TS3.4 | Challenges in the characterization of active faults in slow deforming areas
Challenges in the characterization of active faults in slow deforming areas
Convener: Octavi Gomez-Novell | Co-conveners: Aram Fathian, Sara Pena-Castellnou, Paula Herrero-Barbero, alessio testa
| Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room D1
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Orals |
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 16:15
Active faults in slow deforming areas (<5mm/yr) constitute a critical hazard for the population not only because they are capable of eventually generating large destructive earthquakes but especially because their longer recurrences negatively impact the social perception of the risk. The characterization of fault systems in these areas is intrinsically more challenging as surface processes may mask the rates of tectonic activity and/or the deformation is diffusely distributed. Ultimately, this can prevent having a proper age control of the faults’ activity histories. In recent years, overcoming these issues has implied adapting and combining multiple known methodologies developed for faster faults to these new settings (e.g., multi-site paleoseismological trenching, tectonic geomorphology, structural analysis), as well as developing new modeling tools to approximate fault behavior when field data is scarce or takes a long time to gather (e.g., physics-based modeling, geodetic data). The characterization of fault activity in terms of earthquake occurrence and slip rate, together with the proper treatment of their uncertainties, is of vital relevance for probabilistic seismic and fault-displacement hazard assessments of these regions (PSHA and PFDHA). In addition, active faults of slow deforming settings are critical to evaluate the site-specific seismic hazard for critical facilities (e.g., power plants or dams), as longer recurrence times must be considered.

This session is an opportunity to discover and share new data, advances and approaches of the research focused on characterizing seismogenic faults and their activity in slow deformation settings worldwide. We aim our session to enhance discussion about the future actions in this matter, also among early career scientists and scientific communities like the Fault2SHA working group. Hereby, we invite contributions from various fields including paleoseismology, geomorphology, geodesy, structural analysis, tectonic geochronology, numerical modeling, as well as fault-based PSHA and PFDHA studies.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room D1

Chairpersons: Octavi Gomez-Novell, Sara Pena-Castellnou
Fault data acquisition and characterization from field surveying
On-site presentation
Victor Hugo Garcia, Fernando Hongn, Carolina Montero, Ahmad Arnous, Leonardo Elías, Emilio Criado Sutti, Martin Zeckra, Sara Figueroa Villegas, Rodolfo Germán Aranda Viana, Leonardo Escalante, William Peyerl, Eduardo Salamuni, Gustavo Ortíz, Eugenia Monteros, Fabiano Pupim, Frank Krüger, Bodo Bookhagen, and Manfred R. Strecker

Historical and instrumental seismicity records from the Central Andes of north-western Argentina spanning the last ca. 350 years have been the primary data source to characterize this region’s exposure to seismic hazard as “moderate” to “high” (0.18-0.25 PGA). Despite the relevance of the existing dataset in seismic hazard assessments (SHA), we propose that the lack of detailed neotectonic and paleoseismological studies regarding widespread evidence of Quaternary seismogenic deformation has prevented a more accurate SHA in the vicinity of densely populated areas, such as the metropolitan regions of San Salvador de Jujuy, Salta, and San Miguel de Tucumán, which together total almost 2 million inhabitants and host important infrastructure.

In order to improve the neotectonic characterization of potential seismogenic sources in this region our research efforts we have employed a multidisciplinary and multimethodological research approach to develop an improved register of active Quaternary structures. This approach includes remote sensing analysis, detailed structural and geomorphic mapping and topographic surveying, interpretation of seismic reflection lines and near-surface geophysical surveys, structural modeling, the deployment of temporary local seismic networks, as well as geochronology. The geochronological methods include terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating (TCN) and U-Pb dating of volcanic ashes to establish the age of abandoned fluvial terraces (104 to 105 yrs) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and AMS14C dating to constrain the depositional ages of sedimentary sequences on centennial to multi-millennial timescales.

These efforts have shed light on important parameters for SHA (i.e. fault geometry and kinematics, Late Pleistocene-Holocene slip rates) of at least a dozen of potentially seismogenic faults that were not very well known before. Our results show that besides the expected N-S-striking structures related to shortening, oblique, transpressive fault systems also exist that are probably related to the highly diachronous compressional reactivation of Cretaceous normal faults. Mean fault lengths are of around 15-20 km with extremes between 10 and 50 km, while mean slip rates typically reach 1 mm/a, with some structures reaching 2 mm/a.

Among the analyzed structures in the transition between the Eastern Cordillera and its foreland, two affect directly urban areas (Medeiros fault, Salta; Los Alisos fault, Jujuy) or they occur in the vicinity of critical infrastructure (Medina fault, El Tunal hydroelectric power plant). Further detailed studies are being carried out on these structures in order to better constrain their paleoseismological behavior and seismogenic capability.

How to cite: Garcia, V. H., Hongn, F., Montero, C., Arnous, A., Elías, L., Criado Sutti, E., Zeckra, M., Figueroa Villegas, S., Aranda Viana, R. G., Escalante, L., Peyerl, W., Salamuni, E., Ortíz, G., Monteros, E., Pupim, F., Krüger, F., Bookhagen, B., and Strecker, M. R.: Neotectonic characterization of potential seismogenic structures in NW Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-159, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-159, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jin-Hyuck Choi, Chung-Ryul Ryoo, Tae-Ho Lee, Youngbeom Cheon, Hoil Lee, Taehyung Kim, Yire Choi, and Chang-Min Kim

South Korea, one of the most densely populated areas, has been considered a tectonically safe region as there were no destructive earthquakes in modern society. Indeed, there is no report of any earthquake event with surface ruptures in a historical period. After the 2016 Mw 5.5 Gyeongju earthquake, the largest instrumentally recorded event in South Korea, the need for research on large-earthquakes has highlighted and multidisciplinary research projects were conducted for paleoseismological investigations. Here we introduce the newly discovered geologic records of pre-historical large-earthquakes. Firstly, paleoearthquake surface ruptures were newly identified along the entire section of the Yangsan Fault, one of the most major strike-slip structures in the Korean Peninsula. For a 50-km-long fault section, a fault theme map with a scale of 1:25,000 was produced and paleo-earthquake records were found at multiple sites mainly based on excavation surveys. The results provide an opportunity to interpret the temporal and spatial scenarios of the paleo-earthquakes along the fault. Secondly, stratigraphic records of paleo-earthquake surface rupture were found at a few localities near another major strike-slip fault system; the Gongju Fault System, and we obtained paleoseismic data. These records imply that moderate-sized earthquakes often occurred on minor faults, not on the main trace of the major faults. Our results indicate that the crustal deformation of the Korean Peninsula, which belongs to the very slow-deforming regions, is accommodated by moderate-to-large earthquakes with a recurrence time ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of years. Considering that it is not easy to detect any crustal deformations using micro seismicity and/or geodetic data due to too slow deformation, we note that it is necessary to obtain more paleoseismological data to well understand tectonic deformations as well as to assess hazards associated with future earthquakes.

How to cite: Choi, J.-H., Ryoo, C.-R., Lee, T.-H., Cheon, Y., Lee, H., Kim, T., Choi, Y., and Kim, C.-M.: Geologic records of moderate-to-large pre-historical earthquakes in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13396, 2023.

On-site presentation
Beth Kahle, Alina Ludat, Simon Kübler, Mjahid Zebari, Stefanie Rieger, Mugabo Wilson Dusingizimana, Sara Carena, and Anke Friedrich

The Victoria microplate is generally assumed to be internally rigid, i.e. non-deforming.  Here, we describe geomorphological evidence for active fragmentation of the microplate along the E-W to NE-SW striking Isuria-Utimbara fault system, Lake Victoria, in the Kenya-Tanzania transboundary region.

The Isuria-Utimbara fault system has received little previous attention and is not recognised as seismically active. The fault system marks the northern boundary of the Mara River Basin and lies within the mapped extent of the Victoria microplate, an apparently relatively rigid block situated on the Tanzanian craton. The area is defined by low seismicity within the temporal limits of the instrumental record: seismicity is concentrated along the western arm (as well as, to a lesser extent, the southernmost part of the eastern arm) of the East African Rift (EAR). Here, we describe geomorphological evidence for geologically recent earthquake activity, which has produced scarps and alluvial fans in the hanging walls of the major escarpments. The scarps appear to be segmented, with typical segment lengths of approximately 15 km, and together sum to an along-strike length of approximately 100 km. The height of the scarps exceeds 8 m with a maximum height of 25 m (measured using TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Global data which has a horizontal resolution of 12 m and an ~2 m height error). Considering the length of a typical segment, scaling relationships suggest the possibility for multiple >Mw 6 earthquakes. If the segments slipped together, this would result in a maximum earthquake magnitude of >7. Although dating has not yet been carried out, a constraint on slip rate comes from displaced Neogene volcanics found above and below the main escarpment, which give a long-term vertical displacement rate of approximately 0.1mm/yr, comparable with stable continental intraplate settings. Our findings have implications for the seismic hazard of the region: although parts of the Mara River Basin are protected areas of great ecological importance, population density is increasing along the shores of Lake Victoria and a major gold mine lies directly to the south of the fault system. This fault appears to be fragmenting the Tanzanian craton, albeit at relatively slow rates, and cratonic settings are in general capable of producing large and damaging earthquakes due to the possibility for a large seismogenic thickness.

How to cite: Kahle, B., Ludat, A., Kübler, S., Zebari, M., Rieger, S., Dusingizimana, M. W., Carena, S., and Friedrich, A.: Fragmentation of the Victoria microplate: geomorphological evidence for active faulting along the Isuria-Utimbara fault system, Kenya-Tanzania transboundary region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9511, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9511, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lucilla Benedetti, Maxime Henriquet, Stéphane Baize, Branko Kordic, Adrien Moulin, Josipa Maslač, Nikola Belić, Francesca Cinti, Daniela Pantosti, Stefano Pucci, Riccardo Civico, Alessio Testa, Paolo Boncio, Bruno Pace, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Cecile Lasserre, and Marianne Metois

Europe has experienced over the last years earthquakes of moderate magnitude (Mw 5-6), yet destructive, reminding us of the seismogenic potential of slowly deforming regions. Among them, the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake ruptured the Petrinja-Pokupsko Fault (PPKF) in Central Croatia, about 50-km southeast of Zagreb, a region in which the caracterisation of seismogenic faults had been insufficiently studied before that event. Understanding the strain accommodation through time and space is critical for accurate assessment of the regional seismic hazard.

Using field observations and high-resolution topographical data derived from airborne LiDAR (~10 cm resolution) and tri-stereo satellite images (Pléiades, resolution 50 cm), we accurately mapped the fault trace, underlined at several sites by geomorphic markers such as valleys, terrace risers, and alluvial fans that have recorded cumulative displacements ranging from 5 to > 50 m and potentially up to ~180 m. Along the studied section, our fault mapping is composed of a clear NW-SE-trending 10-km-long strand between Donja and Cepelis, and of 1-4-km-long right-stepping segments marked by a non-negligible vertical component. The southern strand is composed of 2-3 sub-parallel segments that accommodate the deformation within a < 500 m wide fault zone.

We have identified several sites on the main southern strand where offsets have been accurately measured and where displaced markers have been sampled for cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating and radiocarbon datings. This will allow to estimate the slip-rate for this fault at different sites and over several time spans.

The mapped fault appears very discontinuous with the deformation absorbed by a series of small fault sections rather than on a single fault strand. This likely reflects a recent transpressive deformation, with immature faults,  in agreement with the source parameter of the 2020 Petrinja earthquake derived from seismology.

Finaly, the 2020 coseismic surface ruptures affected the northern section of the PPKF, while the mapped cumulative displacements appears more prominent along the southern section. A better knowledge of the seismic history of this entire fault system is thus crucial for seismic hazard assessment of this area.

How to cite: Benedetti, L., Henriquet, M., Baize, S., Kordic, B., Moulin, A., Maslač, J., Belić, N., Cinti, F., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Civico, R., Testa, A., Boncio, P., Pace, B., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Lasserre, C., and Metois, M.: Identification of faulted geomorphic markers and slip-rate estimation along the source of the 2020 Mw6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), the Petrinja-Pokupsko Fault., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5228, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5228, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fabien Graveleau, Frank Chanier, Laurent Deschodt, Hervé Jomard, Louise Watremez, Patrick Dusautoy, and Cécile Durin

Northern France presents mostly a low level of seismic hazard according to the French national seismic hazard map. Despite low instrumental seismicity rates, strong and unfrequent historical earthquakes occurred, with for instance the M~6, 1580 Strait of Dover earthquake, or the M~5, 1896 Lens-Arras earthquake, whose seismogenic sources are presumably the Sangatte and the Marqueffles Faults, respectively. Both belong to the NW-SE-directed Weald-Boulonnais-Artois structure. Moreover, the Haubourdin Fault (also named Lille-Hazebrouck Fault), at the hinge of the Mélantois anticline, and bordering the southern edge of the Lille Metropolis (1.2 millions inhabitants), is considered as potentially active during Quaternary times. All these above-mentioned faults are linked to deep Paleozoic structures in the basement that formed along the northern front of the Variscan orogeny, and that were regularly reactivated during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. To investigate and document the possible neotectonic activity of the Artois structure and the Haubourdin Fault, and therefore improve seismic hazard assessment in northern France, we used a pluridisciplinary approach based on the analysis of 1) LiDAR dataset, 2) paleoseismological trenching, 3) OSL/14C dating, and 4) sub-surface geophysical survey.

Along the Artois structure, we focused on the locality of Harnes within Lens city suburbs. A preventive archeological work unraveled a clear sub-surface deformation feature that we analyzed through several ~2m-deep trenches. Field investigations indicated that the fault presents a regular N130° strike, which is consistent with surface and subsurface regional structures, and a 25-30° southwestward dip. Reverse throw along the fault were measured to about 15-20 cm thanks to a clearly displaced coal-rich horizon, sampled for C-14 dating. Interpretation of the data is complex since the site is located in a region where glacio-tectonic processes, severe First World War bombing and subsidence due to underground mining are documented.

Along the Haubourdin Fault, our analysis of high resolution LiDAR data highlighted two topographic scarps aligned along a N110°E trend, but that do not match with the fault trace extracted from the geological map. This new fault trace is confirmed by subsurface geophysical survey (electric resistivity tomography and mapping). Both scarps present contrasted uplifted blocks since the southern block is uplifted (by several meters) for the western branch, whereas the northern block is uplifted (by 1-2 m) for the eastern branch. All these new field mapping results call for a substantial revision of the fault trace in the region together with a consideration of its segmentation. Finally, two new OSL datings has been obtained from a sandy-clay layer unconformably sealing some Late Paleocene deformation in the southern Lille suburb (i.e., Villeneuve d’Ascq). It gives the first minimum age in the literature for the deformation of the Mélantois northern limb.

How to cite: Graveleau, F., Chanier, F., Deschodt, L., Jomard, H., Watremez, L., Dusautoy, P., and Durin, C.: Investigating seismotectonic activity in northern France from LiDAR, palaeosismological trench and OSL/C-14 dating : new results along the Artois and Mélantois structures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5039, 2023.

Fault source modelling for fault system characterization
On-site presentation
Christian Brandes, Ulrich Polom, Jutta Winsemann, Peter Sandersen, Patrick Wu, and Holger Steffen

Intra-plate faults are a special challenge in seismology, because of the long intervals between individual seismic events and the fact that such faults are often hidden below young sediments. This makes such faults difficult to detect and thus they can be the source of unexpected and fatal earthquakes. The Børglum fault is located in a slowly deforming area in northern Denmark and represents one of the northern boundary faults of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. With a length of at least 250 km, it is capable to produce significant seismic events. Previous studies indicated that the Børglum fault is seismically active and this fuelled the demand for further analysis of the fault structure and its seismic hazard potential. Due to excellent coastal outcrops and available high-resolution DEMs, the Børglum fault is a perfect natural laboratory to analyse a hidden active fault. We present a multi-method approach based on outcrop analyses, shear-wave seismic reflection surveys, DEM analysis and numerical simulations of deglaciation-induced Coulomb failure stress change. The 2D seismic surveys show that the analysed segment of the Børglum fault is a complex fault system with a strike-slip component. This interpretation is based on positive flower structures on the seismic surveys, the presence of elongated mini-basins and the geometry of the drainage pattern in the study area. On the basis of soft-sediment deformation structures and disaggregation bands developed in Late Pleniglacial to Lateglacial marine and lacustrine deposits, we derive repeated phases of fault activity with earthquake magnitudes of up to M=7. The geometry of the drainage pattern in the study area indicates a close relationship between fault activity and topography. Based on the timing of fault activity and results from numerical simulations of deglaciation-related lithospheric stress build-up, it is likely that the Børglum fault is a glacially triggered fault and that the analysed part of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone is susceptible to glacially triggered fault reactivation.

How to cite: Brandes, C., Polom, U., Winsemann, J., Sandersen, P., Wu, P., and Steffen, H.: The Børglum fault, Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, northern Denmark: a natural laboratory to investigate a hidden active intra-plate fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1100, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1100, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sylvain Michel, Clara Duverger, Laurent Bollinger, Romain Jolivet, and Jorge Jara

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), located in France and Germany, is bordered by north-south trending faults, some of them considered active, posing a potential threat to dense population and infrastructures from the Alsace plain. The largest historical earthquake in the region is the 1356 Basel earthquake associated to a magnitude M6.5+/-0.5. Current seismicity (M>2.5 since 1960) is mostly diffuse and located within the graben. The seismic hazard of the URG southern region was recently assessed by Chartier et al. (2017). In this study, we build upon their evaluation by exploring uncertainties in greater detail, revisiting a number of assumptions. Based on a complex fault network from Nivière et al. (2008), we evaluate scenarios that have not been taken into account previously, exploring uncertainties on Mmax, its recurrence time, the b-value, and the moment released aseismically or through aftershocks. Uncertainties on faults’ moment deficit rates, on the observed seismic events’ magnitude-frequency distribution, and on the moment-area scaling law of earthquakes are also explored. Given the four faults considered, and the scenario in which the Black Forest fault is not active anymore but where the other faults can still rupture simultaneously, and assuming only a dip-slip mechanism, the Mmax maximum probability is estimated at Mw5.95. Considering this scenario, there would be a 99% probability that Mmax is below 7.15. In contrast, considering instead strike-slip, as suggested by paleo-seismological work from Castellnou et al. (2022), and taking the Black Forest Fault into account, Mmax maximum probability is estimated at Mw6.85. Based on this scenario, there would be a 99% probability that Mmax is less than 7.65.

How to cite: Michel, S., Duverger, C., Bollinger, L., Jolivet, R., and Jara, J.: Update of the Seismogenic Potential of the Upper Rhine Graben Southern Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2730, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2730, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pouye Yazdi, Julián García-Mayordomo, José Antonio Álvarez-Gómez, Jorge Miguel Gaspar-Escribano, and Eulàlia Masana

The Eastern Betics Cordillera embraces a zone of low-to-moderate seismic activity located at the SE of the Iberian Peninsula. However, a major active fault system which crosses the area, ca. 500 km long, known as the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ), has been responsible for the occurrence of several large historical earthquakes (Mw> 6.0) since the beginning of the historical record. Finding physics-based evidence for relations between significant historical events in such a moderate-slipping fault system would help us narrate them as long-term cascades. Such a perspective provides valuable insights into faults interactions over time and, thus, until the contemporary periods.

Some authors have examined static Coulomb failure stress changes (ΔCFS) to explain the triggering influence of moderate instrumental earthquakes in this region. However, the applied approach in this study, which implies the estimation of postseismic ΔCFS, is the first attempt of this kind to identify triggering connections between historical earthquakes in EBSZ.

This study addresses a sixteenth-century cascade of three large earthquakes that occurred in less than 13 years within a radius of 100 km in the southern section of the EBSZ. It includes the 1518 Vera (Mw~6.2), the 1522 Alhama de Almería (Mw~6.5 -7.1) and the 1531 Baza (Mw~6.5) earthquakes, each one associated with a different causative fault, namely the N-S strike-slip Palomares fault, the NE-SW strike-slip Carboneras fault and the N-S to NW-SE normal Baza fault, respectively. We aim to explore the Coulomb stress transfer along the occurrence of this cascade and the plausible rupture scenarios that could favour or not a triggering connection between the causative faults.

First, a simple smoothed slip model is performed to simulate the earthquake ruptures. The applied slip models respect existing information on the attributes and hypotheses based on seismological and paleoseismic studies. Then, the multilayered viscoelastic relaxation modelling by Wang et al. (2006) is used to calculate the time-dependent deformation fields (since the 1518 Vera earthquake) across the crust and the lithospheric mantle. Finally, the cumulative co+postseismic ΔCFS are solved for the kinematics of the Carboneras and Baza fault planes in 1522 and 1531, respectively.

Our results strongly suggest a sequential stress-triggering connection between these three large events. According to our models, the 1531 Baza earthquake occurred along with an increase in the ΔCFS due to the viscoelastic relation over time. We further explore the implication of the characteristic curved-shape of the Baza fault when considering different rupture scenarios of the 1522 event at the Carboneras fault. We found that the northern NS-oriented section of the Baza fault remains more exposed to positive cumulative co+postseismic ΔCFS and, indeed, was more prone to rupture in 1531 rather than the southern NW-SE section. We believe our results would pave the way for understanding the relationship between many other major historical earthquakes in the Betics Cordillera.

How to cite: Yazdi, P., García-Mayordomo, J., Álvarez-Gómez, J. A., Gaspar-Escribano, J. M., and Masana, E.: Coulomb stress transfer as an explanation for a XVI-century earthquake cascade in the Eastern Betics Cordillera, Spain; Insights from viscoelastic relaxation of the lithosphere and postseismic stress triggering., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2419, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2419, 2023.

New techniques for fault parameter characterization
On-site presentation
Léa Pousse-Beltran, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Laurence Audin, Pierre Lacan, Theo Lallemand, and Andres Núñez Meneses

Normal fault markers in the landscape such as scarp are records of fault activity. The scarp morphology is used for exemple to estimate slip rates or rupture behaviors. The scarp morphology varies along strike, and needs to be estimated to assess this variation. Currently this is often a time-consuming step with expert-dependent results, often qualitative and with uncertainties that are difficult to estimate. To overcome those issues, we are developing a bayesian supervised machine learning method using convolutional neural networks (CNN) trained on a database of simulated profiles, called ScarpLearn. We train the CNN to use high resolution data (< 5m). From a 2D topographic profile across normal fault scarps, ScarpLearn is able to automatically give the scarp height with an uncertainty and to illuminate the area of the profile containing the scarp. We apply ScarpLearn for the characterization of normal active faults in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. This region is a slow deforming area (~0.2±0.05 mm/yr), which extends over more than 800km, crossed  by more than 600 potentially active faults but less than 5% of those have been correctly characterized by paleoseismological studies. In this context an automatic method to characterize the escarpments in a global, reproductible, robust (not expert-dependent) quantitative way will be highly valuable and a great step towards a better characterization of the seismic hazard of the region. In particular we tested our approach across the Ameca-Ahuisculco fault system, and by comparing ScarpLearn with with other methods based on profile analisis (not based on deep learning), we explore the advantages (computation time, accuracy, uncertainties) that deep learning methods bring, as well as the current limits (such as bias and dependance of the resolution).

How to cite: Pousse-Beltran, L., Giffard-Roisin, S., Audin, L., Lacan, P., Lallemand, T., and Núñez Meneses, A.: Convolutional neural network for normal fault scarp characterization :  application to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7376, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Paula Herrero-Barbero, alessio testa
Bruno Pace, Lucilla Benedetti, Ylona Van Dinther, Marco Pagani, David Marsan, Alice Gabriel, Maria Ortuno, Giulio Di Toro, and Men-Andrin Meier and the TREAD working group

TREAD is a new project funded by the European Commission in the framework of Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Horizon Europe Doctoral Networks.

The aim of TREAD is to train a new generation of researchers to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic settings using integrated observations and physics. The TREAD objectives are: (i) to develop a novel integrative approach to seismic hazard analysis in Europe and the Mediterranean from small-scale laboratory experiments to large-scale observations. (ii) to establish physics-based earthquake modelling bridging time scales from millions of years to fractions of a second in complex tectonic settings. (iii) to improve the link between earthquake geology, computational modelling and hazard and risk assessment with a focus on the needs of governments, industry and scientific stakeholders.

To reach these objectives the TREAD consortium comprises 14 academic and 8 non-academic institutions, of which 8 private partners, of high scientific level, from 7 European countries, covering cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in observational, experimental and modelling fields. 11 PhD positions will be available soon.

How to cite: Pace, B., Benedetti, L., Van Dinther, Y., Pagani, M., Marsan, D., Gabriel, A., Ortuno, M., Di Toro, G., and Meier, M.-A. and the TREAD working group: TREAD daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD: a MSCA-Doctoral Networks project 2023-2027, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3842, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3842, 2023.

Fault data acquisition and characterization from field surveying
Marc Ollé-López, Julián García-Mayordomo, and Eulàlia Masana

The Baix Ebre Basin (BEB), located in the NE of Spain, is a passive margin where different systems of normal faults exist, oriented NNE-SSW, oblique-to-parallel to the coast. Those intraplate faults are considered slow faults, with slip rates around 0,2 mm/yr. However, their active status has been proved by different studies during last years. Close to this area, the main fault in which paleoseismic studies have demonstrated a seismogenic behaviour is the El Camp Fault (ECF), located towards the NE of the BEB. It has been studied in detail due to its remarkably geomorphological expression and due to its proximity to the Vandellós nuclear power plant. Recently, thanks to higher resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of the terrain, some morphological scarps affecting Quaternary alluvial fans have also been detected along the BEB, from Pla de Sant Jordi Basin (NE of the BEB) until La Sènia (SW of the BEB). Those scarps are oriented in the same direction as the ECF, suggesting a possibly tectonic origin related to the same stress field. In this case, they would have to be considered as the ECF propagation to the south, which could imply a big impact on the seismic hazard of the entire region. Nevertheless, other possible origins for these topographic scarps should be explored, as a possible paleo-coast line or some kind of karstic or gravitational processes. With this aim, it has been planned a detailed geomorphological analysis to identify and characterise all the possible scarps along the BEB and to locate the suitable places for field detailed studies and a geophysical survey. In this geophysical study, it is planned to use different techniques (GPR, electric tomography and magnetotellurics) in order to explore its combined use and to analyse the subsoil structure from shallow to depth. In case of demonstrating its tectonic origin, firstly, it is planned to carry out a paleoseismological study (to determine their seismological history) and, secondly, to analyse their contribution into the seismic hazard models of the region. In this work, we present the first preliminary results of our ongoing research.

How to cite: Ollé-López, M., García-Mayordomo, J., and Masana, E.: Characterisation of Quaternary scarps in the Baix Ebre Basin (NE Spain) and analysis of their potential seismogenic origin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-794, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-794, 2023.

Júlia Molins-Vigatà, María Ortuño, Juan Miguel Insua-Arévalo, and Raquel Martín-Banda

The study of seismogenic faults in low deformation rate regions is a challenging task, and their correct characterization is often limited due to the action of other external processes not related to the faults. Due to their lower rates, the expression of these structures is minor and more difficult to identify compared to regions with higher tectonic rates. Furthermore, in some areas, the erosion rates can be higher than the tectonic rates and the expression of the fault can be eroded easily. Another challenge is the exponential increase of surface modification due to anthropogenic processes, related e.g. to the placement of new infrastructures or agricultural activity. Anthropic modification of the landscape due to agriculture, farming, and greenhouses land covering is extremely high in the regions of Murcia and Almeria, where the major part of the main faults of the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) are located. The EBSZ is a low-to-moderate strain region situated in the SE of the Iberian Peninsula, a crustal-scale transpressive fault system that absorbs a significant part of the shortening between the Eurasian and the Nubian plates. Despite its low rates, it is the most active fault system on the Peninsula. The Palomares Fault (PF) is one of the principal structures of the EBSZ, bounding to the East the main Neogene-Quaternary basins of the area. At the foot of the bounding ranges, a high level of agricultural activity has taken place on top of the alluvial deposits. Therefore, in some areas where this activity is affecting the fault expression, it is required to work with historical aerial images in order to detect erased landforms. To overcome this limitation, some digital elevation models (DEMs) have been obtained with historical aerial photos through photogrammetry, as the current DEMs are not sufficiently useful. By this methodology, it is possible to detect some vertical fault slips now affected by agricultural activity, and the variation of the surface trough time. With GIS, the two models can be compared, subtracting the photogrammetric model from the current model. The result is a map showing the areas where the surface topography has increased or decreased. This analysis has been applied in zones where fault traces have been detected by historical images, but are currently unidentifiable due to anthropogenic activity.

How to cite: Molins-Vigatà, J., Ortuño, M., Insua-Arévalo, J. M., and Martín-Banda, R.: Challenges of fault characterization in areas of high anthropization. Surface variation along the Palomares Fault zone (SE Iberian Peninsula)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-815, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-815, 2023.

Léa Vidil, Elia d'Acremont, Sylvie Leroy, Sara Lafuerza, Laurent Emmanuel, and Alain Rabaute and the ALBACORE and ALBANEO teams

In the Alboran Sea, oblique convergence between the African and Eurasian plates led to the establishment of the Al Idrissi sinistral strike-slip fault system, initiating a new plate boundary, 1 Ma ago. Several moderate magnitude earthquakes (Mw > 6) have been recorded on different segments of this fault system. The objective of this study is to analyse the dynamics of this plate boundary by studying the tectonic activity and physical properties of the sedimentary series along a key transect of the fault system. To do so, we used a panel of geological, geophysical and geotechnical tools, some of which were acquired during the ALBACORE oceanographic campaign (R/V Pourquoi Pas? 2021).

The data analysed are derived from (i) sediment cores of the ALBACORE oceanographic cruise (with multi-sensor core logger - MSCL), (ii) heat flux measurements, (iii) penetration tests with the Ifremer Penfeld piezocone (CPTU) as well as (iv) multibeam bathymetry data and (v) seismic reflection/depth data. These data were acquired along a transect of the Bokkoya fault system, south of the Al Idrissi fault system. The length of the sedimentary series investigated allows the dating of major sedimentary events that occurred during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Along this segment, isotope analysis of the carbonate biogenic components provided a 𝛿18O evolution curve that was converted into time series. Thus, a chronostratigraphic framework up to 80 ky could be constrained as well as variations in sedimentation rate between compartments on either side of the fault. The analysis of physical properties using heat flow, CPTU and MSCL data allows a detailed lithological and geophysical stratigraphy to be established along the transect and highlights the variability of geological, geotechnical and geophysical signatures on either side of the fault system.  This work is part of the ANR ALBANEO project, which aims to understand the dynamics of this new plate boundary and, in the longer term, to assess the hazards in this area of the western Mediterranean Sea.

How to cite: Vidil, L., d'Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Lafuerza, S., Emmanuel, L., and Rabaute, A. and the ALBACORE and ALBANEO teams: Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6872, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6872, 2023.

Giorgi Khazaradze, Octavi Gómez-Novell, Maria Ortuño, Eulàlia Masana, and Raimon Pallàs

As part of the recently initiated research project, we are in the process of studying in detail the geodynamic behavior of the Carboneras fault (CF) in the SE Betics in Spain. Specifically, we plan to quantify the geodetic and geologic slip rates for the on-land section of the fault, as well as getting some insight on the state of locking of the fault. As a result of our previous GPS observations, we have been able to illustrate the continuing tectonic activity of the Carboneras fault, expressed mainly as a left-lateral strike slip motion of 1.3±0.2 mm/yr, with a less significant compression of 0.4±0.2 mm/yr (Echeverria et al., 2015). To reveal how the deformation is partitioned between different structures, in the last years 2 new continuous GPS points were established along the fault-perpendicular profile. In addition, we have conducted several surveys of the nearby CuaTeNeo and IGN Regente points and established and measured several new geodetic points in the vicinity of the Carboneras fault. The updated horizontal geodetic slip rates for the CF are 1.1±0.2 and 0.4±0.3 mm/yr in fault parallel and perpendicular directions, respectively. These estimates are somewhat smaller than previously published results, although considering the uncertainties, are statistically equivalent.

The above-mentioned geodetic, short-term, slip rates deduced from GNSS observations, are in good agreement with the estimates of geologic slip rates based on paleoseismic and geomorphologic studies, which indicate a minimum strike-slip rate of 1.3 mm/yr and dip-slip rate of 0.05 mm/yr since 110.3 ka (Moreno et al. 2015). In the coming years we plan to conduct further geodetic surveys and paleoseismic trenching surveys. These new data, should significantly improve the reliability of the existent deformation data and therefore, contribute to better understanding of the seismic hazard posed by the Carboneras fault in the SE Betics.

Project NSOURCES (PID2020-119772RB-I00) financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

How to cite: Khazaradze, G., Gómez-Novell, O., Ortuño, M., Masana, E., and Pallàs, R.: Geodetic vs. geologic measures of fault slip rates of the Carboneras fault in the Betics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13443, 2023.

alessio testa, Paolo Boncio, Stephane Baize, Francesco Mirabella, Stefano Pucci, Cristina Pauselli, Maurizio Ercoli, Bruno Pace, and Lucilla Benedetti

Fault displacement can be a source of hazard for critical infrastructures located in the nearby of a capable fault.  This issue is usually addressed with zonation and avoidance strategies, but sometime the facilities have not this option. An alternative approach to assess likelihood of exceeding a certain level of displacement for pre-existing infrastructures is the Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis. Different empirical approaches have been proposed since the early 2000s to assess the probability of occurrence and the probability of exceedance of certain values of displacement, for both Primary and Distributed faulting, starting from the fault parameters.            
We propose the methodological approach used to gain the needed parameters and the results of the PFDHA applied to the Anghiari Fault, a poorly constrained NE-dipping segmented normal fault located in the Upper Tiber Valley (Italy) and belonging to the well-known Altotiberina low-angle normal fault system.

In order to constrain the fault geometry and to select sites suitable for paleoseismologic trenching we performed geological survey, morphotectonic analysis and geophysical investigations. To assess the capability of the fault and its rate of activity we carried out a paleoseimic campaign, investigating several segments of the Anghiari fault. To obtain a multiscale evaluation of the fault slip rate, we collected samples to date paleosurfaces displaced by the fault with the cosmogenic nuclides methodology.           
At the end we performed the PFDHA obtaining curves and maps of hazard for both primary and distributed faulting, managing the uncertainties through various rupture scenario involving different fault segment.

How to cite: testa, A., Boncio, P., Baize, S., Mirabella, F., Pucci, S., Pauselli, C., Ercoli, M., Pace, B., and Benedetti, L.: Earthquake geology for fault displacement hazard analysis of normal faults, a case study from the Upper Tiber Valley (Northern Apennines, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-805, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-805, 2023.

Holger Steffen, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamrozy, Szymon Belzyt, Andreas Börner, Gösta Hoffmann, Michael Kenzler, Henrik Rother, and Rebekka Steffen

A sedimentological, geochronological, and geodynamic investigation of detailed micro- and meso-scale soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) within internally deformed layers on Gnitz Peninsula, Usedom Island, Germany, was performed in the last years. Five layers with SSDS were described of which four were possibly caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)-triggered earthquakes mirrored in liquefaction and reliquefaction phenomena (Pisarska-Jamroży et al., 2022). Hence, in line with earlier investigations and suggestions by Hoffmann and Reicherter (2012), the SSDS generation is related to oscillation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet whose loading cycle caused stress changes likely releasing local earthquakes along pre-existing faults.

Optically stimulated luminescence dating indicates a most probable time span of corresponding earthquake occurrence between 23.2 and 14.6 ka (including uncertainty). For the first time, glacially induced Coulomb failure stress changes were modelled for this area with a set of commonly accepted GIA models. They strongly support the interpretation of SSDS trapped in layers as seismites during that time. Using reliable fault parameters of faults in near vicinity of Gnitz Peninsula and suggested stress regimes and directions for northern Germany, the modelling can help indicate the most probable reactivated pre-Quaternary fault(s). If they can be confirmed after detailed palaeoseismological, geomorphological, geophysical, and structural investigations as so-called glacially induced fault(s), this would add another puzzle piece to a geodynamic scenario of glacially triggered faulting having affected an area from northern central Europe to northern Fennoscandia in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.

Our presentation will focus on the geodynamic setting of NE Germany, how it was changed during the last glaciation and how potentially reactivated faults can be determined.


Hoffmann, G., Reicherter, K., 2012. Soft-sediment deformation of late Pleistocene sediments along the southwestern coast of the Baltic Sea (NE Germany). Int. J. Earth Sci. 101, 351-363, doi:10.1007/s00531-010-0633-z.

Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Kenzler, M., Rother, H., Steffen, R., Steffen, H., 2022. Late Pleistocene earthquakes imprinted on glaciolacustrine sediments at Gnitz Peninsula (Usedom Island, NE Germany). Quat. Sci. Rev. 296C, 107807, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107807.

How to cite: Steffen, H., Pisarska-Jamrozy, M., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Kenzler, M., Rother, H., and Steffen, R.: Which fault was it? - Late Pleistocene, glacially triggered earthquakes in NE Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9718, 2023.

Sara Pena-Castellnou, Stéphane Baize, Jochen Hürtgen, and Klaus Reicherter

The eastern Rhine Graben Boundary fault (eastern RGBF) constitutes the eastern margin of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG), the most seismically active area in the plate interiors of Europe. Our recent paleoseismic studies have revealed Late Pleistocene-Holocene surface-rupturing paleoearthquakes with magnitudes M 6–6.5 and cumulative surface displacements in the order of 1–1.2 m vertically and 4–6 m horizontally. Based on the empirical relationships of Wells and Coppersmith, these parameters suggest that the plausible rupture scenarios of those paleoearthquakes are linked to shorter fault segments within the 300 km long eastern RGBF rather than an entire rupture of the fault. Up to date, segmentation on faults of the URG has yet to be evaluated. We aim to define fault segments within the eastern RGBF and their relative tectonic activity to understand how deformation is distributed along the marginal faults and within the graben. To achieve this, we integrate seismicity data, morphotectonic observations (from SRTM, TanDEM-X and LiDAR-based DEMs), geology (Plio-Pleistocene sediment thickness), and interpretation of commercial seismic lines.

We define up to seven segments of varying lengths based on geometric and structural fault trace discontinuities (bend, gaps, and changes in strike and dip) and the occurrence and degradation state of tectonic landforms (triangular facets, beheaded channels, hanging valleys and offset alluvial fans), which we also take into account to define the relative level of tectonic activity at each segment. The most active segments are the South-Kraichgau and Freiburg segments, with potential magnitudes of M 7–7.5 (including the historical M 6.7 Basel eq of 1356). The northern area, comprising the Frankfurt-Darmstadt and Odenwald segments, constitute presently a seismic gap with quiescence in historical and instrumental seismicity but with tectonic expression in the landscape and thickest Late Tertiary-Pleistocene deposits, suggesting a potential hazard. Our results provide a basis to propose plausible rupture scenarios for the eastern RGBF for future PSHA studies.

How to cite: Pena-Castellnou, S., Baize, S., Hürtgen, J., and Reicherter, K.: A segment model for surface rupture scenarios in the eastern Rhine Graben Boundary fault (Upper Rhine Graben, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14783, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14783, 2023.

R. Alastair Sloan, Robert Muir, Benjamin Whitehead, Thomas New, Victoria Stevens, Paul Macey, Conrad Groenewald, Guy Salomon, Beth Kahle, and James Hollingsworth

Namibia is situated within a stable continental region (SCR), far away from plate boundary zones, and is therefore not expected to be at risk of significant earthquakes; the largest events in the instrumental record have a moment magnitude of 5.5.  Despite this, a paleoseismic fault scarp on the Hebron Fault has been interpreted as indicating much larger events have occurred in the past.  In this study, we demonstrate that a relatively small area of SW Namibia contains four more major neotectonic fault scarps.  These 16-80 km long structures have vertical separations between 0.7-10.2 m and could produce earthquakes of Mw 6.4 or greater.  Some of these scarps are interpreted to have formed through repeated failure of the same segment and they highlight the potential for further seismicity that far exceeds the maximum observed magnitude in the national catalogue. We identify strong structural controls on the location and orientation of these fault ruptures which reactivate N-S and NW-SE trending zones of crustal weakness.  These structures may be driven by E-W extension associated with the distribution of gravitational energy caused by the anomalously high elevation of the Namibian Escarpment.  If this explanation of the driving stresses is correct, these and similarly oriented faults represent a previously unrecognised source of continuing seismic hazard.  The discovery of these major fault scarps suggests that fault studies should be incorporated into seismic hazard analyses of stable Southern Africa as has been done in Australia and other SCR regions. Their apparent spatial clustering also merits further study.  At this point it is not clear if this clustering indicates a region of elevated strain rate (relative the surrounding SCR) or alternatively, an area of exceptional preservation due to a semi-arid climate and extensive calcrete-cemented surficial deposits.

How to cite: Sloan, R. A., Muir, R., Whitehead, B., New, T., Stevens, V., Macey, P., Groenewald, C., Salomon, G., Kahle, B., and Hollingsworth, J.: Exceptionally preserved neotectonic fault scarps in SW Namibia record large-magnitude structurally-controlled SCR paleoseismicity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11719, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11719, 2023.

Fault source modelling for fault system characterization
Adrià Hernandez i Pineda, Tural Feyzullayev, Ignacio Marzan, Juan Alcalde, David Martí, and Ramon Carbonell

Joint interpretation of multidisciplinary geophysical data is the best way to reduce ambiguity in subsurface exploration. The combination of seismic velocity and electrical
resistivity has proven to be an excellent geological characterization strategy, however, the integration of these geophysical parameters is a complex process. In this work, we use unsupervised clustering to jointly interpret three geophysical datasets (P wave velocity, S wave velocity, and electrical resistivity). The target is a cross-section across the Alhama de Murcia Fault (FAM), which is one of the main active faults in the Iberian Peninsula. In our approach, we first join the three datasets into a common multiparametric grid. Then, in order to find data clusters that can be correlated with known lithologies in the area, we investigated the performance of three unsupervised machine learning algorithms: one hierarchical, one centroid-based, and one model-based. The latter proved to be the most efficient for clustering our highly mixed data and providing geological meaning. The three classes obtained correlated well with the lithological units present in the area and, from their relationship, it was possible to deduce structural elements not yet well understood, providing new perspectives in the characterization of the Alhama de Murcia fault zone. Research supported by grants: VECTOR EU project ID 101058483, and SIT4ME -EITRawMaterials.

How to cite: Hernandez i Pineda, A., Feyzullayev, T., Marzan, I., Alcalde, J., Martí, D., and Carbonell, R.: Unsupervised clustering to jointly interpret geophysical datasets across the Alhama de Murcia active fault, Spain., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13509, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13509, 2023.

Yolanda de Pro-Díaz, José Jesús Martínez-Díaz, and Carolina Canora Catalán

SE Iberia is a tectonically active area with an important history of destructive earthquakes. Some of these earthquakes have been associated with known active faults, but the seismic source of most of them remains unclear. The majority of these earthquakes happened long before instrumental record began, so we can only study them through paleoseismology and/or historical records. In some cases, due to current soil usage, paleoseismic studies are extremely difficult to perform and researchers can only rely on historical records. Such is the case of the 1804 Dalías earthquake.

In this communication our objective is double. First, we present a methodology which can be useful to constrain the seismic source of historical earthquakes for which only intensity data are available. And second, we apply this methodology to the 1804 Dalías earthquake in order to constrain its seismic source, which remains unclear up to this day. Our proposed methodology is a combination of Gasperini et al. (1999, 2010)’s and de Pro-Díaz et al. (2022)’s methods. Our methodology searches for the faults that are most plausible candidates for the earthquake rupture, then builds seismic scenarios for each candidate rupture and finally compares these scenarios with the observed intensity field in order to find the candidate with the best fit. Seismic scenarios are built using OpenQuake and ArcGIS software (although QGIS can be used as well). The candidate that generates the simulation which better resembles the observed intensity field is considered the best candidate and the one closest to the actual earthquake source.

For the 1804 Dalías earthquake, we consider different ruptures along the Loma del Viento Fault (LVF) and Llano del Águila Fault (LLAF) traces as candidate ruptures, including some combined ruptures along the two faults. Our results show that there are two almost equally best candidates: a full rupture of the whole inland extension of the LVF, and a combined rupture of this fault and the LLAF.

How to cite: de Pro-Díaz, Y., Martínez-Díaz, J. J., and Canora Catalán, C.: The 1804 Dalías earthquake: ranking seismic sources with the Boxer and seismic scenario methods in SE Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14995, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14995, 2023.

Paula Herrero-Barbero, José A. Álvarez-Gómez, Charles Williams, Pilar Villamor, Meaza Tsige, Juan M. Insua-Arévalo, Jorge Alonso-Henar, and José J. Martínez-Díaz

The challenges in the characterization of slow-moving faults and the temporal limitations of the earthquake records in these regions complicate the seismic hazard assessment. The instrumental and historical seismic catalogs cover a short time period compared with the long recurrences between large destructive events in some faults. Paleoseismic evidence allows us to increase the time frame, but when field data is scarce, scattered or difficult to collect, numerical modeling provides us with an excellent tool to support the characterization of a fault system and its associated threat. Physics-based earthquake simulators overcome the limitations of actual earthquake catalogs and generate long-term synthetic seismicity. Recent numerical codes based on rate- and state-dependent friction allow the modeling of both the long-term seismic cycle deformation and the short-term rupture based on quasi-dynamic physical approximations. We use the RSQSim earthquake simulator to reproduce a 100 kyr synthetic catalog of earthquake ruptures based on a 3D fault model that contains the long-term slip rates, rakes and frictional properties of the main active sources of the Eastern Betic Fault System, a slow deforming area (< 1.5 mm/yr) at southeastern Spain with only one instrumental event greater than MW 5.0: the 2011 Lorca earthquake (MW 5.1). The resulting long-term earthquake statistics (more than 77.000 events) show that only about 10% of the simulated events have a magnitude greater than MW 5.0, but all faults in the system are capable of generating MW ≥ 6.0 earthquakes, supporting paleoseismic observations of surface ruptures and some historical events (I > VIII) that likely reached magnitudes greater than MW 6.0 (e.g., 1522 Alhama de Almeria and 1829 Torrevieja earthquakes). Complex ruptures involving several fault segments and spatial-temporal clustering of events are physically compatible in this system, according to our simulations. The largest MW > 6.5 events are as a result of complex ruptures between the major faults, with recurrence times of 1 kyr. The occurrence of larger earthquakes, even MW ≥ 7.0 in the Alhama de Murcia and Carboneras faults, cannot be ruled out, contrasting with the low magnitudes of the instrumental earthquake catalog. Knowing the characteristics and behavior of these large seismic ruptures, with no instrumental data available, is crucial for the estimation of the maximum ground motion that could be reached in this region. With this contribution, we intend to discuss how physics-based models could contribute to this task for deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessments (DSHA and PSHA). Funded by Project DT-GEO: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes, project ID 101058129.

How to cite: Herrero-Barbero, P., Álvarez-Gómez, J. A., Williams, C., Villamor, P., Tsige, M., Insua-Arévalo, J. M., Alonso-Henar, J., and Martínez-Díaz, J. J.: Physics-based modeling of earthquakes in slow deforming areas: a case study from the Eastern Betic Fault System (SE Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8282, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8282, 2023.

Marianne Metois, Axel Periollat, Stéphane Mazzotti, Frédéric Masson, Mathilde Vergnolle, Anne Socquet, Philippe Vernant, Alexis Rigo, Stéphane Baize, Jesús Piña-Valdés, and Juliette Grosset

Analysis of lithospheric deformation is key to understanding current tectonics and other active deformation processes. The Alceste project, conducted in the framework of the Résif Seismicity Transverse Action, aims at proposing an updated seismic hazard model in metropolitan France built from the most recent data and academic consensus. One of the contributions will come from geodetic observations through strain rate integration in seismotectonic zoning and seismic hazard models.

Most of Western Europe in general, and metropolitan France in particular, is located within the Eurasian Plate, which has very low deformation and seismicity rates. These GNSS-derived secular velocity field could be related to the combination of different deformation processes, with a minor contribution from plate tectonics (relative plate motions, mantle convection, etc), while most of the measured velocities could be explained by non-tectonic long-term or transient processes (gravitational motions, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, erosion, anthropogenic deformation, etc). Some of these physical processes causing surface deformation also reflect stress changes at depth that may be associated with loading on active faults and seismicity. Properly mapping this deformation is therefore a key to better assess seismic hazard in slow straining areas.

In order (i) to assess the variability due to the diversity of the strain-rate calculation methods used in the scientific community and (ii) to test their capacity to resolve low-amplitude consistent surface deformation, we conduct a benchmark exercise. We build sets of synthetic velocity fields sampled at the existing GNSS permanent stations from the RENAG (REseau NAtional GNSS Permanent), RGP (Réseau GPS Permanent) and other permanent and non-permanent benchmarks. Our synthetic velocity fields have the same characteristics (noise, uncertainties) as the observed velocities in metropolitan France but they contain surface deformation signals from known physical processes (block rotations, fault elastic loading, large scale flexure, etc). We compare the strain rate invariants derived independently by nine different RENAG research teams (using different software) to the expected strain rate patterns and discuss drawbacks and advantages of each approach. In a second step, we analyzed the strain rate tensors derived from the synthetic velocity fields to discuss potential regional style of the deformation in metropolitan France. Previous studies have shown that the computation of strain rate tensors is impacted by the user-defined parameters and the algorithm specificity used. Exploring these different biases in the strain rate solutions represent the opportunity to improve the understanding of the conventional problem of the standard interpolation.

How to cite: Metois, M., Periollat, A., Mazzotti, S., Masson, F., Vergnolle, M., Socquet, A., Vernant, P., Rigo, A., Baize, S., Piña-Valdés, J., and Grosset, J.: Slowly deforming metropolitan France: what can GNSS tell about physical processes ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17273, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17273, 2023.

Elisabeth Seidel, Holger Steffen, Rebekka Steffen, Niklas Ahlrichs, and Christian Hübscher

We present a comparative study of the glacially induced fault reactivation within the Southern Baltic Sea since the Upper Saalian. A complex tectonic pattern characterizes the Tornquist Fan, which spans between the Tornquist Zone in the North and the Trans European Suture Zone in the South. Multiple fault zones result from the varying transpressional and transtensional stress activities since the Paleozoic. The current tectonic pattern of this unique natural laboratory is composed of several faults with varying strike and dip directions, depths and characters (normal, reverse, strike slip). Moreover, some shallow faults are associated with Zechstein salt pillows, and others are related to anticlines formed during the Cretaceous to Paleogene compression.

Using finite-element simulations of different glacial isostatic adjustment models (varying the material parameters in the Earth and the ice history), we obtained glaciation induced Coulomb failure stress changes (∆CFS) at the faults over time, covering the past 200 ka. Comparing the activation potential of several faults of different tectonic background reveals the impact of the varying crustal and fault properties, as well as the influence of salt structures below. Besides lateral differences in the ∆CFS due to the changing geology, we see temporal differences, by comparing the occurrence of glacially induced faulting with different ice advances.

How to cite: Seidel, E., Steffen, H., Steffen, R., Ahlrichs, N., and Hübscher, C.: 200 000 years of glacially induced faulting in the Tornquist Fan area, SW Baltic Sea., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14350, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14350, 2023.

Léo Marconato, Marie-Pierre Doin, Laurence Audin, Nicolas Harrichhausen, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Paul Jarrin, and Frédérique Rolandone

In Northern Andes, oblique subduction of the Nazca plate below the South America Plate induces a northward motion of the North Andean Sliver, at a rate of ~10 mm/yr with respect to Stable South America. In Ecuador in particular, the associated strain is mainly accomodated along the large Chingual-Cosanga-Puna-Pallatanga (CCPP) fault system, which hosted several 7+ magnitude earthquakes in the historical period. Recent studies using block-modeling of GNSS data raise important questions about the partitioning and the localization of the deformation both inside and at the limits of the North-Andean sliver. Therefore, time-series analysis of InSAR data, allowing a large spatial resolution, would complement the existing geodetic dataset of observation of low-rate crustal motions in this region. Taking advantage of 7 to 8 years of Sentinel-1 archive, we compute long time-series of InSAR data for the whole Interandean region of Ecuador (~100 by 400 km), using the NSBAS processing chain. Because processing of InSAR data in this ecuatorial region raises several challenges, such as low-coherence due to vegetation, ionospheric and troposheric noise, and fading signals,we develop strategies to mitigate the noise terms. By using an optimized interferogram network, improvedweighting during multilooking, and a temporal decomposition of the time-series, we produce the first InSAR velocity maps of the Ecuadorian Cordilleras. We then compare these results to the existing block-model derived from GNSS horizontal data in order to evaluate the possibility of characterizing the motion of North Andean Sliver with an increased spatial resolution.

How to cite: Marconato, L., Doin, M.-P., Audin, L., Harrichhausen, N., Nocquet, J.-M., Jarrin, P., and Rolandone, F.: Can we observe North Andean Sliver motion using long InSAR time-series analysis?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5686, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5686, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall TS/EMRP

Chairperson: Aram Fathian
Fault data acquisition and characterization from field surveying
Fault source modelling for fault system characterization
Adriana Fatima Ornelas Agrela, María Belén Benito, and Conrad Lindholm

This work presents a review of some methods for seismic hazard assessments based on hybrid source models, composed of active faults and seismic zones. These approaches are applied in a slow deformation area, defined as areas where the slip rate of the active faults is slower than 5 mm/yr.

The introduction of active faults as independent seismic sources in seismic hazard assessment has a great impact on the results that can be obtained in urban areas close to active faults, with respect with those obtained with classical zoning methods (CZM). 

Currently, there are no widely contrasted methodological developments to include zones and the characterized active faults in the source models, especially in slow deforming areas. Even though, some approaches that have used hybrid models (HM) composed of zone-type sources and fault-type sources, revealed that expected ground motion values around main faults may double (on average) those obtained by zoned models, in agreement with observations in recent earthquakes (Rivas-Medina, A., 2018; Gómez-Novell O., 2020).

This presentation compares some methods that address two key aspects: how to quantify the geological information and transfer it to recurrence models, and how to distribute the seismic potential between the two types of sources. Some of these methods are: 1) Moment-rate based method proposed by Bungum (2007), 2) Slip-rate based method also proposed by Bungum (2007), 3) Hybrid method developed by Rivas-Medina et al. (2019).

This study is centered in the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) in southeast Spain, which is a low to moderate seismicity region. These methods were applied in the seismic zones 37 and 55 defined by Garcia-Mayordomo (2015) due to the seismological and geological data availability of the present faults in each zone.

How to cite: Ornelas Agrela, A. F., Benito, M. B., and Lindholm, C.: Review of methods for characterization of active faults for seismic hazard purposes., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16439, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16439, 2023.