GD7.2 | Long-term rheology , heat budget and dynamic permeability of deforming and reacting rocks: from laboratory to geological scales
Long-term rheology , heat budget and dynamic permeability of deforming and reacting rocks: from laboratory to geological scales
Co-organized by GMPV6/TS1
Convener: Yury Podladchikov | Co-conveners: Lucie Tajcmanova, Shun-ichiro Karato, Evangelos Moulas, Leni Scheck-Wenderoth
| Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room D2
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X2
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Thu, 14:00
The goal of this session is to reconcile short-time/small-scale and long-time/large-scale observations, including geodynamic processes such as subduction, collision, rifting, or mantle lithosphere interactions. Despite the remarkable advances in experimental rock mechanics, the implications of rock-mechanics data for large temporal and spatial scale tectonic processes are still not straightforward, since the latter are strongly controlled by local lithological stratification of the lithosphere, its thermal structure, fluid content, tectonic heritage, metamorphic reactions, and deformation rates.

Mineral reactions have mechanical effects that may result in the development of pressure variations and thus are critical for interpreting microstructural and mineral composition observations. Such effects may fundamentally influence element transport properties and rheological behavior.
Here, we encourage presentations focused on the interplay between metamorphic processes and deformation on all scales, on the rheological behavior of crustal and mantle rocks, and time scales of metamorphic reactions in order to discuss
(1) how and when up to GPa-level differential stress and pressure variations can be built and maintained at geological timescales and modeling of such systems,
(2) deviations from lithostatic pressure during metamorphism: fact or fiction?
(3) the impact of deviations from lithostatic pressure on geodynamic reconstructions.
(4) the effect of porous fluid and partial melting on the long-term strength.
We, therefore, invite the researchers from different domains (rock mechanics, petrographic observations, geodynamic and thermo-mechanical modeling) to share their views on the way forward for improving our knowledge of the long-term rheology and chemo-thermo-mechanical behavior of the lithosphere and mantle.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room D2

Chairpersons: Yury Podladchikov, Lucie Tajcmanova
Inclusions and geobarometry
On-site presentation
Malgorzata Nowak, Jacek Szczepanski, and Marcin Dabrowski

The Śnieżnik Massif forms the eastern part of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD), located in the north-eastern part of the European Variscan Belt. The OSD, which exposes the root zone of the Variscan Orogen, comprises mostly orthogneisses containing small bodies of ultra-high pressure (UHP) eclogites. Previous studies on the metamorphic conditions recorded by these eclogites yielded inconsistent results. Some authors suggest that they were metamorphosed in conditions of ~1.9-2.2 GPa and ~700-750 °C 1. Others, however, argue that the eclogites experienced nearly-UHP peak metamorphic conditions of ~2.6-3.0 GPa and 800-930 °C.2

This study provides the first evidence of UHP metamorphic episode recorded in eclogites from the OSD, as coesite inclusions were discovered in garnet and omphacite grains. This finding is consistent with our results obtained using Grt-Cpx-Ky-Ph-Coe/Qtz geothermobarometry and phase equilibria modelling, which both indicated conditions of peak metamorphism of ~2.8 – 3.2 GPa and ~830-870 °C, partially overlapping the coesite stability field.

We also applied quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry to provide additional constraints on the pressure conditions of metamorphism. About 60 inclusions of quartz were identified using Raman spectroscopy. The residual pressure calculated from the spectral shifts of 464 cm-1 characteristic quartz Raman band reaches a maximum of ~0.73 GPa. This corresponds to the entrapment pressure of ~2.1 GPa, calculated based on the elastic solution for an isotropic spherical inclusion. This estimation contradicts the results coming from methods based on equilibrium thermodynamics. Moreover, such low peak pressure would not explain the presence of the observed coesite inclusions. We hypothesize that the discrepancy might be related to viscous relaxation of garnet host grains under such high peak metamorphic temperatures.



[1]     Štípská, P. et al. The juxtaposition of eclogite and mid-crustal rocks in the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, Bohemian Massif. J. Metamorph. Geol. 30, 213–234 (2012).

[2]     Majka, J. et al. Integrating X-ray mapping and microtomography of garnet with thermobarometry to define the P-T evolution of the (near) UHP Międzygórze eclogite, Sudetes, SW Poland. J. Metamorph. Geol. 37, 97–112 (2019).

How to cite: Nowak, M., Szczepanski, J., and Dabrowski, M.: Discrepancy between equilibrium thermodynamics-based P-T calculations and quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry in coesite-bearing eclogite (Śnieżnik Massif, NE Bohemian Massif), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-785,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Xin Zhong, David Wallis, Phillip Kingsbery, and Timm John

Elastic geo-thermobarometry has become an important technique in determining the pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of entrapment during metamorphism. A prerequisite is that the inclusion’s over- or under-pressure is not reset during exhumation. This would be the case if the host-inclusion pair interacts elastically only, which is an oversimplification. It is thus not yet been fully understood how fast the inclusion pressure may become reset. In this study, we performed heating experiment on an almandine-rich (from an eclogite) and a spessartine-rich garnet (gem-stone) under 1) graphite (dry), 2) forming gas (5% H2 and 95% N2) and 3) water vapour (wet) buffered conditions at high T and room P. Raman spectroscopy is used to measure the same quartz and zircon inclusions at room T before and after different heating times. In wet and forming gas conditions, the Raman band wavenumber changes are dependent on time, decreasing for quartz and increasing for zircon inclusions. Under dry condition, the Raman band wavenumber exhibits a small amount of shift and becomes stable shortly. Raman mappings reveal that the stress heterogeneity of the garnet host develops stronger at the early stage of the wet heating experiments and fade away afterward, potentially indicating a diffusion-like behaviour of the dislocation density. A visco-elastic model is performed to fit the measured data. The calculated flow law parameters of garnet around quartz inclusions is comparable to the flow law extracted from deformation experiments, while zircon shows substantially faster relaxation rate. This study highlights that fluid can be an important trigger for fast viscous relaxation together with temperature, time and inclusion mineralogy. The study may have implications for elastic thermobarometry, garnet rheology, and the preservation of coesite inclusions.

How to cite: Zhong, X., Wallis, D., Kingsbery, P., and John, T.: On the sensitivity of inclusion pressures after entrapment: the drastic effect of aqueous fluid on garnet viscous relaxation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9047,, 2023.

Stress level, rheology and reactions
On-site presentation
Chao Qi and Qinyu Wang

The strength of the lithosphere strongly influences the plate tectonics and mantle convection. The flow behavior of the lithospheric mantle is largely controlled by low-temperature plasticity of olivine, the dominant mineral in the upper mantle. Many experimental studies have explored the low-temperature rheological behaviors of olivine but result in strengths that are highly variable when extrapolated to geological conditions. Kumamoto et al. (2017) performed nanoindentation experiments using Berkovich and spherical indenters on olivine at room temperature and proposed that the strength of olivine depends on the length scale of deformation, with experiments on smaller volumes of material exhibiting larger yield stress, that is, the indentation size effect (ISE). However, their nanoindentation tests were done at room temperature, while traditional creep tests were often done at elevated temperatures of ⩾400°C, the temperature dependence in the ISE must be considered in synthesizing experimental results from different studies. Here, we conducted nanoindentation experiments on a single crystal of Fe-free olivine, eliminating the influence from grain size, using a diamond Berkovich indenter at temperatures of 28, 100, 200, 400 and 600°C. In all tests, the hardness decreases with increasing contact depth that is characteristic of the ISE. Taking our data into the classic hardness-depth relationship of H = H0(1+h*/hc)1/2, where H is hardness, H0 is the so-called “infinite hardness”, corresponding to the hardness at the infinite indentation depth, hc is contact depth, and h is the material length scale parameter. We found hdecreases with increasing temperature, which can be attributed to an increase of the storage volume of geometrically necessary dislocations during nanoindentation test. The decrease of hmeans that the ISE weakens with increasing temperature, suggesting that at lithospheric temperatures the size effect is not strong enough to explain the disagreements between different experiments and between experiments and geophysical observations. Other aspects, such as grain size effect (Hall-Petch effect) and strain-weakening mechanisms may contribute significantly and need to be revisited.

How to cite: Qi, C. and Wang, Q.: Temperature dependence of indentation size effect in olivine and its implications to low-temperature plasticity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17012,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thomas P. Ferrand

Thanks to plate tectonics, the Earth lithosphere is composed of very different lithologies, most of which consisting of peridotites, usually covered by either oceanic or continental crust. Depending on several parameters including composition, pressure, temperature, and strain rate, lithospheric materials can deform smoothly and silently or generate seismic ruptures. Collision belts and subduction systems, including subducted materials being heated and sheared in the mantle transition zone, are characterized by intense seismicity; in contrast, the bottom of lithospheric plates, known as lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), is not associated with any seismicity, giving the impression that oceanic plates have the intrinsic ability to maintain their basal stress at relatively low values. Comparing results from experimental geophysics, field geology, geodynamics modelling and seismology, I discuss the representativity of experimental findings and potential consequences on our understanding of the rheology of the lithosphere.

The idea that lithospheric materials at intermediate depths or deeper cannot support high deviatoric stresses is still supported by many studies in geosciences or physics. Plenty of authors start by recalling that brittle failure cannot occur at high pressure, and thus conclude that deep earthquakes and their shallow counterparts should consist of totally different events relying on totally different physical processes. Yet, deep seismicity is characterized by double-couple mechanisms and thus is an actual proof of seismic ruptures at great depths. Here I recall achievements from experiments under synchrotron radiation, suggesting that differential stresses can reach several gigapascals within subducting slabs at intermediate depths (30-300 km). In either peridotites or lawsonite blueschists, high-energy X-rays reveal differential stresses above 2 GPa for confining pressures of 1-1.5 GPa, and reaching ≈ 3 GPa for confining pressures of 2.5-3.5 GPa. This is further supported by both field geology studies and numerical modelling.

While mean stresses in seismogenic zones exhibit severe deviations from lithostatic pressure, the base of lithospheric plates deforms in a way that never triggers seismicity. The coupling between lithospheric plates and the underlying asthenosphere is still a matter of debate. According to global dynamics modelling, a basal shear stress as low as only 10-100 MPa would suffice to allow decoupling at the LAB. While partial melting has recently been favoured as an explanation for plate motion, experimental results on an analogue (germanium peridotite) suggest a solid-state lubrication process, involving grain-boundary disordering, and would confirm that mechanical stresses do not exceed 200 MPa at the LAB (60-120 km).

How to cite: Ferrand, T. P.: How high can mechanical stresses be within lithospheric materials?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17411,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Thibault Duretz, Cindy Luisier, Lucie Tajčmanová, and Philippe Yamato

Radial microcracks surrounding retrogressed SiO2 inclusions in UHP garnets are key microstructural observations allowing to constrain the mechanisms of exhumation of ultra-high-pressure (UHP) rocks. The major challenge lies in identifying whether the microstructures formed during their ascent from mantle depths, or as a consequence of transient variations in the tectonic regime. By combining petrographic observations, petrochronological data and numerical thermo-mechanical modelling, we show that radial cracks around SiO2 inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure garnets from Dora Maira are caused by ultrafast decompression during the early stage of exhumation (< 0.5 Ma). Decompression rates higher than 10-14 s-1 are, for the first time, inferred from natural microstructures independently of current petrochronological estimates1. We demonstrate that the SiO2 phase transition generates shear stresses sufficiently large to trigger plastic yielding, resulting in the generation and propagation of radial and bent shear bands, mimicking the fractures observed in UHP garnet. Our results question the traditional interpretation of the exhumation from great depth of ultrahigh-pressure tectonic. Instead, we propose that such ultrafast decompression rates are related to transient changes in the stress state of the buried continental lithosphere, favoring an exhumation mechanism involving nappe stacking.


1 Rubatto, D. & Hermann, J. Exhumation as fast as subduction? Geology 29, 3–6 (2001).

How to cite: Duretz, T., Luisier, C., Tajčmanová, L., and Yamato, P.: Garnet microstructures suggest ultra-fast decompression of ultrahigh-pressure rocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17302,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Saskia Bläsing, Timm John, and Johannes C. Vrijmoed

Fluid-rock interaction is one of the most important factors regarding the evolution of the Earth’s crust, as it is strongly affecting its petrophysical properties and enabling chemical transport. Therefore, its impact on the Earth’s crustal chemical reservoirs and geodynamic processes can be significant. Fluid-mediated mineral reactions are dependent on the availability of fluids and their capability to percolate through the rock and interact with the minerals, often through pre-existing fluid pathways.

The Kråkenes Gabbro is a mafic enclave, embedded in the felsic gneisses of the Western Gneiss Region in Norway. Although the whole region reached (ultra-)high pressure metamorphic conditions, the gabbro remained in a metastable state and preserved its igneous textures and magmatic minerals. The dry and low permeability gabbro is cut by a N-S-trending fracture network of mode-I cracks, which opened during exhumation. These fractures served as fluid pathways for an aqueous fluid to infiltrate the rock and trigger mineral reactions. Along these fractures the dry gabbro is “hydrated” under amphibolite-facies conditions. The resulting amphibolite reaction front is sharp on outcrop scale and propagates on dm-scale into the gabbro. A complete profile of rock spanning 32 cm in length was taken perpendicular to the vein, including sample material from the vein, the alteration zone, and the mostly pristine gabbroic wall rock.

The gabbro-amphibolite-transition is displayed by the development of a hydrous mineral assemblage, accompanied with a densification and therefore porosity formation. The main cause of this is a drop in the abundance of plagioclase during the amphibolitization. Thermodynamic analysis using Thermolab were done to predict the amphibolite mineral assemblage from the original bulk rock composition of the gabbro. The calculations reveal that mainly H2O is added to the system and minor further element transport is needed. Furthermore, we observe that even the most reacted amphibolite still contains unaffected gabbroic mineral relicts and the main chemical reactions during amphibolitization are limited to a few minerals. The incoming fluid is consumed as soon as the hydrous phases of the amphibolite are formed. As amphibolitization favors porosity formation, a free fluid phase remains in the pore space as soon as the gabbro at the reactive surface of the affected minerals is completely transformed. The fluid progresses through the newly formed pore space and advances as a sharp the amphibolitization front.

In order to test our hypothesis, we formulate a reactive flow model based on local equilibrium thermodynamics, mass balance and Darcy flow, that simulates the hydration of the dry gabbro to amphibolite including the porosity and fluid pressure evolution. Results confirm the formation of a sharp reaction front and the decrease in porosity during the hydration as a potential physical explanation for the observations without the further need for kinetically delayed reactions. We conclude that the metastability of gabbro is mostly controlled by the availability of fluid to the rock.

How to cite: Bläsing, S., John, T., and Vrijmoed, J. C.: How to hydrate almost non-permeable, dry and mafic crust – A mechanistic view on the Kråkenes Gabbro (Western Gneiss Region, Norway), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12498,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andrea Zafferi, Konstantin Huber, Dirk Peschka, Johannes Vrijmoed, Timm John, and Marita Thomas

We discuss a model for temperature-induced rock dehydration that features fluid liberation through mineral reactions, diffusion of chemically released species, and flow through porous media. This model can be derived either by considering standard conservation laws and flux definitions (Pl¨umper et al.[2017], Beinlich et al. [2020]) or, alternatively, using the variational framework of GENERIC (General Equations for Non-Equilibrium Reversible Irreversible Coupling)(Zafferi et al. [2021]) introduced by M. Grmela and H.C. ¨ Ottinger. The latter approach is based on the abstract definition of thermodynamical driving potential and operators characterizing the reversible and dissipative contributions of the processes. By doing so we can show that local equilibrium assumptions are recovered as fast limit of irreversible processes. Ultimately, we rigorously prove that the PDE model so derived admits solutions using a discretization strategy that imitates the numerical implementations.


Andreas Beinlich, Timm John, Johannes C Vrijmoed, Masako Tominaga, Tomas Magna, and Yuri Y Podladchikov. Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow. Nature Geoscience, 13(4):307–311, 2020.

Oliver Plümper, Timm John, Yuri Y Podladchikov, Johannes C Vrijmoed, and Marco Scambelluri. Fluid escape from subduction zones controlled by channel-forming reactive porosity. Nature Geoscience, 10(2):150–156, 2017.

Andrea Zafferi, Dirk Peschka, and Marita Thomas. Generic framework for reactive fluid flows. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, page e202100254, 2021.

How to cite: Zafferi, A., Huber, K., Peschka, D., Vrijmoed, J., John, T., and Thomas, M.: A porous-media model for reactive fluid-rock interaction in a dehydrating rock, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17245,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stefan Markus Schmalholz and Yury Podladchikov

Hydration and dehydration reactions as well as the associated fluid flow are important features of geodynamic processes. For example, hydration of rocks can significantly decrease rock strength and generate shear localization or fluids liberated by dehydration reactions in subducting rocks can flow into the mantle wedge and cause melting and magmatism. However, several aspects of (de)hydration related fluid flow and the propagation of (de)hydration reaction fronts remain unclear.

Here, we study hydration and dehydration reactions with hydro-chemical numerical models based on continuum mechanics and local equilibrium thermodynamics. For simplicity, we mainly consider 1D isothermal models. We focus on the propagation velocity and direction of the (de)hydration reaction front. We define hydration as an increase of chemically, or lattice, bound water in the solid phase. Therefore, hydration requires fluid flow towards the hydration reaction front. Contrary, dehydration is a decrease of chemically bound water in the solid phase. Hence, dehydration requires fluid escape from the dehydration reaction front.

Our models show that hydration requires a negative sign of the solid volume change with pressure increase across the reaction boundary, whereas dehydration requires a positive sign of solid volume change with pressure increase across the reaction boundary. The reason for this difference in sign is due to the fluid flow associated with the (de)hydration reaction which is driven by the fluid pressure gradient following Darcy’s law. Thus, for hydration to happen it must occur on the lower fluid pressure side of the reaction front compared to the side with more porous fluid. Porosity is directly related to the solid density change, so it is larger on the high solid density side of the reaction front. Therefore, the hydration reaction requires that the rock that should be hydrated is on the lower fluid pressure side of the front. Opposite can be reasoned for the dehydration front. We also include in our models the case of zero porosity, and hence zero permeability, on one side of the (de)hydration reaction front. This zero-permeability limit involves a singularity at the reaction front due to the multiplication of zero permeability with an infinite pressure gradient. We resolve this singularity in our numerical algorithm by applying a fully conservative form of the governing equations. Resolving this zero-permeability limit is in agreement with the well-established theory of non-linear degenerate parabolic equations. We apply our model to two natural settings: First, eclogite shear zones in the Bergen Arcs, Norway, where hydration of dry granulite formed eclogite. Second, olivine veins in the Erro-Tobbio unit, Ligurian Alps of Italy, where dehydration of serpentinite during subduction formed olivine.

How to cite: Schmalholz, S. M. and Podladchikov, Y.: Hydration versus dehydration reactions: increase versus decrease of solid density with pressure rise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14012,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Erwan Bras, Philippe Yamato, Thibault Duretz, Stefan Schmalholz, and Yury Podladchikov

Eclogitization constitutes one of the most emblematic transformations in continental subduction zones, where conversion of initially dry lower crustal rocks into eclogite facies rocks correlates with the occurrence of seismogenic events. This reaction is generally considered to occur at high pressure conditions during hydration of dry granulite. Several models using « ad hoc » diffusion equation exist to model this hydration process and the consequences of reaction-induced changes in terms of rheology and density. However, to our knowledge, there is no quantitative model allowing to physically explain how fluids propagate inside a dry rock (i.e. with no porosity at all) and how reaction-induced alteration front widens over time. In this study, we therefore propose a new fully coupled hydro-chemical model wherein a two-phase flow model is coupled with the eclogitization reaction. We use a mass conservative approach, solving total mass and solid mass equations, in a closed isothermal system. Fluid and solid densities are calculated with lookup tables from equilibrium thermodynamics. Our model shows that a fluid pressure pulse generates a pressure gradient that can be associated with the densification reaction when the pressure required for the eclogitization is reached. This reaction generates a large increase in porosity (0 to ~16%) and subsequent porous fluid flow inside the initially dry granulite. This process is then sustained as long as the fluid pulse is maintained, and ends shortly after the fluid pressure pulse stops. However, high pressure within the reacted area can persist for a long period of time. A parametric study allowing to constrain both the duration and the widening of the reaction area is proposed as well as an application to the emblematic case study of the eclogitized granulites of Holsnoy (Bergen Arcs, Norway).

How to cite: Bras, E., Yamato, P., Duretz, T., Schmalholz, S., and Podladchikov, Y.: Fluid-pressure induced eclogitisation of a dry granulite: Insights from Hydro-Chemical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17232,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andrew Putnis, Jo Moore, and Yury Podladchikov

The hydration of initially dry, lower crustal metamorphic rocks during orogenesis is a commonly observed phenomenon and hydration/reaction interfaces are also often preserved, providing a unique insight into the evolution of the lithosphere. Often the interfaces between unreacted and reacted rock are very sharp, even on a thin section scale, and various explanations have been proposed to account for the abrupt changes in mineral assemblage on such a small spatial scale. Common to a wide range of specific examples is the role of an infiltrating aqueous fluid that is generally assumed to be required for the reaction to take place, although other features of such reaction fronts can differ widely in terms of density changes and the apparent difference in metamorphic grade across a sharp interface. 

The examples discussed here all involve the hydration of basement granulite rocks formed during the Caledonian Orogeny and now exposed in the Bergen Arcs in Norway. All stages of hydration can be observed from totally unreacted dry granulites with a wide range of composition to either eclogite facies or amphibolite facies overprints. In these cases the density changes across the interface can either be positive (in the case of eclogite formation from anorthosite granulites), can be negative (in the amphibolitisation of basic rocks) or virtually zero (during the amphibolitisation of garnet bearing anorthosites). The preservation of volume across such interfaces has led to investigations of the coupling between the consequent stress generation and mass transfer, which in turn focusses on the evolution of porosity/permeability in the parent dry rock. The extent of hydration in the Bergen Arcs as a whole ( 90% hydration of ~105 km3 of granulite) suggests a plentiful supply of aqueous solution introduced seismically by fracturing and the consequent generation of shear zones from which hydration fronts spread. The hydration to either eclogite or amphibolite, often observed at the same structural level (i.e. depth in the crust) continues to be an enigma.

Although the details of the reactions and density changes are different, a common feature is the need for an infiltrating aqueous solution and hence the question of what drives the fluid and the hydration reaction and finally why the reaction stops at the sharp interfaces observed in the field. Terminated reactions can be studied by the extent of alteration around fracture planes by modelling the likely fluid pressure gradients that drive Darcy flow from the fluid source towards the reaction interface. Fracture planes represent zones of localised high permeability that facilitate the infiltration of fluid. The difference in fluid saturation between the fracture plane and the alteration halo is thought to be responsible for both the degree of reaction and the difference in assemblage. Additionally, the width of the initial fracture plane is thought to be proportional to the extent of the alteration halo. Examples will be given of hydration fronts associated with amphibolite facies shear zones as well as the observation of eclogite fingers within a partly hydrated granulite host. Combined reaction-fluid flow models attempt to explain these phenomena.

How to cite: Putnis, A., Moore, J., and Podladchikov, Y.: What controls the preservation of hydration interfaces in high grade metamorphic rocks?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17238,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Evangelos Moulas, Lucie Tajcmanova
Rheology and phase transitions, experiment
Sagar Masuti and Erik Rybacki

Transient creep of the lower crustal minerals such as feldspar is important to explain postseismic deformation following a large continental earthquake. However, transient creep of feldspar is poorly understood and the flow law parameters are unknown so far. Therefore, we performed constant strain rate deformation experiments on synthetic fine-grained anorthite aggregates under wet conditions using a Paterson-type gas deformation apparatus. We conducted tests at temperatures from 1000 ºC to 1200 ºC and confining pressure of 400 MPa. Typical strain rates in our experiments were 1x10-4 s-1, 2.5x10-4 s-1, 5x10-4 s-1, and 7.5x10-4 s-1, including some strain rate stepping experiments. In general, the transient creep accounted for 6-8% of the total strain (~10-15%), which is high compared to 2-3 % transient deformation observed in previous experiments on anorthite, quartz, and olivine aggregates. Inspection of the microstructures of deformed samples using transmission electron microscopy reveal dislocation activity and antiphase domain boundaries. Analysis of steady-state creep data indicates that the samples were deformed at the boundary between diffusion and dislocation creep with a power law stress exponent of ~1.4 and an activation energy of 272 kJ/mol. Because a constitutive equation for transient creep of feldspar is not well established, we estimated transient creep flow law parameters using inter-granular and intra-granular models. In the intergranular model for a polycrystalline aggregate, where grains are randomly oriented,  it is assumed that low strain (i.e., transient creep) is accommodated by individual grains with soft/easy slip orientation and high strain (steady-state creep) is accommodated by grains with hard/strong slip orientation. In contrast, in the intra-granular model, both transient creep and steady-state deformation are dominated by intragranular processes, such as long-range elastic interactions of dislocations. In the intragranular approach, we find that the full stress vs. strain curve (i.e., including transient and steady-state creep) can be modelled using a stress exponent of ~1.5 and an activation energy of ~200 kJ/mol. Applying the intergranular model, we get a stress exponent of ~3 and an activation energy of ~130 kJ/mol for transient creep of anorthite aggregates. Extrapolated to natural strain rates, these two approaches will have different implications in modelling postseismic deformation.

How to cite: Masuti, S. and Rybacki, E.: Transient rheology of feldspar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8545,, 2023.

Sarah Incel, Katharina Mohrbach, and Jörg Renner

In the plagioclase-rich lower continental crust, hydrous epidote-group minerals will, among other phases, replace plagioclase in the presence of minor amounts of fluids. It has previously been shown that this reaction has a significant impact on the strength of plagioclase aggregates, with reacting aggregates being much weaker than their unreacted counterparts (Stünitz and Tullis, 2001). Hence, reactions taking place in the lower continental crust may have a strong influence on its deformation behaviour and thus on its strength. Yet, it still remains unclear if the observed weakening is due to the nucleation and growth of inherently weaker product phases, e.g., epidote-group minerals, or due to inhibited grain growth in a polyphase aggregate as a result of Zener pinning. We experimentally investigated the relative strength of pure epidote and pure plagioclase aggregates at a confining pressure of 1 GPa, two different temperatures (550 and 650 °C) and two different strain rates (5·10-5 and 5·10-6 s-1) using a solid-medium Griggs-deformation apparatus. Furthermore, we also investigated potential strength differences due to differences in grain size by deforming aggregates with a grain-size range of either 90-135 μm or <25 μm. After deformation under 650 °C, the epidote aggregates reveal the nucleation and growth of new phases indicating that epidote was no longer stable. The amount of product phases found in the epidote aggregates scales with the duration of deformation. At the explored experimental conditions, the compressive strength of plagioclase and epidote aggregates depends on temperature and strain rate with a decrease in strength with an increase in temperature or a decrease in strain rate. At identical conditions, the epidote aggregates are either significantly stronger or show a similar strength as the plagioclase aggregates. Microstructural analyses of the recovered samples reveal that deformation in both aggregates was almost exclusively accommodated by grain fracturing and occasionally slip along cleavage planes, and remained non-localized except for the epidote aggregate deformed at 650 °C with a strain rate of 5·10-6 s-1, exhibiting kinetically-controlled faulting due to reaction.


Stünitz, H. and Tullis, J. (2001). Weakening and strain localization produced by syn-deformational reaction of
plagioclase. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90(1):136{148.

How to cite: Incel, S., Mohrbach, K., and Renner, J.: Deformation of epidote and plagioclase in the semi-brittle regime, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12371,, 2023.

Giulia Mingardi, Julien Gasc, Arefeh Moarefvand, Wilson A. Crichton, and Alexandre Schubnel

Quartz is a common constituent of most rocks in the Earth continental crust and it undergoes the α-β transition at depths controlled by the geotherm. Despite the α-β quartz transition representing one of the most well-known and largely studied phase transitions in geological sciences, only few works report the behaviour of this transformation at high pressure (i.e. in the relevant conditions of the deep crust). Hence, it is important to investigate this transformation through an experimental approach at lower-crust pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions.

In this study, we performed deformation experiments at high P-T conditions on novaculite (quartzite) samples using a Griggs apparatus equipped with acoustics and a multi-anvil press at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, beamline ID06). Experiments were performed at 1-3 GPa and up to 1000°C.

Measurements in the Griggs apparatus indicate that the expected P-wave velocity increase in the β-field is not observed at high pressure. Diffraction data from ESRF show that the transition becomes smoother at high pressure and results in a smaller crystal lattice change than it does at low pressure, consistently with the P-wave velocity measurements in the Griggs apparatus.

In addition, on the temperature-up path we are able to observe the expected negative thermal expansion of β-quartz but, interestingly, this behaviour is not visible on the cooling path. As a possible explanation, we suggest a competing effect of stress and temperature on the crystal lattice parameters. Moreover, at the transition, in a short temperature range, the intensity of quartz diffraction peaks decreases significantly. Acoustic measurements seem to indicate that this could be also related to a transient increase in attenuation. Further experiments will be performed at the ESRF coupling X-ray diffraction and acoustic measurements to assess the relationship between crystal structure and Vp changes.

Our results question the interpretation of seismic contrasts in the deep crust as due to the α-β quartz transition. However the existence of a high attenuation region might reflect the presence of this transformation.

How to cite: Mingardi, G., Gasc, J., Moarefvand, A., Crichton, W. A., and Schubnel, A.: Alpha-Beta quartz transition in the lower continental crust: perspective from diffraction and acoustic data at high P-T conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6362,, 2023.

Stress and diffusion, models
Mattia Luca Mazzucchelli, Evangelos Moulas, Boris Kaus, and Thomas Speck

The interpretation of phase equilibria and reactions in geological materials is underpinned by standard thermodynamics that assumes that the stress in the systems is hydrostatic and homogeneous (i.e., the same for all the phases involved). However, stress gradients and non-hydrostatic stresses are common in rocks, and can be developed even in porous systems with coexisting solid minerals and fluids. In rocks with interconnected porosity, a fluid will always experience a hydrostatic stress gradient. On the contrary, the solid grains will experience different levels of stress due to the changes in the contact area between the grains. Therefore, rocks that are porous or have a granular structure will always experience stress gradients at the small scale, even if their macroscopic stress state is “lithostatic”.

The presence of a heterogeneous-stress distribution at the grain scale casts doubts on the predictive power and accuracy of existing multiphase thermodynamic models. However, currently there is still not an accepted theory which extends thermodynamics to include the effect of non-hydrostatic stress on reactions, and the use of several thermodynamic potentials in stressed geological system is still debated (e.g. [1-3]). Even experiments have not been conclusive, because the direct effect of the applied non-hydrostatic stress on the thermodynamics of the reactions cannot be separated from the indirect effect caused by local stress concentrations [4].

We have investigated the problem of the direct effect of a homogeneous non-hydrostatic stress on the solid-fluid equilibrium with molecular dynamics simulations. With such simulations the energy of the system, the pressure of the fluid and the stress of the solid can be monitored until the stressed system reaches the equilibrium conditions. Our results show that for simple systems at the stress range expected in the lithosphere, the shift of the pressure and temperature of the fluid-solid equilibrium is small for geological applications, consistent with theoretical predictions [5,6]. On the contrary, the mean stress of the solid is largely affected by the applied non-hydrostatic stress and can deviate substantially from the pressure of the fluid. These results suggest that hydro-mechanical-chemical models should not use the pressure of the fluid as a proxy of the mean stress of the solid, and therefore should not equate the thermodynamic pressure of the reaction to the mean stress of the solid. However, our analysis does not take into account the indirect effect of stress heterogeneities at the sample scale. Spatial variations of stress can reach GPa level and can therefore indirectly affect phase equilibria.

MLM is supported by an Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship.


[1] Wheeler, J. Geology 42, 647–650 (2014);

[2] Hobbs, B. et al. Geology 43, e372 (2015);

[3] Tajčmanová, L. et al. Lithos 216–217, 338–351 (2015)

[4] Cionoiu, S., et al. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 127, e2022JB024814 (2022)

[5] Sekerka, R. et al. Acta Mater., 52(6), 1663–1668 (2004)

[6] Frolov, T. et al. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 82, 1–14 (2010)

How to cite: Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Kaus, B., and Speck, T.: Fluid-mineral equilibrium under stress: insight from molecular dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3681,, 2023.

Lyudmila Khakimova, Evangelos Moulas, Ivan Utkin, and Yury Podladchikov

Widely accepted model of Fickian linear diffusion of inert or trace-like elements is restricted to ideal solution models of components with equal molar mass. Simultaneous diffusion of multiple concentrations without mechanical stresses is well-described by the classical Maxwell-Stefan model, which is limited to the use of concentration gradients. Quantitative predictions of concentrations evolution in real mixtures should be treated instead by modified Maxwell-Stefan closure relations, which result in a correct equilibrium limit due to the use of the chemical potential gradients instead of concentration gradients. There is no linearity and tensorial homogeneity assumptions on flux-force relationships of classical irreversible thermodynamics. Coupling the multicomponent diffusion to mechanics results in pressure gradients that contribute to the Gibbs-Duhem relationship. Note, it was demonstrated that current models used for describing chemical diffusion in presence of stress gradient don’t remain invariance with respect to the choice of units, such as mole and mass, and the thermodynamic admissibility is doubted [1].

We develop a new thermodynamically admissible model for multicomponent diffusion in viscously deformable rocks. Thermodynamical admissibility of this model ensures non-negative entropy production, while maintaining invariance with respect to the choice of units and reference frame. We demonstrate the correct Fickian limit and equilibrium limit with zero gradients of chemical potentials of individual components instead of concentration gradients in classical Maxwell-Stefan model. The model satisfies conventional Gibbs-Duhem and Maxwell relationships under pressure gradients and represents the natural coupling to the viscous multi-phase models featuring spontaneous flow localization.

For numerical purposes, we develop the optimal pseudo-transient scheme for diffusion fluxes coupled to viscoelastic bulk deformation. This new effective damping techniques are compared to analytical solutions. The developed model is applied for radial garnet growth with multicomponent diffusion under pressure gradient, hydration porosity waves and melt transport in the Earth’s crust.

1. Tajčmanová, L., Podladchikov, Y., Moulas, E., & Khakimova, L. (2021). The choice of a thermodynamic formulation dramatically affects modelled chemical zoning in minerals. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-9.

How to cite: Khakimova, L., Moulas, E., Utkin, I., and Podladchikov, Y.: Nonlinear Multi-Component Maxwell-Stefan Diffusion Model In Deforming Rocks: Chemo-Mechanical Coupling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12140,, 2023.

Jo Moore, Liudmila Khakimova, Yury Podladchikov, and Lukas Baumgartner

Oscillatory zoning occurs in a multitude of minerals growing in both magmatic systems (e.g. zircon, plagioclase, clinopyroxene) and in solid rock (e.g. garnet). Despite the ubiquity of oscillatory growth zoning in minerals, the processes responsible for such compositional zoning remain enigmatic. It has been argued that such zones may form in response to fluctuations in intensive properties, such as temperature, pressure, and magma/fluid chemistry, and/or extensive properties such as surface reaction rates and the creation of a compositional boundary layer during diffusion. However, numerical models that simulate the evolution of a growing crystal remain relatively rare. Here we aim to provide insight to the conditions that attribute to oscillatory mineral zoning of major elements during crystal growth by presenting forward models of diffusion-controlled crystal growth, incorporating multicomponent diffusion and local equilibrium thermodynamics. Two methods are presented, one each in chemical potential and concentration space. These models further constrain the conditions that allow for oscillatory growth zoning. Allowing better insight into the processes occurring during crystal growth in the crust.

How to cite: Moore, J., Khakimova, L., Podladchikov, Y., and Baumgartner, L.: Oscillatory zoning during the growth of single crystals; a comparison of chemical potential and concentration gradient driven numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17278,, 2023.

Effective rheology and inclusions
Viktoriya Yarushina, Yury Podladchikov, and Hongliang Wang

Deformation, chemical reactions, fluid flow in geological formations, and many engineering materials, such as cement, are coupled processes. Most existing models of chemical reactions coupled with fluid transport assume the dissolution-precipitation process or mineral growth in rocks. However, dissolution-precipitation models predict a very limited extent of reaction hampered by pore clogging and blocking reactive surfaces, which will stop reaction progress due to limited fluid supply to reactive surfaces. Yet, field observations report that natural rocks can undergo 100% hydration/carbonation. Mineral growth models, on the other hand, preserve solid volume but do not consider its feedback on porosity evolution. In addition, they predict an unrealistically high force of crystallization on the order of several GPa that must be developed in minerals during the reaction. Yet, experiments designed to measure the force of crystallization consistently report values on the order of hundreds of MPa, which is close to the failure limits for most rock types. Recent experimental and observational studies suggest that mineral replacement is a coupled dissolution-precipitation process that preserves porosity and is associated with the change in the solid volume. Volume change associated with chemical reactions has multiple practical implications. It might be hazardous, causing damage to building materials or deterioration of caprock permeability and leakage of waste fluids, at least along the injection wellbore. Or it might be useful. For example, reaction-driven mineral expansion associated with the hydration of some solid additives may be utilized in plugging and abandonment of old petroleum wells to prevent leakage between plug and caprock or between plug and casing. In a geological context, mineral expansion plays an important role in pseudomorphic replacement and vein formation. Here, we propose a new model for reaction-driven mineral expansion, which preserves porosity and limits unrealistically high build-up of the force of crystallization by allowing inelastic failure processes at the pore scale. First, we look at fluid-rock interaction at the pore scale and derive effective rheology of a reacting porous media. We use a two-phase continuum medium approach to investigate the coupling between reaction, deformation, and fluid flow on a larger scale. Our micromechanical model based on observations assumes that rock or cement consists of an assembly of solid reactive grains, initially composed of a single, pure phase. The reaction occurs at the fluid-solid contact and progresses into the solid grain material. We approximate the pores and surrounding solid material as an idealized cylindrical shell to simplify the problem and obtain tractable results. We derive macroscopic poroviscoelastic stress-strain constitute laws that account for chemical alteration and viscoelastoplastic deformation of porous rocks. Our model explains many experimental observations on natural and engineering geomaterials, such as the possibility of achieving a complete reaction, preservation of porosity during chemical reactions, moderate values of the force of crystallization, and dependence of mechanical rock properties on fluid chemistry.

How to cite: Yarushina, V., Podladchikov, Y., and Wang, H.: Effective rheology of (de)compacting reactive porous media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3323,, 2023.

Evangelos Moulas, Anatoly Vershinin, Konstantin Zingerman, Vladimir Levin, and Yuri Podladchikov

Minerals and multiphase rocks in general may have non-trivial material models (constitutive relations) with respect to their volume change as a response of changing pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions. However, natural minerals within rocks do not freely expand/contract. When mineral phases are enclosed by phases that have different thermoelastic properties, a difference in volumetric strain develops upon the loading/unloading of the host-inclusion system. The difference of the volumetric strain between the two phases can lead to the significant stress build up in the vicinity of the host-inclusion interface. This behavior is in fact expected in geological scenarios where mineral reactions and phase transitions are responsible for significant volumetric changes. One of the most classical problems in elasticity theory is the Lame problem of an internally and externally pressurized thick cylinder. When adapted for spherical symmetry, this problem has been extensively used in geological applications in order to evaluate the stress distribution around a pressurized rock or mineral. Using linear elasticity theory and standard mineral properties it can be shown that the level of stresses that can develop around pressurized inclusions may be in the order of ~ 1 GPa. Such stress predictions are well beyond typical values of the yield stress of rocks which leads to large plastic deformations. Therefore, the incorporation of plasticity and finite strains is crucial in such models.

Here we present new analytical and numerical solutions for the classic host-inclusion problem assuming hyperelastic-plastic materials that follow a Drucker-Prager (non-associative) plasticity model under finite strains. Our analytical solution is based on the recently published solution of Levin and others (2021) that reduces to the Murnaghan model for purely hydrostatic loading. Our solutions have been developed to consider the effects of physical and geometrical non-linearities in deforming geomaterials. For stiff mineral hosts that can support GPa-level differential stresses, non-linear formulations provide accurate stress predictions even if the effects of geometrical non-linearities are ignored. For systems that reach the plastic yield, a plastic zone develops that can lead to the reduction of the pressure difference between the host and the inclusion phase. Nevertheless, the development of a plastic zone is occurring simultaneously to the development of pressure variations at the mineral hosts. Therefore, the development of pressure gradients in host-inclusion systems from the mineral to the outcrop scale are to be expected when the host material reaches the yield conditions.


E.M. would like to acknowledge the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz for financial support. Y.P., K.Z., A.V. and V.L. were financially supported by Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-77-10062) in the part related to the geomechanical problem statement and its analysis, and by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (grant №075-15-2019-1890) in the part related to the development of analytical and numerical algorithms for problem solving.

How to cite: Moulas, E., Vershinin, A., Zingerman, K., Levin, V., and Podladchikov, Y.: Numerical and analytical solutions for the large-strain elastoplastic Lame problem and its geological applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3909,, 2023.

Reactive and porous flows
Magnus Wangen, Hongliang Wang, and Viktoriya Yarushina

We propose a 3D model for pipe and chimney formations in tight rocks in sedimentary basins. It is an adaption of a model for hydraulic fracturing in an anisotropic stress field by fluid injection (fracking). The trigger for chimney formation is high overpressure in permeable units, such as reservoirs or aquifers. The permeable units serve as a source of high-pressure fluid that drives the chimney formation. The numerical model is based on cells that “fracture” when the fluid pressure exceeds the least compressive stress and random rock strength. The locally highest points in the reservoir rock become the most likely places for chimney formation. Fracturing implies that cells have their permeability changed from their initial value to a value that represents an average permeability of an open fracture network. Chimney growth appears as chains of cells (branches) emanating from the base of the cap rock. These chains of cells grow towards the surface. The branches have an enhanced permeability during ascension because the fluid pressure in the fracture network is greater than the least compressive stress. The fluid pressure keeps the fracture network open. When the branches reach the hydrostatic surface, the fluid pressure drops below the least compressive stress and the fracture network closes. The model produces pipe structures and chimneys as accumulations of branches that reach the surface. The degree of random rock strength controls how pipe-like the chimneys become. The chimney, which is formed by branches of the fractured cells, drains the reservoir for overpressured fluid. Chimney formation stops when the overpressure in the reservoir is reduced below the least compressive stress at the base of the caprock. The fracture permeability of the chimney branches controls how many branches are produced, and thereby how wide the chimney becomes. A “low” permeability produces wide chimneys with many branches, and a “high” permeability gives narrow chimneys made of just a few branches. The model is demonstrated in a setting similar to the chimneys observed in the cap rock over the Utsira aquifer in the North Sea. By using the proposed model, the permeability of such chimneys is estimated to be of the order of 10 micro-Darcy.

How to cite: Wangen, M., Wang, H., and Yarushina, V.: A 3D numerical model for chimney formation in sedimentary basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7206,, 2023.

Using reactive melt transport by porosity waves to understand Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and intraplate volcanism
Marko Repac, Annelore Bessat, Lyudmila Khakimova, Kurt Panter, Stefan Schmalholz, Yury Podladchikov, and Sebastien Pilet
Johannes C. Vrijmoed and Yury Y. Podladchikov

We study the systematics of reaction fronts in multi-component systems using Thermolab. The methodology is based on a finite difference approach for solving the transport problem in combination with lookup tables generated from precomputed thermodynamic equilibria covering the compositional space. The lookup tables generated from Gibbs minimization using linear programming combined with a discrete compound approach are validated against full analytical solutions of the Gibbs minimization problem. We focus on ternary ideal fluid or melt solutions in equilibrium with pure phases as exact solutions are feasible. We show that linear programming techniques yield similar results as a complete analytical solution and that both can be used in stable reactive transport codes.

How to cite: Vrijmoed, J. C. and Podladchikov, Y. Y.: Reaction fronts in multi-component fluid-rock interaction using analytical solutions of the Gibbs minimization problem from Thermolab, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13988,, 2023.

Viscous heating and overpressures
Jean-Pierre Burg and Evangelos Moulas

Despite the occurrence of high-grade metamorphic rocks next to and along crustal-scale shear zones, the temporal character of their formation and evolution is difficult to extract. We utilize the major-element diffusion in the compositional re-adjustment of garnet from metapelites in two crustal-scale shear zones as a complementary method to extract cooling rates from deforming/reacting rocks. The two thrust zones, the Nestos Thrust Zone (NTZ) in Rhodope, Greece, and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in Sikkim, Himalaya, exhibit inverted metamorphic zonation. We applied phase equilibria modelling and geothermometry to constrain the peak- and the post-peak-temperature conditions relevant for the cooling-rate estimates. Results are 50–80 ◦C/Myr in the footwalls of both thrust zones, in consistency with published estimates using geochronology methods for MCT. However, results are much less (~0.5–5◦C/Myr) for the base of the MCT hanging wall. The estimated cooling rates are between 300 and 2500 ◦C/Myr for the NTZ hanging wall. The exceedingly fast cooling rates indicate the operation of transient and proximal thermo-mechanical processes consistent with the contribution of thrust related viscous heating during metamorphism. The very slow cooling rate of the MCT hanging wall may reflect a complex thermal history or other overlooked processes.



Burg, J.-P., Moulas, E., 2022. Cooling-rate constraints from metapelites across two inverted metamorphic sequences of the Alpine-Himalayan belt; evidence for viscous heating. Journal of Structural Geology 156, 104536.

How to cite: Burg, J.-P. and Moulas, E.: Cooling-rate constraints from metapelites across two inverted metamorphic sequences of the Alpine-Himalayan belt; evidence for viscous heating, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4185,, 2023.

Yury Podladchikov, Ivan Utkin, and Liudmila Khakimova

Understanding mechanisms leading to volcanic eruptions are of fundamental importance in geology and volcanology. A prerequisite to a volcanic eruption is the generation of sufficient overpressure in a magma reservoir, enough to exceed the strength of the rock, potentially triggering the volcanic eruption. In geological models, the pressure buildup in magma reservoir is often linked to magma recharge and volatile exsolution. Another mechanism, that is often overlooked in conventional geological models, is related to the isochoric rise of gas bubbles in almost incompressible magma saturated with volatiles. Predicting volcanic eruptions using numerical models is complicated by the need to solve coupled physical processes spanning multiple temporal and spatial scales.

We present a coupled thermo-chemo-hydromechanical mathematical model for predicting the pressurization of a magmatic reservoir. The model predicts porous and free convection of partially crystallized magma due to thermal and compositional heterogeneities, and compaction of crystals due to density difference between solid and liquid phases. We describe thermodynamic equilibrium and thermo-mechanical properties of phases using the nonlinear equation of state obtained through direct Gibbs energy minimization. We resolve the multi-scale processes within the magma reservoir using high-resolution numerical modeling based on supercomputing.

We demonstrate through numerical experiments that the two mechanisms, volatile exsolution due to retrograde boiling, and rising of gas bubbles in a  nearly isochoric system, could lead to pressure buildup in a magma reservoir, sufficient to exceed rock strength. We study systematically the relative importance of these mechanisms in a simplified problem setup.

How to cite: Podladchikov, Y., Utkin, I., and Khakimova, L.: Mechanisms of pressure buildup in magma reservoir: insights from numerical experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9717,, 2023.