ST1.1 | Open Session on the Sun and Heliosphere
Open Session on the Sun and Heliosphere
Convener: André Galli | Co-conveners: Manuela Temmer, Olga Malandraki, Andrew Dimmock, Domenico Trotta, Eleanna Asvestari, Stefan Hofmeister
| Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST), 14:00–15:40 (CEST)
Room L1
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
vHall ST/PS
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 16:15
This session traditionally provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of solar and heliospheric physics. Popular topics have included solar cycle dependencies of the Sun, solar wind and heliosphere, Coronal Mass Ejection research, studies of energetic particles throughout the heliosphere, and the outer boundaries of the heliosphere. We encourage contributions related to all ongoing and planned space missions, to ground-based experiments and to theoretical research. Papers presenting ideas for future space missions and experiments are very welcome in this session. The session will consist of both oral and poster presentations.

Orals: Mon, 24 Apr | Room L1

Chairpersons: André Galli, Manuela Temmer, Olga Malandraki
Virtual presentation
Chuan Li, Cheng Fang, Mingde Ding, Pengfei Chen, and Zhen Li

The Chinese Hα Solar Explorer (CHASE) was successfully launched on 14 October 2021 as the first solar space mission of China National Space Administration (CNSA). The scientific payload of the CHASE satellite is the Hα Imaging Spectrograph (HIS). The CHASE/HIS acquires seeing-free spectroscopic observations of the whole solar disk at three spectral lines of Si I (6560.6 Å), Hα (6562.8 Å) and Fe I (6569.2 Å) which are formed at different heights of the photosphere and chromosphere. A full-Sun scanning takes only 46 seconds, with a spectral sampling of 0.024 Å and a spatial resolution of 1.2 arcsec. Since its launch and in-orbit calibrations, the performance of the CHASE mission is excellent and meets the pre-launch expectations. The FITS formatted science data are now available to the community through the Solar Science Data Center of Nanjing University (SSDC-NJU, Here we introduce the CHASE science data and the calibration procedures. The first series of scientific studies of the CHASE mission are also presented.

How to cite: Li, C., Fang, C., Ding, M., Chen, P., and Li, Z.: First results of the Chinese Ha Solar Explorer - CHASE mission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3035,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Huidong Hu, Ying D. Liu, Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta, Hardi Peter, and Mingde Ding

On the Sun, Doppler shifts of bidirectional outflows from the magnetic-reconnection site have been found only in confined regions through spectroscopic observations. Without spatially resolved spectroscopic observations across an extended region, the distribution of reconnection and its outflows in the solar atmosphere cannot be made clear. Magnetic reconnection is thought to cause the splitting of filament structures, but unambiguous evidence has been elusive. Here we report spectroscopic and imaging analysis of a magnetic-reconnection event on the Sun, using high-resolution data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our findings reveal that the reconnection region extends to an unprecedented length of no less than 14,000 km. The reconnection splits a filament structure into two branches, and the upper branch erupts eventually. Doppler shifts indicate clear bidirectional outflows of ∼100 km s−1, which decelerate beyond the reconnection site. Differential-emission-measure analysis reveals that in the reconnection region the temperature reaches over 10 MK and the thermal energy is much larger than the kinetic energy. This Letter provides definite spectroscopic evidence for the splitting of a solar filament by magnetic reconnection in an extended region.

How to cite: Hu, H., Liu, Y. D., Chitta, L. P., Peter, H., and Ding, M.: Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations of Spatially Extended Magnetic Reconnection in the Splitting of a Solar Filament Structure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1508,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ioannis Kontogiannis

The emergence of magnetic flux in the Sun can lead to the formation of active regions with highly complex magnetic fields, evident by δ-spots, filaments, and sigmoids. These regions are often the sources of major flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and monitoring their evolution is crucial for a deeper understanding of these phenomena as well as space weather applications. To this end, high-quality observations of the photospheric magnetic field are routinely used to derive parameters and physical magnitudes, and quantify the magnetic complexity of active regions. Thus, we know that eruptive active regions are associated with highly non-potential magnetic field configurations, with strong electric currents and huge amounts of free magnetic energy and helicity. This talk reviews recent efforts to parameterize this non-potentiality of active regions and discusses ongoing and future work on developing new and improved parameters suitable for flare and CME prediction. It further focuses on the evolution of net electric currents in active regions, from their emergence to eruption. The significance of net electric currents on flare and CME prediction and new ways to utilize them in order to produce improved eruptivity parameters and understand solar eruptions will be discussed.

How to cite: Kontogiannis, I.: Parameterizing the evolution of active regions from emergence to eruption. Recent results and future work., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5436,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nariaki Nitta, Radoslav Bucik, Glenn Mason, George Ho, Christina Cohen, Raul Gomez-Herrero, Linghua Wang, and Laura Balmaceda

Impulsive solar energetic particle (SEP) events are distinguished from shock-accelerated gradual SEP events especially in terms of their abundance enriched in 3He and heavy ions. Historically, 3He-rich  have been known to be accompanied by type III radio bursts and energetic electrons. For more than 15 years in the past it has often been proclaimed that coronal jets are responsible for 3He-rich SEP events. We revisit the link of 3He-rich SEP events with coronal jets in a series of 3He-rich SEP events that was observed by Solar Orbiter in May 2021 at a radial distance of 0.95 AU. An isolated active region AR 12824 was likely the ultimate source of these SEP events.  The period of the enhanced flux of 3He was also a period of frequent type III bursts in the  decametric-hectometric range, confirming their close relationship. As in past studies, we try to find the solar activities possibly responsible for 3He-rich SEP events, using the type III bursts close to the particle injection times estimated from the velocity dispersion. But this exercise is not as straightforward as in many of the past studies since the region produced many more type III bursts and jet-like eruptions than the SEP injections.  We may generalize the solar activities for the 3He-rich SEP events in question as coronal jets, but their appearances do not necessarily conform to classic jets that consist of a footpoint and a spire. Conversely, such jets often did not accompany type III bursts. The areas that produced jet-like eruptions changed within the active region from the first to the second set of 3He-rich SEP events, which may be related to the extended coronal mass ejection that launched stealthily, involving both the leading and trailing polarity areas of AR 12824.

How to cite: Nitta, N., Bucik, R., Mason, G., Ho, G., Cohen, C., Gomez-Herrero, R., Wang, L., and Balmaceda, L.: Solar Activities Associated with 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16814,, 2023.

On-site presentation
An analysis of the European space weather modelling capabilities
Jorge Amaya
On-site presentation
Timo Asikainen and Jani Mantere

Prediction of sunspots has been an everlasting interest in the space science community since the discovery of the sunspot cycle. The sunspot number is an indirect indicator of many different solar phenomena, e.g., total and spectral solar radiation, coronal mass ejections, solar flares and magnetic active regions. Its cyclic variation can even be used as a pacemaker to time different aspects of solar activity, solar wind and resulting geomagnetic variations. Therefore, there is considerable practical interest in predicting the evolution of future sunspot cycle(s). This is especially true in today’s technological society where space hazards pose a significant threat, e.g., to satellites, communications and electric grids on ground have been recognized. Another interest to predicting sunspots arises from the relatively recently recognized influences of variable solar radiation and solar wind activity on Earth’s climate system.

There are a variety of methods developed for predicting sunspots ranging from statistical methods to intensive physical simulations. Some of the most successful, yet relatively simple, methods are based on finding precursors that serve as indicators for the strength of the coming solar cycle. These methods are often based on statistics of all past solar cycles. However, most of these methods do not typically take into account the 22-year Hale cycle of solar magnetism, which is well known in different solar and geomagnetic phenomena.

Here we study the prediction of even and odd numbered sunspot cycles separately, thereby taking into account the Hale cyclicity of solar magnetism. We first show that the temporal evolution and shape of all sunspot cycles are extremely well described by a simple parameterized mathematical expression. We find that the parameters describing even sunspot cycles can be predicted quite accurately using the sunspot number 41 months prior to sunspot minimum as a precursor. The parameters of the odd cycles can be best predicted with geomagnetic maximum geomagnetic aa index close to fall equinox within a 3-year window preceding the sunspot minimum. Cross-validated hindcasts indicate that our method has a very good prediction accuracy. For the coming sunspot cycle 25 we predict an amplitude of 171 +/- 23 and the end of the cycle in September 2029 +/- 1.9 years. We are also able to make a rough prediction for cycle 26 based on the predicted cycle 25. While the uncertainty for the cycle amplitude is large we estimate that the cycle 26 will likely be stronger than cycle 25. These results suggest an increasing trend in solar activity for the next two decades.

How to cite: Asikainen, T. and Mantere, J.: Prediction of even and odd sunspot cycles: implications for cycles 25 and 26, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8849,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ingrid Mann and Andrzej Czechowski

The dynamics of small (few hundred nm) charged interstellar dust particles entering the heliosphere is affected by the heliospheric magnetic field and in particular by the heliospheric current sheet. To estimate the flux distribution of the dust particles inside the heliosphere we simulate numerically the trajectories of moderately large samples (10^4 particles) of small charged dust grains with starting points outside the heliopause. The simulations are repeated for different choices of the initial time. We use the semi-analytical model of the heliosphere that combines a simplified time-stationary description of the plasma flow in the heliosphere and the outer heliosheath with the time-dependent magnetic field carried passively by the flow. The form of the heliospheric current sheet is determined by our choice of the time-dependent magnetic polarity structure at the surface of the rotating Sun. 

How to cite: Mann, I. and Czechowski, A.: Interstellar dust in the model heliosphere: effects of  time-dependent heliospheric current sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2860,, 2023.

On-site presentation
David McComas

This talk provides an overview of the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), what we hope and expect to learn from it, and where we are in the development of the mission. IMAP is currently in Phase C and is slated to launch in early 2025. IMAP simultaneously investigates two of the most important and intimately coupled research areas in Heliophysics today: 1) the acceleration of energetic particles and 2) the interaction of the solar wind with the local interstellar medium. IMAP’s ten instruments provide a complete set of observations to simultaneously examine the particle injection and acceleration processes at 1 AU while remotely dissecting the global heliospheric interaction and its response to particle populations generated through these processes. For more information about IMAP, see McComas, D.J. et al., Interstellar mapping and acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA Mission, Space Science Review, 214:116, doi:10.1007/s11214-018-0550-1, 2018.

How to cite: McComas, D.: Update on the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2100,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Justyna M. Sokol

Neutral atoms from the interstellar medium around the Sun enter the heliosphere unimpeded by the electromagnetic fields. They bring information about the properties of our interstellar neighborhood, processes at the boundary between the solar and interstellar media, and the direction of the Sun’s motion in the Galaxy. The interstellar neutral atoms of hydrogen, deuterium, helium, neon, and oxygen reach close distances to the Sun where they are probed either by direct detection or remote sensing methods. Here we focus on a direct measurement technique for interstellar neutral atoms of energies from 10 eV to 1 keV on an example of the instruments onboard the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and the follow-up mission the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP, to be launched in 2025). IBEX continuously collects interstellar neutral atom data from the beginning of its operation in 2008 providing a survey over the Solar Cycle 24 despite its observation season being limited during the year. IMAP tracks the beam of interstellar neutrals in the sky throughout the year, which significantly expands scientific opportunities for probing interstellar neutrals from close distances to the Sun. We present the greatest accomplishments of interstellar neutral atom research enabled by IBEX and discuss the science goals in this area for IMAP.

The results are presented in collaboration with scientists and researchers at Southwest Research Institute, the University of Bern, the University of New Hampshire, and Princeton University.

How to cite: Sokol, J. M.: Interstellar Neutral Atom Measurements with IBEX and IMAP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1427,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Eleanna Asvestari, Stefan Hofmeister
Understanding open magnetic fields in the solar corona and heliosphere through modelling and observations
On-site presentation
Denise Perrone

Turbulence in plasmas involves a complex cross-scale coupling of fields and distortions of particle velocity distributions, with the generation of non-thermal features. How the energy contained in the large-scale fluctuations cascades all the way down to the kinetic scales, and how such turbulence interacts with particles, remains one of the major unsolved problems in plasma physics. Moreover, solar wind turbulence is not homogeneous but is highly space-localized and the degree of non-homogeneity increases as the spatial/time scales decrease (intermittency). Such an intermittent nature has also been found to evolve with distance from the Sun, possible due to the emergence of strong non-homogeneities over a broad range of scales.

Here, by means of new measurements by both Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, the radial evolution of a homogeneous recurrent fast wind, coming from the same source on the Sun (namely a coronal hole), has been studied from global properties and large-scale features to kinetic structures as it expands in the inner heliosphere from 0.1 out to 1 AU [Perrone et al., 2022]. In particular, the nature of the turbulent magnetic fluctuations around ion scales during the expansion of the wind, has been investigated and the observed coherent events both close to the Sun and to the Earth are statistically studied. The ion scales appear to be characterized by the presence of non-compressive coherent structures, such as current sheets, vortex-like structures, and wave packets identified as ion cyclotron modes, responsible for solar wind intermittency and strongly related to the energy dissipation. Particle energization, temperature anisotropy, and strong deviation from Maxwellian, have been observed in and near coherent structures, both in in-situ data and numerical simulations. Understanding the physical mechanisms that produce coherent structures and how they contribute to dissipation in collisionless plasma will provide key insights into the general problem of solar wind heating.


Perrone, D., et al. (2022) Astronomy & Astrophysics (Special Issue: Solar Orbiter First Results – Nominal Mission Phase) 668, A189

How to cite: Perrone, D.: Turbulence evolution of coronal hole solar wind in the inner heliosphere: Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe combined observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11253,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rui Pinto, Alexis Rouillard, and Adam Finley

The solar wind is an uninterrupted flow of highly ionised plasma that streams from compact sources at or near the Sun, accelerates across the low solar corona, and expands into the whole interplanetary space. The physical properties of any wind streams thus reflect the characteristics of their source regions and those of the extended zones of the corona they cross, and are affected by the time-varying strength and geometry of the global background magnetic field.  The rotational state of the solar corona also plays a fundamental role in a wide range of solar wind phenomena, but is much less well-known than that of the photosphere. In addition, surface dynamics and magnetic field evolution drive perturbations to the corona and wind that can either be transient or long-lasting.
We investigate the geometry and spatial distribution of solar wind sources by means of an extended time series of data-driven 3D simulations that cover nearly 2 activity cycles. We furthermore examine the corresponding solar wind acceleration profiles (radial trends) as a function of source latitude and time, and highlight consequences for the interpretation of Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO) in-situ measurements (especially as the latter moves away from the ecliptic plane). We also highlight impacts on the rotation profile of the solar corona and on the occurrence of regions of enhanced poloidal and toroidal flow shear that can drive plasma instabilities. Finally, we point out directions to assess the effects of surface transient phenomena driven by flux emergence on the properties of the solar wind.


How to cite: Pinto, R., Rouillard, A., and Finley, A.: Steady and transient solar wind sources, acceleration profiles and rotation across the solar activity cycle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12000,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Charles Arge, Andrew Leisner, Samantha Wallace, and Carl Henney

The solar magnetic fields emerging from the photosphere are comprised of a combination of “closed” and “open” fields. The closed magnetic field lines are defined as those having both ends rooted in the solar surface and not extending beyond the critical point, while the “open” field lines are those having one end that extends out into interplanetary space with the other end rooted at the Sun’s surface. Of course, there are no truly “open” magnetic field lines, and those that are dragged out into interplanetary space by the solar wind eventually close in the far reaches of the outer heliosphere. Since the early 2000’s, the amount of total unsigned open magnetic flux estimated by coronal models have been in significant disagreement with in situ spacecraft observations, especially during solar maximum, with factors of two or more differences not uncommon. Estimates of total open unsigned magnetic flux using coronal hole observations (e.g., using EUV or He 10830) are in general agreement with the coronal model results and thus are in similar disagreements with in situ observations. Several possible sources producing these discrepancies have been postulated over the years such as problems with the photospheric magnetic field measurements, underestimates of the polar field strengths, coronal mass ejection (CME) magnetic fields that are still closed but counted as open, the time-dependent nature of the magnetic field (i.e., the opening and closing of magnetic fields), and the manner in which in situ observations are used to estimate total open unsigned magnetic flux. This paper provides a brief review of the problem and some of the proposed explanations to account for the discrepancies. It concludes with compelling new evidence that appears to largely resolve the problem.

How to cite: Arge, C., Leisner, A., Wallace, S., and Henney, C.: On the Open Solar Magentic Flux Problem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3015,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jon A. Linker, Emily Mason, Roberto Lionello, Cooper Downs, Ronald Caplan, Viacheslav Titov, Pete Riley, and Marc DeRosa

Models of the Solar Corona, ranging from potential field source surface (PFSS) to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), typically provide a steady-state representation for a given time period, based on a single photospheric magnetic map.  However, the Sun's magnetic flux is in truth constantly evolving, and these changes in the flux affect the structure and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere.  The dynamics may be crucial to understanding solar wind properties.  A key question in the "Open Flux Problem" is whether the nature of open magnetic flux is adequately captured by steady-state PFSS and MHD models.  We describe an approach to evolutionary models of the corona and solar wind, using time-dependent boundary conditions.  We use the Lockheed Surface Flux Transport (SFT) model to evolve the surface magnetic fields, which in turn drive the coronal evolution.  The simulations are performed with the MAS thermodynamic Wave-Turbulence Driven (WTD) model for a month of simulated time.  We use the simulated observables derived from the simulation to explore the evolution of coronal structure (e.g., coronal hole boundaries).  We investigate the open magnetic flux in the model and contrast the results with MHD solutions using static magnetic flux boundaries at selected times.

How to cite: Linker, J. A., Mason, E., Lionello, R., Downs, C., Caplan, R., Titov, V., Riley, P., and DeRosa, M.: Open Magnetic Flux in the Time-Evolving Corona, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3939,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Barbara Perri, Silke Kennis, Michaela Brchnelova, Tinatin Baratashvili, Blazej Kuzma, Fan Zhang, Andrea Lani, and Stefaan Poedts

Connectivity between our star and our planet is a huge but necessary challenge. Indeed, remote-sensing instruments allow us to observe with great details the surface of the Sun, while in-situ measurements let us see the consequences at Earth. However, it it not always easy to understand the link between the two, thus preventing us from understanding the propagation of physical effects. One way to chase this connection is to use the magnetic field: although not visible, open magnetic field bathes the entire heliosphere, and has a major influence on plasma and particle events such as CMEs or flares. We can typically use numerical simulations to estimate the magnetic field lines pattern, and thus help connecting remote-sensing with in-situ observations.


In this study, we will present our computation of the magnetic connectivity through the heliosphere by coupling the MHD codes COCONUT for the solar corona and EUHFORIA for the inner heliosphere. MHD codes are usually too slow to compute connectivity on a near-real time cadence, but this chain of model can be optimised to run in less than 6 hours, which allows refined tracking within a single day. We will explain how the coupling between the code operates, as it effects the tracing of the magnetic field lines. We will also explain how to provide uncertainties with this method. We will first show the validation of our method by comparison with PFSS and wind ballistic mapping, for both polar and equatorial open coronal holes, on several test cases that were already used in previous studies. This will allow us to discuss the impact of the magnetic modelling on the connectivity estimation. Finally, we will also discuss the impact of the input magnetic map by comparing 20 different runs for the same Carrington rotation at minimum of activity, based on various maps from different providers.

How to cite: Perri, B., Kennis, S., Brchnelova, M., Baratashvili, T., Kuzma, B., Zhang, F., Lani, A., and Poedts, S.: Magnetic connectivity from the Sun to the Earth: Impact of the magnetic modelling and input magnetic map, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3536,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Argyrios Koumtzis, Thomas Wiegelmann, and Maria Madjarska

As the coronal dynamics is dominated by magnetic forces, the reconstruction of the coronal magnetic field is of major importance when studying the solar corona. Since coronal field measurements are not routinely available, photospheric fields are extrapolated into the corona in order to obtain the 3D coronal magnetic field structure. A nonlinear force-free field approximation is justified because of the low plasma  $\beta$. Previous extrapolation codes excluded high and low latitudes, because of the well know grid convergence problems at the poles. To overcome these limitations, we developed a new code implemented on a Yin-Yang grid, which was tested and verified with the Low and Lou solution as reference. Here we apply our code to synoptic vector magnetograms obtained from SDO/HMI during solar activity maximum and minimum, respectively. We compare our magnetic field models with EUV-observations of the solar corona as a first validation step.

How to cite: Koumtzis, A., Wiegelmann, T., and Madjarska, M.: Computing the global coronal magnetic field during activity maximum and minimum with a newly developed nonlinear force-free Yin-Yang code, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17168,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Aneta Wisniewska

Coronal holes are characterized by open magnetic field lines morphology. The strongest solar wind originates exactly from the area of solar coronal holes. From the other hand the solar oscillation is present at every point of the solar surface. Currently the mechanism which is responsible for formation of open coronal regions is still unidentified. We present a novel study of waves propagation and frequency distribution in coronal holes, which can bring a new insights in its origin. We investigate the discrepancies in the in waves propagation inside the coronal hole are and in its surrounding, using multi-channel intensity observations data from Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Dopplergrams from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) at the level of photosphere, chromosphere and corona. We study power distribution of p-modes (5-minute oscillation) and wave frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency ѵ=5.3 mHz, for very fast waves, in the various levels of solar atmosphere, through helioseismic approach of wavelet 2D-spatial maps of the power spectral density estimated for the coronal hole area.

How to cite: Wisniewska, A.: Frequency Distribution of Solar Oscillation Inside The Coronal Hole, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13848,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Eric Zirnstein, Pawel Swaczyna, Maher Dayeh, and Jacob Heerikhuisen

The heliosphere surrounding our solar system is formed by the interaction between the solar wind and the local interstellar medium as the Sun moves through interstellar space. With dimensions on the order of hundreds to potentially thousands of au, it is difficult to determine the 3D structure of the heliosphere and the properties of the plasma surrounding it. However, observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), which are created as a product of charge exchange between interstellar neutrals and energetic plasma ions, allow us to remotely discern the properties of the distant heliospheric boundaries.

NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission, a small explorer spacecraft which has been measuring ENA fluxes at ~0.5-6 keV for more than a solar cycle, discovered a “ribbon” of enhanced ENA fluxes forming a narrow, circular band across the sky. While it is generally believed that the ribbon is formed from secondary ENAs from outside the heliopause, a source of ENAs that is separate from the globally distributed flux (GDF) across the sky, it is not clear exactly how the parent ions outside the heliopause evolve over time before they become ribbon ENAs. To help solve this issue, we present recent developments in modeling the evolution of the ribbon over a solar cycle, under different pitch angle scattering assumptions. We hypothesize that simulating the evolution of the ribbon under differing scattering rates may help discern the physical mechanisms responsible for creating the ribbon observed by IBEX. We compare our modeling results to IBEX data where the ribbon was separated from the GDF using spherical harmonic decomposition, analyzing the evolution of the ribbon’s intensity and geometry as a function of ENA energy.

How to cite: Zirnstein, E., Swaczyna, P., Dayeh, M., and Heerikhuisen, J.: Constraints on the IBEX Ribbon's Origin from its Evolution over a Solar Cycle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2095,, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Andrew Dimmock, Domenico Trotta
Dynamics of collisionless shocks and their association with particle energisation
On-site presentation
Silvia Perri

Energetic particles represent an important component of the plasma in the heliosphere. Spacecraft observations have detected energetic particles accelerated at impulsive events in the solar corona and at interplanetary shocks. Fluctuations in energetic particle fluxes are related to solar activity and to magnetic turbulence in the interplanetary medium. Thanks to in-situ satellite observations, numerical simulations, and theoretical models, our knowledge on the particle acceleration processes involved has advanced significantly in recent years. Here we review new developments on particle acceleration at collisionless shocks, in particular in relation with the transport properties of supra-thermal particles, as inferred from the analysis of particle fluxes, addressing that anomalous, superdiffusive transport is common in the interplanetary medium. A link between the results obtained from the in-situ diagnostic, used for studying energetic particle transport and acceleration, and remote observations of astrophysical shocks will be discussed.

How to cite: Perri, S.: Recent advancements on particle acceleration at collisionless shocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2360,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Manon Jarry, Alexis Rouillard, Illya Plotnikov, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, and Alexander Warmuth

The mechanisms that produce solar energetic particles (SEPs) are still highly debated but coronal shock waves have been proposed as efficient particle accelerators that may be implicated in the production of SEPs.
An analysis of 32 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that produced strong pressure waves in the solar corona during their eruption has been done. For each event Kouloumvakos et al. (2019) exploited remote-sensing observations from multiple vantage points to reconstruct their 3-D ellipsoidal shapes. This catalogue of shock waves provides important statistical information on their kinematic evolution that we report in Jarry et al. (2023) together with their relation to X-ray flaring activitiy.
Different SEPs exhibit significant spectral and compositional variability. We looked for links between the composition of SEPs including abundance ratios (such as Fe/O) and shock parameters (Mach number, shock geometry, ..) that typically evolves rapidly along the magnetic field lines connected to the spacecraft recording SEPs.
This work was funded by the H2020 SERPENTINE project.

How to cite: Jarry, M., Rouillard, A., Plotnikov, I., Kouloumvakos, A., and Warmuth, A.: Relations between coronal shock waves properties and acceleration of solar energetic particles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6946,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Benjamin L. Alterman, Stefano Livi, Christopher Owen, Philippe Louarn, Roberto Bruno, Raffaella D'Amicis, Jim Raines, Susan Lepri, Sarah Spitzer, Ryan M. Dewey, Christopher M. Bert, Lynn Kistler, Antoinette Galvin, Yeimy Rivera, Tim Horbury, Domenico Trotta, Heli Hietala, Ed Fauchon-Jones, Irena Gershkovich, and Daniel Verscharen and the SWA and MAG Teams

Ion mass-per-charge and shock geometry determine both shock injection and the number of times a charged particle is reflected across a shock. As such, they govern charged particle acceleration and heating at shock. Solar Obiter’s Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) observed a quasi-parallel CME-driven shock on March 11, 2022. HIS has sufficient time, mass, and charge resolution that it measured individual distributions of iron 8+ through 12+ on the variable timescale of 2 to 5 minutes. Using these 1D velocity distribution functions (VDFs), we report that the thermal portion of the Fe distribution heats across the shock, that this heating increases with Q/M, and the heating increases with distance downstream from the shock.

How to cite: Alterman, B. L., Livi, S., Owen, C., Louarn, P., Bruno, R., D'Amicis, R., Raines, J., Lepri, S., Spitzer, S., Dewey, R. M., Bert, C. M., Kistler, L., Galvin, A., Rivera, Y., Horbury, T., Trotta, D., Hietala, H., Fauchon-Jones, E., Gershkovich, I., and Verscharen, D. and the SWA and MAG Teams: Iron Heating Across a Shock Observed by Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7823,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Alexander Pitna, Gary Zank, Masaru Nakanotani, Lingling Zhao, Laxman Adhikari, Jana Šafránková, and Zdeněk Němeček

Collisionless magnetohydrodynamic shocks are ubiquitous in solar wind and in other space plasmas. They serve as natural sites where charged particles can be accelerated to supra-thermal energies via various Fermi acceleration mechanisms. Upstream and downstream fluctuations play a key role in these processes because they can act as scatter centers. Furthermore, the downstream turbulent plasma of strong shocks driven by coronal mass ejections can enhance the coupling of this plasma with the Earth’s magnetosphere. Understanding of how the fluctuations are transmitted across the shocks can provide an invaluable insight into many shock related studies.

In this paper, we investigate the interaction of fast forward (FF) shocks with magnetic island/flux rope mode fluctuations. We employ a recently developed framework of the Zank et al. (2021) transmission model. We analyze 378 FF shocks observed by the Wind spacecraft with varying upstream conditions and Mach numbers. We estimate upstream and downstream power spectra within one-hour intervals adjacent to the shock front and we calculate theoretically predicted downstream power spectrum. We analyze closely the difference between the observed and theoretically predicted spectra. On average, the model predicts the spectra with very good accuracy. We argue that large statistical spread of this difference is given mainly by the statistical uncertainties in the shock compression ratio, upstream power spectrum and by the turbulent evolution of fluctuations in the downstream region. Finally, our findings also suggest that Zank et al. (2021) model may estimate the downstream levels of fluctuations accurately even for a wider range of shocks than it was originally meant for.

How to cite: Pitna, A., Zank, G., Nakanotani, M., Zhao, L., Adhikari, L., Šafránková, J., and Němeček, Z.: On the Transmission of Turbulence Across Interplanetary Shocks: Observations and Theory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8250,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Martin Lindberg, Andris Vaivads, Savvas Raptis, and Tomas Karlsson

We use the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to observe electron acceleration events at Earth’s quasi-perpendicular bow shock. Acceleration mechanisms up to mildly relativistic electron energies are investigated in order to provide more insight into the long-standing injection problem. The events are chosen for their diversity in observed high energy electron flux and shock angle, θBn, enabling the Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration theory to be further tested for different shock parameters. An alternative acceleration mechanism is also presented. The electron acceleration region of this unusual event is associated with a decrease in wave activity, inconsistent with common electron acceleration mechanisms such as Diffusive Shock Acceleration and Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration. The energetic electron population is shown to have a bi-directional pitch-angle distribution, indicating parallel heating along the magnetic field lines.
We propose a two-step acceleration process where energetic field-aligned electrons originating from the electron foreshock act as a seed population further accelerated by a shrinking magnetic bottle process. Furthermore, we present evidence for electron pitch-angle scattering at the shocks and discuss its importance and different roles for the different electron acceleration mechanisms mentioned above.

How to cite: Lindberg, M., Vaivads, A., Raptis, S., and Karlsson, T.: Electron acceleration mechanisms at Earth’s quasi-perpendicular bow shock, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-375,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Multi-Satellite Whistler Wave Observations at the Earth’s Bow Shock
Ilya Kuzichev and Ivan Vasko
On-site presentation
Statistical analysis of electron heating across quasi-perpendicular shocks
Ahmad Lalti, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, and Daniel B. Graham
On-site presentation
Imogen L. Gingell, Steven J. Schwartz, Harald Kucharek, Charles J. Farrugia, Laura J. Fryer, James Plank, and Karlheinz J. Trattner

Observations of Earth’s bow shock and magnetosheath have shown that magnetic reconnection occurs within these regions at thin current sheets, typically arising from turbulence and plasma instabilities in the shock transition layer. Broad observational surveys of these regions have shown that, somewhat surprisingly, the prevalence of reconnecting current structures may not be strongly dependent on the shock Mach number or the angle between the upstream magnetic field and shock normal (θBn), despite quasi-parallel shocks typically exhibiting more disordered and non-stationary structure. To investigate how shock reconnection manifests across different parameters, we perform a series of two- and three-dimensional hybrid (fluid electron, kinetic ion) particle-in-cell simulations across a broad range of Mach numbers and orientations. These simulations isolate ion-scale mechanisms for reconnection in the shock, principally those driven by ion-ion beam instabilities in the foot and foreshock. For 2D simulations, we show that reconnection via these ion-driven mechanisms is strongly constrained to quasi-parallel shocks. However, downstream of quasi-parallel shocks, we find that the decay rate of closed-field regions, and hence thin current sheets, is not strongly dependent on upstream shock parameters. We also explore the differences that arise in shock structure, the generation of reconnecting current structures, and their decay rates for three-dimensional simulations.

How to cite: Gingell, I. L., Schwartz, S. J., Kucharek, H., Farrugia, C. J., Fryer, L. J., Plank, J., and Trattner, K. J.: Generation and Decay of Reconnecting Current Structures Downstream of the Bow Shock: 3D Hybrid Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3166,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Federico Fraternale, Nikolai V. Pogorelov, and Ratan K. Bera

In situ and remote observations of the outer regions of the heliosphere and in the local interstellar medium (LISM) by Voyager, New Horizons, and IBEX continue to present new challenging questions, reflecting the complex processes of the solar wind (SW) - local interstellar medium (LISM) interaction. We present a new version of our recent 3-D MHD-plasma/kinetic-neutrals model of the SW-LISM interaction, which self-consistently includes neutral hydrogen and helium atoms. The new model treats electrons as a separate fluid assumed to co-move with the plasma mixture. In addition, it includes the effect of Coulomb collisions between electrons, He+ ions, and protons. The properties of electrons in the distant SW and in the very local interstellar medium (VLISM) are mostly unknown due to the lack of in situ observations. In this study we discuss the implications of using different models for the electron pressure. A common assumption (model 0) in single-ion global models is to assume that electrons have the pressure of the ion mixture. In this case electrons become hot in the distant SW where plasma is energetically dominated by pickup ions. In the proposed new model, electrons in the SW are colder, which leads to a better agreement with New Horizons observations in the supersonic SW. In the VLISM, however, ions and electrons may be almost in thermal equilibrium due to Coulomb collisions. As far as the plasma mixture properties are concerned, the major differences between the models are in the inner heliosheath, where colder electrons result in hotter protons and induce cooling of the plasma mixture due to the increase in the charge exchange frequency. This makes the heliosheath thinner by ~5 AU along the upstream direction and up to 60 AU in the downwind region. The filtration of interstellar H and He atoms is also discussed. At 1 AU, in the model with separate electrons the H density increases by ~2%. However, the fraction of pristine H atoms decreases by ~12%, while that of atoms born in the IHS increases up to ~35%. While the density of He atoms in the SW remains essentially unchanged, the contribution from the warm breeze increases by ~3%.

How to cite: Fraternale, F., Pogorelov, N. V., and Bera, R. K.: The role of electrons and helium atoms in global modeling of the heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11714,, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: André Galli, Manuela Temmer, Olga Malandraki
Stefan Hofmeister, Eleanna Asvestari, Jingnan Guo, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, Stephan Heinemann, Jasmina Magdalenic, Stefaan Poedts, Evangelia Samara, Manuela Temmer, Susanne Vennerstrom, Astrid Veronig, Bojan Vrsnak, and Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber

Since the 1970s it has been empirically known that the area of solar coronal holes a ects the properties of high-speed solar wind
streams (HSSs) at Earth. We derive a simple analytical model for the propagation of HSSs from the Sun to Earth and thereby show
how the area of coronal holes and the size of their boundary regions a ect the HSS velocity, temperature, and density near Earth.
We assume that velocity, temperature, and density profiles form across the HSS cross section close to the Sun and that these spatial
profiles translate into corresponding temporal profiles in a given radial direction due to the solar rotation. These temporal distributions
drive the stream interface to the preceding slow solar wind plasma and disperse with distance from the Sun. The HSS properties at
1AU are then given by all HSS plasma parcels launched from the Sun that did not run into the stream interface at Earth distance.
We show that the velocity plateau region of HSSs as seen at 1AU, if apparent, originates from the center region of the HSS close
to the Sun, whereas the velocity tail at 1AU originates from the trailing boundary region. Small HSSs can be described to entirely
consist of boundary region plasma, which intrinsically results in smaller peak velocities. The peak velocity of HSSs at Earth further
depends on the longitudinal width of the HSS close to the Sun. The shorter the longitudinal width of an HSS close to the Sun, the
more of its “fastest” HSS plasma parcels from the HSS core and trailing boundary region have impinged upon the stream interface
with the preceding slow solar wind, and the smaller is the peak velocity of the HSS at Earth. As the longitudinal width is statistically
correlated to the area of coronal holes, this also explains the well-known empirical relationship between coronal hole areas and HSS
peak velocities. Further, the temperature and density of HSS plasma parcels at Earth depend on their radial expansion from the Sun
to Earth. The radial expansion is determined by the velocity gradient across the HSS boundary region close to the Sun and gives the
velocity-temperature and density-temperature relationships at Earth their specific shape. When considering a large number of HSSs,
the assumed correlation between the HSS velocities and temperatures close to the Sun degrades only slightly up to 1AU, but the
correlation between the velocities and densities is strongly disrupted up to 1AU due to the radial expansion. Finally, we show how
the number of particles of the piled-up slow solar wind in the stream interaction region depends on the velocities and densities of the
HSS and preceding slow solar wind plasma.

How to cite: Hofmeister, S., Asvestari, E., Guo, J., Heidrich-Meisner, V., Heinemann, S., Magdalenic, J., Poedts, S., Samara, E., Temmer, M., Vennerstrom, S., Veronig, A., Vrsnak, B., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.: The effect of the morphology of coronal holes on the propagational evolution of high-speed solar wind streams in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14753,, 2023.

André Galli, Igor I. Baliukin, Marc Kornbleuth, Stephen A. Fuselier, Justyna M. Sokół, and Merav Opher

The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is a NASA satellite in Earth’s orbit, observing both interstellar neutral atoms entering the heliosphere and energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from the interstellar boundaries from roughly 10 eV to 6 keV. IBEX consists of two ENA imagers: IBEX-Lo covers the low energy range from 10 eV to 2 keV, IBEX-Hi covers ENA energies between 500 eV and 6 keV (corresponding roughly to solar wind energy).

ENA imaging is an indispensable tool in space physics. ENAs carry information on the plasma region where they were created that can be deciphered by analysis of the species, intensity, spatial distribution, and energy spectrum. The ENA intensity measured by a remote observer, such as IBEX, is a line of sight integral over potentially many different ion populations and local neutral atom densities. Thus, to derive properties of the heliosphere and of its plasma populations from such ENA measurements, they must be compared with the predictions of heliosphere models.

The majority of ENA model comparisons with IBEX observations so far were restricted to IBEX-Hi data. In this study, we present the first comparison of IBEX-Lo data with heliosphere models over one full solar cycle (using the tabulated energy spectra in Galli et al. 2022, We use heliosphere models developed at the Moscow University and Boston University in this study. The comparison concentrates on the energy spectra of heliospheric ENAs originating from regions in the sky (such as Voyager 1, Voyager 2, South Pole, North Pole, and heliosphere downwind direction) that are cardinal directions for the comparison of the ENA data and the global heliosphere models.

This study is a part of the Research Team “Global Structure of the Heliosphere” within the SHIELD NASA DRIVE Science Center.

How to cite: Galli, A., Baliukin, I. I., Kornbleuth, M., Fuselier, S. A., Sokół, J. M., and Opher, M.: Comparison of heliosphere models with IBEX-Lo observations of Energetic Neutral Atoms at 50 eV - 2 keV energy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5688,, 2023.

Andrew Dimmock, Michael Gedalin, Domenico Trotta, Ahmad Lalti, Daniel Graham, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Rami Vainio, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Primoz Kajdič, and Christopher Owen

Collisionless shocks exist across diverse plasma environments. Examples are supernova remnants, comets, near planets, and interplanetary (IP) shocks in the solar wind. As the shock Mach number increases, so does the complexity of the ion distribution functions at the shock front due to features such as whistler precursors, ion reflection, shock ripples, and nonstationarity. 

Experimental studies of ion dynamics at supercritical high Mach (>5) number shocks are typically conducted using planetary bow shock crossings since the Mach number of these shocks are higher while the shock speeds with respect to the observing spacecraft are lower. As a result, it is easier to resolve complex features in the ion velocity distribution function. For these reasons, studies concentrating on ion reflection at IP shocks are rare. However, comparisons with IP shocks are interesting since they have a much larger curvature radius and can be accompanied by more energetic particles.

In this work, we analyze a quasi-perpendicular shock observed by Solar Orbiter (SolO) on 30 October 2021 with a Mach number of around 7; this is much higher than the typical values of SolO IP shocks, which are between 1-3. For this event, we observed clear signatures in the upstream ion distribution function of reflected ions with energies extending to around 15 keV, which is lower than reported by other studies. The shock also demonstrates a non-planar feature, which may indicate shock rippling. In addition, whistler precursors are also found immediately upstream locally within the shock foot. We present these experimental results and a comparison with test-particle analysis and numerical modeling results.

How to cite: Dimmock, A., Gedalin, M., Trotta, D., Lalti, A., Graham, D., Khotyaintsev, Y., Vainio, R., Blanco-Cano, X., Kajdič, P., and Owen, C.: Ion reflection observed at high Mach number interplanetary shocks: Solar Orbiter observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11192,, 2023.

Domenico Trotta, Timothy Horbury, Heli Hietala, Nina Dresing, Rami Vainio, Emilia Kilpua, Andrew Dimmock, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, David Lario, Andriy Koval, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Lars Berger, and Liu Yang

Interplanetary (IP) shocks are important sites of particle acceleration in the Heliosphere and can be observed in-situ utilizing spacecraft measurements. Such observations are crucial to address important aspects of energy conversion for a variety of astrophysical systems.

Under this point of view, Solar Orbiter provides observations of interplanetary shocks at different locations in the inner heliosphere with unprecedented time and energy resolution in the suprathermal (usually above 50 keV) energy range. We present a comprehensive identification of such shocks, highlighting their typical parameters.

We then study a strong shock showing novel dispersive signals in the suprathermal particle fluxes observed by the Solar Orbiter SupraThermal Electron and Proton sensor. These are probably due to irregular injection of particles to suprathermal energies along the shock front, as inferred using the Solar Orbiter in-situ observations and self-consistent, kinetic modelling of the shock transition.

How to cite: Trotta, D., Horbury, T., Hietala, H., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Kilpua, E., Dimmock, A., Blanco-Cano, X., Lario, D., Koval, A., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Berger, L., and Yang, L.: Observations of energetic particles at interplanetary shocks with Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8760,, 2023.

Suresh Karuppiah, Mateja Dumbovic, Karmen Martinic, Manuela Temmer, Astrid Veronig, Galina Chikunova, Tatiana Podladchikova, Karin Dissauer, Stephan Heinemann, and Bojan Vrsnak

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the major eruptive phenomena that cause various space weather effects. CMEs can be deflected by coronal holes (CH) away or towards the Sun-Earth line depending on their relative location, and also the high speed streams from CH can influence CME propagation. Coronal dimmings which are away or toward the CH may also cause CME deflection. The main aim of our study is to analyse the deflection/rotation of CMEs by tracking them in COR1 and COR2 field of view of STEREO onboard SECCHI with the help of 3D reconstruction Graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) model. We analyse 60 Earth-directed CMEs and their associated low coronal signatures observed in SDO/AIA. In addition, with the help of CATCH tool we study the nearby coronal hole parameters. Furthermore, we analyze the associated coronal dimmings by considering the movement of secondary dimmings towards or away the nearby CH. Out of 60 events, 31 events show deflection/rotation, as we track them from 1.76R to 20.8R. A small fraction of (11%) events show deflection in longitude, and a significant fraction of events show deflection in latitude (38%) and rotation (40%). We discuss these results with respect to the vicinity and direction of coronal holes.

How to cite: Karuppiah, S., Dumbovic, M., Martinic, K., Temmer, M., Veronig, A., Chikunova, G., Podladchikova, T., Dissauer, K., Heinemann, S., and Vrsnak, B.: Deflection/Rotation of Earth-directed CMEs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1395,, 2023.

Hale cycle in solar hemispheric radio flux: Evidence for a relic magnetic field oriented opposite to solar rotation
Kalevi Mursula
Jonathan Gasser, André Galli, and Peter Wurz

Imaging space plasmas via Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) is a widely used technique to study space plasma population ranging from the Earth’s magnetosphere all the way to the interstellar medium. Laboratory calibration against a known ENA beam source is a key element in the development and testing of spaceborne ENA imaging instruments. For ENA instruments operating at energies below about 1 keV, an ion beam source cannot be used for the instrument calibration, as ion trajectories are distorted through electromagnetic fields inside the ENA instrument whereas neutrals are not. The MEFISTO laboratory test facility at the University of Bern is well suited to carry out such ENA instrument calibrations: It provides neutral atom beams of any species from H to heavy elements at the relevant low-energy range from 3 keV down to 10 eV. MEFISTO is equipped with a large vacuum test chamber and an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the production of a primary ion beam. Ion beam neutralization is performed with a dedicated neutralization stage via grazing scattering surface neutralization. This neutralization method introduces some uncertainty to the neutral beam energy and comes with species and energy dependent throughput.

Therefore, neutral beam calibrations have been conducted against a novel Absolute Beam Monitor (ABM), which serves as a primary calibration standard in the low-energy ENA range. Calibrated neutral beam fluxes and energies have been obtained for species of interest to interstellar, heliosphere and planetary science, including H, D, He, O, Ne neutral beams. The recently upgraded 5-axis movable hexapod table in the test chamber allows for precise motion and rotation of instrument under test relative to ENA calibration beam. These measures allow us to carry out thorough ENA instrument calibrations against a well-characterized low-energy neutral atoms beam source.

How to cite: Gasser, J., Galli, A., and Wurz, P.: Laboratory calibration of low-energy ENA instruments for space science, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5509,, 2023.

Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Domenico Trotta, Heli Hietala, Primoz Kajdic, Diana Rojas-Castillo, Andrew Dimmock, Tim Horbury, Rami Vainio, and Lan Jian

Interplanetary (IP) shocks can be driven in the solar wind by fast coronal mass ejections and by the interaction of fast solar wind with slow streams of plasma. These shocks can be preceded by extended waves and suprathermal ion foreshocks. Shocks characteristics as well as the level of wave activity near them change as they propagate through the heliosphere and this can impact particle acceleration, and modify the ambient solar wind. In this work we study IP shock evolution and the wave modes upstream of them using a multispacecraft approach with data of Solar Orbiter, STEREO, Parker Solar Probe and Wind. We find that upstream regions can be permeated by whistler waves (f ~ 1 Hz) and/or ultra low frequency (ULF) right-handed waves (f~10-2–10-1 Hz). While whistlers appear to be generated at the shock, the origin of ULF waves is most probably associated with local kinetic ion instabilities. In contrast with planetary bow shocks, most IP shocks have a small Mach number (<4) and most of the upstream waves studied here are mainly transverse and steepening rarely occurs.


How to cite: Blanco-Cano, X., Trotta, D., Hietala, H., Kajdic, P., Rojas-Castillo, D., Dimmock, A., Horbury, T., Vainio, R., and Jian, L.: Waves upstream of interplanetary shocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9785,, 2023.

Heli Hietala, Domenico Trotta, Lynn Wilson III, Annamaria Fedeli, and Laura Vuorinen

Localized dynamic pressure enhancements - jets - are regularly observed downstream of the Earth’s bow shock. They drive enhanced particle acceleration, larger amplitude magnetic field variations and reconnecting current sheets. Various shock simulations have also exhibited jets, suggesting that they are not unique to Earth.

In this study, we search for similar dynamic pressure pulses downstream of interplanetary shocks observed by the Wind spacecraft. We discuss how the jet selection criteria are adapted for such conditions. The interplanetary shocks where we have found jet candidates feature foreshock activity, a favourable condition for jet formation according to bow shock studies. We examine the properties of the candidate jets and compare them to those reported for magnetosheath jets. Widening the range of environments where downstream jets are observed can shed light on their dynamics and formation mechanisms.

How to cite: Hietala, H., Trotta, D., Wilson III, L., Fedeli, A., and Vuorinen, L.: Candidates for downstream jets at interplanetary shocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12727,, 2023.

Thomas Neukirch, Ivan Vasko, Anton Artemyev, and Oliver Allanson

Current sheets in the collisionless solar wind usually have kinetic spatial scales. In-situ measurements show that these current sheets are often approximately force-free, i.e. the directions of their current density and magnetic field are aligned, despite the fact that the plasma beta is found to be of the order of one. The measurements also often show systematic asymmetric spatial variations of the plasma density and temperature across the current sheets, whilst the plasma pressure is approximately uniform. Neukirch et al. (2020) found exact equilibrium models of force-free collisionless current sheets which allowed for asymmetric plasma density and temperature gradients. These models assumed that the form of the distribution function for electrons and ions is the same. If one assumes that the bulk velocity of the ion population vanishes, the force-free condition is only satisfied approximately. Also, quasi-neutrality requires the presence of a nonvanishing electric potential. We show that an approximate treatment implies that the asymmetries in the density and the temperature only differ by a scale factor from the asymmetries found for the exactly force-free case.

T. Neukirch, I. Vasko, A. Artemyev and O. Allanson, ApJ 891, 86 (2020).

How to cite: Neukirch, T., Vasko, I., Artemyev, A., and Allanson, O.: Kinetic models of asymmetric solar wind current sheets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15303,, 2023.

SHIELD and observations in the LISM
John Richardson and the SHIELD Team
Stephan G. Heinemann, Dan Yang, Jens Pomoell, Charles N. Arge, Shaela I. Jones, and Laurent Gizon

Synoptic magnetic field data usually serves as the boundary condition for simulations of the global magnetic field; however, it has been shown that these data suffer from an “aging effects” as the longitudinal 360° information can only be obtained over the course of one solar rotation. To avoid this, we use advanced magnetograms produced by feeding near-side HMI/SDO magnetograms and far-side helioseismic active regions into a modified surface flux transport model to improve the modeling of the far-side magnetic configuration. This allows for a more accurate description of the state of the global magnetic field and thus for an improved forecasting of solar wind parameters. We use potential field source surface (PFSS) and WSA modeling as well as the EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA) to derive the coronal magnetic field configuration and the heliospheric solar wind structure as well as discuss the changes caused by the implementation of far-side active regions into magnetic field maps. Modeled solar wind results are found to be in good agreement with far-side in-situ measurements taken by various instruments. We can show the importance of considering not only the solar near-side but also the far-side to accurately model the heliosphere in which solar transients are propagated.

How to cite: Heinemann, S. G., Yang, D., Pomoell, J., Arge, C. N., Jones, S. I., and Gizon, L.: FARM: Combined surface flux transport and helioseismic Far-side Active Region Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8789,, 2023.

Antonio Bianchini and Nicola Scafetta

The complex dynamics of solar activity appear to be controlled by a number of individual oscillations from the monthly to the millennial scales, the most well-known of which is the 11-year Schwabe sunspot cycle. These oscillations are important also because many of them characterize the oscillations found in the climate of the Earth and could be used for climate change forecast purposes. However, the physical cause of the solar oscillations is still debated. Commenting on the origin of the 11-year sunspot cycle, Johann Rudolf Wolf (1859, MNRAS 19, 85–86) conjectured that “the variations of spot frequency depend on the influences of Venus, Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn.” There are only two options: either the solar activity changes are solely controlled by internal solar dynamo mechanisms or the solar dynamo itself is partially synchronized by external harmonic planetary forcings. The former hypothesis is today shared by the majority of solar scientists; the latter has been recently advocated by an increasing minority of solar scientists, and the debate is still going on. Here we overview the numerous pieces of evidence supporting a planetary theory of solar activity variability by demonstrating that the many planetary harmonics and the orbital invariant inequalities that characterize the planetary motions of the solar system from the monthly to the millennial time scales are not randomly distributed but clearly tend to cluster around some specific values that also match those of the main solar activity cycles. We also show that planetary models have even been able to predict the time phase of the solar oscillations including the Schwabe 11-year sunspot cycle. Although planetary tidal forces are weak, we review a number of mechanisms that could explain how the solar structure and the solar dynamo could get tuned to the planetary motions. In particular, we discuss how the effects of the weak tidal forces could be significantly amplified in the solar core by an induced increase in the H-burning. Mechanisms modulating the electromagnetic and gravitational large-scale structure of the planetary system are also discussed.

Main Reference:

Scafetta N and Bianchini A (2022) The Planetary Theory of Solar Activity Variability: A Review. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:937930. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.937930

Scafetta, N. (2020). Solar Oscillations and the Orbital Invariant Inequalities of the Solar System. Sol. Phys. 295, 33. doi:10.1007/s11207-020-01599-y

How to cite: Bianchini, A. and Scafetta, N.: An overview of the planetary theory of solar activity variability and its importance for understanding climate oscillations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4472,, 2023.

Tibor Torok, Emily I. Mason, Cooper Downs, Roberto Lionello, and Viacheslav S. Titov

The physical mechanisms by which solar prominences (or filaments) form are still not well understood. The presently favored scenario invokes the evaporation of chromospheric plasma via localized heating at the footprints of a magnetic flux rope (MFR) or sheared arcade, and the subsequent condensation of this plasma in the corona due to thermal non-equilibrium (TNE). This scenario has been modeled extensively in one-dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic simulations along static magnetic field lines, and recently also in fully 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, using idealized MFR configurations. However, such configurations lack the complexity of real prominence magnetic fields. In this presentation, we first briefly discuss our prominence modeling approach for the case of an idealized 3D MFR configuration. We then report on our recent attempts to employ data-constrained MHD simulations to model the formation of observed filaments. To this end, we selected the filament that erupted in a spectacular manner on June 7, 2011 in NOAA AR 11226. To model its formation, we first develop a semi-realistic ("thermodynamic MHD") model of the solar corona, using SDO/HMI data as boundary condition for the magnetic field. Next, we insert an MFR constructed with the RBSL method (Titov et al., 2018) into the source region of the filament. Finally, we impose localized heating at the MFR's footprints. We compare our results with our idealized simulations and discuss the challenges that arise once realistic cases are considered.

How to cite: Torok, T., Mason, E. I., Downs, C., Lionello, R., and Titov, V. S.: 3D MHD Modeling of an Observed Solar Prominence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2300,, 2023.

Sivakumara K. Tadikonda, Daniel B. Seaton, Christian Bethge, Amir Caspi, Melissa Dahya, Craig DeForest, Matthew P. Garhart, J. Marcus Hughes, Alexander Krimchansky, Pamela C. Sullivan, Monica Todirita, and Matthew West

Traditional approaches to tracking solar outflows for space weather forecasting rely primarily on coronagraph images, which generally observe the solar corona above a minimum height of about 2.5 solar radii. EUV images have been widely used to characterize features on the solar disk, but the limited fields of view of most current EUV imagers have prevented their use for tracking outflows through the inner and middle coronae. A series of off-point campaigns with the GOES 16-18 Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) between 2018 and 2022 from three Flight Models have provided an opportunity to assess the value of extended EUV images for space weather forecasting applications. These new results demonstrate that wide field-of-view EUV images are useful for characterizing the early onset of eruptive events and tracking smaller outflow into the solar wind. They also reveal the origins of shocks that are known to accelerate particles and drive solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Because CMEs generally experience the bulk of their acceleration below the height of white light coronagraphic observations, these images provide information about the origins of these events that has not been available traditionally. Together with coronagraphic measurements, EUV images provide the continuous views needed to connect CMEs back to their source regions. Here, we present these new SUVI observations and discuss their potential use in space weather operations.

How to cite: Tadikonda, S. K., Seaton, D. B., Bethge, C., Caspi, A., Dahya, M., DeForest, C., Garhart, M. P., Hughes, J. M., Krimchansky, A., Sullivan, P. C., Todirita, M., and West, M.: From the Solar Limb and Out: Results from the Wide-Field EUV Image Campaigns with GOES/SUVI, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1807,, 2023.

Renee Dudley, Alexander Krimchansky, Sivakumara Tadikonda, Arnaud Thernisien, Rebecca Baugh, and Michael Carter

The CCOR-1 will monitor our Sun’s Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).  It will reside on the Sun-Pointing Platform (SPP) of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) -U in a geostationary orbit.  As a member of the GOES-R Series of satellites, GOES-U will provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s weather, oceans and environment, real-time mapping of total lightning activity, and as well as monitoring of solar activity and space weather. GOES-U is the final satellite in the GOES-R Series, with an expected launch date in April of 2024. 


The Compact Coronagraph (CCOR) instrument was designed, built, and tested by the United States Naval Research Laboratory. CCOR-1, the first in a series of coronagraphs, is funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and will ultimately be operated by NOAA.  Using a series of images of the Sun’s coronal white-light, scientists at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) and National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) can determine the size, velocity, and density of these CMEs.  This information can then be used to assess and prepare for potential impacts of these solar storms on infrastructure here on Earth, as well as assets in space. 


CCOR-1 has completed instrument-level Integration and Testing (I&T), delivered to the GOES-U satellite integrator and is now mechanically integrated with the spacecraft. The integrated GOES-U satellite has completed Spacecraft-level Thermal Vacuum testing and is expected to complete all the remaining Spacecraft I&T activities by the EGU Conference date.


This paper presents the details on the CCOR-1 instrument, its integration onto the GOES-U satellite bus, and the expected performance.

How to cite: Dudley, R., Krimchansky, A., Tadikonda, S., Thernisien, A., Baugh, R., and Carter, M.: Compact Coronagraph (CCOR) Accommodation on GOES-U, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1714,, 2023.

Yuri Khotyaintsev, Ajay Lotekar, Andreas Johlander, Daniel Graham, and Ahmad Lalti

MMS can resolve the fine structure of the shock ramp, which often shows holes in reduced ion-phase space distributions (integrated along the tangential plane of the shock). This is possible due to the high temporal resolutions of FPI/DIS. Such holes have been associated with ripples propagating along the shock surface but also can be related to the shock reformation. We statistically characterize the ion phase-space holes at the Earth’s bow shock using MMS observations. We establish a systematic procedure to find the shocks exhibiting the phase-space holes. We apply the procedure to ~500 shock crossings for which the burst data necessary to identify the holes is available. We identify phase-space holes for 66% of the crossings. We note that the actual occurrence is likely higher, as the holes are not resolved for fast shock crossings. We characterize the occurrence of the holes as a function of shock parameters such as Mach number and geometry. We find that the holes are widespread at the bow shock and are present for a wide range of shock geometries and Mach numbers (MA) studied. Their occurrence has no dependence on the shock geometry and increases with the Mach number, MA. The highest occurrence (70% probability) is for MA above 5. These results are essential to understanding the non-stationary behavior of collisionless shocks.

How to cite: Khotyaintsev, Y., Lotekar, A., Johlander, A., Graham, D., and Lalti, A.: Statistical Study of Shock Rippling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15872,, 2023.

Slava Bourgeois, Andreas Wagner, Teresa Barata, Robertus Erdélyi, and Orlando Oliveira

Mathematical Morphology (MM) is an effective method to identify different types of features visible on the solar surface such as sunspots, facular regions, and pre-eruptive configurations of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which are important indicators of the Sun’s activity cycle.  On the one hand, we determine sunspots areas in Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) intensity images with this MM method, and we compare the obtained values with existing solar databases (e.g., the Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory catalogue or Mandal et al.'s catalogue [2020, A&A doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202037547]). The good agreement between the MM results and the existing catalogues validates the method, which we then apply to contour the different magnetic polarities in the SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetograms in order to identify so-called delta-sunspots. The next step is to investigate the correlation between solar flares and the length of these delta-sunspots contours. On the other hand, as another application, MM also helps us to extract flux rope structures from magnetic field models, using twist number maps obtained from a time-dependent magnetofrictional code. We can then investigate the evolution of the magnetic flux rope properties and the underlying triggers for the instability that ultimately leads to an eruption.

How to cite: Bourgeois, S., Wagner, A., Barata, T., Erdélyi, R., and Oliveira, O.: Mathematical Morphology applied to solar features detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16533,, 2023.

Energy Conversion and Partition across Interplanetary Shocks in the Solar Wind
Die Duan, Jiansen He, and Weining Wang

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall ST/PS

Chairpersons: André Galli, Olga Malandraki, Manuela Temmer
Seiji Zenitani and Shin'ya Nakano

The kappa distribution is one of the most important velocity distributions in space plasmas. It has both a quasi-Maxwellian core and a suprathermal tail, and it has been considered throughout the heliosphere and magnetospheres. Despite a strong demand for numerical studies in a kappa-distributed plasma, it is not clear how to generate kappa distributions in particle velocities in particle-in-cell (PIC) and Monte Carlo simulations. In this contribution, we present numerical procedures to generate three kappa-type velocity distributions in particle simulations.

First, we review an algorithm for the nonrelativistic kappa distribution. Mathematically, the kappa distribution is equivalent to the multivariate t-distribution [1]. A random variate following the multivariate t-distribution can be generated from the normal and chi-squared distributions. Second, we propose algorithms to generate a kappa loss-cone (KLC) distribution [2], which is often considered in the planetary magnetosphere. We have constructed two procedures. Using the mathematical properties of the beta prime distribution, we can straightforwardly generate the KLC distribution in particle simulations. Third, we propose a procedure for initializing a relativistic kappa distribution. Although the Lorentz factor makes this problem difficult, we have successfully developed a rejection-based algorithm [3]. The rejection part extends an earlier method for a relativistic Maxwell distribution [4], and it accepts particles at the rate of 95% or higher. Our method also use the beta prime distribution. As a result, we can successfully generate a power-law tail of the relativistic kappa distribution.

[1] R. F. Abdul & R. L. Mace, Phys. Plasmas 22, 102107 (2015)
[2] D. Summers & R. M. Thorne, J. Plasma Phys. 53, 293 (1995)
[3] S. Zenitani & S. Nakano, Phys. Plasmas 29, 113904 (2022)
[4] E. Canfield, W. M. Howard, & E. P. Liang, Astrophys. J 323, 565 (1987)

How to cite: Zenitani, S. and Nakano, S.: Loading kappa-type distributions in particle simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1629,, 2023.

Alexey Sharov and Arnold Hanslmeier

Reliable data on the range and distribution of solar granulation size are essential for modeling plasma convection, studying the magnetic activity cycle, and measuring the Sun's global parameters. Most known morphometric studies of solar granulation measure and document mean area or equivalent diameter of granules from high-resolution optical image time series. One of the main shortcomings of these studies is that the mean area or equivalent diameter cannot represent the characteristic scale of granular cells due to the skewed size distribution. The measured mean granular size is particularly susceptible to the influence of outliers due to occasional irregularities in image time series, unsuitable image quality, e.g. local blurring, and errors in automatic image processing. The lack of consolidated analytical formulations linking changes in granulation size to global solar variability complicates verification of empirical results. It is significant that over the last 70 years the observed value of the relative changes in the average size of granular cells associated with the solar magnetic cycle has declined by an order of magnitude from 20% to 2%.

In this study, we introduce the normalized version of the mean granular area, called the mean extent, which is defined as the area of a granular cell divided by the area of the smallest bounding box enclosing the cell, with averaging over all cells in the observation frame. In contrast to other known granulation properties, the proposed dimensionless parameter has a normal distribution, is less scattered and invariant to scaling effects, e.g. because of defocus. We write some basic expressions for the relative variation in granulation extent and determine the magnitudes of the relative changes in the horizontal size of granular cells due to variations in global solar parameters. We define that the total number of granular cells and their mean size decrease while the solar radius, effective temperature, luminosity and granulation time scale increase with increasing sunspot area.

The specific behavior of mean extent versus mean area and contrast of granular cells was tested using Hinode image sequences obtained in the blue continuum channel with a 27- and 1-day cadence over descending and ascending phases of the 24th activity cycle, and compared to corresponding sunspot indices. The consistent 14- and 378-day delays in the cause-and-effect relationship between sunspot number and granulation scale were revealed in the daily and synoptic time series, respectively, and explained by rotational effects. Remarkably, the mean granular extent varies in phase with the sunspot indices; its long-term average was measured at 0.65, which corresponds to the predominantly hexagonal shape of the granular cells. Higher values of granular extent indicate regularization and compaction of the granulation pattern in both quiescent and active regions. We conclude that the mean size and extent of granular cells measured at the center of the disk could become a reliable index of solar convection and a reactive indicator of global magnetic activity, although the mean granulation size in polar regions remains somewhat uncertain, worthy of further study with high-resolution optical data from extra-ecliptic missions.

How to cite: Sharov, A. and Hanslmeier, A.: Relative variation of granulation size as a function of global solar parameters , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1378,, 2023.