NH4.4 | Earthquake site effect evaluation: recent advances and new perspectives
Earthquake site effect evaluation: recent advances and new perspectives
Convener: Enrico Paolucci | Co-conveners: Giulia Sgattoni, Hans-Balder Havenith, Francesco Panzera, Sebastiano D’Amico
| Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall NH
Orals |
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Fri, 14:00
The estimation of ground motion for future earthquakes is one of the main tasks of seismology. Among the processes affecting ground motion, local site conditions play a significant role. Earthquake site effects include several phenomena: ground shaking amplification due to local stratigraphic and topographic conditions, liquefaction phenomena, ground failures and cavity collapse, earthquake-induced landslides. The estimate of these effects is a necessary step for seismic hazard and seismic risk mitigation as well as to build effective strategies for urban planning and emergency management.
The goal of this session is to collect contributions on case studies and general perspectives concerning new advances on earthquake site effect estimation, both using numerical simulations and empirical approaches.
We also welcome contributions with a special focus on the characterization of building’s response and their interaction with soil. We encourage multidisciplinary contributions at the boundary between seismology, geology, geotechnics and engineering.
Topics of interest are the following:
- Site characterization and seismic microzonation;
- Empirical/experimental evaluation of topographic/stratigraphic amplification effects;
- Quantitative assessment of seismic site response (1D-2D-3D);
- Earthquake-induced effects on the ground (including historical case studies or inventories): liquefaction, cavity collapse, landslides;
- Buildings’ response characterization;
- Analysis of historical and cultural heritage sites;
- Datasets and databases of building/soil data.
The session also aims to collect results based on different geophysical techniques (e.g., earthquake data, surface wave prospecting, ERT, GPR, seismic refraction tomography, etc.) and their integration.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Enrico Paolucci, Giulia Sgattoni, Hans-Balder Havenith
On-site presentation
Anna Tanzini, Enrico Paolucci, and Dario Albarello

The ambient vibration Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVSR) is a widely used technique to identify the seismic resonance phenomena induced by the presence of seismic impedance contrasts at depth. Moreover, the HVSR curve can be used to constrain the shear wave velocity (Vs) profile in numerical inversion procedures: for this purpose, different HVSR forward modeling were developed in the last decades, which differ from each other both for the basic theoretical assumptions related to the ambient vibration wavefield simulation and for the phases of the involved seismic waves. Recently, some works showed that strong similarities between these HVSR models exist. In particular, these approach were considered: one based on vertically propagating body waves; one based on the ellipticity of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves; one based on the contribution of uniformly distributed random sources at the surface and the full wavefield and one based on a diffuse random wavefield assumption. As concerns the last two models, full wavefield and surface wave only were taken into account. In view of these conclusions, the aim of this work is to perform a comparison of the different theoretical HVSR modeling with experimental HVSR curves. To accomplish this purpose, HVSR measurements were carried out at test sites belonging to the down-hole database of the Tuscany Region administration (Central Italy; https://www.regione.toscana.it/-/banca-dati-vel). In particular, more than 50 sites with Vs profiles characterized by the presence of the seismic bedrock (Vs≥800m/s) and strong impedance contrasts were selected. Velocimetric acquisitions were carried out using the three-directional 24-bit digital tromograph Tromino™ (https://moho.world/) and the ambient vibrations were acquired for 20 min with a sampling frequency of 128 Hz. In particular, the spectra of the single components were computed by averaging 20-s-long non-overlapping windows; a detrend and a 5% cosine taper were applied to each window, and the spectra were smoothed by using a triangular moving window with a frequency-dependent half-width (10% of central frequency). The horizontal components were combined with the geometric average. Theoretical HVSR curves were simulated considering the models mentioned above and taking into account the Vs and Vp profiles of the selected down-holes; density values were deduced from Vp by empirical relationships and, for not purely elastic models, damping values for Vp and Vs are assumed equal to 0.01 for all the layers. Finally, these curves were compared with the respective experimental ones in order to evaluate the differences in terms of frequency and peak amplitude as well as of overall trend.

How to cite: Tanzini, A., Paolucci, E., and Albarello, D.: Comparison using different models between theoretical and experimental HVSR curves., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1778, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1778, 2023.

On-site presentation
Paulina Janusz, Francesco Panzera, Vincent Perron, Paolo Bergamo, and Donat Fäh

Assessment of seismic risk should include estimation of site response variability, especially in densely populated cities situated in soft sedimentary basins. Earthquake recordings can be used to derive empirical amplification functions (EAF), e.g. based on empirical spectral modelling or the standard spectral ratio (SSR) method. However, due to the high background noise in urban areas, a seismic monitoring network can take several years to record a statistically sufficient number of events, particularly those that are situated in low-to-moderate seismicity zones. Meanwhile, ambient vibrations can be recorded everywhere quickly and at a low cost. However, evaluating the site amplification using approaches that merely take into account background noise, such as noise-based spectral ratios (SSRn) or horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR), is still very challenging. Therefore, we tested and compared two different approaches based mainly on ambient vibration recordings. However, in both techniques, a number of sites with earthquake-derived amplification functions are needed for the calibration of the amplification models.

In the frame of the Horizon 2020 ITN-funded URBASIS-EU project, which focuses on urban seismology, the Swiss city of Lucerne, located on soft soil deposits, is used as a test site to obtain local amplification models. Although the seismicity in the region is low to moderate, there have been a few significant earthquakes in the area (including one with a magnitude of 5.9 in 1601). Therefore, the long-term seismic hazard cannot be ignored. For our purpose, the hybrid standard spectral ratio approach (SSRh) is used, in which spectral ratios based on ambient vibrations at 100 sites are adjusted with spectral ratios based on weak-ground motion records from small earthquakes at 10 temporary seismic stations. Another approach uses the statistical method of canonical correlation (CC) to correlate the amplitudes of HVSR and EAF, allowing for the reconstruction of the amplification from HVSR. CC derives the correlation from a large number of sites, where both EAF and HVSR are available. Using this method, the amplification functions are estimated for 320 sites from HVSR in the Lucerne area.

Both approaches are compared separately to EAF, mainly the SSR method -  where available - showing a good agreement, hence, they can be used to predict EAF from ambient vibration data. Both models indicate high amplification factors in some parts of the city reaching 10 at about 1 Hz. However, the results from SSRh and CC are not identical. We thoroughly analyzed the spatial and frequency distribution of the differences between models to assess the reliability and limitations of both methods. Generally, the SSRh approach provides higher amplification factors in the deep basin while CC gives higher estimates at the basin borders. We test also how several factors affecting the models, for example, the length and time of the recordings, influence the model differences.

How to cite: Janusz, P., Panzera, F., Perron, V., Bergamo, P., and Fäh, D.: Using ambient vibration data for predicting site amplification for the city of Lucerne (Switzerland): comparison between canonical correlation and hybrid standard spectral ratio methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6137, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Falak Zahoor, Abdullah Ansari, Kondalamahanaty Seshagiri Rao, and Neelima Satyam

Kashmir Valley is one of the two administrative divisions of the Jammu and Kashmir region, lying within the Himalayan belt at the confluence of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. It is an elongated basin filled with deep sedimentary deposits in the central portion, bounded by the Himalayan Mountain ranges at the periphery. The Pleistocene Karewa deposits overlain by the Recent Alluvium form the major types of sediments in the valley, showing a thickness of over 1300m (Burbank and Johnson, 1982). To evaluate the seismic response of these geological deposits, we recorded microtremors and performed multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) testing at ~190 sites using TROMINO® equipment. Horizontal-to-vertical-spectral ratio (HVSR) curves and dispersion curves were respectively developed from the raw data, which were further used to estimate the site fundamental frequency (f0) and H/V amplitude (A) as well as average shear wave velocity over 30m depth (VS,30). A comparison of f0 and A with VS at each site was conducted to assess the suitability of codal provisions (NEHRP, EC8, etc.) and the specified amplification factors.

We found certain issues with the use of VS,30 as the sole parameter for estimating the expected amplification at a site for seismic design. A direct correlation between amplification and stiffness (Vs30) at the sites was not attained, as opposed to the most common assumption in the prevalent code-based site classifications. Low amplification can be expected even at soft soil sites (NEHRP E) in the absence of an impedance contrast, and vice versa in stiff deposits. Observations in the deep sedimentary deposits in the valley show the importance of the contribution of deeper stratigraphy beyond the assumed 30m depth in the codes. Moreover, the notion of f0 being directly proportional to Vs30 irrespective of the geological conditions is not true. Besides, rock sites (NEHRP A and B) may not always present the conventional flat HVSR response, instead, significant high frequency amplifications can occur due to weathered or fractured material. Test results also revealed unusually high amplitudes within the fractured portion of a fault zone, signifying that the assumption of all rock sites being safe in terms of negligible amplifications may not be entirely correct. Topographic amplifications near basin edges, hill slopes, and within small valleys resulted in broad peaks over wide frequency range in the HVSR curves, which cannot be explained through the limited information contained in the Vs30 parameter.

These incongruities observed at various sites in the Kashmir region point out the inadequacy of the site classifications based on the single-parameter (Vs30)approach, which do not always explain the actual amplifications observed during earthquakes in different geological conditions. The results obtained in the Kashmir Valley, backed by the similar arguments provided in literature (e.g., Lombardo and Rigano, 2006; Castellaro et al., 2008; Rovelli et al., 2009; Panzera et al., 2014; etc.), clearly indicate the need for adopting alternate site classification schemes (Di Alessandro et al., 2012; Pitilakis et al., 2019; Paolucci et al., 2021).


How to cite: Zahoor, F., Ansari, A., Rao, K. S., and Satyam, N.: Atypical Site Effects and Insufficiency of the Conventional Seismic Site Classification Methods: Experimental observations in the Geological Deposits of the Kashmir Valley (NW Himalayas), Jammu and Kashmir, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15497, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15497, 2023.

On-site presentation
Paolo Bergamo, Dario Chieppa, Francesco Panzera, Vincent Perron, and Donat Fäh

The alpine valleys are peculiar geological environments, as the thickness of their sedimentary infill increases from few meters at the valley borders to several hundred meters at its centre. This setting determines distinctive earthquake response effects. A number of works have examined such effects, which can be summarized as: i) 2D/3D resonance phenomena; ii) edge-generated surface waves; iii) trapped seismic waves (i.e. waves remaining trapped in the valleys’ basin due to the impedance contrast with the surrounding bedrock). Although several studies have tackled one or more of such effects, only recently attempts have been made to systematically identify – in numerical modelling studies – which subsurface parameters control these phenomena and to quantify their effect on local site response.

In the framework of the “Alpine valleys” project, we have compiled a database to empirically observe and systematically characterize earthquake site effects in alpine valleys at the national scale of Switzerland; this work builds on the data and results of the national amplification model developed in the framework of the project Earthquake Risk Model for Switzerland. The “Alpine valleys” database comprises earthquake observations, geophysical measurements and morphological, topographic parameters. In particular, the database includes:

  • A dataset of empirical amplification functions estimated (by means of spectral modelling technique) at about 275 (urban) free-field seismic stations of the Swiss networks. These instrumented sites cover a variety of geological and morphological settings (alpine valley beds and flanks, as well as sites in the plains of the Swiss Plateau for comparison with the former).
  • A dataset of waveforms recorded by the seismic stations mentioned above, collecting local and regional earthquake records from the period 2000-2022.
  • A dataset of measured S-wave velocity profiles, derived from geophysical measurements performed at a portion (~120 sites) of the set of considered seismic stations.
  • A dataset of 1750 single-station noise recordings, processed in terms of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio. 160 of such measurements coincide with a seismic station with measured site amplification function.
  • A map of the unconsolidated sediments-bedrock interface, covering all Switzerland. The map allows to quantify the geometry of the valleys’ sedimentary infill (e.g. depth, width, shape ratio), one of the key elements determining the peculiar site effects observed in valley beds.
  • Maps of multi-scale topographical parameters. Maps of planform, profile and standard curvature were derived for the entire Swiss territory, at 7 spatial scales between 75 and 7800 m.
  • A classified map of the Swiss alpine valley beds, obtained with a GIS algorithm combining topographical and morphological data.

The ambition of our work is cross-referencing the empirical earthquake observations (waveforms, local amplification functions) with geophysical measurements and geological, topographic and morphological parameters, in order to single out the site effects proper of deeply incised valleys, identify the frequencies of ground motions where these appear, and map the morphological and geological settings where they become significant. The implications for the soil classification of the Swiss seismic building code will also be assessed.

How to cite: Bergamo, P., Chieppa, D., Panzera, F., Perron, V., and Fäh, D.: A database for the empirical observation and characterization of earthquake site effects in alpine valleys, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6904, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6904, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hakan Bora Okay and Atilla Arda Özacar

The time averaged shear wave velocity of the top 30 meters (Vs30) is the most widely used parameter for the geotechnical characterization of site conditions. However, the spatial availability of Vs30 observations are rather limited except specific areas where conducted micro-zonation studies include closely spaced measurements suitable for assessment of earthquake site effects. In order to infer Vs30, global models use slope or morphological terrain classes as proxies. In a regional scale, these proxies are commonly combined with geologic and geotechnical data to improve the accuracy of Vs30 predictions. So far, a region specific Vs30 model that would aid seismic hazard assessments is not yet constructed for Türkiye and its near vicinity. In this study, a new Vs30 prediction strategy is developed using data from Türkiye and California, and its performance is compared with others.

At first, Vs30 measurements are classified into 4 sedimentary rock classes according to their ages (Quaternary-Pliocene, Miocene, Paleogene, Pre-Paleogene) and 3 non-sedimentary rock classes (Intrusive, Extrusive, Metamorphic). Observations from Quaternary-Pliocene rocks are most abundant and characterized by large data scatter, thus further divided into 2 major terrain classes. Since the reduction in Vs30 due to fluid saturation is pronounced, especially in unconsolidated young units, Quaternary-Pliocene rocks are also differentiated as saturated if the water table depth is less than 30 meters and unsaturated otherwise. In California, saturation is determined by using available groundwater measurements. Throughout Türkiye, flat areas with elevation differences less than 30 meters from water bodies (sea, lake, and major rivers) are mapped out as saturated zones. After the elimination of outliers, slope and elevation based Vs30 prediction equations are developed separately for sub-classes of Quaternary-Pliocene, Miocene, and Paleocene aged sedimentary rocks using multi-variable linear regression while Vs30 is fixed to class average in others. Resultant model misfits and comparisons with results of micro-zonation study conducted across İstanbul, clearly indicate that our proposed Vs30 prediction strategy is performing better, especially in younger sedimentary units and thus provide a new, more accurate Vs30 model of Türkiye. 

How to cite: Okay, H. B. and Özacar, A. A.: A New Vs30 Prediction Strategy Taking Topography, Geology, Terrain and Water Saturation into Account: Application to Türkiye and California, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7445, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7445, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lucia Luzi, Alessia Grignaschi, and Claudia Mascandola

It is widely recognized that a significant part of the variability of earthquake ground motion is related to local geological conditions, which can strongly modify the ground-motion amplitude, duration and frequency. This is commonly referred to as seismic response of a site. In the case of sedimentary basins, the characteristics of the soil deposits and the buried geometry of the basin can strongly influence the nature of the surface shaking, which may be amplified or reduced. Therefore, the knowledge of the 3D structure of the subsoil is crucial for seismic hazard studies and seismic risk management. 

To this end, 3D geological modeling allows the combination of multidisciplinary data in the shaping and visualization of the current knowledge of the subsoil and allows integration with new data or interpretations, as they become available (Calcagno, 2015). Moreover, 3D geological models represent the basis for physics-based numerical simulations, provided that a reliable scientific procedure is defined to convert the different types and levels of the available complex geological information (Klin et a., 2019).

The aim of this study is to create a 3D seismo-stratigraphic model of the central-western portion of the Po Plain, one of the deepest and widest sedimentary basins worldwide that can reach about 8 km in the Apennine foredeep (Pieri and Groppi, 1981). Although its topography is mostly flat, the buried geometry is quite complex, with north-verging thrust systems of the Apennines and south-verging thrust systems of the Alps. The 3D geological model was implemented through the integration of geological cross sections (Pieri and Groppi 1981, Casero 2004, Fantoni and Franciosi 2010, Maesano et al., 2015), deep drill holes (VIDEPI project) and geophysical surveys (sonic logs, microtremor single-station and array measurements; MASW and downhole surveys). We relied on the commercial GeoModeller software by Intrepid Geophysics for merging and interpolating the geological and geophysical data to create a 3D digital model, that is initially used to simulate 1D wave propagation and represents the basis for further improvements and 2D / 3D modelling.

How to cite: Luzi, L., Grignaschi, A., and Mascandola, C.: Three-dimensional geological modelling of the western sector of the Po Plain (Italy) for seismic site response evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6675, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ronnie Kamai and Michael Frid

The importance of vertical ground motions for design continues to gain recognition, as more evidence shows that vertical ground motions can significantly exceed their horizontal counterparts on very soft soils, at short source-site distances, and at short spectral periods. Assuming that the vertical component is largely comprised of compressional P-waves, new approaches and models are required to constrain the expected linear and nonlinear site response of the vertical component.

In this study, we combine empirical analysis with laboratory experiments, to study and define the nonlinear behavior of the vertical component. We use 27 Kik-net stations to analyze nonlinearity of dry sandy deposits, comparing the full vertical component with the P-wave window, to help define the partial contribution of P-waves to the entire vertical component. We develop modulus degradation and damping (MRD) curves for the case of uncoupled and coupled shear-compression response. In addition, we compare the empirical MRD curves with experimental MRD curves, describing the response of sandy soil to cyclic compressional loading under Ko conditions. We show that vertical ground motions are less nonlinear than their horizontal counterpart, for the same incoming ground motion. We also show that pure P-waves are less nonlinear than the full vertical motion, suggesting that the vertical component is comprised of a combination of P and SV waves, thus implying that vertical site-response analysis should include both shear and compression-related properties and procedures.

How to cite: Kamai, R. and Frid, M.: Nonlinear site-response of vertical ground motions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4093, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4093, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Elham Shabani

Liquefaction hazard analysis is critical to the safety and cost-effectiveness of structures. Ramsar, the westernmost city of northern Iran's Mazandaran province, borders the Caspian Sea to the north. Since the soil strata of the Ramsar region are predominantly composed of low-grade sand and the groundwater is at low depths, it is highly vulnerable to liquefaction. Understanding how sedimentary basins react to seismic energy generated by earthquakes is a major concern for seismic hazard assessment and risk analysis. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of the natural frequency value, the amplification factor value and the soil vulnerability index. These were carried out as indicators for potential liquefaction sites in the city of Ramsar based on measurements of seismic ambient noise or microtremors. In this regard, ambient seismic noise was collected at 100 stations in the Ramsar region by Nanometrics Trillium40s intermediate sensors. Data are processed using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method provided by Nakamura (1989). Based on the results, the vulnerability index Kg is determined, which can be used as a parameter for calculating the region's liquefaction potential. Huang and Tseng (2002) suggested that the HVSR of microtremor data can be a good alternative indicator of the liquefaction potential of an area. It is revealed by previous researchers that improving the accuracy of geology and geomorphology-based liquefaction susceptibility map is accomplished by supplementing it with subsurface data (e.g., SPT, CPT, shear wave velocity data). The results of this study show that with the use of seismic ambient noise, the accuracy of the assessment of liquefaction susceptibility and zonation improves substantially.

How to cite: Shabani, E.: Site response and liquefaction hazard analysis in Ramsar city, North of Iran, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4084, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4084, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ivo Baroň, Rostislav Melichar, Filip Hartvich, Michal Bíl, Jan Klimeš, Jan Černý, Martin Šutjak, Lenka Kociánová, Tomáš Pánek, Jiří Janál, Régis Braucher, Jia-Jyun Dong, Jyr-Ching Hu, Chia-Han Tseng, Yichin Chen, and Thanh-Tùng Nguyễn

The Outer Western Carpathians represent an accretionary wedge of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic zone in central Europe, where the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary (flysch) rocks were deformed and thrust over the European foreland during the Paleogene and Neogene. The thrusting processes terminated in the Upper Miocene, and the contemporary instrumental earthquake distribution records suggest that OWC are already stabilized and belong to the European Plate. This hilly to mountainous region has been intensively affected by various types of shallow slides, debris flows as well as deep-seated slope failures of different magnitudes. Due to the lack of direct evidence of intense seismicity, the permafrost thawing on a turn of the Pleistocene and intense rainfalls in the Holocene have been considered as their principal triggers. However, our current research revealed landforms attributed to the coseismic Holocene polyphase strike-slip faults´ surface ruptures. The associated coseismic sedimentary structures include injected sand and flame structures of fluviolacustrine sediments, large angular boulders in riverbed fluvial sediments, etc. Alongside with those structures and landforms, we documented also evidence for coseismic slope failures in the close surrounding of the faults near Lidečko Village and in the summit area of the Javorníky Mts. in the E part of the Czech Republic and north-western Slovakia, respectively. Several distinct faulting phases with offsets up to a few meters were dated from ca. 10.000 14C ka up to 1240 14C ka BP. Morphological analysis of LiDAR digital elevation models with a 1 m resolution revealed clustered populations of prehistoric presumably coseismic landslides that accompany the fault traces at both sites for a distance up to a couple of kilometres. Field inspections allowed description of their source zones, which were usually several meters up to first tens of meters deep and up to 500 m long. The landslide masses travelled for a distance up to 1-2 km, while being often transformed to debris flows and rock avalanches. They are characteristic with their distinctly depleted source zones at generally gentle slopes ranging from 8 to 20°. The contribution presents the faulting styles, particular events and associated coseismic landslide characteristics in detail and broader regional context, providing the first comprehensive evidence for possible coseismic origin of the deep-seated slope failures in the Outer Western Carpathians.

The research was supported by the international bi-lateral project “Earthquake-triggered landslides in recently active and stabilized accretionary wedges” of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR 22-24206J) and the Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 111-2923-M-008-006-MY3).

How to cite: Baroň, I., Melichar, R., Hartvich, F., Bíl, M., Klimeš, J., Černý, J., Šutjak, M., Kociánová, L., Pánek, T., Janál, J., Braucher, R., Dong, J.-J., Hu, J.-C., Tseng, C.-H., Chen, Y., and Nguyễn, T.-T.: Direct field evidence for polyphase active faulting and associated coseismic landslides in the accretionary wedge of the Outer Western Carpathians, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15165, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15165, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yu-Liang Liu, Cheng-Han Lin, and Ming-Lang Lin

    Since the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, earthquake engineering has devoted much effort to the issues of fault rupture-engineering structure interaction in Taiwan. So far, the Central Geology Survey of Taiwan has announced 36 active faults. Due to natural terrain conditions, linear traffic structures are difficult to avoid crossing the fault zone. However, the current design code rarely considers the effects of long-term fault creeping displacement in the assessment of structural performance. This study aims to develop a numerical-based performance examination approach for the viaduct with pile group foundations subjected to long-term fault offset. The area where the High-Speed Rail of Taiwan crosses the Chegualin Fault was selected as the case study. Remote-sensing survey and structural monitoring both indicated that the viaduct has been offset by approximately 30 cm due to fault creeping since 2006. The ratio between right-lateral and uplift movements is approximately 7:1. This study adopted coupled FDM-DEM technique as the numerical tool, and first validated its performance by physical sandbox tests. We used non-cohesive soil as the overburden material and polyethylene hollow foam tube as the foundation piles. Several key factors, including the Riedel shear bands, fault extended distance, tri-shear zone, pile cap deformation, were compared between numerical and sandbox models. Next, full-scale numerical modeling was calibrated based on in-situ structural monitoring data. The comparison of bridge pier displacement shows approximately 80% agreement between simulation and monitoring data. We found that the deformation of piles was dominated by the location of the fault tip. Simulation shows that the maximum rigid-body rotation of the pile cap will occur close to the fault tip. The cap of each pile group exhibits differential rotations and displacements behaviors, resulting significant superstructure distress. Based on the simulation, the performance of the High-Speed Rail in the study area was expected to fail meeting the current design code of Taiwan after 50 years.


How to cite: Liu, Y.-L., Lin, C.-H., and Lin, M.-L.: Examination of the performance of viaduct with pile groups underoblique-slip fault creeping: a case study in Chegualin Fault, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3023, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3023, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Enrico Paolucci, Francesco Panzera, Sebastiano D’Amico
Enrico Paolucci, Anna Tanzini, and Dario Albarello

Given their ease of use, the simplified approaches based on the use of some seismic “proxies” and contained in the most common building code provisions are the most widespread methods in the professional activity to estimate the ground-motion amplification due to the local seismo-stratigraphical features. This kind of approach is also present in Italy in the actual national building code. As is now well known, this procedure assigns an acceleration response spectrum through the estimation of the soil class of the investigated site, which is identified by the values of two proxies, that is the seismic bedrock depth H (i.e., the layer with Vs ≥ 800 m/s) and the time average Vs down to H (VSH) or to 30 m depth (VS30), if H is lower or higher than 30 m respectively. The objects of this study are the seismic Amplification Factors (AFs) refer to each soil class, defined as the ratio between the integral of the acceleration response spectrum of soil classes B, C, D, E respectively and the integral of the response spectrum of the soil class A. These values were computed for three period intervals (0.1–0.5 s, 0.4–0.8 s and 0.7–1.1 s) and are determined for all the Italian municipalities considering the response spectra referred to the Italian Seismic Hazard Map relative to the ground motion expected to be exceeded with a probability equal to 10% in 50 years. The aim of this work is to test the effectiveness of these AF estimates verifying if these values are enough conservative with respect to those obtained by 1D numerical simulations carried out in the same sites. To perform this analysis, we evaluate if the number of excesses from these estimates is significant from the statistically point of view or it can be considered as a random fluctuation. On this purpose, outcomes from the “Italian Map of Expected Values of Amplification Factors” obtained in the framework of a national project in 2019-2021 were considered. In particular, seismo-stratigraphical and geotechnical data from sesimic microzonation studies of 1689 Italian municipalities were used to perform 1380600 1D equivalent linear numerical simulations, from which it was possible to compute the AFs value from the ratio between the integrals of the relevant output and input response spectra. For each simulated profile, AF value from building code is then retrieved estimating the soil class and considering the municipality of the data origin. Finally, the two AF datasets were compared following the statistical approach mentioned above.

How to cite: Paolucci, E., Tanzini, A., and Albarello, D.: Comparison between seismic amplification factors from building code and those obtained by data from Italian seismic microzonation studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2021, 2023.

Myunghyun Noh

The reference rock is the rock expected to show little variation of seismic properties at different locations, therefore, can be used as a basis for site response analysis. The P-wave velocity (Vp,ref) and S-wave velocity (Vs,ref) of the reference rock were analyzed using bore-hole velocity measurements in Korea. The velocity measurements had been obtained by the down-hole test, the cross-hole test, or the SP logging.

The minimum S-wave velocity of 2,000 m/s was applied to the Vs,ref analysis, while the minimum P-wave of 3,500 m/s to the Vp,ref analysis. The velocity gradient along depth was limited not to exceed 25 (m/s)/m in the reference rock. The Vs,ref was identified and estimated in 108 S-wave velocity profiles of total 345 profiles. The Vp,ref was identified and estimated in 94 P-wave velocity profiles of total 212 profiles.

Depth ranges and velocity estimates of the reference rock were found to have a clear correlation with weathering grades, but no correlation with rock types. The velocity measurements affected by weathering were excluded in the estimation of the reference velocities. The estimates of Vs,ref and Vp,ref shows no systemic differences according to sites as well as velocity-measurement methods. This enabled us to assume that the whole estimates of the reference velocities were sampled from the same populations.

The averages of Vs,ref and Vp,ref are 2,529 ms/s and 5,152 m/s, respectively. The distribution test revealed that the velocities measured in the depth range of the reference rock follow neither a normal distribution nor a log-normal distribution with a significance level of 5%. The distribution test also revealed that Vs,ref and Vp,ref follow neither a normal distribution nor a log-normal distribution with a significance level of 5%.

How to cite: Noh, M.: Velocity Analyses of the Reference Rock in Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-931, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-931, 2023.

Hans-Balder Havenith, Valmy Dorival, Kelly Guerrier, and Sophia Ulysse

The multivariate generalization of the kriging, in geostatistical analysis, called cokriging makes it possible to take advantage of the relationships between several variables. The information carried by a secondary variable may improve the precision of the estimation of the main variable. The multivariate structural model between the variables is then built from the spatial joint analysis of the data which can be realized by coregionalization linear models.  

The present study aims at assessing the site effects from the results of multivariate analysis of seismic data collected at Anse-à-Veau, a municipality in the Nippes Department of Haiti, characterized by a relatively high seismic activity – during the measurement campaign in August 2021 this region had been hit by the 2021 Nippes Earthquake. The surveys carried out include ambient noise and seismological recordings, seismic tests as well as electrical resistivity measurements along profiles. The two first were processed, respectively, in terms of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVSR) and Standard Spectral Ratios (SSR), the seismic tests both as Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) and by Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and the last measurements as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). In total, more than 100 HVSR recordings, 7 115m-long seismic profiles and 8 ERT profiles have been completed. All related results were then compiled within one multi-data (including also geological, geomorphic and geomechanical information) 3D geomodel and submitted to a spatial analysis. The coregionalization modelling applied within this analysis is expected to take advantage of the relationships between the different type of seismic data in order to better estimate the potential site effects in the study area.

Keywords: coregionalization model, site effects, multi-geophysics, geomodelling, Haiti.    

How to cite: Havenith, H.-B., Dorival, V., Guerrier, K., and Ulysse, S.: Coregionalization models of geophysical data for site effect assessment at Anse-à-Veau, Haiti, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3242, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3242, 2023.

Afifa Imtiaz, Francesco Panzera, Miroslav Hallo, Horst Dresmann, Brian Steiner, and Donat Fäh

Assessment of seismic risk at a local scale is fundamental to the adoption of efficient risk mitigation strategies for urban areas with spatially distributed building portfolios and infrastructure systems. An important component of such a study is to estimate the seismic ground motion amplification which is mainly controlled by parameters such as the local shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure. In this view, we attempted to characterize the shallow subsurface structure at an urban scale under the framework of developing an earthquake risk model for the canton of Basel-City in Switzerland. Different studies undertaken over last two decades in the area concluded that unconsolidated sediments were responsible for inducing fundamental resonance and large amplification of seismic waves over a range of frequencies pertinent to the engineering interest. They also highlighted the necessity of better characterizing complex geological domains (the Upper Rhine Graben and the Tabular Jura) and tectonic settings (the East Rhine Graben fault system) of the area. Therefore, we take a step forward by developing a three-dimensional (3D) geophysical model for Basel, which explicitly accounts for subsurface geological complexities.

We realize that the conventional optimization inversion techniques are limited in their ability to account for the inherent non-uniqueness of the inverse problem and related uncertainties in retrieving Vs profiles. Therefore, we apply a novel Bayesian inversion approach based on a Multizonal Transdimensional Inversion (MTI) and perform a joint inversion of multimodal Rayleigh- and Love-wave dispersion curves (DCs) along with Rayleigh-wave ellipticity. Such a joint inversion of Rayleigh- and Love-wave DCs could be performed only for a few sites in Basel in the past. We retrieve one-dimensional (1D) Vs profiles from 33 seismic ambient noise arrays located within about 130 sq. km area by using a single-zone transdimensional model space with homogeneous priors. We then divide the model space in different zones based on horizon depths extracted from the rigorous 3D geological model of Basel. We perform a mulitizonal inversion by drawing relevant constraints on the parameters within these zones. This process improves the final models as the major Vs contrasts and their depths are better resolved, especially in the complex sedimentary structure of the Rhine Graben area. The validation is performed by calculating the 1D site amplification and comparing it with that from seismic observations. Solution of the Bayesian inversion provides the posterior Probability Density Function (PDF) that results from prior expectations and observed data supplemented by an expected distribution of data errors. Hence, the model uncertainties propagated from DCs to Vs profiles is better accounted for. We perform a combined analysis of all the inverted Vs profiles and their PDFs in order to characterize the horizons from the 3D geological model by means of geophysical parameters within their uncertainy bounds. The developed 3D geophysical model will be used to estimate ground motion amplifications and simulate risk scenarios for Basel.

How to cite: Imtiaz, A., Panzera, F., Hallo, M., Dresmann, H., Steiner, B., and Fäh, D.: Developing an urban-scale 3D geophysical model for Basel, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3505, 2023.

Vincenzo Del Gaudio, Janusz Wasowski, Flaviana Fredella, and Rita Paudice

Earthquakes and slope instabilities represent two major geohazards for many small hilltop towns of Italy. Here we report on how the susceptibility of urban/peri-urban slopes to earthquake-induced failure is being addressed within the ongoing seismic microzonation project of the Apulia region (SE Italy). We focus on the towns built on marginally stable slopes formed in tectonically disrupted flysch units, which are common in the Daunia Mountains, located along the SE front of the Apennine chain. Historical records show that this area has been repeatedly hit by moderate-large magnitude earthquakes generated by active seismogenic sources frequently activated in the Apennine chain and, less frequently but with comparable energy, in the foredeep-foreland zone of northern Apulia. The reconnaissance studies conducted in the initial stage of the seismic microzonation project produced a large amount of in-situ acquired data. These included over 600 recordings in more than 300 sites of 18 municipalities. Overall, about 40% measurements were made on landslides or at their margins. Ambient noise recordings were analysed through techniques based on the calculation of the ratios between the amplitude of horizontal and vertical components of non-seismic ground vibrations. Evidence of resonance phenomena was observed at over 90% of the landslide sites, most of which had a main resonance frequency below 3 Hz. H/V peak amplitudes were generally low (< 3), likely because the flysch substratum is intensely fractured and may not cause a strong impedance contrast with the overlying surficial materials. However, about 10% of sites showed evidence of greater amplification effects (H/V peak > 5). This information interpreted in the context of local geological conditions helps defining the areas that will be subjected to more comprehensive investigations in the subsequent stages of the seismic microzonation project.



Study conducted with the financial support of the National Department of Civil Protection and of the Civil Protection Office of the Apulian Regional Administration.

How to cite: Del Gaudio, V., Wasowski, J., Fredella, F., and Paudice, R.: Reconnaissance of landslide-prone slope response to seismic shaking from ambient noise analysis (SE Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8633, 2023.

Gábor Kovács, Balázs Koroknai, Erzsébet Győri, Viktor Németh, László Balázs, Barbara Czecze, Géza Wórum, Gergely Szabó, Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai, and Tamás Tóth

Our team has compiled Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary. One of the main contents of the map are Eurocode 8 categories whose production steps are described here in detail. In engineering, site response to earthquakes has been classified to national and international standards. Eurocode 8 standard is partly based on Vs30 that is the time averaged shear-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m sediment. We have compiled 67 Vs30 measurements and collected 103 Vs30 values from PhD theses and industrial reports. The values could be divided to soil class A–D of Eurocode 8 which are defined by Vs30 thresholds. The special soil class E (hard rock beneath 5–20 m thick loose sediment) needed a deeper investigation. The Vs trend was plotted and plots with obvious knickpoint has been analysed further. In case of one knickpoint in Vs trend two-layered model was used. We were defined the thickness and the theoretical Vs30 of the upper and the lower strata. In case if the site fit to class E, original Eurocode 8 class have been overwritten. Other advantage of the extrapolation of Vs trend of the uppermost strata is to derive the theoretical Vs30 of the given geomorphological feature if its sediment would fill up the whole 30 m.

In Hungary only the youngest and lowest level of alluvial and lacustrine features fall into the most critical class D. Therefore that features have been mapped. In case of the youngest sediment’s thickness was not exceeded 20 m in each places, that site would classified as „shallow D” which is not a Eurocode 8 soil class. This process could be done using the borehole database of Geomega Ltd. Classification of soil class E have derived using the same method: thousands of borehole data have been checked to delineate the margin of the categories around the rock outcrops. For soil classes A–D topographical slope – Vs30 relation has established. For Hungary, we recommend to use 0.3%, 3% and 11% as topographical slope barriers between soil classes D-C-B-A (in advance).

Secondly, active faults were mapped using the methodology described by the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk. Third, earthquake database was use to present area affected by frequent ground motions. We have divided the database to historical and to instrumental detections due to their differences in the accuracy and reliability of magnitude and epicentre location.

Historically Komárom-Oroszlány-Balatonfő line was most affected by earthquakes. Our map revealed that in the Middle Hungarian Shear Zone consists of still active fault lines. Some spots are affected by densely located small earthquakes such as the neighbourhood of Zalaszengrót, Répcelak, Nagyigmánd, the DIósjenő fault, Heves, Csepel, Jászberény, Nagykanizsa, Nagyatád, Pincehely, Szabadszállás, Kecskemét, and Miskolc. In almost all cases the most critical soil class D can be found in the neighbourhood of mentioned sites, while class E appears only in some locations.

The research project was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00007). Map can be downloaded among others and vector data can be requested at Geomega website (www.geomega.hu).

How to cite: Kovács, G., Koroknai, B., Győri, E., Németh, V., Balázs, L., Czecze, B., Wórum, G., Szabó, G., Kegyes-Brassai, O., and Tóth, T.: Compilation of Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary based on geomorphology, structural analyses and seismology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16475, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16475, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall NH

Chairpersons: Enrico Paolucci, Giulia Sgattoni, Francesco Panzera
Andrea Di Martino, Giulia Sgattoni, Gianluigi Di Paola, Matteo Berti, and Alessandro Amorosi

Late Quaternary paleovalley systems are sedimentary bodies, tens of m thick and a few km wide, that are typically buried beneath modern deltas and coastal plains and that have no obvious geomorphological expression. Paleovalley systems are increasingly studied worldwide as they are considered possible amplifiers of earthquake damage due to the sharp contrast between their soft and unconsolidated sediment fill and the adjacent substrate. In this study, using previous high-resolution stratigraphic reconstructions of the Pescara and Manfredonia paleovalleys in the Adriatic coastal plain (Italy), we investigate the potential of the microtremor-based horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique (mHVSR) to identify these sediment bodies in the subsurface. We acquired 23 microtremor measurements in the Pescara area and 54 at Manfredonia along two transects transversal to the paleovalley axes. At both sites, we were able to detect resonance peaks that we correlated with stratigraphic data. In the Pescara paleovalley system, we identified low-amplitude resonance peaks at frequencies varying between 0.9 and 4 Hz, clearly denoting a U-shaped feature with lower frequencies in the central part. At Manfredonia, the resonance peaks are more prominent (with mHVSR amplitude up to 7), and the paleovalley system is denoted by resonance frequencies between 0.9 and 2.5 Hz, with a more complex geometry shaped by the interactions of the Candelaro, Cervaro, and Carapelle rivers. Using the well-known facies architecture as a guide, we constrained the mHVSR resonance peaks to create a Frequency-Depth model and transformed the mHVSR curves from the frequency to the spatial domain to reconstruct paleovalley geometries and infer Vs models. We thus obtained the 2D models of the paleovalleys profiles. The Pescara mHVSR model shows a sedimentary cover thickness varying from 10 m (on the interfluves) to 40 m (in the depocentre). At Manfredonia, the sedimentary cover has similar thickness, in the range of 10-45 m, with variations that reflect its complex internal geometry. At both sites, paleovalley fills are characterized by low Vs velocities: comparable Vs values were obtained from the two depocentres (about 180 m/s at Pescara and 140 m/s at Manfredonia), which places paleovalley fills into the ground type D of the Standard Eurocode 8. The fundamental resonance frequencies show considerable variability along the investigated transects on very short distances (few hundred meters), in a range of frequencies that can interact with the most common building types. We mapped this variability and observed excellent correlation with the geologic cross-sections, proving the mHVSR to be an effective tool for mapping these particular sediment bodies. The 2D models obtained will serve as a basis for future seismic response simulations.

How to cite: Di Martino, A., Sgattoni, G., Di Paola, G., Berti, M., and Amorosi, A.: Late Quaternary paleovalley systems detections through mHVSR technique: two case studies from the Adriatic coastal plain of Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3874, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3874, 2023.

Orkun Türe and Ergun Karacan

Soil liquefaction is one of the secondary effects of earthquakes and defined as the decrease in the strength and stiffness of saturated soil because of the increase in pore water pressure and resulting decrease in the effective stress under dynamic loads such as earthquakes. Soil liquefaction is controlled by earthquake magnitude, groundwater level, depth of the soil layer, acceleration, soil type, depositional environment, age of soil deposit and fine particle percentage. SW Anatolian Region is controlled by different fault mechanisms including normal, strike-slip and thrust faults including Gökova Fault Zone (GFZ), Muğla (MF) and Yatağan faults (YF) of Muğla-Yatağan Fault Zone (MYFZ), Milas–Ören Fault Zone (MOFZ), Fethiye–Burdur zone (FBZ) and Hellenic Arc which are probable to generate earthquakes with great magnitudes in a time span important for population (100years). Dalaman Basin is an extensional sedimentary basin (Delta Environment) in SW Anatolian Region which is controlled by numerous active basin margin normal faults in the close proximity to the Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone and Hellenic Arc which makes it important in terms of soil liquefaction. Machine learning techniques have been started to be used in estimation of the liquefaction potential and this study aims to estimate liquefaction potential of sandy-silty soil layers in the Dalaman Basin using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) feed forward machine learning technique. This method includes the generation of equation using depth, SPT blow numbers, fine particle content, groundwater level, total and effective stresses, maximum acceleration, earthquake magnitudes and CSR information with liquefaction case histories after 1999 Kocaeli and Taiwan Earthquakes and estimation of the liquefaction potentials of the soils of Dalaman Basin with this pre-generated equation. Results clearly shows that Multilayer Perceptron Machine learning technique is useful in estimation of liquefaction potential.

This study has been produced from PhD thesis named as “Determination of the geo-engineering properties and liquefaction potential of the Quaternary deposits of Dalaman-Muğla/SW Anatolia”.

How to cite: Türe, O. and Karacan, E.: Estimation of the liquefaction potential of soils of Dalaman Basin/Muğla (SW Anatolia-Turkey) using Multilayer Perceptron Feed Forward Machine Learning Technique., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-456, 2023.

Caterina Zei, Gabriele Tarabusi, Cecilia Ciuccarelli, Dante Mariotti, Sofia Baranello, Giulia Sgattoni, and Pierfrancesco Burrato

The study of the incidence of coseismic phenomena is becoming an increasingly demanding and fundamental need in terms of civil protection agencies. Especially landslides triggered by earthquakes can cause significant impacts and losses across wide areas affected by earthquake shaking.

In this context, we present a new database of historical earthquake-induced landslides (HEILs) created within the project “Multi-scale, integrated approach for the definition of earthquake-induced landslide hazard in Italy”, funded by the Italian Ministry for the Environment. The goal of this project was to develop a multidisciplinary approach for assessing the earthquake-induced landslide hazard at national, regional and local scales, and integrating existing databases with the results from previous projects and research activities.

The Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (CFTI) database holds a central role in this research. It collects the results of over three decades of research on historical seismicity in Italy. What makes CFTI different from other earthquake catalogues is that its database does contain not only parametric data and macroseismic intensities assigned to individual localities but also synthetic descriptions of the seismic scenario for each investigated earthquake sequence. It provides a complete account of the effects on the built and natural environment. In addition, for every investigated earthquake sequence, CFTI supplies the relevant bibliography in an organized form, allowing to navigate upstream from the parameters of a specific earthquake to the original sources used to investigate that event.

​​CFTI also provides descriptions of the effects induced by earthquakes on the natural environment, such as ground cracks, chasms, landslides, rockfalls, changes in the discharge rate of rivers and springs, tsunami effects, overflowing of lakes, etc. Specifically, its latest version, CFTI5Med, documents about 600 landslides associated with strong historical earthquakes.

We thus reviewed and integrated data relating to HEILs, already included in the CFTI database, by identifying new landslides. We focused on the review of historical sources, newly found or already archived in the CFTI database, the analysis of recent scientific articles and technical reports. Moreover, we carried out a comparison with other digital archives such as the CEDIT (https://doi.org/10.4408/IJEGE.2012-02.O-05) and the EEE catalogue (http://eeecatalogue.isprambiente.it/). The goal was reaching a more accurate localization and definition of the slope movement types of the HEILs, when the descriptions of the historical sources allowed it, through the geographical comparison with data of different origins, such as aerial photographs, geomorphological and instability maps. These effects were associated, where possible, with the individual landslides registered in the IFFI database (https://www.progettoiffi.isprambiente.it/).

The final result is a dataset with about 1,000 landslides divided into classes of location accuracy. The dataset is addressed to a large audience of potential users: researchers and scholars, administrators and technicians of local institutions, and civil protection authorities.

The results are collected in a new independent database, CFTI Landslides, connected to the CFTI5Med, which is publicly accessible online through a dedicated open-source geographic interface, designed to be interoperable with both INGV and external databases.


How to cite: Zei, C., Tarabusi, G., Ciuccarelli, C., Mariotti, D., Baranello, S., Sgattoni, G., and Burrato, P.: A new database of historical earthquake-induced landslides in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9389, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9389, 2023.