TS10.2 | Magma migration and volcano deformation modelling through different points of view
Magma migration and volcano deformation modelling through different points of view
Co-organized by GMPV7
Convener: Sam Poppe | Co-conveners: Daniele Maestrelli, Tim Davis, Claire Harnett, Kyriaki Drymoni, Domenico Montanari, Matteo Lupi
| Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.91
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X2
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 08:30
Magma migration and emplacement processes occur at a vast range of spatial and temporal scales. The interplay between singular emplacement mechanisms could make each pluton, intrusive sheet or volcano a unique case. Their study can be approached from many, even distinct, points of view; some approaches are mainly concerned with the chemical and physical mechanisms governing melt genesis, mobilisation, and segregation, as well as the transport/ascent, storage, evolution, and eruption of magma. Others focus on the architecture of magma plumbing systems, a realistic representation of rheologically complex and heterogeneous rock piles, the spatial relationships between faults or shear zones and magmatic processes, or the thermal impact associated with intrusion emplacement. The study of these processes (both active and ancient) is fundamental, and helps in understanding volcanic unrest, eruptions and edifice collapse, the mechanical development of magma conduits and reservoirs, economic mineral deposits and geothermal resources, and the role of different plate tectonic settings.
The data collected at active volcanoes is rapidly increasing in quality; there has been an explosion in high-resolution geodetic and seismic data that captures magma movement and storage conditions in the subsurface. Simple fitting of ground deformation and seismic signals with static, linearly-elastic models lacks predictive power about what will happen to the system next and provides little insight into the physics of the system. Mechanical and fluid-dynamic modelling can answer how such intrusions develop through time, can help investigate the processes controlling where and when magma erupts and can quantify the influence of mechanical complexities and when these should be considered. Such models are typically theoretical, but due to rapid increases in the data quality of magmatic events we can begin to test the predictive power of these models.
The aim of this session is to discuss the next generation of models of magma migration, emplacement and volcano deformation that focus on the interplay between these different approaches and mechanisms, different scales (from micro- to macro-) and methodologies, as well as a more realistic representation of the mechanical response of crustal rock to the migration of dynamically-complex magma.

Convener contact: sam35poppe[at]gmail.com

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room -2.91

Chairpersons: Sam Poppe, Daniele Maestrelli, Kyriaki Drymoni
On-site presentation
Craig Magee and Christopher Jackson

The structure of magma plumbing systems controls a variety of processes that are critical to keeping people safe, secure, and prosperous. These processes include the: (i) location, threat, and early warning signals of volcanic eruptions; (ii) accumulation of magma-related ore deposits; and (iii) distribution of subsurface heat. Yet magma plumbing systems are themselves controlled by a multitude of geological factors, such as host rock lithology and structure, and magma dynamics, each of which unique to different geological settings. Deciphering how entire magma plumbing systems are constructed is thus challenging: at active volcanoes we cannot see the subsurface geology at a high resolution, and exposed ancient intrusions only provide a snapshot of the systems evolution. We therefore have to infer how magma plumbing systems are constructed, and use various modelling approaches to test these interpretations. These models underpin many recent advances in volcanology but, by necessity, are simplified compared to natural magmatic systems and their host rock.

In this presentation, we will explore how ground deformation is used to understand the structure and growth of subsurface magma plumbing systems. In particular, we will demonstrate how seismic reflection data, which provides ultrasound-like images of Earth’s crust, and structural geological mapping of active and ancient systems can be integrated to test model-based hypotheses concerning how magma emplacement translates into ground deformation. For example, graben-bounding, dyke-induced faults are commonly observed on Earth and many planetary bodies, but can we assume that their surficial graben properties (e.g. width and cumulative extension) reflect the underlying dyke depth and thickness? Similarly, how do surface uplift patterns relate to subsurface magma plumbing system structure? Overall, this presentation will emphasise the need to integrate geological, geophysical, and modelling-based approaches to advance our understanding of plumbing system construction.

How to cite: Magee, C. and Jackson, C.: Constructing magma plumbing systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13156, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13156, 2023.

On-site presentation
Piotr Krzywiec and Paweł Poprawa

Until recently, early Carboniferous volcanic activity along the SW edge of the East European Craton (EEC) in Poland has been documented only by wells and, to some degree, by magnetic data. Recently, regional PolandSPAN seismic reflection survey, acquired by ION Geophysical above the entire cratonic edge in Poland, provided unique subsurface insight into this very important event of an extensive volcanic activity. This onshore seismic survey was acquired with ultra-long offsets (12 kms), tight station spacing (25 m), high fold (480) and was processed up to PSDM. 12 seconds record lengths of uncorrelated data provided imaging down to 60 km, with superior data resolution for the entire Phanerozoic sedimentary cover.

In N Poland, within the Mazury High, where Palaeozoic sedimentary cover has been eroded prior to the Permo-Mesozoic deposition within the marginal part of the Polish Basin, the Tajno pyroxenite-syenite-carbonatite complex, the Ełk syenite massif, the Pisz gabbro-syenite massif and Mława syenite massif, all of early Carboniferous age, have been drilled by numerous wells. In the Baltic Basin, where the Ediacaran – Silurian sedimentary cover has been preserved, numerous wells documented doleritic sills of the same age. In this area, a complex system of strong amplitude seismic reflectors of length reaching up to 100 km has been detected using PolandSPAN seismic data. These seismic features are located within the crystalline basement of the Baltic Basin at depth of 7-14 km, and closely resemble lower-crustal reflections (LCR) documented e.g. within the basement of the North Sea basin.

Another type of seismic features related to the lower Carboniferous volcanic intrusives has been documented in SE Poland within the Lublin Basin, where EEC crystalline basement is overlain by thick Ediacaran – Paleozoic – Mesozoic sedimentary cover. In this area, numerous wells encountered lower Carboniferous doleritic intrusions hosted by the Upper Devonian carbonates, and lower Carboniferous basaltic effusives. PolandSPAN data from the Lublin Basin revealed numerous saucer-shaped, strong amplitude seismic reflectors, characterized by lobate morphology and located at depths of 4-7 km, within the topmost Silurian–Lower Devonian section. Collectively, they form ca. 70 km long network of seismic reflectors. They were interpreted as saucer-shaped igneous sills, similar to igneous intrusions imaged by seismic data in other sedimentary basins. Some of these sills have been incorporated into the late Carboniferous compressional deformations of the frontal Variscan fold and thrust belt.

This study was supported by NCN grant UMO-2021/41/B/ST10/03550.

How to cite: Krzywiec, P. and Poprawa, P.: Seismic imaging of lower Carboniferous volcanic intrusions along the SW edge of the East European Craton in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3601, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3601, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ananya Mukherjee and Animesh Mandal

Available globally gridded topography and free-air gravity anomaly are used to compute the Bouguer gravity anomaly over the southern Bundelkhand region and its boundary with the Vindhyan basin. The Bouguer anomaly map displays a large E-W trending gravity high in the central region of the anomaly map, which is majorly covered by the sedimentary Vindhyan rocks, south of the Bundelkhand craton and Deccan trap outcrops, southwest of the craton. The existence of this high in 30 km upward continued regional Bouguer gravity anomaly and the corresponding residual gravity map indicates the large depth as well as spatial extent of the high-density source giving the gravity high. The deep crustal source yielding the high gravity anomaly is backed by the depth estimates obtained for three interfaces (~30.2 km, ~11.9 km, ~2.7 km) from the radially averaged power spectrum analysis. Moho topography obtained as the result of 3D inversion of the Bouguer gravity data using the Parker-Oldenburg iterative algorithm exhibits a shallow Moho of ~32 km below the region covered by the Vindhyan rocks, giving the high gravity signatures. A 2D forward model is developed along the AA’ profile using density and thickness constraints from prior studies, along with the depth estimates obtained from the radially averaged power spectrum analysis. The resulting crustal model exhibits a thick high-density layer above the Moho interface, being the thickest beneath the region covered by the Vindhyan basin rocks underlain by the Bijawar rocks and Bundelkhand basement rocks. Correlating the Moho depths obtained from the inversion with the forward model, it is observed that the shallow Moho below the Vindhyan rocks in the inverted Moho topography is depicting the top surface of the high-density layer modelled over the Moho beneath the region. This high-density layer is theorized to be magmatic underplating arising from crustal extension induced by subduction-led extension tectonics involving the Bundelkhand cratonic block in the Proterozoic times. The presence of the underplated layer below the Vindhyan basin can be correlated with the proposed initiation of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) within the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic period. This points to the tentative formation mechanism of the Vindhyan basin, that is rifting, with the crustal thinning being compensated by the magmatic emplacement above the Moho. This probably resulted due to the onset of oblique collision between the northern and southern Indian blocks along the CITZ at around ~2 Ga, up to ~1Ga, which is said to be the closure age of the Upper Vindhyan rocks. Thus, the obtained results and inferences from the present study deciphers the Moho topography and the underplated high-density layer below the region covered by Vindhyan rocks, south of the Bundelkhand craton, providing a preliminary understanding of the crustal structure beneath the study area and paving the way to undertake further studies to comprehend the implications of the geodynamics of the region with respect to supercontinent reconstructions.

How to cite: Mukherjee, A. and Mandal, A.: Utilizing global gravity data to delineate magmatic underplating and its implications: A case study from Proterozoic Vindhyan basin, south of Bundelkhand craton, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6239, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6239, 2023.

On-site presentation
J. Brendan Murphy, William J. Collins, and Donnelly B. Archibald

Appinites are a suite of plutonic rocks, ranging from ultramafic to felsic in composition, that are characterized by idiomorphic hornblende as the dominant mafic mineral in all lithologies and by spectacularly diverse textures, including planar and linear magmatic fabrics, mafic pegmatites and widespread evidence of mingling between mafic and felsic compositions. These features suggest crystallization from anomalously water-rich magma which, according to limited isotopic studies, has both mantle and meteoric components.

Appinites typically occur as small (~2 km diameter) complexes emplaced along the periphery of granitoid plutons and commonly adjacent to major deep crustal faults, which they preferentially exploit during their ascent. Several studies emphasize the relationship between intrusion of appinites, granitoid plutonism and termination of subduction. However, recent geochronological data suggest a more long-lived genetic relationship between appinites and granitoid magma generation and subduction.

Appinites may represent aliquots of hydrous basaltic magma derived from variably fractionated mafic underplates that were originally emplaced during protracted subduction adjacent to the MOHO, triggering generation of voluminous granitoid magmas by partial melting in the overlying MASH zone. The hydrous mafic magmas from this underplate may have ascended, accumulated, and differentiated at mid-to-upper crustal levels (ca. 3-6 kbar, 15 km depth) and crystallized under water-saturated conditions.  The granitoid magmas were emplaced in pulses when transient stresses activated favourably oriented structures which became conduits for magma transport. The ascent of late mafic magmas, however, is impeded by the rheological barriers created by the structurally overlying granitoid magma bodies. Magmas that form appinite complexes evaded those rheological barriers because they preferentially exploited the deep crustal faults that bounded the plutonic system. In this scenario, appinite complexes may be a direct connection to the mafic underplate and so its most mafic components may provide insights into processes that generate granitoid batholiths and, more generally, into crustal growth in arc systems. 

How to cite: Murphy, J. B., Collins, W. J., and Archibald, D. B.: Appinite complexes, granitoid batholiths and crustal growth: a conceptual model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4334, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4334, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andreas Möri and Brice Lecampion

The emplacement of magmatic intrusions in the earth’s crust has been investigated for decades. The driving mechanism is the density difference between the fluid and the rock. In the absence of heterogeneities, this difference creates a constant buoyancy force. This buoyancy governs the internal fluid pressure in excess of the background stress (magmatic overpressure) and creates a self-sustained hydraulic fracture (HF).

From early on, HF was investigated under a 2D plane-strain assumption, revealing a head-tail structure [1, 2, 3]. In this configuration, the propagating head has a constant volume, and viscous fluid flow in the tail dominates the ascent rate. Garagash and Germanovich (2022) [4] extended this approach to a late-time toughness-dominated 3D solution, confirming the head-tail structure and emphasizing a finger-like in-plane shape of such three-dimensional cracks.

Using PyFrac, a planar 3D solver for HF propagation, we compare 3D solutions to the 2D approximations. Considering a homogeneous medium and a continuous point source release of fluid, a family of solutions emerges, ranging from the solution of Garagash and Germanovich (2022) [4] to a zero-toughness limit [5]. These findings serve as a basis to derive the behaviour of buoyant hydraulic fractures produced by a finite volume release.

A recent body of work studied this problem, focusing on the limiting volume necessary for buoyant propagation as well as their ascent rate (see i. e. [6]). Using scaling analysis and numerical simulations, we clarify the entire parametric space. Similarly to the ongoing release case, a family of solutions exists as a function of two dimensionless parameters: A dimensionless viscosity (same as in the continuous release case) and a volume ratio (or, alternatively, a dimensionless buoyancy).

The knowledge of the entire parametric space of 3D finite volume buoyant cracks should help to interpret field emplacement data in a different light, design relevant experiments, study the effects of heterogeneities, and possibly build more computationally efficient, simplified models.


[1]  D. A. Spence and D. L. Turcotte. Magma-driven propagation of cracks. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 90(B1):575–580, 1985.

[2]  J. R. Lister and R. C. Kerr. Fluid-mechanical models of crack propagation and their application to magma transport in dykes. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 96(B6):10049–10077, 1991.

[3]  S. M. Roper and J. R. Lister. Buoyancy-driven crack propagation from an over-pressured source. J. Fluid Mech., 536:79–98, 2005.

[4]  D. I. Garagash and L. N. Germanovich. Notes on propagation of 3d buoy- ant fluid-driven cracks. https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.14629arXiv:2208.14629, August 31 2022.

[5]  J. R. Lister. Buoyancy-driven fluid fracture: similarity solutions for the horizontal and vertical propagation of fluid-filled cracks. J. Fluid Mech., 217:213–239, 1990.

[6]  T. Davis, E. Rivalta, D. Smittarello, and R. F. Katz. Ascent rates of 3-D fractures driven by a finite batch of buoyant fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 954:A12, 2023.

How to cite: Möri, A. and Lecampion, B.: Magmatic Intrusions From a Hydraulic Fracture Modeling Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4313, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4313, 2023.

On-site presentation
Virginie Pinel, Olivier Galland, Séverine Furst, Laurent Métral, Baptiste Camus, and Francesco Maccaferri

Magma intrusions ascending through the upper crust induce a displacement of the Earth’s surface, the amplitude of which  increases as the magma approaches the surface. Most geodetic observations of ground displacements induced by magma transport are interpreted using static elastic models of open dislocations or pressurized surfaces without any a priori knowledge on the surface shape of the magma intrusion. Furthermore, the numerical models currently developed for the propagation of fluid-filled cracks, which are also elastic, do not generally resolve the 3D displacement field induced at the free surface. Our aim is to bridge these two distinct approaches by using fluid-filled crack propagation models to derive the evolution of the surface displacement over time, thus providing a useful tool for the assimilation of geodetic data based on dynamic models.

In a first step, we use Weertman crack theory, which provides the shape of a non-viscous fluid-filled crack to derive the surface displacement field from a finite element model. This solution is then compared to the classical dislocation model (OKADA formulation) and to 2D displacement field inferred from the simulation of the propagation of the fluid filled using a 2D boundary element model. Eventually, the results are validated using analogue experiments injecting a finite volume of air inside a transparent gelatin characterised by elastic behaviour. In the experiments, the position and shape of the crack are monitored by cameras while the surface displacement field is recovered by photogrammetry (3D components) and by scanner measurements (only the vertical component).


How to cite: Pinel, V., Galland, O., Furst, S., Métral, L., Camus, B., and Maccaferri, F.: Surface displacement field induced by an ascending Weertman crack: numerical modeling versus analogue experiments., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5645, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5645, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pallab Jyoti Hazarika, Amiya Baruah, Ritabrata Dasgupta, and Nibir Mandal

Magmatic overpressure in shallow- and mid-crustal magma chambers (MC) can deform the crustal host rocks. Stress field produced by such deformation often control the nucleation and subsequent crack formation for magma emplacement. A direction of physical volcanology is concerned with determination of the volcanotectonic ground surface displacements that can aid in monitoring and sometimes forecasting magmatic eruptions. The existing Mogi Model can analytically calculate surface displacements due to overpressure in a single MC by considering elastic deformation of a finite crustal section. Many geological and geophysical studies report that magma plumbing systems represent an array of randomly placed interconnected MCs, and there is a need of theoretical estimation of their ground surface displacement. In this study we present a new analytical formulation to estimate surface displacement in terms of both vertical as well as horizontal directions above a dual MC setting. Our analytical solution finds support from finite element (FE) models performed with the same set of geometrical and physical parameters. The off-axis chambers considered in our model are separated along both vertical and horizontal directions. The present study suggests that with increasing horizontal chamber separation (Sh) the vertical ground displacement above the two chambers gradually changes from a single peak into an indistinct double-peak, and finally two prominent independent, high-amplitude peaks. On the other hand, on increasing the vertical separation (Sv) between two off-axis chambers we observed that the initial double peaks merged to produce a single peak situated roughly above the middle of the two chambers. Stress map obtained from the FE models shows that the deformation of two MCs can only interact when located within a critical distance, else their deformation remains independent. Interestingly, our study suggests that the magnitude of stress field strongly depends on the strength of the mechanical interaction between two neighboring chambers.

How to cite: Hazarika, P. J., Baruah, A., Dasgupta, R., and Mandal, N.: Analytical and numerical model estimates of ground surface displacements in dual magma chamber setting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-767, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nicolas Berlie, Boris J. P. Kaus, and Shanaka L. de Silva

Only a fraction of the magma generated in the earth finds its way to the surface during volcanic eruptions, while most of it will cool down and crystallize at different depths in the crust. Of particular interest is the pre-eruptive level, typically between 10km to 2km. Here, understanding the ratio erupted vs non-erupted magma has implications for volcanic eruption forecasting, long-term magmatic evolution, pluton formation, volcanic cyclicity, and post-eruptive geophysical monitoring. With a special focus on crystal-rich or mushy magmas, we address this problem by exploring, once a conduit reaches the surface, how efficiently the magma reservoir gets depleted and what regions of the reservoir are affected. We address those questions here using an unstructured finite element code, Gridap, written in Julia (Badia et al. 2020).

Results show that several modes of magma advection exist including the classical pipe flow mode where a new batch of magma added to a mush chamber moves through a dike to the surface. Yet, several other modes also exist, which include a Stokes flow mode where magma does not make it to the surface despite a pre-existing open connection, and various intermediate modes. We use the numerical simulations to determine how magma rising speeds depends on the material and geometrical parameters such as magma and mush viscosities, or sizes of the magma batch, mush chamber or dike widths. As the numerical simulations cannot be performed for the full range of realistic magma viscosities, we use them to derive scaling laws for each of the mechanical deformation modes. These scaling laws can be used to extrapolate results to natural conditions, and highlight the key controlling parameters that determine whether melt buoyancy will result in an eruption or not. Importantly, it shows that there are physical limits to the volume of magma that can be erupted from a newly added batch of magma in a mush chamber. We will discuss the application of the results to natural cases.


References cited

Badia, S., & Verdugo, F. (2020). Journal of Open Source Software, 5(52), 2520.

How to cite: Berlie, N., Kaus, B. J. P., and de Silva, S. L.: Constraining the limits to magma chamber evacuation during explosive eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12817, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12817, 2023.

On-site presentation
Paolo Papale, Deepak Garg, Antonella Longo, and Chiara Montagna

We illustrate GALES, a finite element C++ code that we developed during last >10 years. GALES solves the time-dependent 3D thermo-fluid dynamics (4D space-time) of non-Newtonian multicomponent flows (magma) and 2-way coupled elastic structure (rocks). GALES accounts from incompressible to compressible flow regimes, and it is therefore suited to simulate from under-saturated magma conditions deep into the crust to the rapidly accelerating conditions along volcanic conduits including transonic flow regimes leading to explosive volcanic eruptions. The code is implemented with a suite of models describing the real properties of multi-component multiphase magmas, which are locally (in space and time) computed. Magma dynamics are fully coupled with rock elasto-dynamics, allowing computation of the transient signals (deformation, gravity) associated with magmatic flows by accounting for rock heterogeneities, free surface and real topography. Geometrical complexities associated with multiple magmatic reservoirs, connecting dykes, volcanic conduits etc. can all be accounted for, in separate or individual simulations. Typical computational time steps of 0.01 s and simulation lengths of order hours allow confident computation of signal frequencies in the range 0.001 – 10 Hz, which is still under-investigated for magmatic and volcanic systems. The results illustrate several original aspects of magma dynamics and associated signals, such as the association between magma convection and generation of Ultra-Long-Period ground displacement dynamics; the ground deformation patterns associated with complex distributions of overpressure, both negative and positive, reflecting magma transfer across separate reservoirs; the decoupling of gravity and deformation sources associated with buoyancy-driven ascent of magma; the generation of transient explosive events associated with deep arrivals of gas-rich magmas in basaltic open system volcanoes; and many others.

How to cite: Papale, P., Garg, D., Longo, A., and Montagna, C.: Modeling the 4D coupled dynamics of magma propagation, ground deformation, and gravity changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2671, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2671, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Claire Harnett, Tim Davis, Domenico Montanari
Sam Poppe, Alexandra Morand, Claire E. Harnett, Anne Cornillon, and Michael Heap

High-viscosity magma can form laccolith intrusions that deform and fracture the overburden, causing surface uplift and ground fracturing. Laccolith-induced deformation features have been described at well-exposed outcrops of long-solidified intrusions. The lack of recent geophysical data on rare laccolith emplacement events and the use of linearly elastic continuum-based numerical models precludes a clear understanding of the dynamic fracturing mechanisms. We present a new two-dimensional (2D) Discrete Element Method (DEM) approach to dynamic magma intrusion in a particle-based host medium. The model indicates highly discontinuous deformation and dynamic fracturing and visualizes the localization of subsurface strain. We calibrate the numerical rock strength parameters by performing numerical laboratory experiments to natural rock strength values. We systematically explored the effect of numerical parameters that govern host rock strength (bond cohesion, bond tensile strength, bond elastic modulus), and intrusion depth, on the spatial distribution of strain, stress, and fracturing. We find that high host rock stiffness results in widely distributed and dense fracturing associated with symmetrical dome-shaped surface uplift. Low host rock stiffness results in the concentration of central fracturing and narrow lateral shear bands and asymmetric evolution of the laccolith geometry and the surface deformation pattern. These patterns are affected by the intrusion depth. Our models help understand fracture distribution patterns above laccolith intrusions and open unprecedented opportunities for dynamically modelling intrusion-induced deformation in the upper few kilometers of the Earth’s crust.

How to cite: Poppe, S., Morand, A., Harnett, C. E., Cornillon, A., and Heap, M.: A new model of deformation and dynamic fracturing above laccolith intrusions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1337, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1337, 2023.

Modelling Surface Deformation due to Magma Migration through Mush Zones
Rachel Bilsland, Andrew Hooper, Camila Novoa, Juliet Biggs, and Susanna Ebmeier
Ayan Sarkar, Sadhana Chatterjee, Alip Roy, and Anirban Manna

In the northwestern Indian shield, the northeast-southwest trending South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) is a multiply folded and poly-metamorphosed rock of the Proterozoic age. Phulad Shear Zone (PSZ) is described as a terrane boundary shear zone that separates the SDFB to the east and Marwar craton to the west. This shear zone is defined by steep easterly dipping mylonitic foliation and strong downdip stretching lineation. The PSZ has developed a ductile transpressive regime with a top-to-the-north-north-west reverse sense of movement during 810Ma. The PSZ shows regional NE-SW trends with small bends of N-S orientation. The present study deals with a variably deformed porphyritic granite named Phulad granite that occurs about 200 by 6 km along and across the PSZ.


The Phulad granite is characterized by a bi-modal grain size population with prominent euhedral grains of feldspar clasts (2-6 cm long) in a fine-grained (< 3 mm) mosaic of recrystallized feldspar and quartz aggregates. It consists of phenocrysts of k-feldspar that show characteristic features of magmatic origin. Microstructural study reveals a series of magmatic, sub-magmatic, high-temperature and solid-state deformation structures in this granite. Mesoscopic field relations show evidence of magmatic fabric in the studied granite. The granite also preserves tectonic foliation parallel to this magmatic fabric. Strong foliation developments with mean attitude 24˚/85˚E and prominent stretching lineation have been developed in the granitic rock. A detailed study of structural elements of Phulad granite and PSZ demonstrates a similarity in geometry and style, signifying that the deformation in both units is synchronous, and this granite is emplaced during the regional deformation prior to its complete crystallization. The N-S orientation of the PSZ acted as releasing bends and provided the space required for the emplacement of the granite in a transpressional ductile regime. Monazite chemical age data and conventional zircon age data suggest a magmatic age of 819.1 ± 4 and 818 ± 18 Ma, respectively. Integrating micro-meso and macro scale structures along with geochronology of Phulad granite we suggest that the Phulad granite acted as a stitching pluton at the time of suturing around 810-820Ma.

How to cite: Sarkar, A., Chatterjee, S., Roy, A., and Manna, A.: Micro-Meso and Macro Scale Structures in syn-tectonic granite emplaced in a ductile transpression shear zone: A Case Study from the western margin of the South Delhi Fold Belt, Rajasthan, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-390, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-390, 2023.

Tobias Keller and Ying-Qi Wong

Magmatic systems in the Earth's mantle and crust can range from melt-poor partially molten rock to trans-crustal magma mushes with ephemeral lenses of melt-rich suspensions. Most process-based models of magmatic systems, however, are limited to two-phase porous flow at low melt fractions (<20%) or suspension flow at high melt fractions (>60%). A lack of formal extensions to intermediate phase fractions has long hindered investigations into the dynamics of mush flows. To address this knowledge gap and unify two-phase magma flow models, we present a two-dimensional system-scale numerical model of the fluid mechanics of an n-phase system valid at all phase fractions. The numerical implementation uses a finite-difference staggered-grid approach with a dampened pseudo-transient iterative algorithm and is verified using the Method of Manufactured Solutions. Numerical experiments replicate known limits of two-phase flow including rank-ordered porosity wave trains in 1D and porosity wave breakup in 2D in the porous flow regime, as well as particle concentration waves in 1D and mixture convection in 2D in the suspension flow regime. In the mush regime, numerical experiments show strong liquid localisation into pockets and stress-aligned bands. A tentative application to a three-phase, solid-liquid-vapour system demonstrates the broad utility of the n-phase general model and its numerical implementation. The model code is available open source at github.com/kellertobs/pantarhei.

How to cite: Keller, T. and Wong, Y.-Q.: Numerical model of multi-phase porous, mush, and suspension flows in magmatic systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12393, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12393, 2023.

Rémi Vachon, Sonja Greiner, Steffi Burchardt, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Taylor Witcher, and Halldór Geirsson

Understanding the formation and development of magmatic plumbing systems is fundamental to comprehend the dynamics of volcanic processes. Magmatic plumbing systems form the primary path to transport magma through the Earth’s crust and can comprise diverse structures like dykes, sills, and magma reservoirs. The geometry of these interconnected channels or conduits influences the volume of magma carried through the plumbing system and thus affects the way magma erupts and interacts with the surrounding rock. However, the mechanisms which control their formation are difficult to assess, as they result from a combination of complex and intertwined processes and factors, including the properties of the magma, the host rock rheology and the tectonic forces at play in the area.   

The development of multi-purpose Finite-Element (FE) softwares during the last two decades has offered geoscientists a wide range of tools to solve problems that include multiple types of physics. Here, we present two examples of advanced, fully coupled multiphysics problems in which magmatic intrusions are modelled considering i) a temperature field, the velocity field of flowing magma and its interaction with the surrounding rock and ii) a temperature field and external tectonic forces in a heterogeneous crust. Both models are implemented using the FE software COMSOL Multiphysics.

In the first example, we model the evolution of an inflating laccolith embedded in an elastoplastic host-rock. The initial set-up of the model is defined by a feeding dyke connected to a sill at 500 m depth. The magma, here defined as a non-Newtonian flow, is injected at the base of the dyke at a rate of 127 Kg/s over ~50 years, and accumulates in the interconnected sill that inflates with the pressure build up. Following the injection phase, the magma cools down until it reaches its solidus temperature after which the laccolith is essentially solidified. We show that during the injection phase, strain localizes along the edges of the inflating laccolith forming 10 to 15 m-wide bands of high shear strain that develop parallel to the interface with the surrounding rock.

The second example uses the dyke feeding the eruption at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland, in 2021 as a case study. Fagradalsfjall is located on the obliquely spreading Reykjanes peninsula in SW-Iceland, where volcanically active periods alternate with periods of quiescence, which last for ca. 800-1000 years.
 In a first step, tectonic stresses accumulating between volcanically active periods are simulated considering crustal heterogeneity and a thermal structure. Following this, a dyke is opened in the previously simulated, heterogeneous tectonic stress field using the same crustal and thermal structures. Although the surface deformation of such a model is comparable to that of a dyke opening driven by magmatic overpressure alone, the stress fields at depth can differ. Understanding the evolution of the stress field at depth can help to assess the risk of successive dyke intrusions.

We show with these two models that multi-purpose modelling software such as COMSOL has rendered the implementation of coupled multiphysics problems more accessible, opening up new lines of inquiry in various geological fields, including volcanology.

How to cite: Vachon, R., Greiner, S., Burchardt, S., Sigmundsson, F., Witcher, T., and Geirsson, H.: Non-Newtonian magma flow in a growing laccolith and stress induced by dyke formation in a tectonically active region: two examples of advanced multiphysics models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13014, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13014, 2023.

Uddalak Biswas, Atin Kumar Mitra, and Nibir Mandal

The Chotonagpur Granite Gneiss Complex (CGGC) is crisscrossed by numerous syn-tectonic pegmatitic bodies in the entire terrain. We chose a set of locations in the CGGC to minutely study their structural characteristics, with an objective to explore their emplacement mechanisms. The field evidences show periodic wavy interfaces of pegmatites with the walls, indicating their emplacement in an overall ductile regime. We conducted laboratory experiments to replicate the pegmatitic intrusion processes in analogue models. In these experiments, analogue materials of complex rheology (visco-elastic and visco-elastoplastic) were chosen as hosts, and viscous fluids (water and commercial low-viscosity oil) were injected into the host at varying volumetric flow rates (VFR), 0.100 ml/sec to 1.670 ml/sec. The experimental results show a systematic transition from rupturing to wall-instability-driven fluid intrusion mechanisms with increasing VFR. By combining field and laboratory observations, this study suggests that pegmatites can eventually attain varying geometrical patterns depending on the dominance of these two competing intrusion mechanisms. We also consider the injecting fluid to host viscosity ratio as an additional factor, and performed experiments with varying viscosity ratios: (i) low (oil and UST gel), (ii) moderate (coloured water and UST gel) and (iii) high (coloured water and gel wax). This rheological factor significantly modulates the rupturing versus instability mechanisms in determining the three-dimensional intrusion geometry. We complement this investigation with a fractal analysis of the intrusion trajectories, showing specific fractal dimensions (D) for the two intrusion mechanisms. Finally, a model is proposed to establish a linkage between the intrusion shape and the modes of failure.

How to cite: Biswas, U., Mitra, A. K., and Mandal, N.: Emplacement mechanisms of pegmatites in the Chotonagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, Eastern India: insights from laboratory experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-518, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-518, 2023.

Ricardo Pereira, Claudia Escada, Patrícia Represas, Ricardo Ramalho, João Mata, and Fillipe Rosas

The West Iberian Margin is a prime example of a magma-poor hyperextended continental margin. However, the margin is punctuated by three discrete Mesozoic magmatic events, from which the last, occurring 20-40 M.a. after complete lithospheric breakup of the Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate margin, is related to the late Cretaceous Atlantic Alkaline Province. It is characterised onshore by multiple outcropping intrusive (Sintra, Sines and Monchique) and extrusive (e.g., the Lisbon Volcanic Complex) alkaline suites of magmatism, and offshore by conspicuous and enigmatic magnetic anomalies, suggesting additional magmatic features.

Analysis of seismic reflection and potential field data, from the offshore central segment of the West Iberian Margin, unveiled the evidence of a complete intraplate magmatic plumbing system, comprising the presence of a large intrusive feature, a preserved volcanic edifice with its related lava flows, and the associated network of sills and sill complexes. The intrusive body, the Estremadura Spur Intrusion, is revealed to correspond to a sizeable laccolith of about 530 km3 of rock volume, for which 3D gravity and magnetic inversion and 2D magnetic forward modelling, constrained by seismic data, suggest a composition predominantly granitic. The Fontanelas volcano, cropping out the seafloor and partly buried by latest Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, is a 2800 m high volcano showing different summits. Internal architecture of the volcano, showing outward dipping reflectors that can be assigned to lava flows and explosive debris, reveals that the composite edifice has grown progressively from multiple vents. Potential field data models suggest the edifice is predominantly of basaltic nature, an aspect supported by previous dredge samples collected at the crest of the volcano, that yielded remnants of basic pillow lavas and hyaloclastites. Additionally, our analysis revealed the presence of two exceptionally well imaged distinct events of extrusive magmatism. The first, preceding the build-up of the volcanic edifice reveals multiple and superimposed fan-shape to tabular crenulated submarine sheet or ‘a'ā lava flows, sourced from a fissure-type feature located SE of the Fontanelas volcano. A second group of lava flows directly associated with the final stages of volcanic build-up, comprises dendritic and lobate lava flows (pahoehoe or submarine flows) blanketing the flank of the edifice. Associated with these magmatic features, numerous sills and sill complexes, characterised by distinct planar to saucer-shaped geometries, comprise the remaining elements of the plumbing system.

Our analysis indicates that syn-rift structural inheritance has controlled the locus and tectono-magmatic emplacement of these features piercing the thinned continental crust, that occurred in two pulses: 1) Coniacian-lower Campanian and 2) mid to late Campanian. Moreover, the evidence of a vigorous plumbing system offshore the West Iberian Margin bears implications on models involved in mantle upwelling feeding the Atlantic Alkaline Province since the late Cretaceous, pointing to massive mantle to crust magma transfer tentatively assigned to a resilient mantle plume rooted at the Central-East Atlantic Anomaly.

This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) UIDB/04035/2020-GeoBioTec and UIDB/50019/2020-IDL.

How to cite: Pereira, R., Escada, C., Represas, P., Ramalho, R., Mata, J., and Rosas, F.: Late Cretaceous post-rift magma emplacement offshore the West Iberian Margin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3483, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3483, 2023.

Lorenzo Mantiloni, Eleonora Rivalta, Timothy Davis, Luigi Passarelli, Kyle Anderson, and Virginie Pinel

Forecast of vent opening locations in volcanic regions is typically performed on the basis of the spatial density of past eruptive vents, without accounting for the physics of magma propagation. As sophisticated as the statistical analysis can be, such methods are difficult to apply to settings with scarce and spatially sparse data. An alternative approach has been recently proposed that combines a two-dimensional mechanical model of stress-driven dike pathways in the subsurface with a Monte Carlo stress optimization method. Here, we extend that strategy to three dimensions. We present a model of crustal stress in calderas accounting for tectonic processes and gravitational loading/unloading associated to topography. Then, we introduce a model of dike propagation that is able to capture the complexity of three-dimensional magma trajectories with low run times and may also backtrack dikes from a vent to the magma storage region. We test these models on synthetic scenarios inspired by real calderas, producing sets of dikes and vents for a given stress field and magma reservoir. Then, we use such scenarios to test a stress inversion strategy such that dike trajectories backtracked from the known vents are consistent with the assumed location of a magma reservoir. We eventually exploit the results from the stress inversions to produce probability maps of future vent locations.


How to cite: Mantiloni, L., Rivalta, E., Davis, T., Passarelli, L., Anderson, K., and Pinel, V.: Stress Inversion and Forecast of Future Vent Locations in Calderas: Combining a Monte Carlo Algorithm with a Physics-based Model of Dike Propagation., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13438, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13438, 2023.