PS5.4 | Icy Moon Exploration: Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
Icy Moon Exploration: Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
Co-organized by CR7
Convener: Marc S. Boxberg | Co-conveners: Hans Huybrighs, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Christopher Gerekos, Stephanie Cazaux, Simon C. Stähler
| Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.34
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
vHall ST/PS
Orals |
Mon, 16:15
Thu, 16:15
Thu, 16:15
The icy moons of our Solar System are prime targets for the search for extraterrestrial life. Moons such as Saturn's Enceladus and Jupiter's Europa are considered potential habitats because of their subglacial water oceans, which are in direct contact with the rocks below. Titan, with its potential subsurface ocean, icy surface and methane-based weather, could provide an analogue for a primordial earth and the circumstances in which life developed. To assess the habitability and sample the oceans of these moons, several approaches are being discussed, including water plume surveys on Europa and Enceladus, as well as developing key technologies to penetrate the ice and even study the ocean itself with autonomous underwater vehicles, if the ice is thin enough. Moreover, a key aspect of habitability is linked with the geological processes acting on these moons. The main questions that this session aims to address are the following:
- What can we learn from analogue studies on Earth?
- What are the properties of the ice shell and how do they evolve?
- How will planned missions to these bodies contribute to furthering our understanding?
- What measurements should be conducted by future missions?

The goal of this multidisciplinary session is to bring together scientists from different fields, including planetary sciences and the cryosphere community, to discuss the current status and next steps in the remote and in-situ exploration of the icy moons of our solar system. We welcome contributions from analogue studies, on the results of current and past missions, planned missions, mission concepts, lessons learned from other missions, and more. Contributions bridging the cryosphere-icy moons communities are of particular interest to this session.

Orals: Mon, 24 Apr | Room 1.34

Chairpersons: Marc S. Boxberg, Hans Huybrighs, Christopher Gerekos
On-site presentation
Donald D. Blankenship, Duncan A. Young, Kristian Chan, Natalie S. Wolfenbarger, Christopher Gerekos, and Gregor B. Steinbrügge

Europa Subsurface Studies: The Europa Clipper is a NASA mission to study Europa, the ice-covered moon of Jupiter characterized by a global sub-ice ocean overlying a silicate mantle, through a series of fly-by observations from a spacecraft in Jovian orbit. The science goal is to “explore Europa to investigate its habitability”. The Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) is one of the primary instruments of the scientific payload. REASON is an active dual-frequency (9/60 MHz) instrument led by the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG). It is designed to achieve multi-disciplinary measurements to investigate subsurface waters and the ice shell structure (Sounding), the surface elevation and tides (Altimetry), near-surface physical properties (Reflectometry), and the ionospheric environment including plume activity (Plasma/Particles). REASON will play a critical role in achieving the mission’s habitability driven science objectives, which include characterizing the distribution of any shallow subsurface water, searching for an ice-ocean interface and evaluating a broad spectrum of ice-ocean-atmosphere exchange hypotheses. 

Terrestrial Analogs: The development of successful measurement approaches and data interpretation techniques for exploring Europa and understanding its habitability will need to leverage knowledge of analogous terrestrial environments and processes. Towards this end, we are investigating, and considering for future investigations, a range of terrestrial radio glaciological analogs for hypothesized physical, chemical, and biological processes on Europa and present airborne data collected with the UTIG/University of Kansas dual-frequency radar system over a variety of terrestrial targets relevant to Europa’s potential exchange processes and habitability.  These targets include water filled fractures, brine rich ice, subglacial lakes, accreted marine ice, and ice roughness ranging from porous ice regolith (firn) to extensive crevasse fields. Our goal is to provide context for understanding and optimizing the observable signature of these processes in future radar data collected at Europa with implications for its habitability.

How to cite: Blankenship, D. D., Young, D. A., Chan, K., Wolfenbarger, N. S., Gerekos, C., and Steinbrügge, G. B.: Exploring Europa, Jupiter’s Ocean World: A View from Earth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17429,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Julia Kowalski, Marc S. Boxberg, Jan Thimo Grundmann, Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera, Dirk Heinen, and Oliver Funke and the TRIPLE consortium

The exploration of ocean worlds in the outer Solar System, for example, the Jovian moon Europa and the Saturnian moon Enceladus, are of particular interest for the search for extraterrestrial life. Direct in situ exploration of moons harbouring significant amounts of liquid water beneath their ice surface poses many challenges and requires a sophisticated technological approach. The TRIPLE project (Technologies for Rapid Ice Penetration and Subglacial Lake Exploration) initiated by the German Space Agency at DLR forms a national consortium to work on robotic technologies for sub-ice exploration. The planned system consists of the fully autonomous, untethered miniature submersible robot, called nanoAUV, the IceCraft, a melting probe for penetrating the ice with the nanoAUV as payload, and an astrobiology in-situ laboratory, the AstroBioLab, to study fluid and sediment samples.

Beneath a several kilometre-thick ice-shell of the moons considered here, global oceans are well hidden and not easily accessible, posing extreme challenges for any robotic exploration as it is addressed in the TRIPLE project. Therefore, ice drilling and state-of-the-art technologies need to be developed to meet the manifold requirements. In view of future missions to icy moons, in TRIPLE, an analogue terrestrial demonstration is intended for first time exploration of a subglacial lake at the Dome-C region in Antarctica. The Dome-C mission requires a retrievable melting probe that can penetrate a 4-kilometre-thick layer of ice. It is essential for the mission that the melting probe is able to detect and avoid obstacles along its trajectory and to anchor itself at the ice-water interface for release and support of the nanoAUV into the water. The AstroBioLab concept provides an automated sample analysis laboratory for habitability investigations. It shall not only be able to detect various biosignatures in samples taken from the subglacial habitats, but shall also provide unequivocal evidence of life. For the field test in a terrestrial analogue setting, portable and robust devices using fast analysis methods are particularly suitable, which, as far as possible, should not require time-consuming sample preparation. In this contribution, we give an overview of the TRIPLE project and report on its current status.

How to cite: Kowalski, J., Boxberg, M. S., Grundmann, J. T., de Vera, J.-P. P., Heinen, D., and Funke, O. and the TRIPLE consortium: The TRIPLE project – Towards technology solutions for life detection missions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17371,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nikita Jennifer Boeren, Peter Keresztes Schmidt, Coenraad Pieter de Koning, Kristina Anna Kipfer, Niels Frank Willem Ligterink, Marek Tulej, Peter Wurz, and Andreas Riedo

Recently, it has become evident that icy moons in our solar system might constitute excellent targets for the search for life beyond Earth. Both Europa and Enceladus are of high interest for the detection of biosignatures, mainly due to the putative presence of all ingredients required to form life (as we know it), i.e., liquid water, an energy source, and the required chemical ingredients. If life is indeed present on these two bodies, molecular biosignatures may be preserved and protected from the radiative environment in the near surface ice. In situ instrumentation on board of a payload could perform compound identification and biosignature detection facilitating better limits of detection and more specific compound detection compared to spectroscopic measurements from orbit.

Several (groups of) compounds are listed as molecular biosignatures, including certain amino acids and lipids.1 However, reliable in situ detection of molecular biosignatures is challenging. Not only does the instrumentation need to be flight-capable, it should also be sensitive enough to detect trace abundances, while simultaneously covering a high dynamic range, so as to not exclude highly abundant compounds. Additionally, instrumentation should preferably be capable of detecting many different classes of molecules and not be limited to a single compound or group of molecules.

ORIGIN (ORganics Information Gathering INstrument) is a space-prototype laser ablation ionisation mass spectrometer (LIMS) operated in desorption mode and designed for in situ detection of molecular biosignatures for space exploration missions. The simplistic and compact design make it a lightweight and robust system, which meets the requirements of space instrumentation. Currently, the setup consists of a nanosecond pulsed laser system and a miniature reflectron-type time-of-flight (RTOF) mass analyser (160 mm x Ø 60 mm). Biomolecules are desorbed and ionised by the laser pulse, after which the positive ions are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio (TOF principle) by the mass analyser.

The molecular biosignature detection capabilities of ORIGIN have been recently demonstrated for amino acids, polycyclic hydrocarbons, and lipids 2–4. In this contribution, our envisioned concept of going from obtained ice samples to the detection of molecular biosignatures using LIMS will be discussed. In addition, we will show results of lipid biosignature detection using ORIGIN, covering sensitivity and dynamic range2, implying the future applicability for the detection of life on Icy Moons. Additionally, future projects of analogue ice studies with the ORIGIN space-prototype will be covered.

1. Hand, K. P. et al. Report of the Europa Lander Science Definition Team. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2017).

2. Boeren, N. J. et al. Detecting Lipids on Planetary Surfaces with Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Planet. Sci. J. 3, 241 (2022).

3. Kipfer, K. A. et al. Toward Detecting Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Planetary Objects with ORIGIN. Planet. Sci. J. 3, 43 (2022).

4. Ligterink, N. F. W. et al. ORIGIN: a novel and compact Laser Desorption – Mass Spectrometry system for sensitive in situ detection of amino acids on extraterrestrial surfaces. Sci. Rep. 10, 9641 (2020).

How to cite: Boeren, N. J., Keresztes Schmidt, P., de Koning, C. P., Kipfer, K. A., Ligterink, N. F. W., Tulej, M., Wurz, P., and Riedo, A.: Molecular Biosignature Detection on Ocean Worlds using a Prototype Laser-Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14516,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Cyril Grima

The production of knowledge on how planetary worlds work is still mainly driven by remote observations that offer fragmented insights at the surface processes at meters scales and a hollowed vision on the near-surface structure down to few decameters deep. The latter statement also holds for remote polar environments on Earth where in-situ investigations do not necessarily sample exhaustively the vast extents of the cryosphere.

Yet, those superficial portions of planetary bodies hold signatures of outstanding processes related to the regional depositional and erosional history. They also host structures relevant to future in-situ exploration such as surface roughness and porosity for landing site reconnaissance, snow deposits, buried ice lenses and putative accessible aquifers.

Because of its meter-scale wavelengths, the surface echo strength recorded by air- and space-born radar sounders convolves many information on the (near-)surface structure and composition. The Radar Statistical Reconnaissance (RSR) is a technique developed over the last decade to disentangle those signatures, essentially extending the capability of a nadir radar sounder to be used as both a surface reflectometer and scatterometer. We review some recent application strategies of the RSR in the Terrestrial cryosphere and in the solar system. Future advancements and targets will also be presented to highlight the interplanetary development and challenges of this technique.

How to cite: Grima, C.: Deciphering the (Near-)Surface of Planets with Nadir-pointing Radar Statistics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2134,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giancorrado Brighi, Valerio Poggiali, Paolo Tortora, Marco Zannoni, Alexander Hayes, Daniel Lalich, Lea Bonnefoy, Shannon MacKenzie, Phil D Nicholson, Kamal Oudrhiri, Ralph D Lorenz, and Jason M Soderblom

Between 2006 and 2016, the Cassini spacecraft carried out 13 bistatic radar observations of the surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Unmodulated right circularly polarized radio signals were transmitted by the spacecraft to the moon’s surface. Cassini’s high gain antenna was pointed so that specular reflections from Titan’s surface were received on Earth. Proper processing of right (RCP) and left circularly polarized (LCP) echoes from the moon can provide information about surface roughness and near-surface relative dielectric constant (ɛr) of the illuminated terrains.

During Titan flybys T101, T102, T106, and T124, the track of the bistatic observations crossed the main stable liquid bodies of the north pole of Titan: Ligeia, Kraken, Punga Mare, and their estuaries. Strong and narrowband X-band (λ=3.6 cm) echoes were successfully detected from the seas at the Deep Space Network 70-meter station in Canberra.

Reflected spectra feature Dirac-like shapes, with a spectral broadening around 1 Hz and lower bounded by the processing time resolution. Compared to bistatic observations of other planets, this implies unprecedentedly low RMS slope values for Titan’s seas on an effective length-scale of a few meters. Profiles of reflected LCP and RCP power are in general consistent with purely coherent reflections from the Fresnel area around the moving specular point, indicating a very flat surface.

In addition, from the circular polarization power ratio, the surface dielectric constant can be derived. This can enrich our current understanding of the chemistry of Titan’s liquid hydrocarbon seas, further constraining their methane-ethane mixing ratio. From Cassini RADAR, VIMS, and ISS, Titan’s seas are expected to be ternary mixtures of methane, ethane and nitrogen (ɛr ≈ 1.6-1.9). From bistatic radar data, significant relative variations in liquid hydrocarbon composition are seen, and an unexpected correlation between the dielectric constant and incidence angle of observation seems to arise. The absolute values of permittivity are somewhat lower than expected.

From the computed dielectric constant values, physical optics models are used to constrain the RMS height of the surface. This analysis provides meaningful insights into the presence of small capillary waves in the order of millimeters over the liquid surfaces of Titan, as already detected by Cassini monostatic RADAR.

How to cite: Brighi, G., Poggiali, V., Tortora, P., Zannoni, M., Hayes, A., Lalich, D., Bonnefoy, L., MacKenzie, S., D Nicholson, P., Oudrhiri, K., D Lorenz, R., and M Soderblom, J.: Cassini Bistatic Radar Observations of Titan's Seas: Results about Dielectric Properties and Capillary Waves Detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10075,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andreas Benedikter, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Gerhard Krieger, Hauke Hussmann, Alexander Stark, Kai Wickhusen, Michael Stelzig, and Martin Vossiek

Orbital Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) and tomography (TomoSAR) are key techniques for the exploration of terrestrial ice sheets that are used operationally. However, in the context of planetary exploration, these approaches are rather exotic and have not been used yet. In the frame of DLR’s Enceladus Explorer (EnEx) initiative, we propose a multi-modal, multi-frequency orbital radar mission, operating -among others- in a SAR interferometric and tomographic mode capable of delivering high-accuracy and high-resolution topography, tidal deformation, and composition measurements as well as 3-D metric-resolution imaging of the ice crust along tens of kilometers wide swaths. The ice penetration capability of radar signals allows for the exploration of both surface and subsurface features down to hundreds of meters, depending on the used carrier frequency.

Multiple SAR acquisitions of the same area are needed to form interferometric and tomographic products. These acquisitions are collected successively following a repeat-pass concept using so-called periodic orbits with repeating trajectories. For the available observation geometries, the baselines between the repeat trajectories need to lie within a few hundreds of meters (i.e., the radar needs to fly within a tube of hundreds of meters). Unfortunately, the low Enceladus mass and its proximity to Saturn commonly lead to instabilities for highly inclined science orbits. We find that published orbit solutions do not exhibit sufficient stability for providing the necessary repeat passes. However, through a grid-search approach in a high-fidelity gravitational model, we identified highly stable periodic orbits that sustain the required repeat characteristic up to hundreds of days. The short repeat periods in the order of 1 to 4 days allow for a fast acquisition of InSAR observations and the formation of tomographic stacks within several days.

Based on a representative system, we present global performance simulations for both InSAR and TomoSAR products with a focus on the prominent south polar plume region of Enceladus. The performance of these products depends on several factors, including the system being used, the orbital geometry, the accuracy of the guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), the accuracy of the orbit determination, and the structure and composition of the ice crust, which affects the backscatter characteristics and potential decorrelation effects in the SAR acquisitions. We use an End-to-End (E2E) simulator developed at DLR for generating realistic SAR, InSAR, and TomoSAR products. The E2E is capable of accommodating the designed orbits, the Enceladus topography, deformation models, representative backscatter maps, and decorrelation effects, as well as any relevant instrument, baseline, and attitude errors.

How to cite: Benedikter, A., Rodriguez-Cassola, M., Krieger, G., Hussmann, H., Stark, A., Wickhusen, K., Stelzig, M., and Vossiek, M.: Radar Interferometry and Tomography for the Exploration of Enceladus’ Surface and Subsurface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17280,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Christina Plainaki, Stefano Massetti, Xianzhe Jia, Alessandro Mura, Elias Roussos, Anna Milillo, and Davide Grassi

In this work the radiation environment around Ganymede is investigated. We apply a single-particle Monte Carlo model to obtain 3-D distribution maps of the H+, O++, and S+++ populations at the altitude of ~500 km and to deduce surface precipitation maps. We perform these simulations for three distinct configurations between Ganymede’s magnetic field and Jupiter’s plasma sheet (JPS), characterized by magnetic and electric field conditions similar to those during the NASA Galileo G2, G8, and G28 flybys (i.e., when the moon was above, inside, and below the centre of Jupiter’s plasma sheet). Our results provide a reference frame for future studies of planetary space weather phenomena in the near-Ganymede region and surface evolution mechanisms. For ions with energies up to some tens of iloelectronvolts, we find an increased and spatially extended flow in the anti-Jupiter low-latitude and equatorial regions above Ganymede’s leading hemisphere. Our results also show that the ion flux incident at 500 km altitude is not a good approximation of the surface’s precipitating flux. To study, therefore, Ganymede’s surface erosion processes it may be best to consider also low-altitude orbits as part of future space missions. This study is relevant to the ESA JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission, which will allow a detailed investigation of the Ganymede environment and its implications on the moon’s surface evolution.

How to cite: Plainaki, C., Massetti, S., Jia, X., Mura, A., Roussos, E., Milillo, A., and Grassi, D.: The energetic ion environment around Ganymede to be investigated with JUICE, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4509,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Namitha Rose Baby, Thomas Kenkmann, Katrin Stephan, and Roland J. Wagner

Polygonal impact craters (PIC) are impact craters that have at least one straight rim segment in planform [1-8]. Among all impact craters, PICs represent a small percentage. They exist on both rocky and icy planetary bodies [9]. To our knowledge no studies on PICs have been carried out for Ganymede. Here we are examining the straight segments of PICs and their relationship with adjacent lineaments or fractures. We use the global mosaic prepared by [10], which combines the best high-resolution images from Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Galileo and Juno spacecrafts. Despite the resolution limits and different illumination angles, we identified and mapped 459 PICs across Ganymede whose diameter range from 5 km to 153 km.  PICs, which were superimposed by other craters or terrains are not considered for this study. The number of straight segments possessed by PICs ranges from 1 to 9 with quadrangular, hexagonal and octagonal shapes being most common. Most of these PICs exhibit a central peak or a pit, with a minor fraction of them showing a dome. Straight rim segments of PICs align with the linear features adjacent to them and indicate that such lineaments are not exclusively surface features but lead to a localization of deformation and influence the cratering process. Straight rim segments of PICs in the dark cratered terrain (dc) are oriented along fractures and furrows. For instance, Galileo Regio have many PICs because of the NW-SE trending furrows and a high density of faults and fractures.  Here, most of the PICs have hexagonal shape with two of the straight segments parallel to the orientation of furrows and rest of the segments are at approximately perpendicular angle. Also, the presence of PICs suggests that they formed after formation of the linear features. The majority of linear features on anti-Jovian hemisphere trends in NW-SE direction while the preferred orientation of linear features on sub-Jovian hemisphere is in NE-SW direction [11]. However, the preliminary orientation analysis of straight segments of PICs using rose diagrams does not show a preferred orientation for the anti-Jovian and sub-Jovian hemispheres.

REFERENCES: [1] Fielder, G. (1961) PSS. 8(1), 1-8. [2] Kopal, Z. (2013) Springer. [3] Shoemaker, E.M. (1962) Physics and Astronomy of the Moon, Academic Press, New York, pp. 283-359. [4] Roddy, D.J. (1978) Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. Proc. 9, 3891-3930. [5] Öhman et al. (2005) Impact Tectonics. Springer, Berlin, pp. 131–160. [6] Öhman et al. (2008) Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 1605–1628. [7] Beddingfield et al. (2016) Icarus 274, 163-194. [8] Beddingfield and Cartwright (2020) Icarus 343, 113687. [9] Öhman et al. (2010) Geolog. Soc. Am. Special Papers 465, 51–65. [10] Kersten et al. (2022) pp. EPSC2022-450. [11] Rossi et al (2020) Journal of Maps, 16(2), 6-16.

How to cite: Baby, N. R., Kenkmann, T., Stephan, K., and Wagner, R. J.: Polygonal impact craters on Ganymede, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-354,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Robert Hartmann, Richard J.A.M. Stevens, Detlef Lohse, and Roberto Verzicco

The icy moons of the solar system show several phenomena in their polar regions like active geysers or a thinner crust than at the equator, all of which might be related to a non-uniform heat transport in the underlying ocean of liquid water. We investigate the potential for local heat transport enhancement in these sub-glacial oceans by conducting direct numerical simulations of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RRBC) in spherical geometry at a water-like Prandtl number Pr=4.38, Rayleigh number Ra=106, and Rossby number ∞≥Ro≥0.03 (or in terms of the Ekman number ∞≥Ek≥6.28·10-5). We probe two ratios of inner to outer radius η=ri/ro=0.6 and η=0.8, which is closer to the presumed conditions on most icy moons, for different gravitational laws g(r)∝rγ. The simulations cover the full range from zero to rapid rotation close to where convection ceases, and therefore cross the rotation-affected regime of intermediate rotation rates with a potentially enhanced dimensionless heat transport Nu>Nunon–rot as known from planar RRBC.

Although the global heat transport does not increase (Nuglobal≤Nunon–rot), we find an enhancement up to 28% at high latitudes around the poles (Nuhl>Nunon–rot), which is compensated by a reduced heat transport at low latitudes around the equator (Null<Nunon–rot). In the tangent cylinder around the poles, Ekman vortices connect the inner and the outer shell, which allows for a more effective transport of heat through the bulk by Ekman pumping, whereas these vortices impede radial heat transport towards the equator. Interestingly, the polar enhancement decreases for the thinner shell (η=0.8 compared to η=0.6) with a larger tangent cylinder, but still remains significantly larger than the non-rotating reference value (≈10%).

We also analyze the thicknesses of the thermal and kinetic boundary layers λΘ and λu to identify whether a ratio λΘu≈1 is beneficial for the maximal polar heat transport, as hypnotized from planar RRBC. Overall, our study reveals that the same mechanisms, which govern the heat transport enhancement in planar RRBC, also enhance the heat transport in the polar regions in spherical RRBC. On the bigger picture, our results may help to improve the understanding of latitudinal variations in the crustal thickness on icy moons.

How to cite: Hartmann, R., Stevens, R. J. A. M., Lohse, D., and Verzicco, R.: Polar heat transport enhancement in sub-glacial oceans on icy moons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4265,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tina Rückriemen-Bez, Benjamin Terschanski, Ana-Catalina Plesa, and Julia Kowalski

The astrobiological potential of the Jovian moon Europa has long been acknowledged [1]. Europa’s surface, icy shell, likely salty ocean, and silicate mantle play a key role in determining Europa’s habitability. In particular, the icy shell may harbor cracks and pockets filled with brine that could be niches for sustaining life.

One major question is how and to which degree brines are incorporated into the ice shell and how they evolve. Global models of the ice shell resolving spatial scales of several hundred meters to kilometers are able to constrain the long term evolution of solid salt intrusions [e.g. 2] and potentially brines. Two-phase extensions in global models, however, have so far only been applied to pure water ice shells [3]. Since global ice shell models cannot capture the intake of brine at the ice-ocean interface due to the large scales they act on, they rely on boundary conditions that incorporate the physics of the interface.

Meso-scale models of the ice-ocean interface [4, 5] operate on length scales of centimeters to meters. The transition between ice and seawater is treated as a mush containing a mix of solid and high-salinity brine, typically assumed to be in thermodynamic equilibrium [6]. Modern mushy-layer models [7] provide insight into the distribution of salt impurities [8].

We review inter-solver coupling strategies and discuss applicability to the coupling of the meso-scale ice-ocean interface and the planetary-scale convection. We propose a spatial homogenization of meso-scale simulation outputs and a Gauss-Seidel subcycling approach [9] to embed the fast into long-term variations. This work will lay the foundation for physically consistent scale-coupled evolution models of the cryohydrosphere of icy moons.

[1] K. P. Hand et al., Europa, 2009.
[2] L. Han and A. P. Showman, Geophysical research letters, 2005.
[3] K. Kalousová et al., Icarus, 2018.
[4] J. J. Buffo et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2020.
[5] J. J. Buffo et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2021.
[6] D. L. Feltham et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 2006.
[7] J. R. G. Parkinson et al., Journal of Computational Physics, 2020.
[8] J. J. Buffo et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2021.
[9] 3 - The coupling methods. In: Multiphysics Modeling, Academic Press, Oxford, 2016.

How to cite: Rückriemen-Bez, T., Terschanski, B., Plesa, A.-C., and Kowalski, J.: Coupling ice-ocean interface models with global-scale ice shell evolution models applied to Jovian moon Europa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6803,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Ana-Catalina Plesa, Simon C. Stähler
Hans Huybrighs, Rowan Dayton-Oxland, André Galli, Audrey Vorbuger, Martina Föhn, Peter Wurz, Arnaud Mahieux, David Goldstein, Thomas Winterhalder, and Stas Barabash

The repeated eruptions of water plumes on Europa have been suggested based on Hubble observations, Keck observations and in-situ magnetic field data from Galileo (Roth et al., 2014; Sparks et al., 2016, 2017, 2019; Jia et al., 2018; Arnold et al., 2019; Paganini et al., 2019). The possibility that such plumes could transport material from Europa’s subsurface, or from water reservoirs contained in the ice layer (Vorbuger and Wurz 2021), far above the surface creates an unprecedented opportunity to sample Europa’s subsurface environment and investigate its habitability. The JUpiter ICy moon Explorer (JUICE) is scheduled to make two flybys of Europa, one over the Northern and one over the Southern hemisphere, with the closest approach at 400 km altitude.

In this work we investigate the detectability of such water plumes using the Neutral and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NIM) and the ion mass spectrometer Jovian Dynamics and Composition analyser (JDC) of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) on JUICE. Using a Monte Carlo particle tracing model we simulate the density distribution of the plume and simulate the measured signature with NIM and JDC along the two JUICE flyby trajectories.

Using a particle tracing model we show that H2O molecules and H2O+ ions of the plume, as well as possible minor constituents such as CO and CH4, can be detected during the JUICE flybys. We find that the plume reported by Roth et al., 2014 is the most likely to be detected, even at the lowest mass fluxes, and that the southern-hemisphere JUICE flyby has the best coverage of all the presumptive plume sources. Lowering the altitude of the southern flyby will contribute to an increased chance of detecting the presumptive plume sources, and should be prioritized over lowering the other flybys if any deltaV is available.

Additionally, using a DSMC molecule and particle tracing model we investigate the effect of intermolecular collisions in the plume and demonstrate that such collisions will reduce the detectability of the plume. We also show that the JUICE flybys and the NIM characteristics will be suitable to discern the finer structure of the plume (e.g. shocks inside the plume), which will allow us to improve our understanding of the physics of Europa’s plumes.

Furthermore, we also investigate the separability of the plume from Europa’s asymmetric sputtered and sublimated water atmosphere and discuss the influence of the instrument pointing and operations on the plume detectability. We find that NIM’s operational constraints are not critical in terms of detecting H2O molecules of a plume.

How to cite: Huybrighs, H., Dayton-Oxland, R., Galli, A., Vorbuger, A., Föhn, M., Wurz, P., Mahieux, A., Goldstein, D., Winterhalder, T., and Barabash, S.: Detecting Europa’s water plumes with the Particle Environment Package on JUICE, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11227,, 2023.

Jason Winkenstern and Joachim Saur

In the recent decades, both ground-based and satellite observations provided
indirect evidence for the existence of subsurface oceans within Europa’s icy
crust (Kivelson et al., 2000; Roth et al., 2014). Since then, the search for icy
moons with similar features has been ongoing (e.g., Cochrane et al., 2021).
Such a subsurface ocean interacts with the time-varying magnetic field of
its host planet, resulting in an induced magnetic field (Khurana et al., 1998;
Saur et al., 2010). To model these induction responses, a radially symmetric
interior structure is generally assumed (Zimmer et al., 2000; Schilling et al.,
2007). Geological arguments, however, can motivate cases for asymmetric
features, e.g. tidal heating and the existence of chaos terrain on Europa
(Styczinski et al., 2022). We approximate such an asymmetric feature by
modelling a radially symmetric subsurface ocean together with a local small-
scale water reservoir of spherical shape. This results in a non-linear coupling
mechanism between the induction responses of ocean and reservoir. In our
presentation we will discuss the nature of such a non-linear coupled induction
and its effects on the potential detectability of small-scale water features for
future missions such as Europa CLIPPER.

How to cite: Winkenstern, J. and Saur, J.: Coupling of Induced Magnetic Fields of Local Asymmetric Features in Subsurface Ocean Moons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16101,, 2023.

Leander Schlarmann, Audrey Vorburger, Shane R. Carberry Mogan, and Peter Wurz

In this study, we present preliminary results of modelling the potentially collisional atmosphere of the Jovian satellite Europa using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method [1]. In the DSMC method particular gas flows are calculated through the collision mechanics of representative atoms or molecules that are subject to binary collisions to simulate macroscopic gas dynamics.

NASA's Europa Clipper mission [2] and ESA's JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) [3] will encounter Europa with flybys in the 2030s to sample the atmosphere of the icy moon using mass spectroscopy. Measurements with the MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX) onboard Europa Clipper and the Neutral gas and Ion Mass spectrometer (NIM) onboard JUICE will determine the composition of Europa's exosphere and, potentially, sample the plume material. From the exosphere measurements, the chemical composition of Europa's surface could be derived, whereas plume measurements would potentially allow conclusions about the chemical conditions of Europa's subsurface ocean.

Models of the collision-less exosphere for the icy moon [4, 5] have shown that Europa’s ice-sputtered atmosphere is dominated by O2 near the surface with an extended H2 corona at higher altitudes. Here, we compare the results of these studies with the DSMC model including deeper layers of Europa's collisional atmosphere.

[1] Bird, G. A. (1994). Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows.
[2] Phillips, C. B., and Pappalardo, R. T. (2014). Eos, Transactions AGU, 95(20), 165-167.
[3] Grasset, O., et al. (2013). Planetary and Space Science, 78, 1-21.
[4] Vorburger, A., and Wurz, P. (2018). Icarus, 311, 135-145.
[5] Vorburger, A., and Wurz, P. (2021). J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126(9), e2021JA029690.

How to cite: Schlarmann, L., Vorburger, A., Carberry Mogan, S. R., and Wurz, P.: Modelling Europa’s collisional atmosphere using the DSMC method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13378,, 2023.

Kristian Chan, Cyril Grima, Christopher Gerekos, and Donald D. Blankenship

The near-surface (i.e., depths of tens of meters from the surface) of icy environments is subject to various processes resulting in changes to its structure, density, and composition. On Earth, surface meltwater can refreeze in firn to form meters-thick ice layers, which can inhibit subsequent vertical infiltration in favor of lateral runoff. On icy worlds such as Ganymede, landform degradation processes, such as mass wasting and impact erosion, could leave behind layered deposits of dark material of varying density and thickness. Therefore, characterizing such heterogeneity (layering) can reveal much about the different processes acting on the near-surface environment. These processes can be studied with a multi-frequency/bandwidth approach applied to surface radar reflectometry measurements.

Airborne ice-penetrating radar, traditionally designed to study the subsurface of ice sheets on Earth, can also be used to study the surface and near-surface ice. Upcoming missions to the Jovian icy moons will carry ice-penetrating radars, namely the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) on the Europa Clipper mission and the Radar for Icy Moons Exploration (RIME) on the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission. REASON will operate at center frequencies of 60 MHz and 9 MHz, with bandwidths of 10 MHz and 1 MHz, respectively. RIME will operate with only a center frequency of 9 MHz but with dual-bandwidth capabilities of 2.8 MHz and 1 MHz.

The Radar Statistical Reconnaissance method was applied to dual-frequency/bandwidth radar observations collected over Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic, to deconvolve the total surface power into its coherent (Pc) and incoherent (Pn) components. Both Pc and Pn are used to map the spatial distribution and constrain the vertical thickness of ice layers embedded within firn. We extend this approach to Ganymede and assess its utility for studying near-surface layering in the context of rough surfaces. We simulate the radar surface echo with a generalized version of the multilayer Stratton-Chu coherent simulator previously published, but now compute the scattering contributions from every frequency component within the bandwidth of the emitted chirp. Simulated data are shown to validate the assumptions of the insensitivity to surface roughness parameters representative of Ganymede, when observing with different bandwidths but at the same center frequencies. Finally, we outline strategies for using RIME and REASON together for near-surface reflectometry studies over planned observations of the Jovian icy moons. Using observations obtained with the frequencies and bandwidths from both radars, particularly at crossover locations, can provide valuable knowledge of the near-surface structure, even when the surface may appear rough.

How to cite: Chan, K., Grima, C., Gerekos, C., and Blankenship, D. D.: RIME-REASON synergistic opportunities for surface and near-surface investigations of icy moons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10554,, 2023.

Anezina Solomonidou, Michael Malaska, Rosaly Lopes, Athena Coustenis, Ashley Schoenfeld, Bernard Schmitt, Samuel Birch, and Alice Le Gall

The Soi crater region, with the well-preserved Soi crater in its center, covers almost 10% of Titan’s surface. Schoenfeld et al. (2023) [1] mapped this region at 1:800,000 scale and produced a geomorphological map showing that the area consists of 22 distinct geomorphological units. The region includes the boundaries between the equatorial regions of Titan and the mid-latitudes and extends into the high northern latitudes (above 50o). We analyzed 262 different locations from several Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) datacubes using a radiative transfer technique [2] and a mixing model [3], yielding compositional constraints on Titan’s optical surface layer and near-surface substrate compositional constraints using RADAR microwave emissivity. We have derived combinations of top surface materials between dark materials, tholin-like materials, water-ice, and methane. We found no evidence of CO2 and NH3 ice. We discuss our results in terms of origin and evolution theories.

[1] Schoenfeld, A., et al. (2023), JGR-Planets 128, e2022JE007499; [2] Solomonidou, A., et al., (2020a), Icarus, 344, 113338; [3] Solomonidou, A., et al. (2020b), A&A, 641, A16.

How to cite: Solomonidou, A., Malaska, M., Lopes, R., Coustenis, A., Schoenfeld, A., Schmitt, B., Birch, S., and Le Gall, A.: The chemical composition of the Soi crater region on Titan., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6487,, 2023.

Robert Pappalardo, Mackenzie Mills, Mark Panning, Erin Leonard, and Samuel Howell

Intense tectonism is evident on many outer solar system satellites with some surface regions exhibiting ridge-and-trough structures which have characteristics suggestive of normal faulting. In some cases, topographic lows between subparallel ridges are sites of smooth material displaying few craters. We consider whether such smooth material can be generated by mass wasting triggered from local seismic shaking. We hypothesize that debris would flow from topographic highs into lows, initially mobilized by moonquake-induced seismic shaking during formation of local tectonic ridges, covering and infilling older terrain. We analyze the feasibility of seismicity to trigger mass movements by measuring fault scarp dimensions to estimate quake moment magnitudes. Seismic moment (Mo) is defined as the energy release caused by a fault rupture and subsequent quake, and moment magnitude (Mw) is a logarithmic scaling of Mo, a function of shear modulus µ (here adopted as 3.5 GPa for ice), Ab, the area of the rupture block face in m2, and p, the resulting scarp slip in m. Given that p is currently unknown for icy satellites, we consider a range of assumed values in our calculations. The resulting magnitude range is 5.3–8.6, and we use numerical modeling to estimate seismic accelerations resulting from such quakes.

Magnitude ranges are used to model resulting seismic accelerations. Interior models to create the synthetic seismograms were generated using Planetprofile, based on current constraints of spacecraft data. Synthetic seismograms were then reconstructed for arbitrarily placed receivers and a seismic source within the generated satellite interior models. The seismic source strength is set to be within our calculated magnitude range.

We adopt surface gravitational acceleration as the criterion which, if exceeded, implies that coseismic mass wasting is expected. Modeled seismic accelerations can exceed satellite gravitational accelerations, particularly near quake epicenters. Thus, seismic events could feasibly cause mass wasting of material to form some fine-scale smooth surfaces observed on at least three icy satellites: Ganymede, Europa, and Enceladus.

Currently, existing image resolution, areal extent, and stereo coverage are severely constrained. A better understanding of tectonic and coseismic mass wasting processes will be possible when the Europa Clipper and JUICE missions provide high-resolution surface imaging, including stereo imaging, along with subsurface radar sounding, for both Europa and Ganymede.

How to cite: Pappalardo, R., Mills, M., Panning, M., Leonard, E., and Howell, S.: Moonquake-Triggered Mass Wasting Processes on Icy Worlds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3916,, 2023.

Marc S. Boxberg, Qian Chen, Ana-Catalina Plesa, and Julia Kowalski

It is widely recognised that the icy moons of our solar system are interesting candidates for the search for habitable environments beyond Earth. While upcoming space missions such as the Europa Clipper and JUICE missions will give us further insight into the local cryo-environment of Jupiter’s moon Europa, any conclusive survey to detect life will require the ability to penetrate and traverse the ice shell and access the subglacial ocean directly. Developing a robust, autonomous cryobot for such a mission is an extremely demanding challenge and requires a concentrated interdisciplinary effort by engineers, geoscientists and astrobiologists.

We report on recent progress in developing ice transit and performance models as a first step towards a modular virtual testbed. The modularity of the virtual testbed allows easy exchange of the trajectory model used, the environmental conditions, such as ice parameters, and the description of the cryobot. We introduce a trajectory model that allows the evaluation of mission-critical parameters such as transit time and energy demand for different cryobot designs and deployment scenarios both on Earth and on icy moons.

Specific analyses presented in this study highlight the trade-off between minimum transit time and maximum efficiency of a cryobot, and allow quantification of different sources of uncertainty for cryobot trajectory models. Based on the terrestrial scenarios, our results show that the fastest transit time for the TRIPLE IceCraft cryobot is consistently achieved at all deployment sites, while its average energy consumption is rather high. The most energy efficient cryobot considered in our work is the EnEx-RANGE APU, that is, however, not designed for carrying large payloads.

While we have focused on idealized models that, for example, assume a planar melting head and a laterally isolated probe, future extensions of the virtual testbed will include more detailed models and take into account non-uniform distributions of salt concentration observed in terrestrial ice drilling. Our models are a first major step forward in estimating the efficiency of melting probes and can help develop and improve robust, autonomous cryorobotic technologies for extraterrestrial missions that can ultimately shed light on the potential for life to exist in the alien oceans of Europa and other icy moons.

How to cite: Boxberg, M. S., Chen, Q., Plesa, A.-C., and Kowalski, J.: Ice Transit and Performance Analysis for Cryorobotic Subglacial Access Missions on Earth and Europa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6345,, 2023.

Fabian Becker, Michael Stelzig, Jan Audehm, Niklas Haberberger, Dirk Heinen, Simon Zierke, Klaus Helbing, Christopher Wiebusch, Martin Vossiek, and Georg Böck

The most promising places for the development of extraterrestrial life are the ocean worlds of our Solar system such as the icy moons Europa or Enceladus and their subglacial oceans.  Space mission concepts are being developed to explore the moons’ chemical composition, investigate their habitability, and search for biosignatures.
The TRIPLE Project, initiated by the German Space Agency at DLR, involves the development of technologies for rapid ice penetration and subglacial lake exploration. It consists of three components: (i) a melting probe that travels safely through the ice and carries (ii) an autonomous nano-scale underwater vehicle that explores the ocean and takes samples to be delivered to (iii) an astrobiological laboratory. The entire system will be tested in an analogue scenario in Antarctica as a demonstration for a future space mission. To ensure the success of the test, a retrievable melting probe is needed that can safely penetrate several kilometers of ice. The melting probe should also be able to detect the transition between the ice and the water body to stop at this boundary. 

The Forefield Reconnaissance System (FRS) for such a melting probe developed in the project TRIPLE-FRS combines radar and sonar techniques to benefit from both sensor principles inside the ice. The radar antennas as well as a piezoelectric acoustic transducer will be directly integrated into the melting head. This integration into the head should leave the melting capability of the melting probe as unaffected as possible. An in-situ permittivity sensor will also be developed to account for the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves, which is dependent on the surrounding ice structure. The goal of this system is to detect obstacles or other interference bodies to guarantee a safe transition through the ice. Damage-free melting must be secured to allow all other scientific exploration. In order to prove the functionality and performance of the system, several field tests on alpine glaciers are performed during the project. In this contribution, we describe the main ideas behind the system and show how it could serve as a baseline design for the future development of space missions to ocean worlds like Europa.

How to cite: Becker, F., Stelzig, M., Audehm, J., Haberberger, N., Heinen, D., Zierke, S., Helbing, K., Wiebusch, C., Vossiek, M., and Böck, G.: Hybrid concept for a forefield reconnaissance system for melting probes capable of moving through terrestrial and extraterrestrial cryospheres, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14989,, 2023.

Christopher Gerekos, Anja Rutishauser, Kirk Scanlan, Natalie Wolfenbarger, Lucas Beem, Jason Bott, and Donald Blankenship

The highly-specular terrain present under Devon Ice Cap in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago has been the target of several multi-instrument investigation campaigns. Initial analysis of radar sounder data collected by the High Capability Radar Sounder (HiCARS) and the Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (McCORDS) over the area using state-of-the-art quantitative methods suggested the terrain could be a hypersaline lake [Rutishauser et al., Science Advances, 2018], however, newer seismic and conductivity measurements suggest a rigid, electrically insulating material that is incompatible with liquid water [Killingbeck et al., AGU, 2022]. Starting from the hypothesis that the highly specular terrain consists of flat and smooth sediments originating from a paleolake, we propose to revisit the original radar data and to apply more advanced dielectric and subsurface rough scattering hypotheses in order to constrain the materials present in the subsurface. We also propose to use subsurface interferometric clutter discrimination [Scanlan et al., 2020, Annals of Glaciology] on Multifrequency Airborne Radar-sounder for Full-phase Assessment (MARFA) data to map the coastline of the supposed paleolake. Combining dielectric and subsurface topographic information with modeling of the thermophysical evolution of the lake over interglacial cycles could reveal the history of the formation of the structure. Preliminary work on the new radar data analysis is presented.

How to cite: Gerekos, C., Rutishauser, A., Scanlan, K., Wolfenbarger, N., Beem, L., Bott, J., and Blankenship, D.: Airborne radar radiometry and coastline mapping of the highly-specular subglacial terrain on Devon island, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9149,, 2023.

Lea Bonnefoy, Catherine Prigent, Clément Soriot, and Lise Kilic

Interpreting microwave data on icy moons in terms of physical parameters is a key challenge offered by observations of Ganymede and Europa by both the current Juno (NASA) MicroWave Radiometer (MWR) and the future JUICE (ESA) Submillimeter Wave Instrument (SWI). From sub-millimeter to decimeter scale wavelengths, radiometry is sensitive to different depths and scatterer sizes: each frequency offers complementary information. Despite the large volume of available passive and active microwave satellite observations over the Earth cryosphere, physical interpretation of the co-variability of the multi-frequency observations is still challenging, especially when trying to reconcile radiometry and radar observations. To help interpret icy moon observations and improve our understanding of Earth’s ices, we assemble a multi-frequency active and passive microwave observation dataset from the SMAP (1.4 GHz, passive), AMSR2 (6 to 89 GHz, passive) and ASCAT (5 GHz, active) missions. The data are gridded over Earth’s land and ocean ices and averaged over 10 days, over two full years and then classified using a k-means method. We identify regions with microwave behavior analogous to that observed on icy moons and simulate them using the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model. Identifying structures responsible for given microwave signatures will help interpret the Juno MWR observations on Jupiter’s moons as well as the joint active/passive 2.2-cm Cassini data acquired from 2004 to 2017 on Saturn’s icy satellites.


How to cite: Bonnefoy, L., Prigent, C., Soriot, C., and Kilic, L.: Combining Earth cryosphere microwave radiometry and radar to understand the properties of planetary ices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16162,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall ST/PS

Chairperson: Stephanie Cazaux
Tobias Rolf and Antonio Manjón-Cabeza Cordoba

Europa’s outermost layer is a shell of water ice with a probable thickness of a few to a few dozens of km. It is most likely underlain by a liquid water ocean in direct contact with mantle rock, which makes Europa a prime target for understanding habitability. Europa’s surface is heavily deformed and the mean surface age is low (< ~100 Myr), implying active resurfacing, perhaps even through subduction-like processes. While this requires future confirmation, convection in Europa’s icy shell is a viable mechanism to drive such processes. However, the pattern of convection and its link to resurfacing is poorly understood. Here, we use 2D numerical simulations to shed light on these aspects and implement a composite rheology featuring the different slip mechanisms potentially relevant for ice: diffusion creep, basal slip (BSL), grain-boundary sliding (GBS), and dislocation creep. We couple this to grain-size evolution (GSE) and test in basally and mixed basally-tidally heated cases in a 20 km-thick shell the parameters governing the deformation mechanism and GSE.

Without imposing a yield stress to modulate pseudo-plastic deformation, we typically observe an immobile layer at the top of the ice shell. This layer tends to deform via GBS/BSL and features very small grain-sizes (<40 µm), while grains are on the order of cm in the warmer deeper parts, due to stronger grain growth. The thickness of the immobile layer decreases with enhancing the rate of tidal heating and with the sensitivity of grain growth to temperature variations. The immobile layer is thinnest (10-20% of the total thickness), if grain growth in the interior is only moderately enhanced compared to the cold shallow parts, while a large contrast in grain growth increases the layer thickness until eventually convection in the ice shell ceases completely. The omnipresence of an immobile layer (no matter how thick) appears at odds with Europa’s strongly deformed surface and its low age, unless other processes can explain this aspect. Preliminarily, mobilization of the surface layer is possible in our models by imposing a small finite yield stress. Using a very low coefficient of friction, surface velocities can reach rates of up to tens of centimeters per year, under which the surface would be recycled efficiently.


How to cite: Rolf, T. and Manjón-Cabeza Cordoba, A.: Convection in Europa’s icy shell: the role of composite rheology and dynamic grain size evolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6132,, 2023.