G1.3 | New developments in mathematical methods in geodesy, with a focus on machine learning
New developments in mathematical methods in geodesy, with a focus on machine learning
Convener: Benedikt Soja | Co-conveners: Kyriakos Balidakis, Mattia Crespi, Christian Gerhards, Maria Kaselimi, Randa Natras, Michael Schmidt
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Fri, 08:30
Fri, 08:30
This session aims to showcase novel mathematical methods in geodesy, including enhancements of conventional statistical approaches as well as the application of machine learning techniques. In this regard, two areas that have seen significant developments in recent years are the analysis of geodetic time series and potential field data.

Modern satellite missions measuring the Earth's gravity and magnetic fields such as GRACE-FO and SWARM are continuing to provide data with ever improving accuracy and resolution. Hence, there continues to be a need to develop new methods of analysis, at the global and local scales, and especially on their interface. Furthermore, space geodetic techniques, including GNSS, deliver time series describing changes in the Earth system, such as the surface geometry, sea level change variations or fluctuations in the Earth's orientation. Geodetic observation systems usually measure the integral effect, whereas the aim is typically to understand the individual contributions of the Earth’s sub-components. In general, the amount of data from geodetic observation techniques has increased significantly in past decades. Innovative approaches are required to efficiently handle and harness the vast amount of geodetic data available nowadays for scientific purposes.

We invite contributions that address new mathematical developments in the analysis of potential field data and geodetic time series, and the application of machine learning techniques in general. Improved potential field data analysis may result from the application of wavelets, radial basis functions, Slepian functions, splines, spherical cap harmonics, etc. Time series analysis could benefit from new developments in the area of time-frequency analysis, detection of features of the spatio-temporal variability of signals, as well as signal separation techniques. The application of machine learning shows significant potential for automated processing of geodetic data, pattern and anomaly detection, combination and extraction of information from multiple inhomogeneous data sets, feature selection and sensitivity analysis, super-sampling of geodetic data, and improvements of large-scale simulations. Especially encouraged are contributions that discuss the uncertainty quantification, interpretability and explainability of results from machine learning algorithms, as well as the integration of physical modeling into data-driven frameworks.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room -2.47/48

New methodological developments in satellite gravimetry
On-site presentation
Viviana Woehnke, Annette Eicker, Matthias Weigelt, Andreas Güntner, and Marvin Reich

Water mass changes at and below the surface of the Earth cause changes in the Earth’s gravity field which can be observed by at least three geodetic observation techniques: ground-based point measurements using terrestrial gravimeters, space-borne gravimetric satellite missions (GRACE and GRACE-FO) and geometrical deformations of the Earth’s crust observed by GNSS. Combining these techniques promises the opportunity to compute the most accurate (regional) water mass change time series with the highest possible spatial and temporal resolution, which is the goal of a joint project with the interdisciplinary DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 1464) "TerraQ – Relativistic and Quantum-based Geodesy".

A method well suited for data combination of time-variable quantities is the Kalman filter algorithm, which sequentially updates water storage changes by combining a prediction step with observations from the next time step. As opposed to the standard way of describing gravity field variations by global spherical harmonics, we introduced space-localizing radial basis functions as a more suitable parameterization of high-resolution regional water storage change. A closed-loop simulation environment has been set up to allow the testing of the setup and the tuning of the algorithm. Simulated GRACE and GNSS data together with realistic correlated observation errors will be used in the Kalman filter to sequentially update the parameters of a regional gravity field model. The implementation was designed to flexibly include further observation techniques (terrestrial gravimetry) at a later stage. This presentation will outline the Kalman filter framework and regional parameterization approach, and address challenges related to, e.g., ill-conditioned matrices and the proper choice of the radial basis function parameterization.

How to cite: Woehnke, V., Eicker, A., Weigelt, M., Güntner, A., and Reich, M.: Regional modeling of water storage variations in a Kalman filter framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5571, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5571, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ozge Gunes and Cuneyt Aydin

This study examines hydrological trend estimations derived from GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mascon solutions at the GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center) in terms of the Equivalent Water Thicknesses (EWT) for the world's major river basins. The estimation of hydrological trends in mascon time series involves two steps: deterministic modeling and stochastic modeling. A deterministic model is characterized as a harmonic regression that incorporates trend and seasonal signals. For stochastic modeling, the EWT observables are typically considered to be equally weighted and uncorrelated, hence the term "white noise-only model". This interpretation, however, is misleading because typical discrete geodetic time series have temporal correlations, which generate colored noise. To explain the role of temporal correlations, we employ two different methodologies. Applying the least squares variance component estimation (LS-VCE) to time series for a combination of colored noise (i.e., flicker noise) and white noise is one of them. The second methodology uses autoregressive noise models to model the time series. Finally, the white noise-only model is compared to stochastic modeling incorporating temporal correlation. The findings show that a white noise-only model in a GRACE time series underestimates the uncertainty of the hydrological trend.

How to cite: Gunes, O. and Aydin, C.: Role of temporal correlations in the uncertainties of the GRACE hydrological trend, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9408, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9408, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma, Yann Ziegler, Sam Royston, and Jonathan L. Bamber

GIA from forward models suffer from large uncertainties due to approximations and assumptions on the Earth rheology and ice load history. These uncertainties propagate to uncertainties in ice-sheet mass balance and sea level budget studies. Therefore, GIA estimates from contemporary geodetic datasets are gaining interest. The challenges of obtaining data-driven GIA include solving a geophysical inversion that does not have a unique solution and often requires a-prior information and several approximations. In this work, a novel geophysical framework is developed that uses GPS and GRACE data to estimate GIA signal. The method relies on geophysical relations between geopotential and vertical land movement (VLM) caused by GIA and present-day mass changes. For example, the elastic response of solid Earth to the positive surface mass load results in a negative VLM, while a positive GIA mass leads to a positive VLM. We use these relations to express GPS observed VLM and GRACE observed gravity field anomalies in terms of GIA and present day mass change. The method is first shown to work in a closed-loop synthetic experiment and then applied to the NGL provided GPS velocities and GRACE spherical harmonic coefficients provided by ITG Graz. Our GIA estimates differ significantly from commonly used GIA models (such as ICE-6G) over Alaska and central Greenland. Our GIA rates over Alaska are around 5 mm/yr, which matches with several regional studies over Alaska. Similarly, there is a lot of ambiguity over Greenland ice-load history and our results may provide informative input to the ongoing debate. Our estimates are data-driven and are therefore able to pick them up. We also discuss the uncertainties, caveats and limitations of our method and its implicationsThe published GIA product is made openly available at one degree grid resolution. 

How to cite: Vishwakarma, B. D., Ziegler, Y., Royston, S., and Bamber, J. L.: A data-driven framework for estimating GIA from GPS and GRACE data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11697, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11697, 2023.

Application of machine learning in geodesy
On-site presentation
Giacomo Mastella, Jonathan Bedford, Fabio Corbi, and Francesca Funiciello

Recent observations from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) displacement time-series have demonstrated that the motion of tectonic plates is ubiquitously not steady-state. GNSS displacement time-series can be described as the sum of expected motions such as long term tectonic interseismic motion or annually and semi-annually seasonal oscillations, and unexpected “transients”, such as slow-slip events or volcanic deformations. Although the number and quality of globally available GNSS time-series have increased dramatically in recent years, detecting and modeling these signals remains challenging, because of their elusive nature, masked by the presence of noise. The most popular approach for filtering such noise is the application of common-mode-filters (CMFs) that use weighted averages of residuals after fitting individual time-series with trajectory models. CMFs exploit the spatial coherence of higher frequency noise in both Precise Point Positioning and network double difference solutions to systematically reduce the noise of each time-series. However, the application of CMFs is limited in the case of sparsely distributed GNSS stations. Additionally, CMFs can potentially map local transients into noise when the original trajectory model fits are made suboptimally.

Here we propose an alternative method to CMFs by exploiting Deep Learning (DL) techniques. Our supervised learning regression method aims to remove the noise present in each GNSS time-series regardless of its geographical location on a station-by-station basis. Our dataset consists of nine thousand time-series: all GNSS time-series available on the Nevada GNSS repository with at least 4 years of contiguous data. Our approach is defined by two subroutines. Firstly, the Greedy Automatic Signal Decomposition (GrAtSiD) algorithm is used to fit each time-series and leave behind a residual. GrAtSiD is a sequential greedy linear algorithm that decomposes the time-series into a minimum number of transient basis functions and some permanent functions. The residual time-series after signal decomposition is defined as noise, without qualifying its nature. Once this noise is identified, a DL model is trained to recognize this noise from the raw time-series, without the need for any trajectory modeling. The supervised learning regression model predicts what the residual to a trajectory model would be. Although GrAtSiD is very effective in isolating the high frequency noise of GNSS time-series, its fitting is dependent on the temporal length of input time-series. Additionally, GrAtSiD needs to set arbitrary thresholds which control the convergence of the inversion routine to avoid under- or over-fitting input data. In this context, our DL approach proposes a generalization of GrAtSiD solutions, by exploiting a weakly supervised training based on millions of examples - essentially, the model generalizes an optimal fit having seen many examples of GrAtSiD trajectory fits. This generalization allows the DL model to preserve apparent transient features of the time-series. A multitude of DL architectures are tested in both sequence-to-single and sequence-to-sequence regression framings. This exploration allows us to identify the best framing, architecture, and related hyperparameters for our method to be successful. With the best performing models, we demonstrate the effects of the DL high frequency noise removal and compare it to the CMF approach. 

How to cite: Mastella, G., Bedford, J., Corbi, F., and Funiciello, F.: A Deep-Neural-Network-Based Denoising Method For GNSS Displacement Time-Series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5560, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5560, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fikri Bamahry, Juliette Legrand, Carine Bruyninx, Eric Pottiaux, and Andras Fabian

The EUREF Permanent GNSS Network Central Bureau (EPN CB, www.epncb.eu [1]) monitors the quality of the daily GNSS observations of the EPN stations covering the period 1996-today. The associated data quality indicators (the number of observed versus expected observations in dual frequency, the lowest elevation cut-off observed, the number of missing epochs, the number of satellites, the number of maximum observations, and the number of cycle slips) are used to assess EPN stations' performance and as input for outlier detection in the daily position time series of the 400+ GNSS reference stations in Europe. Due to the increasing number of GNSS stations, the development of an automated algorithm to identify coordinate outliers caused by degraded GNSS data quality would allow to reduce the effort of human interpretation of the data quality indicators. We investigate the correlations between daily GNSS data quality metrics and daily position estimates to achieve this.

This study assesses several machine-learning classification algorithms to find a suitable data-driven model based on the correlation between degraded GNSS data quality metrics and quality degradation in position time series. Based on this investigation, the Random Forest algorithm proved to be the most precise algorithm, with an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) equal to 0.95, and a correct classification of almost 90% of the test dataset. The GNSS data quality indicators ‘maximum observations‘ and ‘cycle slips’ are also shown as the most important parameters driving this model, which is in accordance with the data quality criteria for GNSS stations that IGS has determined [2]. Our model will be implemented in our EPN CB operation routine to develop a new monitoring system that can detect quality degradation on the GNSS station that will enable to improve the reliability of the EPN reference frame product by detecting position outliers due to degraded GNSS data quality. Here, we will present the current development of this automated algorithm, the challenges we faced, and the preliminary results of this work.


[1] C. Bruyninx, J. Legrand , D. Mesmaker, A. Moyaert, A. Fabian (2022): EUREF Permanent Network Central Bureau (EPN CB) Information System, https://doi.org/10.24414/ROB-EUREF-EPNCB

[2] IGS (2019) Questions about the data quality graphs. https://kb.igs.org/hc/en-us/articles/204229743-Questions-about-the-data-quality-graphs

How to cite: Bamahry, F., Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C., Pottiaux, E., and Fabian, A.: Correlation Analysis of GNSS Data Quality Indicators and Position Time Series using Machine-Learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14585, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14585, 2023.

On-site presentation
Laura Crocetti, Matthias Schartner, Konrad Schindler, and Benedikt Soja

Radio signals sent by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites are received by GNSS stations on Earth. The signals get delayed as they propagate through the troposphere, this delay can be measured and thus, tropospheric properties can be estimated.

The total tropospheric delay in zenith direction is split into a zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD) and a zenith wet delay (ZWD). While the ZHD can be modelled analytically with high accuracy, the ZWD is more difficult to model and is therefore typically estimated empirically. Estimating ZWD with high accuracy is important because it is one of the major error sources for GNSS positioning. Furthermore, the ZWD is highly correlated to the water vapour content along the signal path and thus, interesting for GNSS meteorology. Therefore, many studies have investigated new methods to improve state-of-the-art ZWD models. Recently, also machine learning (ML) approaches have been used to create tropospheric delay models. In addition to modelling ZWD, forecasting of ZWD is of great importance. Due to the relation of ZWD to water vapour, accurate ZWD forecasts would be essential for weather forecasting.

The aim of this work is to develop a global ML-based model capable of forecasting ZWD for the next 24 hours at any point on Earth. It is trained on ZWDs, provided by the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory,  from over 10'000 GNSS stations and evaluated on ZWDs of 2700 test stations. The model utilizes the geographical location of the GNSS station and meteorological data from the ERA5 data set as its input features. To make hourly ZWD forecasts for the next 24 hours, forecasts of the meteorological data are taken from the Integrated Forecasting System of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Preliminary results using Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) show an average root mean squared error of around 1.5 cm over all testing stations for a forecasting horizon of 24 hours per day.

How to cite: Crocetti, L., Schartner, M., Schindler, K., and Soja, B.: Forecasting of tropospheric parameters using meteorological data and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3453, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3453, 2023.

On-site presentation
Qinzheng Li, Johannes Böhm, Linguo Yuan, and Robert Weber

Atmospheric weighted mean temperature, Tm, is an important parameter in the Earth’s atmospheric water vapor sounding with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technique. In this study, considering spatial distribution, time-varying characteristics, and the correlation with surface meteorological variables, Tm modeling is realized based on the random forest (RF) machine learning and global atmospheric profiles from radiosonde (RS) data and GPS radio occultations (RO) measurements. Comparisons of modeled results and numerical integrations of atmospheric profiles in 2020 show that the RF-based Tm model with surface meteorological parameters generally obtains a good accuracy with overall RMS errors of 2.8 K in comparison with RS data and 2.6 K in contrast to GPS RO data.

How to cite: Li, Q., Böhm, J., Yuan, L., and Weber, R.: Modeling of the weighted mean temperature based on the random forest machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17204, 2023.

On-site presentation
Shuyin Mao, Grzegorz Kłopotek, Mudathir Awadaljeed, and Benedikt Soja

High-precision global ionospheric modeling is important for radio communication, navigation, or studies on space weather. Traditional spatial ionospheric modeling approaches include spherical harmonics and trigonometric B-splines. The Ionospheric Associated Analysis Centers (IAAC) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) use these methods to model vertical total electron content (VTEC) globally, and generate Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs). Due to the limitations of spatial modeling approaches, conventional GIMs cannot comprehensively describe the spatial feature of the ionosphere. With the capability of capturing complex and non-linear relationships of diverse data, machine learning (ML) has been increasingly applied to ionospheric modeling. Currently, most of the existing ML-related studies focused on temporal prediction of ionospheric states and rarely considered the aspect of the spatial modeling of VTEC. Although some studies predicted global ionosphere maps using machine learning, they used conventional GIMs as inputs, implying that the precision of the ML-based spatial modeling could be limited by traditional methods and quantity of input GNSS observations utilized to generate GIMs.

The goal of this study is the spatial interpolation of VTEC using ML methods for the generation of ML-based GIMs. We first determine VTEC using carrier-to-code levelling through Kalman filter and based on geometry-free multi-GNSS observations from GNSS stations of the IGS network. The derived satellite-specific VTEC time series are then used to train the ML models. Several algorithms, such as extreme gradient boosting and random forest, are applied and their performance is evaluated. Moreover, VTEC from satellite altimetry is used as an additional means to assess the quality of the generated ML models. Finally, we compare the acquired ML-based GIMs with conventional GIMs to investigate the advantage of using the proposed approach for global VTEC modeling.

How to cite: Mao, S., Kłopotek, G., Awadaljeed, M., and Soja, B.: Machine learning for global modeling of the ionosphere based on multi-GNSS data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9260, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9260, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mateusz Poniatowski, Grzegorz Nykiel, and Jędrzej Szmytkowski

The International GNSS Service (IGS) global ionospheric maps (GIMs) are one of the primary sources of information on the ionospheric state. They are used in many research and GNSS positioning applications. IGS GIMs are created using the weighted average of the products derived from the selected IAAC. This method allows for efficient mapping of the state of the ionosphere, especially on days without major disruptions. However, ionospheric disturbances could be more problematic to map correctly. To improve GIMs quality, we used a machine learning (ML) approach to combine individual IAAC GIMs into one product. We used total electron content (TEC) data from Jason altimetric satellite with a 5-minute interval as reference. To improve the modeling, we used auxiliary parameters such as solar and geomagnetic indices, e.g., F10.7 index. The training process was performed on the 2005-2020 dataset. 

This study presents some preliminary results of VTEC modeling using the ML approach. We show inter-validation and inter-comparison with IGS GIMs, and Jason-derived VTEC. We also used pseudorange code and carrier phase single-frequency GNSS observations to show positioning accuracy improvement achieved using ML-based GIMs. For this purpose, we used 34 evenly distributed IGS stations for the selected calm period and strong geomagnetic storms. The results showed that for both calm and stormy days, the differences between the coordinates obtained from our model and those using the IGS product were up to a few centimeters for most stations for the northern and eastern components of the topocentric coordinates. Additionally, for altitude, we noticed accuracy improvement for most stations during the storm periods relative to results obtained using the final IGS product.  

How to cite: Poniatowski, M., Nykiel, G., and Szmytkowski, J.: Application of machine learning to combine global ionospheric maps from IGS analysis centers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11443, 2023.

On-site presentation
Agata Walicka and Norbert Pfeifer

Airborne laser scanning (ALS) point clouds are commonly acquired to describe a 3D shape of terrain and attributes of objects and landforms located on it. They proved to be useful in a variety of applications, including geometrical characterization of both man-made and natural objects and landforms. Usually, the first step of point cloud processing is classification. As a result, its accuracy highly influences the results of subsequent processing. Therefore, reliable and automatic point cloud classification is of key importance in most of the ALS data applications.

Recently, deep learning techniques attracted the attention of the community in the context of point cloud classification. However, the reproducibility of the trained deep learning networks remains unexplored because there is too little accessible and precisely classified 3D training data. Recently many countries have published their national ALS data sets. This initiative leads to promising options for deep learning classification of point clouds as it allows for comprehensive training of deep networks.

In this study we present the investigations that aimed at creation of a universal, deep learning based classifier that will be able to classify point clouds of varying characteristics. The experiments were carried out using selected parts of data sets that have been made available by three European countries: Poland, Austria and Switzerland. The point clouds were classified into four classes: ground and water, vegetation, buildings and bridges, and others. The results of the experiments showed that it is possible to achieve high overall accuracy of the classification for the ground and water (above 98%), vegetation (92-97%, depending on a test site), and building and bridges (92-96%, depending on a test site). A lower overall accuracy was achieved for class others because of a very high variability of geometry of objects that belong to this class. Furthermore, in some cases, adding training data from a different country to the initial training data resulted in improved classification accuracy in selected classes and reduced dataset-specific errors.

As a result, this study proves that it is possible to create a universal, deep learning based classifier that will be able to maintain high classification accuracy while it processes data sets of different characteristics.

How to cite: Walicka, A. and Pfeifer, N.: Deep learning based classification of multinational airborne laser scanning data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8538, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8538, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X2

Matthias Graf, Marius Schlaak, and Roland Pail

In this study, a method is developed which allows to reduce the leakage effect in GRACE gravity fields The leakage effect means that mass changes are falsely assigned to nearby regions due to the limited resolution of the gravity field. These assignments are partly physically unreasonable.

In our method, we separate the entire Earth’s surface according to their surface type as e.g. sea and land surface. Across these regions, individual basis functions (e.g. Slepian functions) are applied. In a constrained least squares adjustment, a priori surface mass trends are rearranged to the respective regions while the basis functions’ coefficients are constrained differently according to their surface type. Therefore, we assume different variabilities of possible mass change. With the inclusion of a filter matrix, the resulting field of surface mass changes is linked to the a priori distribution which results directly from the input gravity field.

The procedure is tested for unfiltered and DDK-filtered GRACE gravity fields as well as SLR-based gravity fields.  Furthermore, geometric information on the changing sea level is introduced in order to improve the de-leakaging and de-aliasing of the input GRACE distributions of surface mass change. For this purpose, products of ESA’s marine service are applied. In our study, we want to show benefits and applications concerning ice mass estimation.

How to cite: Graf, M., Schlaak, M., and Pail, R.: De-Leakaging and De-Aliasing of GRACE-based Surface Mass Distributions by Regularized Basis Functions and Additional Geometric Information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1005, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1005, 2023.

Christian Gerhards, Magued Al-Aghbary, and Mohamed Sobh

Geothermal heat flow models are currently developed for remote areas like Antarctica and parts of Africa. Due to the sparsity of actual geothermal heat flow measurements, indirect data based on various quantities related, e.g., to gravitational and magnetic information are used for predicting heat flow in such regions and quantifying its uncertainty. Here we present and compare two common approaches, a data driven random forest approach that is trained with several covariates (magnetic and gravitational anomalies, lithospheric thickness, topography, seismic velocities) and a physics based approach relating magnetic anomalies to Curie depth and subsequently to geothermal heat flow (requiring various simplifications and a priori assumptions on the underlying physics). 

How to cite: Gerhards, C., Al-Aghbary, M., and Sobh, M.: Approaches to Modeling Geothermal Heat Flow from Various Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9479, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9479, 2023.

Jan Mikocki, Anna Klos, Ozge Gunes, Artur Lenczuk, and Janusz Bogusz

Hydrogeodesy is an applied scientific field that uses precise geodetic observations to measure or infer hydrological quantities and their changes over time. Recently, modern geodesy supplies hydrology with a very powerful tools based on the Earth’s artificial satellites, notably GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). The long-term changes of periods higher than 1 year present in the time series of GNSS station displacements may be due to real geophysical effects, but may also be coupled to effects resulting from the superposition of GNSS systematic errors as well as numerical artefacts. As a result, it is often difficult to use the aforementioned changes to study, for example, long-term changes in the hydrosphere for specific GNSS station locations. Consequently, it is impossible to exploit the main advantage of GNSS over other measurement techniques, in the sense of dense spatial distribution in some parts of the world. In this study, we use wavelet analysis to determine long-term changes from GNSS station displacement time series and displacement time series determined from GRACE data and data from GRACE-assimilating high-resolution hydrological model GLWS v2.0 (Global Land Water Storage) provided by the University of Bonn. Global GNSS time series set was processed by the International GNSS Service (IGS) in the form of the latest reprocessing repro3.We correct the GNSS displacement time series for non-hydrospheric effects, such as non-tidal atmospheric effect, non-tidal oceanic effect, draconic period, post-glacial rebound and ground thermal expansion effects. We use a range of statistical analyses, such as correlation coefficient analysis and dynamic time warping (DTW) distance to assess the similarity of long-term changes between the three data sets. On this basis, we identify GNSS stations for which long-term changes can be analyzed in terms of changes in the terrestrial hydrosphere and those for which the long-term nature of the series is not due to changes in the hydrosphere, but to other effects.

How to cite: Mikocki, J., Klos, A., Gunes, O., Lenczuk, A., and Bogusz, J.: Demystifying long-term changes observed by GNSS: comparison with GRACE observations and hydrological models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5537, 2023.

Alfonso Vitti, Francesca Tesolin, Mirko Reguzzoni, Lorenzo Rossi, Öykü Koç, Khulan Batsukh, Alberta Albertella, and Federica Migliaccio

Dedicated satellite gravity missions, such as GOCE, GRACE and GRACE-FO, have been providing essential data for many geodetic and geophysical studies and applications. In the next future, new missions exploiting technological advances and innovative observation principles will be proposed, thus requiring numerical simulations to assess their performances in recovering information on the Earth gravity field. This is typically done by simulating the satellite orbits and propagating the instrumental noise to the error covariance matrix of the spherical harmonic coefficients. Of course, this propagation also depends on the processing techniques. Among them, approaches based on time-wise strategies are devised to directly map the time series of observations to spherical harmonic coefficients, while the approaches based on space-wise strategies are focused on the location of observations estimating the coefficients by some local analysis. In this work we compare a time-wise approach with a space-wise approach for the data analysis of possible future gradiometry missions, for example those based on quantum technology and based on the satellite tracking concept (pair or double pair of satellites, such as NGGM/MAGIC). The time-wise approach basically works in the Fourier transform domain, thus making the simulation very efficient from the computational point of view at the cost of some simplifications, e.g., in the data regularity and in the orbit repetition period. The time-wise approach permits a formal error propagation of realistic instrumental noise power spectral densities. On the other hand, the space-wise approach is focused on projecting the observed gravity information onto a spherical grid and then solving the boundary value problem to estimate the spherical harmonic coefficients. In estimating the grid values, the space-wise approach directly works in the space domain where a collocation method on local patches of data can be exploited for adapting the estimation to the local/regional characteristics of the gravity field. Differently from the time-wise approach, a formal error propagation from the instrumental noise power spectral densities is not feasible, e.g., for the limitations in modelling the error cross-correlation of grid nodes estimated from different data patches. Therefore, the overall error assessment relies on a Monte Carlo simulation. In this study, several numerical simulations are presented to emphasize the pros and cons of the two methods, as well as possible combination strategies to be exploited in studies of the time-variable models of the Earth gravity field.

How to cite: Vitti, A., Tesolin, F., Reguzzoni, M., Rossi, L., Koç, Ö., Batsukh, K., Albertella, A., and Migliaccio, F.: Comparisons and possible combinations of time-wise and space-wise approaches for satellite gravity missions data processing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12563, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12563, 2023.

Maria Kaselimi, Nikolaos Doulamis, Anastasios Doulamis, and Demitris Delikaraoglou

Precise modeling of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) is critical for reliable and accurate GNSS applications. TEC is the integral of the location-dependent electron density along the signal path and is a crucial parameter that is often used to describe ionospheric variability, as it is strongly affected by solar activity. TEC is highly depended on local time (temporal variability), latitude, longitude (spatial variability), solar and geomagnetic conditions. The propagation of the signals from GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellites throughout the ionosphere is strongly influenced by temporal changes and ionospheric regular or irregular variations. Here, we leverage transformer as an effective and scalable structure with self-attention mechanisms, for modeling long-range temporal dependencies for ionospheric TEC modelling based on GNSS data. 

The proposed transformer model is capable of learning long-range temporal dependencies. In seq2seq models, learning temporal dependencies is a demanding task, and often the model forgets the first part, once it completes processing the whole sequence input. Our model utilizes attention mechanisms and identifies complex dependencies between input sequence elements throughout the whole sequence.

Our model handles imbalanced datasets. Our work demonstrates that combining the unsupervised pre-training process with downstream task fine-tuning, offers a practical solution for ionospheric TEC modelling. This is a comparative advantage against the existing state-of-the-art works which, in most cases, fail to sufficiently model intense ionospheric variability conditions.

How to cite: Kaselimi, M., Doulamis, N., Doulamis, A., and Delikaraoglou, D.: A Transformer Model for Ionospheric TEC Prediction Using GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4303, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4303, 2023.

Laura Hübner, Elmar Brockmann, Laura Crocetti, Konrad Schindler, and Benedikt Soja

The densification of high-quality, permanent GNSS stations in Europe enables a large-scale investigation of deformation processes on the Earth’s surface. This work aims to interpolate the horizontal and vertical GNSS station velocities and thus produce velocity fields showing the land motion for Switzerland, the Alps and Europe. The GNSS station velocities are provided by the EUREF Working Group on European Dense Velocities. The data set contains horizontal (east, north) and vertical velocities for around 8000 stations in Europe. Five interpolation methods are implemented and compared, namely, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Ordinary Kriging, K - Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). Latitude and longitude of the station locations are used as input features for the interpolation. Additional input features will be engineered for Random Forest and MLP. Generally, the performance of all five interpolation methods with latitude and longitude as features evaluated on the test data by Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Bias Error (MBE) is comparable for all velocity components in Switzerland, the Alps and Europe. RMSE and MAE vary among the methods by hundredths of a mm/year. The only exceptions are the horizontal velocity components for the extent of Europe, where MLP and Ordinary Kriging perform slightly worse than the other methods. The key findings of the qualitative analysis are that MLP and Ordinary Kriging produce the smoothest velocity fields, while IDW, KNN and Random Forest produce artifacts due to their mode of operation. All methods interpolate similar velocity fields where the station data is dense and greater differences when it is sparse. Especially for extrapolation areas where no data is available their performance is not verified. The interpolation of the GNSS station velocities in Switzerland, the Alps and Europe for this work shows that it is possible to produce velocity fields with accuracy level below 1 mm/year and the different phenomena of land motion can be clearly identified. 

How to cite: Hübner, L., Brockmann, E., Crocetti, L., Schindler, K., and Soja, B.: Land motion in Europe imaged by GNSS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8222, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8222, 2023.

Using GNSS-IR and the ARIMA Model to Forecast Changes in Glacier Surface Elevation: A Case Study
Sree Ram Radha Krishnan and Simran Suresh
Harsh Grover, Frauke Albrecht, and Caroline Arnold

The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CyGNSS) is a constellation of eight microsatellites launched in 2016 with the goal of measuring global ocean wind speed. With four channels on each satellite, it produces up to 32 Delay Doppler maps (DDMs) per second. CyGNSSnet [1] is a machine learning algorithm developed to predict ocean surface wind speed directly from DDMs. Evaluated on an independent test set, CyGNSSnet achieved an RMSE of 1.36 m/s. It is however unknown whether the algorithm’s performance is stable, the further the evaluation date is from the training data range.

New DDMs are provided every day through the NASA EarthData cloud [2]. Here, we present an automatic machine learning pipeline to evaluate CyGNSSnet continuously using Prefect, a Python library for workflow orchestration. This allows us to schedule the pipeline daily and to handle the process smoothly in case of any failures. 

The workflow of the pipeline is as follows: the CyGNSS data and the ERA5 windspeed labels are downloaded and pre-processed. Wind speed predictions are made with the pretrained CyGNSSnet. Metrics of the model, including root mean squared error and bias, as well as visualizations are stored in a MongoDB database. All saved data can be accessed through a website, where users can analyze the current performance of CyGNSSnet and access previous visualizations and results.

The pipeline can be set up system-independent via Docker compose. It can easily be adapted to other remote sensing data sources and machine learning algorithms, provides a valuable software tool to leverage big data in remote sensing, and enables continuous validation of machine learning algorithms. In our contribution, we will demonstrate the performance of CyGNSSnet for the months leading up to the conference.

[1]  Asgarimehr, M., Arnold, C., Weigel, T., Ruf, C., Wickert, J. (2022): GNSS reflectometry global ocean wind speed using deep learning: Development and assessment of CyGNSSnet. - Remote Sensing of Environment, 269, 112801.

[2] CYGNSS. CYGNSS Level 2 Science Data Record Version 3.1. Ver. 3.1. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. accessed 2022/2023 at 10.5067/CYGNS-L2X31

How to cite: Grover, H., Albrecht, F., and Arnold, C.: Towards an operational CyGNSSnet - automated ocean wind speed prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1475, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1475, 2023.

New investigation of a tropical cyclone: observational and turbulence analysis for the Faraji hurricane
Giuseppe Ciardullo, Leonardo Primavera, Fabrizio Ferrucci, Fabio Lepreti, and Vincenzo Carbone

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | vHall GMPV/G/GD/SM

Ningbo Wang, Denise Dettmering, Zishen Li, Ang Liu, and Michael Schmidt

Information on the distribution of free electrons in the Earth's ionosphere is needed for many applications, including the mitigation of single-frequency range delay errors and the monitoring of space weather. Most of the existing ionospheric models are generated using ground-based GNSS measurements, e.g., the Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS). However, the quality assessment of GIM is presently still an open question. In addition to altimetry Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) information over the oceanic regions, limited external data sources are available today to perform a fully independent validation of GNSS-based ionospheric models. The high-quality dual-frequency phase measurements of Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) system provide valuable opportunities to examine the Earth’s ionosphere. In this work, we analyzed the feasibility of using DORIS data to estimate the accuracy of GNSS-generated ionospheric models. To this end, the concept of DORIS differential Slant Total Electron Content (dSTEC) assessment is proposed. Using Jason-3 Near-Real-Time (NRT) DORIS data of the International DORIS Service (IDS), the accuracy of different Real-Time Global Ionospheric Maps (RT-GIM) as well as the IGS combined one is evaluated. The consistency between DORIS and GNSS dSTEC assessments in the quality analysis of RT-GIMs is also checked, and the overall Pearson correlation coefficient reaches 0.81 during the one-year test period. The DORIS dSTEC assessment can be used not only to estimate the accuracy of individual GIMs, but also to determine their weighting within a combination strategy. The performance of DORIS-dSTEC and GNSS-dSTEC combined GIMs is assessed by comparison to Jason-3 VTEC from the mission altimeter. The standard deviations are 4.71 TECu and 4.80 TECu for DORIS-dSTEC and GNSS-dSTEC combined GIMs, indicating the slightly better performance of DORIS-dSTEC combined RT-GIM in Jason-3 VTEC assessment. It was shown that NRT DORIS data can be used to independently validate and combine GNSS-derived ionospheric maps. In the future, it is also envisaged that DORIS data can be directly incorporated into ionosphere modeling. To this end, the provision of NRT data from other DORIS missions is planned (e.g., Sentinel-3).

How to cite: Wang, N., Dettmering, D., Li, Z., Liu, A., and Schmidt, M.: DORIS NRT data: an independent data source for GNSS-based ionospheric maps validation and combination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7575, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7575, 2023.

Nihal Tekin Ünlütürk and Uğur Doğan

In this study, when the height components of continuous GNSS stations were examined, it was seen that there were seasonal effects, and it was investigated whether the height components were related to meteorological parameters. Linear regression analysis was performed to obtain how dependent the height components of the continuous GNSS stations were on meteorological parameters. As a result of the analysis, the height components of the continuous GNSS stations are dependent on the meteorological parameters such as temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind velocity and precipitation. In addition, height component time series analysis of continuous GNSS stations was performed by using Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models from linear time series methods. As a result of the study, the performance of the ARMA modeling results again indicated the dependence of the height component of the continuous GNSS stations on the meteorological parameters.

Moreover, the measurements of Turkish National Permanent GNSS Network-Aktif (TUSAGA-Aktif) stations covering the 2014-2019 date range were used. The daily coordinates of GNSS stations were obtained as a result of GAMIT/GLOBK software solution. The analyzes subject to the study were carried out in Python.

Keywords: GNSS height component, Meteorological parameters, Linear Regression, ARMA Model

How to cite: Tekin Ünlütürk, N. and Doğan, U.: The Effects of Meteorological Parameters on GNSS Height Component, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9665, 2023.