CR1.2 | Glaciers and Ice Caps under Climate Change
Glaciers and Ice Caps under Climate Change
Convener: Lindsey Nicholson | Co-conveners: Harry Zekollari, Ines Dussaillant, Matthias Huss, Lander Van Tricht
| Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room L2
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Thu, 14:00
Glaciers and ice caps are major contributors to sea-level rise and have large impacts on runoff from glacierized basins. Major mass losses of glaciers and ice caps have been reported around the globe for the recent decades. This is a general session on glaciers outside the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, emphasizing their past, present and future responses to climate change. Although much progress in understanding the link between glaciers and climate and the impacts of their wastage on various systems has recently been achieved, many substantial unknowns remain. It is necessary to acquire more direct observations, both applying novel measurement technologies and releasing unpublished data from previous years, as well as combining in situ observations with new remote sensing products and modelling. In order to improve our understanding of the processes behind the observed glacier changes, the application of models of different complexity in combination with new data sets is crucial. We welcome contributions on all aspects of glacier changes – current, past and future – based on field observations, remote sensing and modelling. Studies on the physical processes controlling all components of glacier mass balance are especially encouraged, as well as assessments of the impact of retreating glaciers and ice caps on sea-level rise, runoff and other downstream systems.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room L2

Chairpersons: Ines Dussaillant, Lander Van Tricht
Mid-latitude glaciers
Virtual presentation
Mohit Prajapati, Purushottam Kumar Garg, Aparna Shukla, and Supratim Guha

Information on glacier velocity is imperative to understand glacier mass, ice volume, topography, surge events of the glacier and response to climate change. Therefore, inter-annual surface ice velocity (SIV) of the Panchi Nala glacier has been calculated in the current study between the first two decades of the twenty-first century. To do so, the SIV has been computed by the feature tracking technique using the Co-registration of Optically Sensed Images and Correlation (COSI-Corr) method applied on the multi-temporal Landsat (TM and OLI) and sentinel -2 MSI images acquired between 2000 and 2021. The results of the study show that the mean velocity of the debris-covered tongue of the Panchi Nala Glacier is ∼10.60 ± 5.56 m/y during the study period. Additionally, the highest average glacier velocity is 13.77 ± 4.64 m/y, whereas the lowest is 8.92 ± 2.78 m/y, respectively, observed in 2005 and 2015. Also, the 95% confidence interval of the mean annual velocity lies between 9.76 and 11.43 m/y during the entire study period. The annual heterogeneity is linked with the variation of summer precipitation. Statistically, a 100 mm increment of summer precipitation can reduce the velocity around 1.3 m/y. The main reason behind this is the Panchi Nala glacier is located in high-elevation where the climate is much colder and during the summer precipitation, the lower temperatures cause the precipitation to take the form of snow, which freezes and accumulates on the glacier. This reduces the process of basal sliding. Further, detailed investigations with additional parameters need to be carried out to elucidate the comprehensive causes for inter-annual fluctuations in surface velocity. In this perspective, future research maybe directed towards higher temporal and spatial scale remote sensing-based investigations and validation of glacier surface velocity using field measurements, to better understand the glacier dynamics.

Keywords: Glacier surface ice velocity; debris cover; climate change; western Himalayas.

How to cite: Prajapati, M., Garg, P. K., Shukla, A., and Guha, S.: Dynamics of the Panchi Nala glacier, western Himalaya: trends and controlling factors., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10964,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Different glacier melt processes between the southern and northern Tibetan Plateau revealed by remote sensing and in-situ data
Ruzhen Yao
On-site presentation
Brian Menounos, Derek Heathfield, Steve Beffort, Nick Viner, Santiago Gonzalez Arriola, and Rob White

Western Canada contains 72% of the glaciers within the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) region 2 (Western Canada and USA), and these glaciers constitute 95% of the region’s total ice cover. Recent studies exploiting stereoscopic imagery from NASA’s Terra satellite (ASTER) have reduced biases in the number, type and distribution of glaciers used to assess regional glacier mass change. The elevation uncertainty of ASTER digital terrain models, in addition to infrequent sampling, confounds its use to detect trends in elevation change at seasonal scales or for small glaciers (< 1km2). Since summer 2014, the Hakai-UNBC Airborne Coastal Observatory (ACO) routinely acquires laser altimetric data at the end of the accumulation (late-April to early May) and ablation (early to late September) over many of western Canada’s glaciers and icefields using an aircraft equipped with an 1064-nm laser scanner and dedicated positional hardware. Post-processed uncertainties of repeated, co-registered elevational data over stable terrain yield uncertainties that are typically below ±0.3 m (±1s). Since 2020, our bi-annual acquisitions sample over 800 glaciers (about 2,000 km2), which constitutes about 15% of the total areal extent of ice in RGI-02. While the area-altitude distribution of ACO sampled glaciers largely accord with those of RGI-02, our sampling program captures fewer glaciers that exist at highest elevations, and the average glacier size surveyed by us is about three times larger than the average glacier size within RGI-02 (0.77 km2). Our archive reveals important aspects of glacier elevation change that cannot be obtained from existing publicly available sources of digital terrain data such as the magnitude of seasonal to inter-annual changes during the accumulation and ablation seasons, short-term horizontal transfers of mass, changes in volume and extent of transient late-lying snow, and the effects of short-term meteorological events (e.g. heat waves or forest fires) on regional melt events for a given year. We plan to release this archive to the public so it can be used to validate in-situ mass balance measurement programs, improve melt models and provide insight into physical factors that drive glacier change.

How to cite: Menounos, B., Heathfield, D., Beffort, S., Viner, N., Gonzalez Arriola, S., and White, R.: A nine-year, airborne laser scanning archive of glacier change, western Canada., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9820,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thomas Shaw, Pascal Buri, Michael McCarthy, Evan Miles, Álvaro Ayala, and Francesca Pellicciotti

A developed boundary layer can decouple a glacier's response to the ambient meteorological conditions, though glacier retreat can limit this boundary layer development and increase a glacier’s sensitivity to climate change. We explore six years of distributed meteorological data on a small Swiss glacier in the period 2001-2022 to highlight its changing response to local conditions. We find an increased sensitivity (ratio) of on-glacier to off-glacier temperature changes as the glacier has retreated and its debris-cover area expanded. The glacier lost ~60% of area since 1994, coinciding with notable frontal retreat post 2005 and an observed switch from down-glacier to up-glacier winds in the upper ablation zone from 2001-2022. Increased sensitivity to external temperature changes is thus driven by a combination of increased up-glacier winds and the larger extent of ice exposed to warm air at a retreating, debris-covered glacier terminus. Calculated sensible heat fluxes on the glacier are therefore increasingly determined by the conditions occurring outside the boundary layer of the glacier, highlighting the expected negative feedback of smaller Alpine glaciers as the climate continues to warm and experience an increased frequency of extreme summers.

How to cite: Shaw, T., Buri, P., McCarthy, M., Miles, E., Ayala, Á., and Pellicciotti, F.: Meteorological Feedbacks on a Decaying Alpine Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12248,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Aaron Cremona, Matthias Huss, Johannes Marian Landmann, Joël Borner, and Daniel Farinotti

Summer heat waves have a substantial impact on glacier melt as emphasized by the extreme summer of 2022 that caused unprecedented mass losses to the Swiss glaciers. Despite the dramatic impact on glaciers, the summer of 2022 offered a unique opportunity to analyze the implications that such extraordinary events have on glacier melt and related runoff release.

This study presents a novel approach based on computer-vision techniques for automatically determining daily mass balance variations at the local scale. The approach is based on the automated recognition of color-taped ablation stakes from camera images acquired at six sites on three Alpine glaciers in the period 2019-2022. The validation of the method revealed an uncertainty of the automated readings of ±0.81 cm d-1. By comparing the automatically retrieved mass balances at the six sites with the average mass balance of the last decade derived from seasonal in situ observations, we detect extreme melt events in the summer seasons of 2019-2022.

The in-depth analysis of summer 2022 allows us to assess the impact that the summer heat waves have on glacier melt. With our approach we detect 23 days with extreme melt over the summer, emphasizing the strong correspondence between heat waves and extreme melt events. The Swiss-wide glacier mass loss during the 25 days of heat waves in 2022 is estimated as 1.27 ± 0.10 Gt, corresponding to 35% of the overall glacier mass loss in the summer of 2022. As compared to the 2010-2020 average glacier mass change, days with extreme melt in 2022 correspond to 56% of the mass change during the summer period, thus demonstrating the significance of heat waves for seasonal melt.

How to cite: Cremona, A., Huss, M., Landmann, J. M., Borner, J., and Farinotti, D.: Automated ice ablation readings reveal the significance of summer heat waves for glacier melt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1062,, 2023.

The Arctic
On-site presentation
Steingrímur Jónsson

Iceland enjoys a much warmer climate than the average for its latitude. A major reason for this is the warm ocean currents in the Atlantic south of Iceland. There is a large heat flux from the ocean to the atmosphere and the air temperature therefore depends to a high degree on the ocean temperature. During the last roughly two decades, glaciers in Iceland have generally been retreating as well as having a negative mass balance due to a warmer climate, whereas during three decades prior to that, most of the glaciers in Iceland were advancing. The air temperature in Iceland south of the largest Icelandic glacier, Vatnajökull, showed a rise in temperature of about 1°C from 1995 to the early 2000’s and since then it has mostly remained at this high level. Often this warmer climate is attributed entirely to global warming. However, the temperature in the warm and saline Atlantic water south of Iceland also increased by about 1°C during the same period. This rise in ocean temperature was accompanied by an increase in salinity which indicates that the temperature rise was mostly due to a change in the ocean circulation, resulting in advection of warmer and saltier water to the area. In the period from 1995 to the early 2000’s the ocean heat flux with the Atlantic water across the Greenland-Scotland ridge increased by 21 TW, partly through Denmark Strait towards the continental shelf north of Iceland. The increased heat flux was attributed to a rising temperature as well as increased flow of Atlantic water. Only about 0.5% of this heat flux increase is needed to explain the recent melting of Icelandic glaciers. With a relatively sudden 1°C rise in temperature the glaciers will take decades to reach equilibrium with this new temperature and if the temperature does not decrease, the glaciers will continue to lose mass. There are records of advancing and retreating Icelandic glaciers from 1930 and they show a good correspondence with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), that reflects temperature variations in the North Atlantic Ocean.

How to cite: Jónsson, S.: The role of the ocean circulation in melting the glaciers in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12667,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ice- Ocean - Atmosphere interactions in the Arctic
Morag Fotheringham, Noel Gourmelen, and Donald Slater
On-site presentation
Jan Haacker and Bert Wouters

Glaciers distinct from the ice sheets melt quickly around the world. Rounce et al., 2023, recently projected (28±9) % glacier mass will be lost in 2100 compared to 2015 in the low-emission scenario SSP1-2.6. In our study, we focus on the observation of recent glacier mass change on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic, using the SARIn altimeter CryoSat-2. Taking advantage of CryoSat-2's spatiotemporal resolution and a novel processor optimized for mountain glaciers, we show a prompt response to the surface temperatures modeled by the regional atmosphere model MAR. Prominent warm and high-melt years were 2013, 2016, and 2020, while 2014 featured lower surface temperature and melt than average. We discuss the potential drivers for those extreme years and furthermore exploit surface mass balance estimates to analyze the relative contribution of ice dynamics and surface processes to the observed mass loss acceleration, and regional variations therein.

How to cite: Haacker, J. and Wouters, B.: Prompt response of glaciers on Novaya Zemlya to recent warm summers shown by CryoSat swath data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11912,, 2023.

The South
Virtual presentation
Ramón Pellitero, Martí Bonshoms, Jeremy C. Ely, and Giovanni Liguori

With around 46 km2, Nevado Coropuna (NC, 15°32’S, 72°39’W; 6377 m) is the largest tropical icecap in the world. NC is situated on a stratovolcano structure with six peaks over 6000 meters, in the arid border of the Andean plateau, Southern Peru. NC is a vital source of freshwater for the communities within the Majes valley and the vast irrigation plans located in the same valley and on the arid coastal strip. Our MOTICE project will model the evolution of NC until 2100 CE in response to climate change.

We present initial results on the modelling of NC, which will be used to tune the glaciological parameters for the projections under different RCP scenarios. Mass balance was modelled using the COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and MAss balance model in Python (COSIPY). This was forced with climate data for the 1950-2020 period from the ERA5-Land reanalysis, which provided surface pressure, cloud cover, incoming shortwave and longwave radiation, wind speed, 2-meter air temperature and relative humidity fields. This was combined with the RAIN4PE gridded product outputs for daily precipitation during the 1981-2015 period. The climate dataset was downscaled and validated with observed temperature and relative humidity from a weather station located on the Cavalca glacier (5800 m above sea level), at the northern part of NC. Glacier mass balance results were validated with measured mass balance in the same glacier for the 2014-2019 period. The mass-balance outputs from COSIPY were used for glacial flow modelling, using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM).

Subglacial topography was modelled using the Volume and Topography Automation (VOLTA) tool in a DEM that had been previously corrected with 70 differential GPR points measured “in situ”. The subglacial topography was also tuned and validated against in-situ GPR measurements in four glaciers of NC. Both GPR and GPS measurements were conducted during the 2022 fieldwork campaign, in which large areas of debris-covered ice were also located, mapped and measured. However, debris covered ice has not been considered in this initial model run.

Our preliminary results were compared to the actual 1955-2020 glacier surface evolution, which was retrieved from aerial photography and topographic maps for the initial stage in 1955 and from satellite images from 1975 onwards. This work highlighted the difficulty of modelling tropical glaciers, especially accounting for processes important to tropical ice, such as sublimation, and short-lived meteorological events.

How to cite: Pellitero, R., Bonshoms, M., Ely, J. C., and Liguori, G.: Modelling the future of Nevado Coropuna (Peru), the world’s largest tropical ice cap., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12767,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Franziska Temme, David Farías-Barahona, Thorsten Seehaus, Ricardo Jaña, Jorge Arigony-Neto, Inti Gonzalez, Anselm Arndt, Tobias Sauter, Christoph Schneider, and Johannes J. Fürst

Similar to the Patagonian Icefields, the Cordillera Darwin Icefield in Tierra del Fuego experienced important ice loss during the last decades. The difficult accessibility and the harsh weather conditions in that area result in scarce in-situ observations of climatic conditions and glacier mass balances. Under these challenging conditions, this study investigates calibration strategies of surface mass balance models in the Monte Sarmiento Massif, western Cordillera Darwin, with the goal to achieve realistic simulations of the regional surface mass balance in the period 2000-2022.

We apply three calibration strategies ranging from a local single-glacier calibration to a regional calibration with and without the inclusion of a snowdrift parametrization. Furthermore, we apply four models of different complexity ranging from an empirical degree-day model to a fully-fledged surface energy balance model. This way, we examine the model transferability in space, the benefit of including regional mass change observations as calibration constraint and the advantage of increasing the model complexity regarding included processes. In-situ measurements comprise ablation stakes, ice thickness surveys and weather station records at Schiaparelli Glacier as well as elevation changes and flow velocity from satellite data for the entire study site. Performance of simulated surface mass balance is validated against geodetic mass changes and stake observations of surface melting.

Results show that transferring mass balance models in space is a challenge, and common practices can produce distinctly biased estimates. The use of remotely sensed regional observations can significantly improve model performance. Increasing the complexity level of the model does not result in a clear improvement in our case where all four models perform similarly. Including the process of snowdrift, however, significantly increases the agreement with geodetic mass balances. This highlights the important role of snowdrift for the surface mass balance in the Cordillera Darwin, where strong and consistent westerly winds prevail.

How to cite: Temme, F., Farías-Barahona, D., Seehaus, T., Jaña, R., Arigony-Neto, J., Gonzalez, I., Arndt, A., Sauter, T., Schneider, C., and Fürst, J. J.: Calibrating Surface Mass Balance Models at the Monte Sarmiento Massif, Tierra del Fuego, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2824,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Chairpersons: Ines Dussaillant, Lander Van Tricht
Javed Hassan, William Colgan, and Shfaqat Abbas Khan

The importance of glaciers in High Mountain Asia (HMA) is significant in sustaining mountain hydrology and the runoff of several river systems that originate from these glaciers. The availability of numerous remote sensing products provides an opportunity to assess the current regional glacier mass balance comprehensively. We updated and presented recent glacier mass loss from the HMA and regional variability using Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) data from October 2018 to December 2021. The HMA experienced accelerated mass loss in recent years of -62.62 ± 11.81 Gt a-1, (-17.11 ± 2.89 m w.e a-1). All 22 regions of HMA lost mass during the study period, regional mass loss range between -0.28 ± 0.47 m w.e. a-1 in the Western Kunlun Shan and -1.71 ± 0.22 m w.e. a-1 in the Hengduan Shan. The highest mass loss occurred at Hengduan Shan, East Tibetan Mountains, and Nyainqentanglha. Glaciers within the altitude range up to 4000 m a.s.l experienced the most negative mass balance. In recent years glacier mass loss increased by more than two-fold compared to previous studies even in the regions where glaciers were previously in balance or less negative mass balance such as Western Kunlun Shan (-0.28 ± 0.47 m w.e. a-1), Eastern Pamir (-0.47 ± 0.374 m w.e. a-1), and Karakoram (-0.61 ± 0.40 m w.e. a-1). The complex regional pattern of variable glacial mass balance and recent mass loss can be attributed to heterogeneous climate change signals and changes in meteorological conditions over the regions.

How to cite: Hassan, J., Colgan, W., and Abbas Khan, S.: Rates of High Mountain Asian Glacier Ice Loss from ICESat-2 Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16195,, 2023.

Arindan Mandal, Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma, Thupstan Angchuk, Mohd Farooq Azam, Purushottam Kumar Garg, and Mohd Soheb

The Ladakh region in the western Himalaya relies directly on snow-glacier-fed first order streams for domestic and agricultural needs of the population. Despite the significant contribution of glacier meltwater towards community livelihood and its vulnerability in a warmer climate, glaciers in the Ladakh region have not been studied comprehensively. Previous studies, mostly at a poor spatial (~90 m) and temporal (10-15 years) scales, focused only on geodetic glacier mass balance estimation, hence their controlling climatic drivers remain unknown. In this study, we estimate the geodetic mass balance of the glaciers of the Ladakh region, using multiple digital elevation models of 30 m resolution acquired between 2000 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; SRTM) and 2021 (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer; ASTER). Due to the large aerial coverage, we divided the whole Ladakh region into two sub-regions namely the eastern and western Ladakh. The primary climatic drivers of glacier mass balances were examined using the long-term ERA5-Land reanalysis data, complemented by available in-situ meteorological data. The role of non-climatic (morphological) variables on glacier mass balances was also investigated in detail. The results reveal a negative glacier mass balance over the Ladakh region during the last two decades, with significant spatial variability. Glaciers in western Ladakh lost higher mass (-0.35 ± 0.07 to -0.37 ± 0.07 m w.e. a-1) compared to eastern Ladakh (-0.21 ± 0.07 to -0.33 ± 0.05 m w.e. a-1). Although the widespread mass loss in Ladakh is primarily caused by warming, the variations in spatial mass loss are primarily caused by the morphological settings of the glaciers. The eastern Ladakh glaciers are located at higher elevations and small sized, whereas western Ladakh glaciers are large sized and their tongues are situated at lower elevations (low-elevation-hypsometry), therefore, the impact of temperature is much higher in them, leading to higher mass loss. The non-climatic factors (morphological control) exhibit a dominant role than climatic factors in governing the glacier mass balances, particularly in the EL. The comparison between ASTER-based and the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)-2 laser altimetry-based mass balances shows a good agreement, reaffirming the robustness of regional mass balance estimates. Overall, glaciers of the Ladakh region are losing mass and the western Ladakh glaciers are potentially more susceptible to warming climate compared to the eastern Ladakh.

How to cite: Mandal, A., Vishwakarma, B. D., Angchuk, T., Azam, M. F., Garg, P. K., and Soheb, M.: Glacier mass balance and its climatic and non-climatic drivers in the Ladakh region during 2000-2021 from remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6319,, 2023.

Marlene Schramm and Thomas Mölg

Kersten Glacier, a slope glacier on the southern flank of Kilimanjaro, has been observed to shrink for many decades. Quantitatively, the glacier’s mass balance has been studied by Mölg et al. (2009) with a distributed physically based mass balance model. In this study, the research question is revisited using the open-source COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY; Sauter et al., 2020). A spatially distributed simulation of the surface energy and mass balance of Kersten Glacier is performed for February 2005 to January 2008. The model is driven by hourly observations from an automated weather station in the top region of the glacier at 5873 m MSL. In this contribution, we present findings such as the different components of the mass and energy balance, their temporal variation and elevational characteristics, and compare them to the results obtained from the 2009 analysis. This should allow a first assessment of COSIPY’s skill as a future tool for simulating snow and ice variability in equatorial latitudes.

How to cite: Schramm, M. and Mölg, T.: Comparative study of the surface energy and mass balance of Kersten Glacier on Mt. Kilimanjaro: COSIPY versus previous modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6623,, 2023.

Boris Ouvry, Marin Kneib, Ross S. Purves, and Andreas Vieli

Debris-covered glacier tongues are widespread in high-relief mountains and are characterised by highly undulated surfaces with supraglacial ponds and circular cliffs in hummocky topography. These features are known to strongly enhance mass loss on debris-covered surfaces and have been widely mapped, but their formation mechanisms and underlying controls have not been studied in detail.

Here we aim to investigate the role of supraglacial streams on the morphological development of debris-covered glacier surfaces and related supraglacial features such as ice cliffs based on high-resolution DEMs and orthophotos (Pleiades and UAV) from two debris-covered glaciers of contrasting spatial scales: the Satopanth Glacier located in the Indian Himalaya and the Zmuttgletscher in the European Alps. We systematically analyse the morphological development of the debris-covered surface along the glacier from the onset zone of debris cover and supraglacial channels down to the hummocky and sunken tongue surfaces. We perform this using a semi-automated approach that includes meltwater flow routing, the extraction of surface roughness, profiles and extents of supraglacial channel-influenced valleys, as well as the mapping of ice cliffs.

Based on this analysis, we find a clear and coherent succession of morphological developments along both glaciers that seems initiated through erosion from supraglacial streams. On the initially smooth debris-covered surface, locally incised and meandering channels initiate ice cliffs that progressively backwaste, creating a downstream-widening supraglacial valley with an undulated surface. This ‘mobility area’ is advected downstream even beyond the moulins where the supraglacial channels drain to the bed. Further downstream, neighbouring ‘mobility area’ valleys laterally merge and create the quasi-chaotic highly undulated surfaces typically observed on tongues of debris-covered glaciers. We integrate these interpretations into a conceptual model that links the downstream morphological development of debris-covered surfaces and explains the genesis of related features such as ice cliffs.

How to cite: Ouvry, B., Kneib, M., Purves, R. S., and Vieli, A.: Development of supraglacial meltwater streams and their influence on the morphology of debris-covered glacier surfaces., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7645,, 2023.

Rebekka Frøystad and Andreas Born

Glaciers in Norway are retreating, following the global trend caused by climate change. Future mass loss is projected to increase and cause the majority of Norwegian glaciers to disappear by the end of the century. This alters runoff and downstream hydrology, thus affecting available water resources for local communities. Quantifying this future change is essential to aid societal climate adaptation.

In this work, our aim is to assess both the rate of change and how trustworthy these estimates are given uncertainty in future climate and simulation tools. We organize the study around the Folgefonna ice cap in Western Norway, a prime example of a maritime ice cap. For the people living in its vicinity, the ice cap is important as it acts as a reservoir for both hydropower generation and drinking water. Despite this, little is known about how it will change in the future.

Using the model BESSI (The Bergen Snow Simulator), we simulate the surface mass balance of Folgefonna at a high spatial resolution. Recent developments of BESSI have made it a suitable option for small-scale glacier studies. These model alterations are presented here as well as results of past and future surface mass balance for the ice cap. We quantify how sensitive Folgefonna is to climate change and discuss limitations to the tools available for future glacier projections.

How to cite: Frøystad, R. and Born, A.: Sensitivity of Folgefonna ice cap to anthropogenic climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12975,, 2023.

Martin Rückamp, Mathieu Morlighem, and Christoph Mayer

Debris-covered glaciers can react differently to external forcings than clean-surface glaciers. Depending on its thickness, a supraglacial debris layer impacts the glacier mass balance by either enhancing the surface melt or protecting the underlying ice. Based on previous works focusing on simple flowline geometries, we extended the model setup to three-dimensional complex geometries. The framework is implemented using the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) and applied to a typical alpine glacier geometry. Ice dynamics are solved on high-resolution with full-Stokes and coupled to the surface debris transport equation. The employed surface mass balance (SMB) model is capable of describing the melt rate for all debris thicknesses by including turbulent fluxes within the upper debris cover. This SMB formulation resolves the enhanced melt rates for a thin debris cover as well as the decreasing melt rates for thickening debris. To test the sensitivity of future projections of alpine glaciers on the debris layer, simulations are forced with high-resolution regional climate model (RCM) data from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5).

How to cite: Rückamp, M., Morlighem, M., and Mayer, C.: Modelling the future evolution of an alpine debris-covered glacier, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14348,, 2023.

Arbindra Khadka, Patrick Wagnon, and Fanny Brun

Recent glacier mass changes are very heterogeneous in High Mountain Asia, owing to climatic variability and the mass balance sensitivity to climate, which may differ from one region to another. Mera glacier in the Everest region is one of the longest field-based monitored and well-studied glaciers of the Central Himalaya. In this study, we examine the sensitivity of Mera glacier mass balance to climate variables using the COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY), using 4 years (2016-2020) of in-situ meteorological data recorded at different elevations in the ablation and accumulation zones of the glacier. This shows that the net short-wave radiation is the main energy input at the surface, and in turn albedo is a key parameter controlling the glacier mass balance. As a result, at 5360 m asl, in the ablation zone, surface melt accounts for 90% of mass loss whereas sublimation and subsurface melt account for less than 10%. This analysis is performed at point scale at 5360 and 5770 m asl, in the ablation and accumulation zones respectively, as well as in a distributed way. We produce and analyze 88 distinct climatic scenarios, varying from dry and warm to wet and cold conditions. Dry conditions, primary during the pre-monsoon and secondary during the monsoon, strongly decrease the glacier mass balance, revealing that the annual amount and the seasonal distribution of snowfalls primary drives the glacier-wide mass balance of Mera Glacier.   

How to cite: Khadka, A., Wagnon, P., and Brun, F.: Energy and mass balance of Mera glacier (Everest region, Central Himalaya) and its sensitivity to climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13874,, 2023.

Michał Pętlicki, Andrés Rivera, Johnatan Oberreuter, José Andrés Uribe, Johannes Reinthaler, and Francisca Bown

Glacier fronts are retreating across the globe in response to climate warming, revealing valleys, fiords, and proglacial lakes. The piedmont lobe of San Quintín, the largest glacier of the Northern Patagonia Icefield, in southern Chile, has recently entered a catastrophic phase of frontal retreat, where its terminus is rapidly disintegrating into large tabular icebergs calving into a new proglacial lake. We present results of a unique airborne GPR survey of the terminus of this large Patagonian glacier (763 km2 in 2017), complemented with an analysis of ice flow velocity, satellite imagery, and ice elevation change to show that the ongoing retreat is caused by recent detachment of a floating terminus from the glacier bed and may shortly lead to the disappearance of the last existing piedmont lobe in Patagonia. Finally, we discuss how the observations of San Quintín’s ongoing collapse may give insights into processes governing frontal retreat of fast-flowing temperate glaciers and the quasi-stability of the floating termini.

How to cite: Pętlicki, M., Rivera, A., Oberreuter, J., Uribe, J. A., Reinthaler, J., and Bown, F.: Frontal collapse of San Quintín glacier (Northern Patagonia Icefield), the last piedmont glacier lobe in the Andes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10966,, 2023.

Glacier changes and their impact on water resources in the Qilian Mountains, High Mountain Asia, 1970s to2020
Bo Cao and Regine Hock
Shuyang Xu, Ping Fu, Duncan Quincey, Meili Feng, Stuart Marsh, Qiao Liu, and Tian Jia

Glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau are melting at an unprecedented rate in the context of global warming. Hailuogou (HLG) Glacier, a rapidly receding temperate land-terminating glacier in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, has been observed to lose mass partly through ice frontal mechanical ablation (i.e., ice collapse).

In this study, we present analysis from Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) surveys conducted over nine field campaigns to the HLG Glacier, providing evidence of glacier change and frontal ice collapse between 2017 and 2021. Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo was applied to produce multi-temporal Digital Surface Models (DEMs) and orthophoto mosaics, from which geomorphological maps and DEMs of Difference were derived to quantify the changes of the glacier snout and the ice loss from frontal ice collapse. Based on that, a linear correlation of Area-Volume for frontal ice collapse was subsequently built. Planet images were used to identify additional ice collapse events (i.e., 2017 to 2021) and to extract time-sequenced glacier extents. ASTER-derived DEMs generated by NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) were then differenced to calculate the ice volume changes in the period. Combined with frontal ice collapse events identified from Planet, the contribution of that to the glacier mass balance can be estimated from the established Area-Volume correlation.

These analyses reveal that at the margins of the glacier terminus retreated 132.1 m over the period of analysis, and that in the area specifically affected by collapsing (i.e., the glacier collapsed terminus), it retreated 236.4 m. Overall the volume lost in the terminal area was of the order of 184.61 ± 10.32 x 104 m3, within which the volume change due to observed collapsing events comprises approximately 28%. We show that ice volume changes at the terminus due to a single ice collapse event may exceed the interannual level of volume change, and the daily volume of ice loss due to ice calving exceeds the seasonal and interannual level by a factor of ~ 2.5 and 4. The contribution to the mass balance change of the entire glacier that is attributed to frontal ice collapse is limited (i.e., ranges from 0.48% to 1.12% from 2017 to 2021). However, the mechanical ablation (e.g., frontal ice collapse and subglacial/englacial conduit’s roof collapse) has probably changed the way of losing ice mass to some extent.

Our results suggest that the evolution of the HLG Glacier terminus is dominantly controlled by the frontal ice collapse. The projection of the recession rate of the HLG Glacier may well be underestimated if based on surface mass balance alone, as the frontal ice collapsing might be more frequent and larger under the context of warming. If the future evolution of glaciers such as HLG Glacier is to be robustly predicted, the contribution of mechanical ablation should be accounted for by numerical models.

How to cite: Xu, S., Fu, P., Quincey, D., Feng, M., Marsh, S., Liu, Q., and Jia, T.: The Changes of Hailuogou Glacier in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and the Impacts on Glacier Dynamics from the Mechanical Ablation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2555,, 2023.

Javier Calleja, Rubén Muñiz, Francisco Navarro, Jaime Otero, and Susana Fernández

The search for satellite-derived proxies of the surface mass balance (SMB) of glaciers is of crucial importance for an updated estimation of the SMB worldwide. The minimum mean  glacier albedo (αmin, calculated as the minimum mean albedo over the whole glacier) attained along a season has proved to be a good proxy. In this work we demonstrate that SMB estimations can be improved by adding albedo decay parameters as predicting variables. The SMB of Hurd glacier (Livingston Island, Antarctica) has been continuously monitored since 2001, with available values of annual, summer and winter SMB. MODIS MOD10A1 daily snow albedo product with a spatial resolution of 500 m over the glacier was downloaded using the Google Earth Engine Application Programming Interface. Data from 2000-2001 to 2020-2021 season are considered in this work. MOD10A1 data were filtered using a maximum filter followed by a first-order Butterworth filter. Each season extends from September to March of two consecutive years. The seasonal albedo was fitted to an exponential decay α=αm+Aexp(-βt), and parameters αm, A and β as well as the albedo decay duration (D) were calculated for all pixels. Mean values of αm, β, A and D were calculated over the whole glacier. Monthly and seasonal mean αmin were also estimated from MOD10A1 data. Simple linear regressions show that the minimum albedo in the period January-February explains the summer SMB, while the minimum albedo in the period December-January explains the annual SMB. Multiple linear regression models including snow albedo decay parameters improve the quality of the models, increasing the value of the coefficient of determination and decreasing the root mean square difference between measured and predicted SMB. These results show that the SMB is determined not only by αmin but also by how fast and for how long the albedo decay takes place, and by the difference between the minimum albedo and the surface albedo at the beginning of the season. On the other hand, most of the snow albedo decay takes place in the period from late September to December. Previous investigations of mass balance over the Hurd Peninsula have established that the snow melt in Hurd Peninsula takes place mostly from December to March. The fact that snow melting lags behind albedo decay can be explained if we consider that some surface snow metamorphic processes occur prior to melting and that melting continues after surface snow has attained its maximum degree of metamorphism.

How to cite: Calleja, J., Muñiz, R., Navarro, F., Otero, J., and Fernández, S.: Improvements in the estimation of glacier surface mass balance taking into account albedo decay parameters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7890,, 2023.