G2.1 | Precise Orbit Determination for Geodesy and Earth Science
Precise Orbit Determination for Geodesy and Earth Science
Convener: Adrian Jaeggi | Co-conveners: Alexandre Couhert, Heike Peter, Oliver Montenbruck, Jose van den IJssel
| Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Orals |
Thu, 10:45
Fri, 08:30
Fri, 08:30
Precise orbit determination is of central importance for many applications of geodesy and earth science. The challenge is to determine satellite orbits in an absolute sense at the centimeter or even sub-centimeter level, and at the millimeter or even sub-millimeter level in a relative sense. Four constellations of GNSS satellites are available and numerous position-critical missions (e.g. altimetry, gravity, SAR and SLR missions) are currently in orbit. Altogether, outstanding data are available offering new opportunities to push orbit determination to the limit and to explore new applications.

This session aims to make accessible the technical challenges of orbit determination and modelling to the wider community and to quantify the nature of the impact of dynamics errors on the various applications. Contributions are solicited from, but not limited to, the following areas: (1) precise orbit determination and validation; (2) satellite surface force modelling; (3) advances in modelling atmospheric density and in atmospheric gravity; (4) advances in modelling earth radiation fluxes and their interaction with space vehicles; (5) analysis of changes in geodetic parameters/earth models resulting from improved force modelling/orbit determination methods; (6) improvements in observable modelling for all tracking systems, e.g. SLR, DORIS, GNSS and their impact on orbit determination; (7) advances in combining the different tracking systems for orbit determination; (8) the impact of improved clock modelling methods/space clocks on precise orbit determination; (9) advances in modelling satellite attitude.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room -2.47/48

Chairpersons: Adrian Jaeggi, Heike Peter, Oliver Montenbruck
On-site presentation
Susanne Glaser, Patrick Schreiner, Nijat Mammadaliyev, Rolf König, and Harald Schuh

Co-location in space is an alternative combination strategy of the four main space geodetic techniques. All four of them, namely DORIS, GNSS, SLR, and VLBI, currently contributing to the determination of the terrestrial reference frame (TRF) can be combined using a so-called space-tie satellite, ideally equipped with receivers and/or transmitters for all of the techniques. The early GRASP and E-GRASP satellite mission proposals to NASA and ESA had not been recommended for the next phase, but recently, the GENESIS mission got green light from ESA which opens a unique opportunity for geodesy. We perform simulations and subsequent precise orbit determination (POD) of all four space geodetic techniques and solving also for the TRF, and combine them at one satellite using the space tie. Real data analysis including POD to prominent satellite missions like LAGEOS, TOPEX, and Sentinel-6A MF was done for most realistic simulations. In particular, the impact of biased space ties is investigated in terms of 14-parameter Helmert transformations compared to a perfect modeling solution. We will also present first simulation results of the GENESIS mission.

How to cite: Glaser, S., Schreiner, P., Mammadaliyev, N., König, R., and Schuh, H.: On the opportunities of co-location in space for envisaged space-tie satellite missions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6632, 2023.

On-site presentation
Radosław Zajdel, Krzysztof Sośnica, Salim Masoumi, Grzegorz Bury, and Dariusz Strugarek

The International GNSS Service (IGS) analysis centers (ACs) for the third time issued the results of the reprocessing campaign (IGS Repro3) of all the GNSS network solutions backward starting from 1994. The Repro3 products provided the IGS contribution to the latest International Terrestrial Reference Frame realization ITRF2020. Unlike the previous reprocessing campaigns, the IGS Repro3 includes for the first time not only GPS and GLONASS but also the Galileo constellation. 

In this study, we show results from the GLONASS and Galileo orbit validation of different IGS ACs, as well as the combined orbits generated by the IGS Analysis Centre Coordinator (IGS ACC) at Geoscience Australia. Individual multi-GNSS orbit solutions were provided by Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (COD), European Space Agency (ESA), GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Centre National d’Études Spatiales (GRG), Graz University of Technology (TUG) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Different IGS ACs use different orbit modeling strategies, e.g., estimating specific empirical orbit parameters and using or not using the a priori box-wing models for the Galileo satellites. The individual IGS Repro3 contributions have been combined by the IGS ACC combination software using a robust algorithm and a satellite-based weighting approach considering different qualities of GNSS orbits provided by different IGS ACs. We summarized the recent progress in GNSS precise orbit determination focusing on the impact of the orbit modeling aspects on the systematic effects in the SLR validation results, e.g., solar radiation pressure modeling and observable types.

For all the defined Galileo and GLONASS satellite subtypes, the combined solutions do not perform worse (to the 1 mm level) than the best individual AC solutions for a specific satellite type. In terms of the standard deviation of SLR residuals, ESA, MIT, and TUG deliver the best Galileo-FOC orbits and ESA provides the best Galileo-IOV orbit solutions. Finally, ESA and TUG provide the best GLONASS products. Searching for patterns in SLR residuals for different satellite-Sun-Earth geometries reveals that some issues in the orbit modeling for the Galileo-FOC and IOV satellites still need to be fully diminished. The pattern dominates in COD, GFZ, and GRG solutions, and is mostly diminished in ESA and TUG solutions. The characteristic pattern is also noticeable in the combined solutions, but with a reduced magnitude. 

How to cite: Zajdel, R., Sośnica, K., Masoumi, S., Bury, G., and Strugarek, D.: SLR validation of the IGS Repro3 orbits for ITRF2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-455, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-455, 2023.

On-site presentation
Helene Wolf, Johannes Böhm, and Urs Hugentobler

Over the last years, ideas of installing a dedicated Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) transmitter on board of the second generation of Galileo satellites have been proposed. The mounting of such a transmitter on future satellites raises scientific questions and opens new opportunities of extending the current VLBI research with observations to geodetic satellites. These observations allow combining the satellite and the quasar frame due to the unique opportunity of determining the satellite orbit in the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF).

In this contribution, we present the estimation of orbit arcs based on VLBI observations combined with GNSS measurements. For this purpose, schedules including satellite and quasar observations, are created with the scheduling software VieSched++. These schedules are simulated and analyzed with the Vienna VLBI and Satellite Software (VieVS). In the analysis the partial derivatives of the state vector of the satellite with respect to the orbital elements, obtained from the module ORBGEN in Bernese, are used in VieVS for calculating the partial derivatives of the time delay with respect to the orbital elements. This approach allows to estimate the orbital elements from simulated VLBI observations. The quality of the estimated parameters is investigated and assessed based on the mean formal errors and the repeatabilities.
In a further step there is the option to combine the results from VieVS and Bernese at the normal equation (NEQ) level using the ADDNEQ2 and retrieve fully consistent orbital parameters based on VLBI and GNSS observations.

How to cite: Wolf, H., Böhm, J., and Hugentobler, U.: Estimating orbital elements from VLBI observations and GNSS measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4881, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4881, 2023.

On-site presentation
Feliciana Sapio, David Lucchesi, Massimo Visco, Carlo Lefevre, Marco Cinelli, Alessandro Di Marco, Emiliano Fiorenza, Pasqualino Loffredo, Marco Lucente, Carmelo Magnafico, Roberto Peron, Francesco Santoli, Natalia Gatto, and Francesco Vespe

The Galileo for Science Project (G4S_2.0) is an ongoing project funded by the Italian Space Agency that has several goals in the field of Fundamental Physics by exploiting the Galileo-FOC Constellation and, in particular, GSAT-0201 and GSAT-0202, the two FOC in elliptical orbit. The high eccentricity of their orbits and the accuracy of their atomic clocks allow to measure gravitational redshift and relativistic precessions of the orbits. These results will place new constraints on possible alternative theories of gravitation, both metric and non-metric in their structure. Furthermore, constraints on the presence of Dark Matter in our Galaxy can be placed by analysing data of the satellites’ atomic clocks.

In this framework a fundamental point is obtaining a suitable satellite orbit solution by performing an accurate Precise Orbit Determination (POD). To this purpose modeling, as better as possible, the complex effects of the Non-Gravitational Perturbations (NGPs) is essential. In particular, the direct Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) represents the main source of error in determining the orbit of any GNSS spacecraft, as it is the largest NGPs perturbation.

Our final goal is to build a refined Finite Element Model (FEM) of the Galileo FOC spacecraft to compute the perturbing accelerations that will be used in the POD procedure.

As an intermediate step a Box-Wing (BW) model, as well as a 3D-CAD of the spacecraft, have been developed. We will present the results for the perturbing accelerations produced by SRP, Earth’s infrared radiation and Earth’s albedo in the case of a BW model built using the ESA Galileo metadata.

Moreover, accounting for multiple reflections and mutual shadowing effects is crucial to improve the POD and the scientific results. To this purpose we apply the so-called Ray Tracing technique to the spacecraft FEM. We will present our ongoing work on this technique by using the software COMSOL and Matlab on the current development we obtained for the FEM.

Finally, by using the residuals in the orbital elements obtained from a POD, we can test our new models and the improvements in the quality of the POD. In order to prove the reliability and robustness of the scientific results that will be obtained within G4S_2.0, we aim to exploit both GEODYN II and the Bernese software for the POD.

How to cite: Sapio, F., Lucchesi, D., Visco, M., Lefevre, C., Cinelli, M., Di Marco, A., Fiorenza, E., Loffredo, P., Lucente, M., Magnafico, C., Peron, R., Santoli, F., Gatto, N., and Vespe, F.: The Galileo for Science project: Precise Orbit Determination and force-modeling for the Galileo FOC satellites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8840, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8840, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hanane Ait-Lakbir, Alvaro Santamaría-Gómez, Felix Perosanz, and Jim Ray

The precision of the GNSS positioning depends on the accuracy and stability of the GNSS satellite orbits. Indeed, the analysis of the GNSS precise orbits determined by the IGS analysis centers shows different long-term behavior in the eccentricities and inclinations of GPS satellites, compared to GLONASS and Galileo satellites. This contribution focuses on analyzing sources of long-term dynamics in the GNSS orbits, particularly in the GPS orbits, and the influence of the constellation design. We investigate orbital resonances resulting from external accelerations such as lunisolar gravitation by semi-analytical simulations and compare the dynamical response of the four available constellations: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and BeiDou. Finally, we assess the impact of this different dynamical behavior on Precise Point Positioning (PPP).

How to cite: Ait-Lakbir, H., Santamaría-Gómez, A., Perosanz, F., and Ray, J.: Comparison and analysis of the long-term dynamics of GNSS orbits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11231, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11231, 2023.

On-site presentation
Zhiwei Qin, Jungang Wang, Longjiang Tang, Shi Du, Guanwen Huang, Qin Zhang, Maorong Ge, and Schuh Harald

The accuracy and availability of real-time precise orbits are critical for real-time Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) users. Real-time orbits are estimated by either batch processing using least-squares adjustment at most International GNSS Service (IGS) Analysis Centers (ACs), or filter-processing, for example, at JPL and Wuhan University. The filter-processing has the advantage of high-update rates from 5 min to 5 sec (in the case of real-time clock), which is more suitable to handle satellite maneuvers. Currently, maneuver satellites are labelled as unhealthy in broadcast ephemeris, and not processed by the IGS ACs. However, for the robustness and availability of real-time GNSS users, it is important to provide reliable orbits and clocks for as many satellites as possible, especially for some special scenarios such as poor visibility of low-elevation satellites in canyon or urban areas. Moreover, if the satellite maneuver is not handled in time, it could severely deteriorate the orbit quality of all satellites. In this study, we implement the square root information filter (SRIF) for real-time GNSS orbit determination to achieve an update rate of 30 sec. We propose an automatic method to detect the satellite maneuver and adjust the stochastic constraints of orbital elements. The constraints applied to the epoch-wise orbital elements, which are essential for the SRIF-based POD, are checked based on its post-fit residuals and adjusted accordingly. Using the simulated real-time processing of GPS satellites during six months in 2022, we demonstrate that the satellite maneuver can be successfully detected instantaneously without degrading the accuracy of any satellites. Comparison with the 5 min sampling final orbit products from Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), there is no loss of accuracy in the along and cross components and the agreements is within 5 cm. In the radial component, the orbit difference is around 5 dm during the first one to two hours after the maneuvering, and the orbit accuracy converges to 5 to 10 cm after 4 hours. Due to the correlation between radial orbit and satellite clock, it is validated by the phase residuals of static precise point positioning (PPP) that such an accuracy causes no degradation to the positioning users. In addition, we evaluate the important contribution of rescued maneuver satellites using kinematic PPP under various simulated observing scenarios.

How to cite: Qin, Z., Wang, J., Tang, L., Du, S., Huang, G., Zhang, Q., Ge, M., and Harald, S.: Filter-based Real-time GNSS Precise Orbit Determination Applied to Satellites in Maneuver, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6285, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6285, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ulrich Meyer, Heike Peter, Linda Geisser, Emilio Calero, Rolf Dach, and Adrian Jäggi

The Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity fields (COST-G) provides models of the time-variable Earth gravity field that may be used for precise orbit determination (POD). While the monthly snapshot solutions based on GRACE or GRACE-FO GPS and microwave ranging interferometer data are the best available information on the time-variable gravity field, their latency of about 2-3 months prevents their use in operational POD. COST-G also provides a signal model fitted to the monthly GRACE-FO gravity fields that is updated quarterly and allows for the prediction of time-variable gravity, e.g. for use in applications that rely on short latency like operational POD.

We present POD results for LEO and MEO satellites based on the COST-G fitted signal model (FSM), where we put special attention on the impact of the C20 gravity field coefficient, which is poorly defined from the GRACE/GRACE-FO observations, but may be replaced by SLR-only or SLR+GRACE/GRACE-FO combined solutions. We moreover present an extension of the COST-G FSM, also covering the GRACE-period and therefore suited for reprocessing campaigns that rely on a consistent model of time-variable gravity.

How to cite: Meyer, U., Peter, H., Geisser, L., Calero, E., Dach, R., and Jäggi, A.: COST-G models of time-variable gravity for precise orbit determination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6553, 2023.

On-site presentation
Min Li, Youncun Wang, Kecai Jiang, Wenwen Li, Qile Zhao, Rongxin Fang, Na Wei, and Renhai Mu

Precise orbit knowledge is a fundamental requirement for low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. Accurate non-gravitational force modeling directly improves the overall quality of LEO precise orbit determination (POD). Time-dependent radiation data and modeled physical effects are considered to address the potential approximation errors in solar radiation pressure (SRP) modeling. We develop an advanced thermal reradiation model for satellite solar panels. A set of improved non-gravitational force models is performed for LEO POD, and we discuss the benefits of the enhanced dynamic models on orbit quality and dependence on empirical parameters. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On (GRACE-FO), Jason-3, and Haiyang-2B missions are selected for the POD process. Estimated empirical acceleration and scale parameters and independent satellite laser ranging (SLR) are used to validate the final orbit solutions. The magnitude of empirical acceleration estimated in POD is reduced by 19% with the enhanced dynamic modeling, and the estimated scale factor for the SRP converges to stable and reasonable level. Furthermore, the steady-state temperature model used in thermal reradiation can effectively reduce mismodeled effects in the SRP, and the systematic linear dependency revealed by the SLR residuals is significantly reduced for the GRACE-C and Jason-3 satellites, with improvements of approximately 61% and 49%, respectively. With the enhanced non-gravitational force models, the SLR validation shows the best orbit solutions with RMS values of 10.4, 10.1, 12.4, and 13.2 mm for the GRACE-C, GRACE-D, HY-2B, and Jason-3 satellites, respectively. Overall, advances are made in the explicit modeling of non-gravitational forces to pursue superior satellite orbits, suggesting a more dynamic orbit solution.

How to cite: Li, M., Wang, Y., Jiang, K., Li, W., Zhao, Q., Fang, R., Wei, N., and Mu, R.: Enhanced solar radiation pressure modeling for LEO precise orbit determination: result validation and improvement, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4244, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4244, 2023.

On-site presentation
Prof Ahmed El-Mowafy

Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites are widely used in space missions such as satellite gravimetry, radio occultation, Earth monitoring, and in formation flying. Precise orbit determination (POD), in either absolute or relative modes, is an essential prerequisite for these missions. The onboard collected signals of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) are used for the POD of LEO satellites. Typically, the Ionosphere-free (IF) combination of these signals is used in the absolute LEO POD, which has some disadvantages. Firstly, the observation information is wasted in constructing IF observation. Secondly, although different IF combinations can be constructed in multi-frequency scenarios, they may be correlated. Thirdly, integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) based on the IF observations can only be achieved with precise external products, which has limited availability in space. Concerning relative POD, the most classical method is the double-differenced (DD) model with IAR, which also has drawbacks. Firstly, strict common-view GNSS satellites are needed, which is not guaranteed in the complex space environment with the high dynamic of the satellites. Secondly, the opportunity to impose dynamic constraints on the eliminated parameters is lost during differencing. Therefore, in this contribution, we focus on the use of undifferenced uncombined (UDUC) observations and propose a new POD model. The UDUC POD model has several advantages. Firstly, the common-view GNSS satellites are only used to form the DD ambiguities for IAR; therefore, there is no need for the external satellite phase bias (SPB) products. Secondly, the model shows flexibility in multi-frequency scenarios. Thirdly, and more importantly, as precise GNSS orbits and clocks products are used, the model can be used for both absolute and relative LEO POD. Based on onboard GPS observations of a formation flying mission, comprising two closely spaced LEO satellites working in a formation, we explored the performance improvement of the proposed model over traditional models. Two conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, the proposed model's performance in absolute POD is improved by more than 20% compared with the classical IF POD method, when computing their differences with reference orbits. Secondly, for relative POD, it is proposed that the consistency between the model and the reference orbit is within 1.5 mm, proving that the method can serve for formation flying missions. The above results show that the proposed UDUC POD method can achieve higher POD accuracy than the traditional methods.

How to cite: El-Mowafy, P. A.: Undifferenced and uncombined GNSS approach for absolute and relative POD of LEO satellites in formation flying, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2576, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2576, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Adrian Jaeggi, Jose van den IJssel, Alexandre Couhert
Javier Berzosa, Carlos Fernández Martín, Marek Matuszak, Marc Fernández Usón, Jaime Fernández Sánchez, Carolina Nogueira Lodd, Pierre Femenias, Heike Peter, and Ulrich Meyer

The Copernicus Precise Orbit Determination (CPOD) Service generates routinely precise orbital products of Sentinel-1, -2, -3 and -6 for its operational use by ESA and EUMETSAT. The accuracy of these products depends on the quality of the inputs used, particularly the gravity field and the GNSS orbits and clocks. This abstract focusses on the impact of the gravity field using the COST-G geopotential models.

Currently, the CPOD Service is using the EIGEN-GRGS-RL04 mean gravity field model, which dates back in 2019. In the framework of COST-G (Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields) a new series of gravity fields is being generated quarterly by AIUB (Astronomical Institute, University of Bern), as a fit to a weighted combination of monthly gravity fields generated by different analysis centres. The monthly gravity fields models are generated based on GRACE-FO data, so they are capable of accurately catching up the recent changes in the gravity field. These models improve the operational orbit results significantly. Since these fitted signal models (FSM) only cover the GRACE-FO period they are not suitable for consistent reprocessing of entire mission times beyond 2018. In order to support such reprocessing activities an additional COST-G FSM has been generated covering the GRACE and GRACE-FO period. 

The use of the COST-G products has been proposed to substitute the current EIGEN-GRGS-RL04 mean gravity field model within the Copernicus Precise Orbit Determination (CPOD) Service. Based on limited reprocessing campaigns (from 2019 onwards) of Sentinel-3 A&B using both geopotentials (EIGEN and COST-G), it has shown that the COST-G FSMs represent improvements on the orbital accuracy and yields smaller dispersion of empirical accelerations.

Thanks to the recent availability of a new full COST-G FSM covering the GRACE and GRACE-FO period, the present work will extend this analysis to the Sentinel-1, -2 and -6 missions as well, including the full mission (e.g., from 2014 in the case of Sentinel-1A), to confirm the potential benefits of COST-G FSMs.

It is worth mentioning that this analysis will be performed with FocusPOD, a new GMV state-of-the-art POD SW.

How to cite: Berzosa, J., Fernández Martín, C., Matuszak, M., Fernández Usón, M., Fernández Sánchez, J., Nogueira Lodd, C., Femenias, P., Peter, H., and Meyer, U.: Reprocessing of Copernicus Sentinel POD solutions with COST-G geopotential models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16137, 2023.

Jose van den IJssel, Christian Siemes, and Pieter Visser

The European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm mission was launched in November 2013 and consists of three identical satellites flying in near-polar low Earth orbits to study the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetic field. In the Swarm Data, Innovation, and Science Cluster framework, precise science orbits (PSO) are computed for the Swarm satellites from onboard GPS observations. These PSO consist of a reduced-dynamic orbit to precisely geotag the magnetic and electric field observations, and a kinematic solution with covariance information, which can be used for determining large-scale time variable changes of Earth’s gravity field. In addition, high-resolution thermospheric densities are computed from onboard accelerometer data. Due to accelerometer instrument issues, these data are currently only available for Swarm-C and the early mission phase of Swarm-A. Therefore, also GPS-derived thermospheric densities are computed, which have a lower temporal resolution but are available for all Swarm satellites during the entire mission. The Swarm density data can be used to study the influence of solar and geomagnetic activity on the thermosphere.

We will present the current status of the processing strategy used to derive the Swarm PSO and thermospheric densities and show recent results. For the PSO, our processing strategy includes a realistic satellite panel model for solar and Earth radiation pressure modelling, integer ambiguity fixing, and a screening procedure to reduce the impact of ionospheric scintillation-induced errors. Validation by independent Satellite Laser Ranging data shows the Swarm PSO have high accuracy, with an RMS of the laser residuals of about 1 cm for the reduced-dynamic orbits, and slightly higher values for the kinematic orbits. For the thermospheric densities, our processing strategy includes a high-fidelity satellite geometry model and the SPARTA gas-dynamics simulator for gas-surface interaction modelling. Comparisons between Swarm densities and NRLMSIS model densities show noticeable scaling differences, indicating the Swarm densities' potential to contribute to thermosphere model improvement. The accuracy of the Swarm densities is dependent on the aerodynamic signal size. For low solar activity, the error in the radiation pressure modelling becomes significant, especially for the higher-flying Swarm-B satellite.

The Swarm precise orbit and thermospheric density products are available for users at the dedicated ESA Swarm website (ftp://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int). The Swarm densities are also available at our thermospheric density database (http://thermosphere.tudelft.nl). This database also includes thermospheric densities for the CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE, and GRACE-FO satellites. For future work, it is planned to further improve the Swarm densities, especially for low solar activity conditions, by including a more sophisticated radiation pressure modelling of the Swarm satellites.

How to cite: van den IJssel, J., Siemes, C., and Visser, P.: Precise science orbits and thermospheric densities for the Swarm mission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5432, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5432, 2023.

Longjiang Tang, Jungang Wang, Liangwei Nie, Huizhong Zhu, Maorong Ge, and Harald Schuh

Along with other space geodetics, the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technique has a profound impact on the realization of terrestrial reference frames and the provision of geodetic and geophysical parameters such as Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) and geocenter (GCC) coordinates. In GNSS data processing ambiguity resolution (AR) is critical to achieve high-precision estimates. Due to the uncalibrated phase delay (UPD), currently most International GNSS Service (IGS) Analysis Centers (ACs) adopt the double-differenced (DD) ambiguity resolution strategy, which eliminates UPD by between-satellite and between-station differencing. Undifferenced (UD) ambiguity resolution, which recovers the integer characteristics of the UD ambiguities by directly estimating the UPD, was originally developed for Precise Point Positioning and nowadays is also applied to network processing, for example for Precise Orbit Determination (POD). In this study, we conducted a comparative study on the UD and DD ambiguity resolution for GNSS POD data processing. We demonstrated that the UD strategy significantly improves the solution compared to the DD solutions. The GPS orbit precision is improved by 20%, 12%, and 5% in the along, cross, and radial component, respectively. Moreover, the ERP are significantly improved, and the agreement with the IGS final products is improved by 28% and 23% for the offsets of x-pole and y-pole, respectively, and by 23%, and 17% for the corresponding rates. Additionally, the repeatability of station coordinates and GCC coordinates is also slightly improved. More important, we confirmed that the two strategies are theoretically equivalent and the outperformance of UD strategy could be explained by its strong robustness to wrong-fixings and its capability to fix the most UD ambiguities, while wrong-fixings and missing fixings are hardly avoidable in the DD strategy due to the requirement of forming DD-ambiguities.

How to cite: Tang, L., Wang, J., Nie, L., Zhu, H., Ge, M., and Schuh, H.: Improving GNSS data analysis with undifferenced integer ambiguity resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3589, 2023.

Cyril Kobel, Daniel Arnold, and Adrian Jäggi

Precise orbit determination (POD) of low earth orbiters (LEO) using data of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the computation of GPS network solutions are usually performed in separate processes. Typically, orbits and clock corrections of GPS satellites, which have been previously determined as part of a network solution, are introduced as fixed in a LEO POD. However, various studies have shown that the inclusion of GPS observations of LEOs in a global network solution can be advantageous, particularly in terms of the quality of resulting GPS products and certain geodetic parameters, such as the Earth’s center of mass coordinates. Since a few years more and more GPS data from LEO CubeSats are available, such as from the SPIRE satellites which are equipped with dual-frequency GPS receivers and may be used as part of specific scientific investigations. The SPIRE satellite constellation is a group of remote sensing satellites that are used to measure and map the earth's surface and atmosphere.

In the present study, we aim to determine the impact of GPS observation data from specific SPIRE satellites when they are included in the computation of a global network solution. Code and phase observations received by GPS receivers on board of selected SPIRE satellites, along with those from ground stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS), are processed together in a joint least-squares adjustment process to obtain a combined GPS-LEO solution. This determines orbit parameters of the SPIRE satellites together with GPS orbit parameters and geodetic parameters, such as station coordinates, Earth rotation parameters, and the Earth's center of mass coordinates. To assess the influence of the SPIRE LEOs more closely, various solutions are analyzed in which GPS observations from different SPIRE satellites and from scientific LEO missions are included. Given the different orbit characteristics of the selected SPIRE satellites, specifically the orbital inclinations, it is also possible to examine the impact of this on the resulting solution. The global solutions are compared to each other and to a solution using only data from terrestrial GPS stations. Quality characteristics are analyzed to assess the quality of the combined GPS-LEO solution, which are the resulting GPS orbit solutions in terms of orbit overlaps at arc boundaries, the quality of geodetic parameters, and the determined formal errors of the estimated parameters. The resulting SPIRE orbits of the combined solutions are also compared to those of a separate POD.

How to cite: Kobel, C., Arnold, D., and Jäggi, A.: Impact of incorporating SPIRE CubeSat GPS observations in a global GPS network solution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12153, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12153, 2023.

Parisa Shafiei, Jean Bemtgen, Matthieu Talpe, and Sajad Tabibi

CubeSats constellations using commercial off-the-shelf components have been studied for different applications, such as GNSS Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO). Furthermore, precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) CubeSats based on multiple GNSS constellations would open new opportunities for scientific applications such as Earth’s gravity field measurements.

In GNSS kinematic orbit determination, which is the common method used for small sats, the derived orbits are affected by noise, data gaps, outliers, measurement errors as well as poor geometry of the observations. Our work seeks to mitigate these issues and we present two areas of research: 1) GNSS network processing of GPS and Galileo constellations and 2) kinematic orbit determination of a set of Spire CubeSats that host a GNSS-RO payload. An initial architecture of kinematic orbit processing for the Spire GNSS-RO CubeSats constellation is obtained and the details on validations and limitations are discussed in more details. In addition, we showcase the agreement between the GNSS orbit products produced at the University of Luxembourg (UL) with those of the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE). Finally, the Spire kinematic orbits based on the raw observation approach are derived and compared to the L1B Spire orbit products.

How to cite: Shafiei, P., Bemtgen, J., Talpe, M., and Tabibi, S.: Initial Orbit Determination Results from the University of Luxembourg using Spire GNSS Tracking Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15932, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15932, 2023.

Grzegorz Bury, Daniel Arnold, Rolf Dach, and Adrian Jäggi

A global Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) is realized today by four space geodetic techniques, i.e., Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS). The current goals for the TRF realization are specified with an accuracy of 1 mm and long-term stability of 0.1 mm/year according to the Global Geodetic Observing System requirements.

Differences in the characteristics of each space geodetic technique might introduce systematic effects into TRF realization. Among the crucial systematics, we can distinguish modeling and calibration deficiencies, i.e., direct solar radiation pressure (SRP) modeling for GNSS and DORIS, GNSS antenna calibration uncertainties, South Atlantic Anomaly handling for DORIS, and time and range bias handling for SLR. The current realization of the TRF is based on independent solutions for each of the four contributing space geodetic techniques that are just connected on the ground via local ties and the Earth Rotation Parameters. A new opportunity to challenge the systematic errors is to co-locate space techniques onboard one satellite, as it is planned for the Genesis-1 mission. The Genesis-1 satellite is the first ever satellite co-locating sensors related to GNSS, SLR, DORIS, and VLBI.

In this study, we present preliminary results for orbit reconstruction using simulated GNSS observations for the Genesis-1 satellite. We use the Bernese GNSS Software for different orbital altitudes, including the currently planned altitude of 6000 km. We assess the quality of the orbit reconstruction using simulated GNSS data from observations of the zenith-, nadir-, and both zenith and nadir-looking antennas. Additionally, we assess the visibility from the ground tracking network of VLBI, SLR, and DORIS, for the different satellite altitudes.

How to cite: Bury, G., Arnold, D., Dach, R., and Jäggi, A.: Simulation of GNSS observations for Genesis-1, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7927, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7927, 2023.

Heikki Järvinen, Angel Navarro Trastoy, Lauri Tuppi, and Torsten Mayer-Gürr

We discuss a concept of probabilistic orbit. If correctly constructed, an ensemble of equally plausible orbits is a proper representation of the underlying true and unknown probability distribution of orbits. Hence, the probabilistic orbit is determined by the entire sample and its statistical properties rather than any individual ensemble member. We explore the concept by starting from an ensemble of atmospheric state estimates generated at ECMWF (N=51). The ensemble mean closely corresponds to the most likely atmospheric state estimate, and the ensemble spread to its inherent uncertainty. We compute separately a GNSS orbit solution for each unique atmospheric state (N=51). Thus, we essentially sample one uncertain information source the GNSS orbits are known to be sensitive for. Thereby, uncertainty in the atmospheric state estimate is explicitly propagated to the ensemble of orbit solutions. The concept leads to interesting corollaries. Precise point positioning using the probabilistic orbit, for instance, becomes probabilistic, too.

How to cite: Järvinen, H., Navarro Trastoy, A., Tuppi, L., and Mayer-Gürr, T.: Probabilistic orbit solutions in GNSS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12696, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12696, 2023.

Carlos Fernández Martín, Javier Berzosa Molina, Luning Bao Cheng, Miguel Ángel Muñoz de la Torre, Marc Fernández Usón, Sonia Lara Espinosa, Eva Terradillos Estévez, Jaime Fernández Sánchez, Heike Peter, Pierre Féménias, and Carolina Nogueira Loddo

The Copernicus Precise Orbit Determination (CPOD) Service is a consortium led by GMV, responsible for providing precise orbital products and auxiliary data files from the Copernicus Sentinel-1, -2, -3, and -6 missions to the corresponding Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) processing chains at ESA and EUMETSAT.

Since April 2014, the CPOD Service has been supporting the Copernicus program as soon as the different Sentinel satellites were launched. During the last 8 years, the CPOD Service has been using the ESA/ESOC SW NAPEOS, to compute the precise orbits. During these years, new algorithms and standards were implemented in NAPEOS, to improve the accuracy of the products. Currently, the accuracy of the orbital solutions computed by the CPOD Service is state-of the art, and similar to the solutions computed by other entities including AIUB, CNES, DLR, ESA, GFZ, JPL, TU Delft, and TUM, all of them members of the CPOD Quality Working Group (QWG).

Starting on January 2021, GMV has been developing a new POD SW called FocusPOD, as an internal R&D activity. Following current trends (e.g., GIPSY-X, GODOT), FocusPOD has been written from scratch in C++ & Python, with a completely new design, with the goal of supporting future CPOD Services evolutions, among other projects.

In terms of architecture, the core layers of the FocusPOD SW have been designed as a library, to support a flexible development of applications. For example, constructing multiple distributed programs is possible, as well as building a single binary that decodes the GNSS L0 data, reads the different input files (e.g., GNSS orbits and clocks), pre-processes the observations, propagates the initial state vector, performs the least-square adjustment, fixes ambiguities, and constructs the final product; all with a single execution that allows reducing the processing time and minimizes the usage of HW resources. The functionality of each binary may be constructed as needed.

One of the key differences with respect to the previous SW is the decision to separate data and algorithms in the design of FocusPOD. This has triggered the development of a data model to keep in the processing memory all the data, organized following its physical meaning, and relating different elements. This will allow developing new algorithms independently of the data. Another relevant aspect is the use of advanced mechanisms to keep and search large amounts of data, a key element to exploit the SW in future use cases.

The architecture of FocusPOD will be presented, as well as its performance. In terms of architecture, the benefits of the chosen design will be highlighted together with the lessons learnt from the implementation. In terms of performance, it will be shown that the new SW presents improvements in runtime with respect to the legacy system, reducing the product generation timeliness, while reaching the same levels of accuracy as other state-of-the-art SW packages. The achievable accuracy in LEO POD will be presented by showing the differences against external reference solutions and SLR residuals analysis of the Sentinel satellites.

How to cite: Fernández Martín, C., Berzosa Molina, J., Bao Cheng, L., Muñoz de la Torre, M. Á., Fernández Usón, M., Lara Espinosa, S., Terradillos Estévez, E., Fernández Sánchez, J., Peter, H., Féménias, P., and Nogueira Loddo, C.: FocusPOD, the new POD SW used at CPOD Service, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1908, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1908, 2023.

Barbara Suesser- Rechberger, Torsten Mayer-Guerr, Patrick Dumitraschkewitz, Cornelia Tieber-Hubmann, and Sandro Krauss

The Gravity Recovery Object Oriented Programming System (GROOPS) is meanwhile a highly sophisticated and well accepted tool in the scientific community which enables the user to perform core geodetic tasks. The key features of the software include gravity field recovery from satellite and terrestrial data, the processing of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) constellations and ground station networks and the determination of satellite orbits from GNSS measurements. In the course of the continuous development of GROOPS, we will extend the software by satellite laser ranging (SLR) as an additional feature. Satellite laser ranging offers the possibility to measure distances from low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites with an accuracy in the mm and cm range. A major advantage of this observation technique is that only a passive space technology, called laser retroreflectors are required onboard. Satellite laser ranging can be used as a tool for independent validation of precise determined LEO satellite orbits. Thus, through the extension of GROOPS by SLR we will also be able to perform a validation of our own determined satellite orbits, which we publish regularly. In this work we will give an overview of the integration of the SLR processing, and how corrections regarding the satellites centre of mass, antenna offsets, laser retroreflector offsets and satellite/station specific range biases are handled. Additionally, we will show the orbit validation results of several satellite missions with laser retroreflectors onboard.

How to cite: Suesser- Rechberger, B., Mayer-Guerr, T., Dumitraschkewitz, P., Tieber-Hubmann, C., and Krauss, S.: Extension of the software toolkit GROOPS by satellite laser ranging, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5244, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5244, 2023.

Patrick Schreiner, Anton Reinhold, Karl Hans Neumayer, and Rolf Koenig

The absolute positional accuracy of altimetry satellites is one key aspect for subsequent analyses in Earth observation. To determine the position of a satellite with highest accuracy, various observation techniques are obtainable. Recent satellites like the Copernicus Sentinel-3A/3B and 6A Michael Freilich (MF) satellites are equipped with multiple observation techniques onboard. We use the techniques Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to generate orbits based on DORIS-only, on the combination of DORIS and SLR, and on GPS-only. To examine the accuracy of the orbits, we compare them inter-technique-wise and with an external combined orbit solution, which is assumed to have superior absolute accuracy and minimal residual systematic errors. Subsequently, we strive to generate reference frame realizations for the DORIS technique in order to be able to contribute an additional solution to the International DORIS Service (IDS) in the future. Therefore, we use the DORIS only-orbit solutions, and generate weekly local reference frames for each of the three satellites and in combination. We evaluate these based on the reference frame defining parameters, i.e. origin, scale and orientation.

How to cite: Schreiner, P., Reinhold, A., Neumayer, K. H., and Koenig, R.: Sentinel POD based on DORIS, GPS and SLR and subsequent reference frame determination based on DORIS-only, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6489, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6489, 2023.

Drazen Svehla

In order to increase the accuracy of precise orbit determination for a single satellite or satellites in LEO formation, we propose using a LEO-to-GNSS laser interferometer, what we call a “laser GNSS receiver”, to measure the Doppler shift with a continuous-wave (CW) laser between LEO and GNSS satellites equipped with SLR arrays (Galileo, GPS, GLONASS, Beidou). LEO orbit is above atmosphere (no  atmospheric attenuation and turbulence in laser signal) and this makes the “laser GNSS receiver” very attractive for future LEO missions. At the EGU and AGU conferences, over the last several years, we have presented the link budget, design and feasibility of such a new instrument in space geodesy and discussed applications in: reference frame missions; gravity field missions; laser atmospheric sounding (above the clouds) and combination with microwave GNSS-RO; time/frequency transfer for ground optical clocks at 10-18 frequency uncertainty (TAI, UTC); and Earth-to-Moon laser interferometry using an ILRS telescope. Here we extend this new instrument in space geodesy to laser DORIS and laser SAR.

Laser altimetry is an established technique that uses a pulsed laser to measure a range from LEO orbit to the ground in the nadir direction. In a similar way, interferometric laser tracking could be established on the continuous-wave laser signal transmitted from the LEO orbit in the nadir direction and reflected from the ground. This could be done, e.g., by modulating a microwave-like signal on a CW laser, providing a microwave phase on a laser carrier. The main advantage of the laser SAR/inSAR is that microwave modulation on a laser carrier is not going to be affected very much by the wet delay of the atmosphere and in this way does not require radiometers in LEO to correct atmospheric propagation effects, and instead, they can be corrected a priori using models like those used for the SLR measurements.

Therefore, compared to the microwave SAR/inSAR, laser SAR/inSAR opens up the possibility of using the SAR/inSAR technique along with space geodesy techniques if permanent geodetic stations are equipped with the well-defined laser retro-reflectors on the ground. Compared to the pulsed lasers used by ILRS, a continuous-wave laser is more appropriate for higher laser powers since the lower laser peak power avoids damage to the transmitting optics and allows simplified optics with non-mechanical laser beam steering. We present link budget of such a laser DORIS technique to observe Doppler shift from LEO orbit to the ground laser retro-reflectors and laser SAR/inSAR based on laser signal reflected from the ground surface. The IceSAT-2 mission from NASA indirectly confirmed the link budget with the onboard pulsed laser used for laser altimetry, opening up the possibility of a laser SAR/inSAR technique from LEO.

How to cite: Svehla, D.: LEO-to-GNSS Laser Interferometer for Space Geodesy with Laser DORIS and Laser SAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11867, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11867, 2023.

Kristin Vielberg, Anno Löcher, and Jürgen Kusche

Precise non-gravitational force models are crucial for satellite gravimetry, thermospheric neutral density estimation, and precise orbit estimation (POD). Besides the dominating aerodynamic acceleration acting on low Earth orbit satellites, radiation pressure accelerations impact their motion. The acceleration due to the Earth radiation pressure (ERP) decreases with increasing satellite altitude, whereas the effects of the Solar radiation pressure (SRP) and thermal reradiation pressure (TRP) vary mainly with the satellite’s orientation towards the Sun.

In previous investigations, we extended the existing radiation pressure force models with a focus on a GRACE-like satellite. However, validating the non-gravitational force modelling remained difficult. For GRACE and GRACE-FO, a comparison to measured accelerometer data is possible. However, it is obviously difficult to separate residual effects of the necessary accelerometer calibration procedure from errors in the radiation pressure models.

To overcome these disadvantages, here we perform a validation of modelled non-gravitational accelerations using independent satellite laser ranging (SLR) measurements, which do not require such calibration. This approach is twofold. In a first step, a POD is performed, where kinematic GNSS-orbits and modelled non-gravitational accelerations serve as input together with gravitational state-of-the-art background models. Second, the residuals between the SLR measurements and the derived orbit are computed. Since we assume the SLR observations as the truth, small residuals indicate that the modelled non-gravitational accelerations represent reality well. A comparison against GNSS orbit solutions is not performed here, since kinematic orbits are already part of the first step and the comparison would not be independent.

We choose the year 2008 for our experiments, where the radiation pressure signal is at the same order of magnitude as the aerodynamic signal. Our two-fold approach is performed several times, where we vary the parametrization of the radiation pressure force model, e.g., the consideration of the Earth’s radiation data sets or the satellite’s thermal reradiation. The aerodynamic model is kept fixed during these experiments and a scale factor for this force is co-estimated to account for its mismodelling. Our preliminary results indicate that the smallest residuals occur when considering non-instantaneous TRP acceleration with modified material (diffusion) parameters in addition to our extended ERP and SRP force models. In this case, the annual RMS per pass of the residuals is 2.72cm, which is 2.4cm below the results obtained with standard models and still nearly 4mm less than without modifying the TRP parameters.

How to cite: Vielberg, K., Löcher, A., and Kusche, J.: Validating radiation pressure force models for GRACE with SLR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6533, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6533, 2023.

Daniel Arnold, Heike Peter, and Adrian Jäggi

Numerous non-gravitational accelerations (NGAs) – due to radiation or gas-surface interactions – act on a typical satellite in low Earth orbit. The modeling of these accelerations is a key aspect of (reduced-)dynamic satellite precise orbit determination. Opposed to a purely empirical estimation of NGAs, especially orbit solutions with a high dynamical stiffness require an explicit NGA forward modelling. This is most important, e.g., for altimetry satellites which require utmost orbit accuracy especially in radial direction.

For explicit NGA modelling, a commonly employed strategy is to describe the satellite body in terms of a relatively simple macro model, i.e., a geometry composed of a number of elementary shapes like flat plates, spheres or cylinders, each of which with a specific size, orientation and surface property. During orbit integration, for each individual elementary surface NGAs are then computed based on analytical expressions and the sum over all surfaces yields the total NGA of the satellite at integration epoch. Often each of the elementary surface of the satellite macro model is treated fully independent from the other surfaces and interactions, in particular the (partial) occultation or shadowing of one surface by other surfaces is neglected. In case of satellites with significant non-convex shapes (like the altimetry satellite Sentinel-6A) this can lead to a marked degradation of NGA modeling. On the other hand, very detailed satellite geometry models together with techniques like ray tracing can provide highly accurate NGAs, however, at the price of significantly increased processing times.

In this contribution we assess the performance of a relatively simple self-shadowing algorithm for satellites described by a collection of flat convex polygons. Based on the relative plate locations, for each plate we analytically determine the amount of shadow cast by the other plates. We quantify the cost in terms of processing time and the impact on dynamic orbit solutions for the Copernicus Sentinel satellites in terms of empirical orbit parameters, observation residuals as well as other orbit quality metrics. We compare the so-derived NGAs and orbit solutions to results obtained with different other macro models and alternative approaches to take self-shadowing into account.

How to cite: Arnold, D., Peter, H., and Jäggi, A.: Simple self-shadowing in precise orbit determination of Copernicus Sentinel satellites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13569, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13569, 2023.

Roman Sulzbach, Kyriakos Balidakis, Felix Öhlinger, Torsten Mayer-Gürr, Henryk Dobslaw, and Maik Thomas

Ocean tides are small, periodic disturbances of the ocean state variables with frequencies related to the solar and lunar ephemerides. Most prominently, they are observed at the coasts by tide gauge measurements, where variations of the free sea surface height are visible even to the bare eye. On the other hand, tide gauges are just one geodetic technique that can identify ocean tide signatures. Especially satellite altimetry is considered the critical technology for constructing highly accurate data-constrained ocean tide atlases. However, the number of frequencies available from such atlases is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio of those observations, so not all tidal lines are readily available. To account for unresolved minor ocean tides, linear admittance approaches are utilized. On the other hand, unconstrained hydrodynamic ocean tide modeling with TiME (Sulzbach et al., 2021, 2022) allows us to calculate the oceanic response for any given tidal line explicitly.

Due to the long-wavelength character of ocean tidal loading, its geophysical fingerprint is not restricted to the oceans but extends horizontally (causing deformations of the crust to which instruments are attached) and vertically (causing periodic changes in gravity at orbital heights of in particular low-Earth orbiting satellites). Thus, tidal loading systematically disturbs both satellite orbits and also geodetic observations from ground stations with SLR, GNSS, and DORIS.

In this contribution, we compare tidal predictions from different ocean tide atlases. In addition to available Stokes coefficients of the gravity potential, we calculate vertical and horizontal displacements for 34 partial tide solutions from FES14, 17 from EOT20, and 57 from the data-unconstrained model TiME based on a spherical harmonic decomposition of maximum degree 4999. We focus on the influence of minor ocean tide solutions on the tidal predictions either drawn from the broadband TiME22-catalog or derived with the help of linear admittance from EOT20/FES14 major tides. The results are validated with time series of selected geodetic measurement systems to quantify the influence of the minor tide treatment on their residuals to motivate further efforts to reduce ocean tide residuals in precise orbit determination.

How to cite: Sulzbach, R., Balidakis, K., Öhlinger, F., Mayer-Gürr, T., Dobslaw, H., and Thomas, M.: Impact of Minor Ocean Tides on Surface Deformations and the Earth’s Gravity Field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15862, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15862, 2023.

Krzysztof Sośnica, Radosław Zajdel, Grzegorz Bury, Mauro Di Benedetto, Daniele Durante, Andrea Sesta, Agnes Fienga, Nicola Linty, Jacobo Belfi, and Luciano Iess

In the framework of the European Space Agency’s Moonlight program, a satellite navigation system is planned for positioning, navigation, timing, and communication on the Moon.  The constellation will consist of three or four lunar orbiters in eccentric orbits – with periselene above the northern hemisphere and aposelene above the southern hemisphere; the latter is of special interest in terms of future lunar missions. The eccentric orbits introduce a challenge for precise orbit determination, because large gravity perturbations due to the lunar gravity field occur in the periselene passes, whereas the aposelene passes are associated with the smallest gravity gradients and thus the largest errors in orbit determination.

We evaluate the non-gravitational and gravitational perturbing forces acting on lunar orbiters in eccentric orbits. The simulated orbits consider lunar gravity field based on the GRAIL mission, gravity perturbations from the Sun, Earth, and planets considering Earth’s oblateness, tidal deformations, direct solar radiation pressure with lunar and Earth eclipses, albedo, antenna thrust, and relativistic effects. We discuss three methods of proposed representation of the broadcast orbits: based on Keplerian parameters and a set of one-per-revolution corrections (GPS-like or Galileo-like), based on Chebyshev polynomials with a variable number of coefficients and arc-length representation, and based on a series of positions and velocities (GLONASS-like). We discuss the advantages and limitations of all three representations and accuracies provided by different approaches depending on the number of assumed coefficients and arc lengths. Finally, we discuss the impact of inconsistent treatment of the origin, scale, and orientation of the lunar reference frame on the determined positions on the Moon. 

How to cite: Sośnica, K., Zajdel, R., Bury, G., Di Benedetto, M., Durante, D., Sesta, A., Fienga, A., Linty, N., Belfi, J., and Iess, L.: Precise orbits for the lunar navigation system: challenges in the modeling of perturbing forces and broadcast orbit representation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5575, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5575, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | vHall GMPV/G/GD/SM

Chairpersons: Adrian Jaeggi, Alexandre Couhert, Oliver Montenbruck
Vikash Kumar, Onkar Dikshit, and Nagarajan Balasubramanian

DORIS (Doppler Orbitography Radio positioning Integrated by Satellite) is a space-based piggyback satellite system that when used as a terrestrial measurement system can provide an accuracy of 10 cm in the absolute position measurement and in the order of sub-cm accuracy in relative measurements. When it rides piggyback on any satellite system can provide an orbital accuracy up to cm level. Precise Orbit Determination (POD) is the process of accurately tracking the position and velocity of a satellite in orbit. DORIS is an excellent satellite tracking system supporting the precise orbit determination of satellites. The accuracy of the POD does not affect only the quality of the estimated orbit ephemerides, but also the quantities derived from a free-network solution, mainly the station coordinates and the Earth rotation parameters (ERP). The precisely determined orbit can be used in many altimetric applications including estimating the mean sea surface, marine geoid, and vertical land motion, to derive vertical deflection and mean dynamic topography. Apart from that, the gravity field variations can also be determined more precisely.  GNSS data observations alone have been used so far in India to study the plate tectonics movements and earthquake predictions in the Indian subcontinent. Since DORIS and GNSS both have homogeneous network distributions and are complementary to each other, the DORIS data observations can be combined with GNSS data observations to study plate tectonics movements and earthquake predictions more effectively. Not only that since in DORIS the signal is transmitted from the ground, but processing DORIS measurement residue helps us to better understand and model what occurs in between the layers of the atmosphere which can be used for precise tropospheric modeling.


This space-based geodetic measurement technique has been used for the past three decades the world over, for precise measurement on the ground as well as on all oceanographic and altimetric satellite missions, it has not been introduced in India so far. Since our Space Research Organization has been launching several satellite missions and DORIS is being used for computation of the precise orbits, this technique has come to stay for a long time. The National Centre for Geodesy was set up by the Department of Science and Technology at the IIT Kanpur has also plans to set up a Geodesy village, where the DORIS station is going to be established and our DORIS data will be used in defining ITRF.


How to cite: Kumar, V., Dikshit, O., and Balasubramanian, N.: DORIS-based Precise Orbit Determination and its geodetic applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13557, 2023.