fluxes in TF collectors at top and mid canopy positions compared to incoming RF fluxes, while TF volumes at the bottom decreased. Dimensions of change appear related to RF amount and tree species. Moreover, stability plot analysis indicated that spatial “hot spots” of water fluxes within canopies were temporally persistent.

Our results raise the question whether the concept of a “double-funneling of trees” introduced by Johnson and Lehmann (2006) needs to be extended to a “triple-funneling” approach involving the intra-canopy preferential flow of water and elements occurring in upper to mid canopy positions. Canopy spots with higher water and matter accumulation will alter the chemical, biological, and hydrological heterogeneity in canopy habitat structures below, with strong implications for canopy-associated microbial communities and epiphytes and ecosystem functions.

How to cite: Michalzik, B., Tischer, A., Zerhusen, P., Richter, R., Engelmann, R. A., Küsel, K., Wirth, C., and Herrmann, M.: Triple-funneling of trees? Intra-canopy preferential flow of water and elements induced by tree canopies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6330, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6330, 2023.

On-site presentation
Delphis F. Levia, Jeffrey L. Chang, and Thomas H. Epps, III

It is well known that stemflow contains soluble carbohydrates. While neutral sugars play an important role in tree metabolism, data on the concentrations of neutral sugars in stemflow are scant. Neutral sugar inputs via stemflow could influence soil solution chemistry and microbial activity in near-trunk soils. Accordingly, to fill the existing knowledge gap, this study quantifies stemflow neutral sugar concentrations with respect to tree species and phenophase. The concentrations of L-rhamnose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-galactose, L-arabinose, and D-xylose in stemflow were determined using orbitrap liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as a function of both tree species (Betula lenta L. [sweet birch], Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. [American beech], Liriodendron tulipifera L. [yellow poplar], and Pinus rigida Mill. [pitch pine]) and phenophase (emergence, leafed, senescence, leafless for deciduous species and emergence, leafed-spring/summer, senescence, leafed-winter for pine). Overall, the median concentrations for all sugars were higher for yellow poplar and pitch pine, and by phenophase, the leafless (or leafed-winter) phenophase had the highest (galactose, arabinose/xylose) or second highest (rhamnose, glucose, mannose) median concentrations for all sugars. We recommend the quantification of neutral sugar concentrations and fluxes in studies seeking a more comprehensive understanding of the physiological ecology of wooded ecosystems.


Funding note: This research was supported by funds from the US National Science Foundation (Award No. GCR-CMMI-1934887).

How to cite: Levia, D. F., Chang, J. L., and Epps, III, T. H.: The concentration of neutral sugars in stemflow with respect to tree species and canopy phenophase, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3577, 2023.

Vegetation impacts on soil erosion
Virtual presentation
Ayumi Katayama, Kazuki Nanko, Seonghun Jeong, Tomonori Kume, Yoshinori Shinohara, and Steffen Seitz

Soil erosion induced by rainwater in forest ecosystems is mainly determined by throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) and ground vegetation cover. TKE is determined by raindrop size and velocity as well as precipitation amounts. Lateral canopy water flow paths can create localized concentrations of throughfall as impact points with considerable high TKE. At structurally mediated woody surface drip points notably bigger canopy drips can thus be formed under forest canopy. It is also assumed that TKE per 1mm rainfall amount (i.e., unit TKE) at impact locations is considerably higher than that at general locations due to increased rain drop sizes, resulting in a higher risk of soil erosion. However, the TKE and subsequent splash erosion potential at these impact locations have rarely been described in the previous literature and have not been quantified yet. The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate the intensity of TKE and unit TKE at an impact location and (2) to compare those with general locations and freefall kinetic energy. We measured TKE using splash cups at seven points under a beech tree in a cool temperate forest, Japan, during five rainfall events in each leafed and leafless season. Five splash cups were further installed at an open area outside the forest as a reference. A rainfall collector was installed next to each splash cup, and throughfall at each point was quantified. TKE at the impact location (9142 ± 5522 J m-2) was 15.2 times higher than that at general locations under beech (601 ± 495 J m-2) and 49.7 times higher than at the open area (184 ± 195 J m-2). The ratio of TKE at the impact location to those at general locations was higher in the leafless season. Unit kinetic energy at the impact location (39.2 ± 23.7 J m-2 mm-1) was higher than those at general locations (22.0 ± 12.7 J m-2 mm-1) and at the open area (4.5 ± 3.5 J m-2 mm-1). The branch height at the impact location was lower than most areas at general locations, suggesting that higher unit TKE was induced by a bigger drop size. Our results imply that big-sized canopy drips in addition to intense throughfall amount generated at specific structurally-mediated points of the branch surface contribute far above the average to the erosion potential under the forest.

How to cite: Katayama, A., Nanko, K., Jeong, S., Kume, T., Shinohara, Y., and Seitz, S.: Concentrative drop impacts by a bunch of canopy drips: hotspots of soil erosion in forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1767, 2023.

On-site presentation
Congrong Yu

The capture of colloidal fine suspended particles by vegetation plays an important role in water quality of the shallow aquatic system under rainfall. Quantifying impact of rainfall intensity and vegetation condition on this process remains poorly characterized. In this study, the colloidal particle capture rates under three rainfall intensities, four vegetation densities and with submerged or emergent vegetation were investigated in different travel distance in a laboratory flume. Considering vegetation as porous media, non-Darcy’s law with rainfall as a source term, was coupled with colloid first-order deposition model, to simulate the particle concentration changes with time, determining the particle deposition rate coefficient (kd), representing capture rate. We found that the kd increased linearly with rainfall intensity; but increased and then decreased with vegetation density, suggesting the existence of optimum vegetation density. The kd of submerged vegetation is slightly higher than emergent vegetation. The single collector efficiency (η) showed the same trend as kd, suggesting colloid filtration theory well explained the impact of rainfall intensity and vegetation condition. Flow hydrodynamic enhanced the kd trend, e.g., the theoretical strongest flow eddy structure represented in the optimum vegetation density. This study is helpful for the design of wetland under rainfall, to remove colloidal suspended particles and the hazardous material, for the protection of the downstream water quality.

How to cite: Yu, C.: Capture of colloidal fine suspended particle by aquatic vegetation under rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5699, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5699, 2023.

Plant water use effects
On-site presentation
Gökben Demir, Andrew J. Guswa, Janett Filipzik, Johanna Clara Metzger, and Anke Hildebrandt

Throughfall constitutes the majority of water  entering most forest ecosystems' root zones. Previous studies showed that throughfall patterns are temporally stable and influence soil moisture response to rainfall. However, their impact on soil water distribution ceases rapidly. The spatial variation in root water uptake was proposed as a reason for this decoupling throughfall and soil water patterns, but,  to the best of our knowdeldge experimental evidence is lacking. Therefore, we investigated root water uptake patterns with comprehensive field observations in an unmanaged forest site in the 2019 (April-August) growing season. The research site (1 ha) is a part of Hainich CZE in Thuringia, Germany. In the site, the tree community consists of 574 individuals of various ages (diameter at breast height ≥ 5cm). The European beech dominated site also hosts other temperate species such as Sycamore maple, European ash, and Norway maple. The field observation setup was composed of closely paired (within 1 m) throughfall and soil water content measurements at 34 locations. While soil water content was recorded every six minutes, throughfall was measured weekly. Moreover, we measured open rainfall in an adjacent open grassland (distance 250 m)  at the same time as  throughfall .

We derived root water uptake at each location from diurnal variations within the soil moisture time series. While daily average transpiration ranged between 0.9 mm d and 3 mm potential evapotranspiration changed between 1.8 mm and 3.1 mm. Further, we applied a linear mixed-effect model to identify controlling factors for horizontal patterns of root water uptake throughout the growing season. We found that temporally stable throughfall patterns do not influence root water uptake patterns. Instead, soil water distribution and vegetation features significantly influence local water uptake. We show that greater local soil water storage promoted root water uptake, slightly modulated by field capacity. Further, seasonally declined soil water storage, on average, likely shifted water extraction depth to deeper layers. A higher number of species is also related to higher root water uptake, which possibly signifies water competition among trees. Our findings suggest that elevated throughfall is neither taken up by roots nor retained in the soil matrix, probably due to local processes such as fast flow. Ultimately, the soil water availability and adaptation of co-existing trees to changes in accessible water storage regulate root water uptake patterns.

How to cite: Demir, G., Guswa, A. J., Filipzik, J., Metzger, J. C., and Hildebrandt, A.: Drivers of root water uptake patterns in a beech-dominated mixed forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9508, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9508, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lizeth Karina Vásconez Navas, Henrik Busch, Simon Thomsen, Joscha Becker, Volker Kleinschmidt, Alexander Gröngröft, and Annette Eschenbach

Temperate hardwood floodplain forests (HFF) are highly heterogeneous and productive ecosystems threatened by anthropogenic influence and effects of global warming. Quercus robur (oaks) and Ulmus laevis (elms) are acknowledged in literature as the two highest the highest and second highest aboveground carbon biomass stores along the lower middle Elbe floodplain. Both species are adapted to the hydrological fluctuations of floodplain soils. However, in Central Europe, these hydrological fluctuations  are threatened by the IPCC (2022) expected increase of streamflow drought, soil moisture drought and lower groundwater levels, hindering key ecosystem services provided by HFF. Thus, we wanted to assess the water use patterns of both species under water limiting conditions and high vapor pressure deficit (VPD).

The study was conducted during the vegetation period of 2020 in the active floodplain of the Elbe. To understand the influence of soil texture in the soil water dynamics, two sites were selected, a sandy site located in the  high sand embankments and a loamy site, representing the low positioned sites of the floodplains. Sap flow was measured in 5 trees per species per site, using heat-ratio method devices. Additionally, 3 soil profiles per site were instrumented with volumetric water content and water tension sensors in defined depths up to 1.60 meters below ground. One week in June was selected to represent high soil water availability and one in August with less soil water availability, both periods shared similar VPD.

Both species show different reactions to soil type and water availability. Elms kept higher mean daytime sap velocity than oaks even under low water availability (~50% higher). Nonetheless, a steep decrease was recorded for the elms during August in sandy soils, what could be evidence of loss of conductivity due to cavitation. In both, the loamy and the sandy site, oaks had significantly lower mean daytime sap flow velocity than elms (E.g. in loamy soils: 13cm/h and 6cm/h, for elms and oaks respectively).  Intraspecific variability was observed for the oaks when the influence of the soil texture was considered. The oak reduced sap velocity in sandy soils significantly by approximately 50% compared to loamy soils. This indicates higher sensitivity of this species to soil texture and associated soil water potential. Furthermore, to understand the impact of soil texture on tree water use, the Jarvis model was applied. In the sandy site, under drought, the model was not able to explain the reduction in sap velocity considering potential evapotranspiration, thus under this condition soil water potential plays a stronger role in sap velocity regulation.

These results provide insights to the function that different adaptations by species and the influence of site-specific abiotic conditions could have over increased drought periods, providing information that may increment the success of restoration efforts of this ecosystem.

How to cite: Vásconez Navas, L. K., Busch, H., Thomsen, S., Becker, J., Kleinschmidt, V., Gröngröft, A., and Eschenbach, A.: Quercus robur and Ulmus laevis water use patterns differ significantly under drought conditions and high vapor pressure deficit in the active floodplain of the lower middle Elbe., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9771, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9771, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thomas L. O'Halloran, Michelle E. Furbeck, Erik M. Smith, Thomas J. Mozdzer, and Kyle Barrett

Salt marshes gain vertical elevation to persist under sea level rise by building soil through primary production and trapping inorganic sediments.  Current models assume inorganic sediments contribute positively to marsh elevation, and that plants facilitate deposition and accretion through sediment trapping, suggesting rates of sediment trapping may be positively related to primary productivity.  Here we examine a phenomenon observed in a high salinity salt marsh estuary whereby inorganic sediments contribute to coating the Spartina alterniflora canopy and we investigate whether these coatings can inhibit photosynthesis.  Using eddy covariance observations of carbon dioxide flux, chamber measurements of leaf level photosynthesis, and measurements of leaf and canopy phenology we determined that 1) during rainless periods leaf and canopy greenness decline due to coating development, which is rinsed by rain proportionally to rain amount, 2) canopy light use efficiency declines as coatings develop for up to six days, 3) leaf level quantum use efficiency increases when coatings are removed, 4) canopy light use efficiency is weakly inversely correlated with creek salinity, 5) rinsing leaves amplifies the enhancement of canopy photosynthesis by diffuse light.  This study identifies a new mechanism in which inorganic sediments can inhibit S. alterniflora photosynthesis. Further work is needed to quantify the magnitude of the effect in terms of biomass production to determine whether this is a concern for marsh accretion.  If climate change and sea level rise enhance epiphytic coating development or residence time through, for example, creek bank erosion, sediment mobilization, or by extending rain-free periods, then this process may need to be incorporated in marsh elevation models.

How to cite: O'Halloran, T. L., Furbeck, M. E., Smith, E. M., Mozdzer, T. J., and Barrett, K.: Sediment coatings reduce leaf and canopy scale photosynthesis in a salt marsh: a novel soil-plant-atmosphere linkage, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10350, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10350, 2023.

Technical canopy effects
On-site presentation
Baptiste Amiot, Martin Ferrand, Rémi Le berre, Javier Vidal Hurtado, and Stéphanie Giroux--Julien

Floating Photovoltaics (FPV) technology benefits from a remarkable support worldwide for two main reasons: it produces energy for a reasonable carbon budget and it has a lower land-use footprint compared to similar renewable installations. With increasing concerns about freshwater availability, a third asset is likely to boost the momentum of FPV: the potential water savings of reservoirs. As shown in Figure 1, the FPV array is made up of buoys and photovoltaic modules that are prone to reduce the energy input and the action of vapour removal on the surface of the water basin. However, giving a precise assessment of how much water would be saved is complicated, as it relies on the technology of floaters (water surface openings) and the modified physics of the water-atmosphere interface. In this case, looking at the whole system as a canopy that acts on the water-atmosphere interface seems relevant to study the evaporative levels.


This contribution proposes a new modelling approach based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations to assess the amount of water vanishing into the atmosphere when a reservoir is covered by a half-open structure. A first computational domain is built in which the PV module is explicitly represented as if it were standing in the PV array, considering modules as grid-aligned obstacles (Figure 2). The airflow located below the modules is assimilated to the canopy airflow, and modifying the module geometry has an impact on the advection-diffusion processes of the vapour at the bottom of the canopy. Evaporative rates are computed and a numerical function is created to link the rates to the velocity and direction of the wind. In order to obtain the rate at the reservoir level, a second simulation is setup using a microscale domain that encompasses a reservoir partially covered by an FPV array and the surrounding lands. The numerical function is plugged into the model so that the actions of the FPV array on the atmosphere and canopy flows are conserved during the upscaling process. The methodology is supported by a case study that includes a nominal FPV module geometry. A specific reservoir is analysed, the real elements of geographic information are digitised for this purpose, and a micrometeorological station is installed in the real reservoir. Preliminary measurements show good agreement with the humidity level predicted in the atmosphere, so spatially extrapolated results are proposed to estimate reservoir-level evaporation, and a modified advection-diffusion law related to wind velocity is proposed.

By linking local-scale interactions driven by structure effects (geometries of the floating setup) and the microclimate at the reservoir level, the contribution opens the door to floating structure optimisation with respect to water savings. Moreover, it allows one to predict how the reservoir system will be altered by the half-covered situation using lake modelling (e.g., Global Lake Modelling). This aspect is critical to better predict the evolution of physical parameters below the interface that may have a strong retroaction on the interface and the atmosphere.

How to cite: Amiot, B., Ferrand, M., Le berre, R., Vidal Hurtado, J., and Giroux--Julien, S.: Sheltering Effect from Floating Photovoltaics over the Waterbody-atmosphere Interface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9231, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9231, 2023.

Integrated modeling
On-site presentation
Danyang Yu, Yijian Zeng, Yunfei Wang, and Bob Su

Accurate estimation of carbon assimilation and allocation plays a significant role in the plant growth and terrestrial ecosystems. The STEMMUS-SCOPE model integrates photosynthesis, fluorescence emission, and transfer of energy, mass, and momentum in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum system, and has good performances in estimating water, energy, and carbon fluxes. However, the plant growth states (i.e., leaf area index (LAI) and plant height (PH)) are needed as inputs for running the STEMMUS-SCOPE model, and are obtained either from interpolating observations or taking as constants over the time. As a result, the physical interactions are not adequately captured between radiative transfer, plant growth and soil water movements. The objective of this study is to consider the plant growth in STEMMUS-SCOPE model via coupling a crop growth module (i.e., WOFOST module). The coupled STEMMUS-SCOPE-WOFOST model was evaluated with plant functioning measurements. The results indicate that the simulation of LAI and PH is significantly improved and consistent with the dynamic of the water stress and gross primary production (GPP). Besides, the additional generated state variables (i.e., the biomass of root, leaf, stem as well as yield) can also agree well with the observations. Finally, the interactions between the land surface fluxes, soil moisture dynamic and plant growth are all well simulated. The STEMMUS-SCOPE-WOFOST model provides a mechanistic window to link the satellite observation of solar-induced fluorescence to above- and below-ground biomass, land surface fluxes, and root zone soil moisture, in a physically consistent manner.

How to cite: Yu, D., Zeng, Y., Wang, Y., and Su, B.: Integrated modeling of radiation transfer, plant growth, and the movement of soil moisture in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum (STEMMUS–SCOPE-WOFOST v1.0.0), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2531, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2531, 2023.

On-site presentation
Julien Alléon, Gordon Bonan, Josefine Ghattas, Anne-Sofie Lansoe, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Jérôme Ogée, Catherine Ottlé, Philippe Peylin, Jan Polcher, Andrée Tuzet, and Nicolas Vuichard

Complex ecosystems, such as mixed forests or savannahs, are poorly represented in Land Surface Models (LSM). Those models mainly use simple and efficient representations such as the “big leaf” model for the energy budget in order to minimize time calculation. However, this approach prevents them from modelling more complex processes such as intra-canopy climate or competition for water between different vegetation strata which are highly important processes in order to understand the behavior and the responses of complex and mixed ecosystems in a changing climate. Although some ecosystem-specific models start to represent the 3D structure of complex ecosystems, including competition for light, water and nutrient between species and vertical / horizontal organization, these approaches are still too complex to be fully included in global LSM. However, first steps can be made towards this direction by representing the exchanges and interactions of biophysical fluxes such as water, carbon and energy. This study proposes some first steps towards this direction. We refined the computation of the energy and water transfers in the soil –plant – atmosphere continuum, working both on the horizontal and vertical heterogeneity. On the water transfers side, we implemented the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model developed by Tuzet et al. (2017) which introduces a proper representation of the water flow inside the vegetation and a stronger coupling between plant water status and stomatal conductance. On the energy budget point of view, we implemented the multi-layer energy budget developed by Ryder et al. (2016) which represents the exchanges and turbulent transport of light and energy within a canopy. Finally, those two works being adapted for site-level modelling, we introduced a sub-grid heterogeneity representation of the energy and water budget in order to implement those developments for global applications. The study focuses on the two first developments which are firstly tested over several forest sites where intra-canopy gradients of humidity and temperature have been measured. A model inter-comparison between two LSM who have developed a vertical multi-layer energy budget, ORCHIDEE and CLM5 (Lawrence et al. (2019)), and the forest model MuSICA (Ogée et al. (2003)) allowed to highlight some of the model strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the expected improvements for complex ecosystems modelling and future developments in ORCHIDEE based on those representations will be presented.

How to cite: Alléon, J., Bonan, G., Ghattas, J., Lansoe, A.-S., Luyssaert, S., Ogée, J., Ottlé, C., Peylin, P., Polcher, J., Tuzet, A., and Vuichard, N.: Towards a representation of complex ecosystems in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11322, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Chairperson: Steffen Seitz
Canopy impacts on water, matter and energy fluxes
Robyn O'Halloran, Delphis Levia, Jennifer Guerard, and Yu-Ping Chin

Stemflow is rainwater that runs down the trunk of trees and transport canopy derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the forest floor. The chemical composition of stemflow may create hot spots and hot moments of biogeochemical reactivity in the soil and water table. The amount and character of stemflow DOM throughout a 12-month period were analyzed to better understand the effect of phenophases (e.g., leafless, emergence, leafed, senescence for deciduous species and leafed-winter, emergence, leafed-spring/summer, senescence for pine) on tree-derived DOM composition. This study collected stemflow from four major species in the eastern United States, Betula lenta L. (sweet birch), Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (American beech), Liriodendron tulipifera L. (yellow poplar), and Pinus rigida Mill. (pitch pine), on a monthly basis. A total of 157 samples were analyzed for organic carbon concentration, fluorescence, and light absorbance characteristics. Results from one of the absorbance characterizations, specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254nm, SUVA254, indicated a change in DOM composition throughout the phenophases for the four species. American beech and sweet birch increase in SUVA254 values with the lowest values occurring during emergence with progressively higher values from leafless to leafed and finally senescence phases. Pitch pine’s trend from smallest to largest values follows a different pattern beginning with leafed-winter, then leafed-spring/summer then emergence to senescence. Yellow poplar also demonstrates a different trend with no change occurring between emergence and the leafed phase with those two seasons having the smallest values, then progressively increasing in the leafless phase and then senescence. The fluorescence index (FI) values obtained demonstrate similar phenophase trends as the SUVA254 analysis except for sweet birch. The FI values for sweet birch were highest and identical in emergence and leafed, while FI successively declined between senescence and leafless phenophases. These trends indicate species and season influence sources that alter the quantity and compositional characteristics of DOM, e.g., aromatic content, which varied greatly. We are building a parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model based upon the total fluorescence of stemflow DOM to further investigate these changes and provide a more in-depth analysis of its chemical components throughout the different phenophases of these four trees.

Funding note: This research was supported by funds from the US National Science Foundation (Award No. GCR-CMMI-1934887).



How to cite: O'Halloran, R., Levia, D., Guerard, J., and Chin, Y.-P.: Temporal Changes in Deciduous and Coniferous Stemflow Dissolved Organic Matter Composition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10524, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10524, 2023.

Marco Dionigi, Matteo Verdone, Daniele Penna, Silvia Barbetta, and Christian Massari

Forests and trees are integral part to the global water cycle and therefore vital for water security. Forest and mountain ecosystems serve as source areas for more than 75% renewable water supply, delivering water to over half the world’s population.

Throughfall generally represents about 70% of bulk precipitation, with a much smaller portion, less than 5%, delivered to the forest floor along tree trunks (i.e., stemflow), and the remainder (~25%) intercepted by the forest canopy and evaporated back to the atmosphere.

The partitioning of water into these three pathways is largely controlled by seasonality, precipitation characteristics, meteorological conditions in addition to physiological and morphological traits related to forest composition.

This study aims to determine the spatial and seasonal variability of throughfall in oak and beech trees growing on two hillslopes of contrasting aspect in the Ussita stream basin (44 km2), Apennine Mountains, central Italy.

Throughfall was measured during 30 sampling periods between July 2022 and December 2022 at four locations by means of gutters connected to tipping buckets. characterized by different land cover, e.g., beech trees and oak trees. Specifically, two monitoring plots are located on a hillslope facing south and the monitoring two stations are located on a hillslope facing north. Moreover, two meteorological stations provide open-area precipitation measurements.

The measurements show that the leafed canopy phase reduced the amount of throughfall in all four experimental sites. In particular, beech trees exhibited the largest inter seasonal differences in throughfall partitioning. This is mainly related to the rapid defoliation characterizing the beeches’ sites starting from September.

The volumetric throughfall was higher during medium and severe rainfall events, while during low rainfall the forest canopy was found intercepting most of the precipitation. On the contrary, during severe events, the forest canopy storage capacity was saturated and most of the rainfall occurring after the saturation was converted into throughfall.

The measurements carried out during medium rainfall events indicate that the differences between canopy structure in oak and beech trees, such as the number of canopy layers and branches orientation, can strongly affect the rainfall partitioning. Oak trees, with high number of canopy layers, low seasonal defoliation and roughness of the bark, have higher canopy storage values than beech trees and are able to generate less throughfall.

Additional data to be collected during the next months will allow us to extend the results achieved in the first phase of analysis.

How to cite: Dionigi, M., Verdone, M., Penna, D., Barbetta, S., and Massari, C.: Throughfall variability between oak and beech trees in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2433, 2023.

Christopher Lyell, Petter Nyman, Thomas Duff, Glenn Newnham, Assaf Inbar, Patrick Lane, Tegan Brown, and Gary Sheridan

In forest systems, direct shortwave radiation (SWR) plays a vital role in fundamental energy and water processes that require high-resolution modelling at the landscape scale. We propose an alternative approach to modelling high resolution, landscape scale, direct SWR transmittance through forest canopies. This approach utilises airborne LiDAR (AB LiDAR) to calibrate a modified Beer-Lambert Law. Over a three-year period, we established the most comprehensive spatial and temporal sub-canopy dataset of 1-minute pyranometer measurements over 31 diverse sites with varying forest densities and age classes in south-eastern Australia. Measuring below canopy SWR at sub-daily and seasonal variations in zenith angle, as well as peak daily and accumulative radiation loads. The modified Beer-Lambert Law (Rbc = Race-kL), utilises path length through the canopy (L) and AB LiDAR as a representation of the sun's beam to measure transmittance (Rbc/Rac) of above canopy (Rac) to below canopy (Rbc) radiation; To calculate a site-specific extinction coefficient (k). This approach links the theoretical framework of the Beer-Lambert law with the canopy penetrating properties of AB LiDAR, allowing for large-scale spatial extrapolation of SWR transmittance in forest canopies. This differs from previous studies, which either: apply the Beer-Lambert law or the LiDAR penetrating properties separately, use AB LiDAR to represent the vegetation structure from which a Leaf Area Index (LAI) is calculated and transmittance modelled using specific leaf projection functions, or use computationally intense approaches such as ray tracing. These approaches have limitations as they either require site-specific calibration at the point scale, don’t account for seasonal variations in beam penetration angle, are difficult to parameterise across the landscape, or are too computationally intense to feasibly run at the landscape scale. The proposed model combined with LiDAR calibration addresses these limitations as the path length changes with zenith angle, and the calibration of the extinction using LiDAR allows for landscape-level parameterisation in a computationally friendly workflow. With the expanding availability of AB and spaceborne LiDAR, the linking of the penetrating properties of LiDAR with the theoretical concept of the Beer-Lambert law will allow below canopy direct SWR to be modelled with improved accuracy at large scales over daily and seasonal timespans. This improves our ability to model radiation loading below forest canopies across diverse landscapes and terrains, improving the modelling of hydrological, micro-climate, energy and water processes.

How to cite: Lyell, C., Nyman, P., Duff, T., Newnham, G., Inbar, A., Lane, P., Brown, T., and Sheridan, G.: Modelling sub-canopy landscape-scale shortwave radiation in Eucalyptus forests using a modified Beer-Lambert law combined with airborne LiDAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12588, 2023.

Vegetation impacts on soil erosion
Steffen Seitz, Corinna Gall, Christian Geißler, Philipp Goebes, Zhengshan Song, and Thomas Scholten

Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem in many parts of the world, especially in ecosystems with high anthropogenic influences. Even if forest stands generally mitigate soil losses, important rates of sediment transport were measured in woodlands in relation with natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Forests provide a multi-storey canopy layer which largely influences rain throughfall patterns as well as a covering layer on the forest floor which protects the soil against direct raindrop impact. Both layers provide different storage capacities and modify the water flow as well as topsoil erosivity. So far, only little research was conducted on how soil erosion control is affected by tree diversity and individual species characteristics under forest stands. Furthermore, ecohydrological processes within the protective leaf litter cover and pioneer non-vascular vegetation developing after disturbances are often not clear.

Here, we summarize results on effects of species diversity, species identity, functional traits of both the tree and the soil covering vegetation layer on soil erosion in subtropical and temperate forest ecosystems with disturbances caused by timber harvesting. We focus on interrill soil erosion determined by micro-scale runoff plots under natural and simulated rainfall and throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) of raindrops measured with splash cups.

Results show that neighbourhood diversity increases TKE, and tree species richness can partly affect sediment discharge, runoff and TKE, although this effect will presumably become more visible after an early successional forest stage. Species identity strongly influences initial soil erosion processes under forest and erosion-promoting and -mitigating species can be clearly identified. That also applies to the leaf litter cover, where single leaf species show varying influences on sediment discharge. Therefore, the appropriate choice of tree species during the establishment of reforestations plays a major role for erosion control. Interestingly, within the soil covering leaf litter layer, the presence of meso- and macrofauna increases soil erosion and thus effects of this fauna group must be considered in erosion experiments. Moreover, species-specific functional traits of trees affect soil erosion rates. High crown cover and leaf area index reduce soil erosion, whereas it is enhanced by increasing tree height. TKE is effectively minimized by low LAI, low tree height, simple pinnate leaves, dentate leaf margins, a high number of branches and a low crown base height. Finally, bryophyte-dominated biological soil crusts (BSCs) importantly mitigate sediment delivery and runoff generation in mesic forest environments and this effect varies tremendously with species specific bryophyte traits. It can be concluded that the ability of BSCs to quickly colonise soil surfaces after disturbance are of particular importance for soil erosion control in early-stage subtropical and temperate forests.

How to cite: Seitz, S., Gall, C., Geißler, C., Goebes, P., Song, Z., and Scholten, T.: Vegetation diversity and plant traits affect throughfall partitioning and subsequent splash erosion in managed woodlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2389, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2389, 2023.

Corinna Gall, Martin Nebel, Thomas Scholten, Sonja M. Thielen, and Steffen Seitz

Despite being small in size, mosses fulfill vital roles in ecosystem functioning, especially in temperate ecosystems. Due to their unique ecology and physiology, they affect water and nutrient cycles, even at larger scales. This study investigated water-related interactions between soil and moss from the site scale of skid trails in temperate forests to the microscopic scale of individual structural moss traits. First, the natural succession of mosses in skid trails was surveyed, together with their effect on soil erosion using a rainfall simulator. Second, different soil-moss combinations and their impact on runoff formation, percolation, and sediment discharge were investigated. In addition, the temporal dynamics of soil water content were recorded during erosion measurements as well as during watering and subsequent desiccation. Third, a detailed study on how structural traits affect maximum water storage capacity (WSCmax) and its interactions with soil water content was conducted on the species level.

Mosses appeared in our temperate forests as biocrusts during the first few weeks after disturbance and developed for four months until they formed a mature moss cover and biocrust characteristics steadily disappeared. Soil erosion was most reduced when moss-dominated biocrusts were abundant. In general, mosses made a major contribution to erosion control in skid trails after disturbance, showing stronger impacts than vascular plants. The different soil-moss combinations showed clear variations among bare & dry, bare & wet, moss & dry and moss & wet treatments in terms of surface runoff, percolated water volume and sediment discharge. Surface runoff and soil erosion were significantly decreased in the moss treatments, while the amount of percolated water was increased; however, these processes were superimposed by desiccation cracks and water repellency. Moss treatments exhibited lower water contents over time compared to bare treatments, highlighting the strong influence of moss covers and desiccation cracks on the soil water balance. During watering of soil-moss combinations, no clear relationships between water absorption and moss structural traits could be found, which suggests capillary spaces as important influencing factor. In general, mosses were no barrier for infiltration in case of high precipitation rates and they did not store much of the applied water themselves, but passed it on to the soil. During desiccation, mosses with high leaf area index had lower evaporation rates and they prevented desiccation of the substrate, although even dense moss covers did not completely seal the surface. WSCmax of the studied moss species varied widely, which could not be explained by their total surface area or leaf area index, and higher WSCmax values were correlated with low leaf area and high leaf frequency.

Our results underlined the importance of mosses for the soil water balance and protection of soil against erosion in disturbed forest ecosystems. However, it became simultaneously apparent that the role of mosses in forest ecosystems is not yet fully understood and that there is still great potential for further research on soil-water relations and erosion control.

How to cite: Gall, C., Nebel, M., Scholten, T., Thielen, S. M., and Seitz, S.: Water-related soil-moss interactions at different scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6861, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6861, 2023.

Jaime Gaona Garcia

The seasonal variation of precipitation intensity in continental semi-arid flatlands determines the shifting influence of interception in the throughfall and soil moisture regimes under distinct vegetation covers including conifer, broadleaved, grassland and rainfed croplands (i.e., wheat). In a study case located at Sierra de Atapuerca, in the high plains of North Spain, where continental climate defines a very contrasting precipitation intensity between the cold and warm season, the study analyzes the seasonal difference between the low and high energy rain drops affecting throughfall and soil moisture recharge levels along the year. Results identify the distinct response of throughfall, and the subsequent soil moisture change to distinct rainfall events and its consequences for the sustainability of surface conditions afterwards. The study outcomes highlight the major role of vegetation type on modulating the throughfall and soil moisture evolution which influences the exposure of the surface to soil erosion. Snow remarkably distorts the throughfall/interception balance between seasons, representing a third type of alteration, particularly for soil moisture, concerning the vegetation cover. Secondary atmospheric variables such as relative humidity and radiation also seem influential in the soil moisture anomalies and soil surface developing under the different vegetation covers of this environment. The type of canopy cover additionally influences the interaction between different levels of the soil moisture profile which subsequently determines the resilience to drought of the vegetation cover. Consequently, the study contributes to understanding the reciprocal interaction between vegetation and hydrology in the definition of surface processes and land-surface sustainability.

How to cite: Gaona Garcia, J.: Differences in the interception/throughfall balance and its influence on soil moisture regimes under forest, grassland and cropland canopies of a semi-arid continental flatland., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12115, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12115, 2023.

How do biocrusts modulate erosion along different climatic conditions?
Nicolás Riveras Muñoz, Steffen Seitz, Peter Kühn, Oscar Seguel, and Thomas Scholten

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall HS

Chairperson: Kazuki Nanko
Vegetation impacts on soil erosion
Kazuki Nanko, Richard Keim, Sean Hudson, Munehiro Ebato, and Delphis Levia

Water flowpaths caused by incident rainfall onto forest canopy surfaces have a notable effect on the water budgets and chemistry of wooded ecosystems. The objective of this work was to use drop-size distributions in throughfall to identify canopy flowpaths at the intra-event scale and across the phenological transition from leafed to leafless states for a set of three American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) trees and konara oak (Quercus serrata Murray) in a multilayered canopy.

Simultaneous measurements of raindrops and throughfall drops by laser disdrometers were analyzed during the transition from leafed to leafless phenophases. Throughfall was partitioned into free throughfall, splash throughfall, and canopy drip with four drop size classes. The partitioning was based on the difference of drop size distributions between open rainfall and throughfall.

Throughfall drop size distributions and volume of each throughfall type varied at both intra-event and inter-event scales. As for American beech, smaller canopy drips, <5.5 mm in diameter, were initiated earlier in rain events, whereas more rainfall accumulation was necessary to generate larger canopy drips, >5.5 mm in diameter. Smaller canopy drips were more dominant in the leafed phenophase when some structurally-mediated woody surface drip points were more muted. These results suggested throughfall from foliar surfaces generated smaller-sized canopy drip with shorter residence time, whereas throughfall from structurally-mediated woody surface drip points generated larger-sized canopy drip with longer residence time. There was also an increase in both free throughfall and splash droplets from leafed to leafless states, consistent with increased canopy gaps and direct interaction with woody surfaces in the leafless state.

Similar analysis was conducted for konara oak. More rainfall accumulation was necessary to generate larger canopy drips as with the American beech, but the amount of the larger canopy drips was stable after generation during rain events compared with smaller canopy drips. Thus, the fluctuation of throughfall amount was correlated with that of the amount of smaller canopy drips.

Based on the results, a conceptualization of the genesis and development of leaf and branch flowpaths in canopies is proposed.

This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant numbers JP21K05837, JP17KK0159, JP15H05626). A part of the study is published in Nanko et al. (2022) in Journal of Hydrology (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128144).

How to cite: Nanko, K., Keim, R., Hudson, S., Ebato, M., and Levia, D.: Rainwater canopy flowpath estimated by raindrop measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2558, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2558, 2023.

Chuan Yuan, Li Guo, Delphis F. Levia, Max Rietkerk, Bojie Fu, and Guangyao Gao

Canopy structure alters net precipitation inputs, partly governing the quantity of water recharging soil moisture. Clumped and scattered shrublands are structured with aggregated and isolated canopies, respectively, demonstrating contrasting self-organized patterns. However, the influence of self-organization on rain harvesting is largely unknown. Hence, we compared rainfall redistribution patterns of different self-organized shrubs of Vitex negundo and soil moisture responses during the 2020–2021 rainy seasons on the Loess Plateau of China. Our results indicated that the scattered shrubs harvested more throughfall (85.6% vs. 74.7%) and net precipitation (90.8% vs. 83.8%) than clumped shrubs. Comparatively, stemflow of clumped shrubs was initiated (57.2 vs. 60.4 min) and peaked (198.9 vs. 207.7 min) earlier, ceased later (84.4 vs. 54.5 min), lasted longer (8.9 vs. 8.4 h), transported more swiftly (397.0 vs. 373.8 mm∙h–1), and yielded a larger quantity (400.8 vs. 355.1 mL), respectively. This flux was funneled more efficiently with 160.1 vs. 140.5 fold to rain per branch, and was productive (1.768 vs. 1.346 mm‧g–1) with unit biomass investment per event. For both self-organized patterns, more throughfall led to wetter soils, but more stemflow resulted in quicker response of soil moisture. Comparatively, the top-layer soil moisture remained more stable post rain under clumped shrubs. Therefore, via canopy interception, the scattered organization was conducive for V. negundo to harvest more rain, but the clumped shrubs harvested rain more efficiently. This might relate to morphological adaptations of shrubs to resist drought and consequent formation and maintenance of self-organizations at the landscape scale.

How to cite: Yuan, C., Guo, L., Levia, D. F., Rietkerk, M., Fu, B., and Gao, G.: Quantity vs. Efficiency: Differing patterns of self-organized xerophytic shrubs lead to distinct rain harvesting strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3420, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3420, 2023.

Riddick Kakati, Subashisa Dutta, and Santosha Dwivedy

Bank erosion is a regular occurrence along most rivers. In low-income nations such as India and Bangladesh, economical engineered structures such as porcupines and geobags have been used to counteract such erosions. Nonetheless, at times of extreme flooding, these structures often become unstable and are subsequently washed away, thereby failing to protect the banks. Vetiver grass, which ties the soil with its roots, is a natural method for preventing bank erosion. However, its flexible structure is unable to significantly reduce velocity. In this study, the OpenFOAM open-source hydrodynamic model was used to assess the efficacy of mangrove root structure in reducing flow velocity. It has been compared to single screen porcupine, dual screen porcupine, and geobag structure in terms of performance in downstream flow velocity reduction. It was observed that single screen porcupine was the least effective at reducing velocity (0.32 %), followed by dual screen porcupine (3.63 %) and single geobag (5.66 %). On the other hand, the mangrove structure was able to lower downstream velocity by 14.26%. In terms of its downstream influence, the single screen porcupine had its influence upto 3.63 cm, followed by dual screen porcupine with 5.53 cm, and single geobag with 13.03 cm. The mangrove structure influence zone on the other hand was very close to the geobag structure (11.53 cm). With its greater velocity reduction capabilities and a considerable zone of influence, mangrove plantations on riverbanks may therefore function as a cost-effective and ecologically sustainable soil erosion management strategy.

How to cite: Kakati, R., Dutta, S., and Dwivedy, S.: Performance of natural mangrove structure in downstream velocity reduction as compared to engineered porcupine and geobag structure using OpenFOAM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11214, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11214, 2023.