ST3.3 | The multi-scale ionosphere and its drivers
The multi-scale ionosphere and its drivers
Convener: Alan Wood | Co-conveners: Luca Spogli, Jaroslav Urbář, Yaqi Jin, Elizabeth Donegan-Lawley
| Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.14
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall ST/PS
Orals |
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 14:00
The ionosphere is a highly complex plasma containing electron density structures spanning a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Large scale structures with horizontal extents of tens to hundreds of km exhibit variation with time of day, season, solar cycle, geomagnetic activity, solar wind conditions and location. Smaller scale structures can be seeded from these larger scale structures or can be driven directly. Collectively, these structures can be driven from above, enabling discoveries about the coupling of the near-space environment to the Earth’s atmosphere. They can also be driven from below, enabling discoveries about vertical coupling within the atmosphere. The ionosphere is heavily influenced by neutral atmosphere in which it is embedded. The thermosphere can influence the ionosphere, and observations of the ionosphere can be used to infer properties of the thermosphere. We invite studies of the ionosphere and its drivers at any temporal or spatial scale. Contributions which span or compare multiple scale sizes are particularly welcome.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 1.14

Chairpersons: Alan Wood, Yaqi Jin, Luca Spogli
Virtual presentation
Maaijke Mevius and Kasia Beser

The LOFAR radio telescope consists of a large network of stations distributed across Europe, with a dense core in the east of the Netherlands. Each station consists of multiple antenna fields operating at frequencies between 20 and 80MHz and 110 and 240MHz. At these frequencies the ionosphere has a major impact on the astronomical observations, that needs to be corrected for.  This ionospheric calibration, at first order mainly a phase effect, provides valuable information about the ionospheric density variations above the telescope. We report on the use of the calibration solutions to extract the ionospheric information on structure, dominant direction and variability. In particular, we investigated the data recorded with the Dutch array, consisting of a core of 48 stations all within a 3 km diameter circle and another 14 remote stations with baselines up to 100 km, operating between 110 and 170 MHz.  The different baselines give access to different scales in the ionosphere. Furthermore, we present, for the same data, an imaging technique that allows direct imaging of larger scale gradients in the ionosphere.

How to cite: Mevius, M. and Beser, K.: Small scale ionospheric disturbances as seen by the LOFAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7259,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ercha Aa, Shun-Rong Zhang, Philip Erickson, Anthea Coster, and Larisa Goncharenko

The storm-time mid-latitude ionosphere is an important interface in the global geospace dynamic system, which is characterized by energy and momentum ingests at the auroral/polar latitudes. This interface is affected by these high-latitude processes while being adjacent to expanded low-latitude electrodynamic/dynamic disturbances.  In particular, the mid-latitude and subauroral ionosphere can exhibit far more complicated multi-scale density/flow structures and disturbances than might otherwise be expected during geospace storms, such as large-scale and medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), storm-enhanced density (SED) plume, and subauroral polarization stream (SAPS). This presentation will describe some recent storm-time observations of these multi-scale ionospheric structures as well as discuss the underlying magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere drivers. These observations provide some new scenarios to advance the current understanding of mid-latitude and subauroral dynamic processes at both large-scale and meso-scale levels.

How to cite: Aa, E., Zhang, S.-R., Erickson, P., Coster, A., and Goncharenko, L.: Understanding storm-time multi-scale ionospheric structures at mid-latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2899,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Robert Albarran and Matthew Zettergren

Plasma escape from the high-latitude ionosphere (ion outflow) serves as a significant source of heavy plasma to magnetospheric plasma sheet and ring current regions. Outflows alter mass density and reconnection rates, hence global responses of the magnetosphere. The VISIONS-1 (VISualizing Ion Outflow via Neutral atom imaging during a Substorm) sounding rocket was launched on Feb. 7, 2013 at 8:21 UTC from Poker Flat, Alaska, into an auroral substorm with the objective of identifying the drivers and dynamics of nightside ion outflow at altitudes where it is initiated, below 1000 km. Energetic ion data from the VISIONS-1 polar cap boundary crossing show evidence of an ion "pressure cooker'' effect whereby ions energized via transverse heating in the topside ionosphere travel upward and are impeded by a parallel potential structure at higher altitudes.

A new fully kinetic model is constructed from first principles which traces large numbers of individual O+ ion macro-particles along curved magnetic field lines, using a guiding-center approximation, in order to facilitate calculation of ion distribution functions and moments. Particle forces in a three-dimensional global Cartesian coordinate system include mirror and parallel electric field forces, a self-consistent ambipolar electric field, and a parameterized source of ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) wave heating, thought to be central to the transverse energization of ions. The model is initiated with a steady-state ion density altitude profile and Maxwellian velocity distribution and multiple particle trajectories are advanced via a direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) scheme. This document outlines the design and implementation of the kinetic outflow model and shows applications of simulated outflows representative of conditions observed during the VISIONS-1 campaign. This project provides quantitative means to interpret VISIONS-1 data and related remote sensing approaches to studying ion outflows and serves to advance our understanding of the drivers and particle dynamics in the auroral ionosphere and to improve data analysis for future sounding rocket and satellite missions.

How to cite: Albarran, R. and Zettergren, M.: Kinetic Modeling of Ion Outflows with Observations from the VISIONS-1 Sounding Rocket, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1919,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Claudia Borries, Fredy Davies, Pelin Iochem, Samira Tasnim, and Joachim Vogt

Global changes in the state of the ionosphere-thermosphere system depend to a large extent on the energy input from the solar wind and magnetosphere, which occurs in the high-latitude regions. On the one hand energy is deposited in the form of Joule heating causing changes in the thermosphere composition and circulation. On the other hand, imposed electric fields change plasma transport. Joule heating is closely related to changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure, because it can cause a compression of the magnetosphere driving currents in the magnetosphere, and the currents transfer electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere. The enhancement of plasma convection in the polar ionosphere is related to the intensification of the convection electric field, which is driven by the solar wind sweeping across the open magnetic field lines of the polar magnetosphere. These changes are most significant during storm conditions, caused e.g. by coronal mass ejections and corotating interaction regions. The storm related energy release in the high-latitude ionosphere is impacting the thermosphere-ionosphere system on a global scale.

However, the solar wind impact causes a regular every day variability of the polar ionosphere, too. We are investigating how the solar wind variability in time scales of days and weeks is reflected in the ionosphere variability at Tromso, which is located in Scandinavia at 70°N, 19°E. We use cross correlation analysis of total electron content with solar wind merging electric field and dynamic pressure data. It can be shown that in timescales of days and weeks, the magnitude of correlation between TEC and solar wind reaches similar values to the correlation of TEC and F10.7. However, the results show that the correlation between TEC and solar wind parameters depends strongly on local time, season and solar cycle. There is a clear annual cycle in the variability of the correlation coefficient, with higher correlation values in winter than in summer. The positive correlation in winter close to local midnight hours is related to precipitation effects increasing the electron densities. During summer in solar maximum condition, clear negative correlation values are retrieved. These are considered to be caused by increased convection.

How to cite: Borries, C., Davies, F., Iochem, P., Tasnim, S., and Vogt, J.: The regular solar wind impact on the high-latitude electron density in time scales of days and weeks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11628,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hanna Dühnen, Rajesh Vaishnav, Erik Schmölter, and Christoph Jacobi

Solar EUV radiation is the dominant driver for upper atmosphere ionization. Ionospheric variations that affect radio signal propagation and thus affect technical systems such as satellite-based positioning systems. One significant time scale for the solar variability is the solar 27-day rotation period that causes a corresponding response in ionospheric observables like the height-dependent electron density (Ne) or the integrated total electron content (TEC). To enhance our understanding of the processes within the ionosphere we investigate a combination of observations and physical models, namely the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere electrodynamics (CTIPe) model and the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM), are analyzed to identify differences in Ne, TEC data and ionized oxygen (O+ and O2+). Furthermore, the model results are compared to ground-based ionosonde Ne measurements with regard to the spatial and temporal response of the ionosphere to the 27-day solar rotation period. Modeled Ne correlates strongly with the observed Ne at mid-latitudes, but at low-latitudes the modeled TEC distribution follows the geomagnetic coordinates more strictly when compared to the observational data. Local TEC and F2 layer peak Ne are well represented by CTIPe, whereas TIE-GCM represents the global TEC and F2 layer peak height well.

How to cite: Dühnen, H., Vaishnav, R., Schmölter, E., and Jacobi, C.: Reaction of the Upper Atmosphere to the 27-d Solar Cycle - Comparison of CTIPe and TIE-GCM Simulations to Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4832,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stephan C. Buchert, Sharon Aol, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, and Edward Jurua

The ESA Swarm satellites have since year 2014 provided measurements of electron density at a frequency of 2 Hz and at times also 16 Hz corresponding to about 500 m along the satellite paths. Spectral indices, structure functions and scaling exponents of these 16 Hz density estimates were analyzed to study the F-region ionospheric irregularities at altitudes between about 425 and 510 km. The data were obtained during the period from October 2014 to October 2022.The Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) observed followed to a very good approximation a power law. The values of spectral indices p obtained showed a peak centered at around -2.5, located at the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) belts. The largest contribution to the spectra came from in the South American-Antlantic-African longitudes and it was generally low in the Asian-Pacific region. The angle between the Swarm satellite orbital path and the magnetic field (∠(B, v)) was examined. The highest percentage of occurrence of ionospheric irregularities and the peak in spectral index was obtained for ∠(B, v) between 0° and about 40°. Over this range of angles PSD spectra steepened with increasing ∠(B, v) (p becomes increasingly negative), consistent with local anisotropic turbulence at scales of a few km. The probability distributions of density differences (structure functions) are non-Gaussian at all orders, similar to many other observations in space plasma. The scaling exponent function is non-linearly concave, which is usually taken as a sign of intermittency.

How to cite: Buchert, S. C., Aol, S., Sorriso-Valvo, L., and Jurua, E.: Turbulence Properties of Kilometer-scale Equatorial Irregularities as Deduced from Swarm Satellites LP Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14686,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hossein Ghadjari, David Knudsen, and Susan Skone

Ionospheric irregularities are structures or fluctuations of plasma density having different scale sizes. These irregularities can disrupt radio waves and produce errors in space-based or ground-based technologies, which depend on the GNSS/ GPS signals. Post-sunset ionospheric plasma irregularities are a common characteristic of the equatorial ionosphere. These irregularities, associated with plasma bubbles, are defined as strong density depletions relative to the background plasma as determined by in situ measurements. 
Finding a system parameter's probability distribution function (PDF) can lead us to understand the system's underlying physics. In this study, we investigate the probability distribution of the integrated power of post-sunset plasma density irregularities in the equatorial ionosphere measured with the Langmuir probes on Swarm C in four different frequency bands between 0-1 Hz for the entire Swarm mission. We find evidence of  "heavy tail" distribution in the PDFs, indicating the system's complexity and self-organized criticality. Moreover, we study the relation between Integrated power and different geomagnetic indices, e.g. F10.7 and sunspot number, to find the potential drivers of severe events. While we find no obvious driver of individual events, we find a strong solar cycle dependence in their occurrence.

How to cite: Ghadjari, H., Knudsen, D., and Skone, S.: Probability distribution of integrated power of equatorial ionosphere plasma density fluctuations measured by the Swarm Langmuir probes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8677,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Karim Meziane, Abdelhaq M. Hamza, and Tayyil P. Jayachandran

The analysis of the structure function of a GNSS signal amplitude measured on the ground has revealed that ionospheric scintillation could be considered a proxy for ionospheric turbulence. More precisely, and in a recent report, the existence of a linear range with respect to the time lag in the structure function has been highlighted. In this context, the inertial-range analog has been determined from the analysis of a large set of scintillation events collected over several days from Pond Inlet located in the northern polar region and from Sao Paolo located at 23.2 degrees South of the Equator. At high latitude, we found that the mean value of the first-order scaling exponent is H = 0.55 ± 0.07, while a low altitude H is typically larger with H = 0.84 ±.11. This result clearly indicates that the long-time lag positive correlation remains persistent in the low latitude region. At high latitude however, both negative and positive long time lag correlation can occur. In addition, the obtained results clearly show that the inertial range analog is significantly smaller at high latitude, particularly the upper bound time lags at which the structure function deviates from linearity. This distinction may pinpoint to a difference in the ionospheric irregularity drift speed.   

How to cite: Meziane, K., Hamza, A. M., and Jayachandran, T. P.: Inferred Ionospheric irregularity scales from amplitude scintillation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10171,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Devin Huyghebaert, Jorge L. Chau, Andres Spicher, Magnus F. Ivarsen, Matthias Clahsen, Ralph Latteck, and Juha Vierinen

Recently it has been shown that the SIMONe meteor radar network located in northern Norway is capable of measuring ionospheric E-region coherent scatter with spatial and temporal resolutions on the order of 1.5 km and 2 s (Huyghebaert et al, 2022).  These measurements are further studied, where the coherent scatter measurements are used as a tracer for large scale ionospheric phenomena, such as plasma density enhancements and ionospheric electric fields.  By applying 2D Fourier analysis to range-time-intensity data, we perform a multi-scale spatial and temporal investigation to determine the change in range over time of the large scale ionospheric structures (> 1 km) which are compared with the line-of-sight velocities of the small scale structures (< 10 m) determined from the Doppler shift of the coherent scatter.  The spectral characteristics of the structures are also investigated. This aids in characterizing the source of the structures and provides crucial information about how energy is redistributed from large to small scales in the E-region ionosphere.  Four different events are examined from June and July of 2022.

Huyghebaert D, Clahsen M, Chau JL, Renkwitz T, Latteck R, Johnsen MG and Vierinen J (2022) Multiple E-Region Radar Propagation Modes Measured by the VHF SIMONe Norway System During Active Ionospheric Conditions. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:886037. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.886037

How to cite: Huyghebaert, D., Chau, J. L., Spicher, A., Ivarsen, M. F., Clahsen, M., Latteck, R., and Vierinen, J.: Large Scale Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of E-region Plasma Irregularities Measured by SIMONe Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12464,, 2023.


Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Alan Wood, Jaroslav Urbář, Yaqi Jin
Andrew Kavanagh and the DRIIVE Collaboration

EISCAT_3D provides an unprecedented opportunity to study key processes in the auroral latitude ionosphere across multiple scales.

DRIIVE exploits the unique capabilities of EISCAT_3D to identify the key atmospheric and space weather drivers of variability in the ionosphere-thermosphere system, and to determine the impact of small-scale processes on thermospheric density and the satellite orbital environment.

The project will identify the effects of lower atmosphere forcing and changes to local composition, while measuring energy input from space weather processes.  Findings on the impact of small-scale changes will be fed into the next generation of large-scale models, working closely with stakeholders across the space and atmosphere communities. DRIIVE involves 24 scientists from 19 UK institutes, partnering with international colleagues from 9 other countries.

This poster provides an overview of the project science, key data sets and techniques that will be applied to advance our understanding of multi-scale processes in the ionosphere.

How to cite: Kavanagh, A. and the DRIIVE Collaboration: DRivers and Impacts of Ionospheric Variability with EISCAT_3D (DRIIVE), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2408,, 2023.

Theresa Rexer, Andres Spicher, Juha Vierinen, and Andreas Kvammen

Turbulence studies look at how energy is transferred between temporal and spatial scales (or wavenumber) by analyzing the power spectral density or structure function of a measured turbulent environment.
In the high-latitude ionosphere, the spatio-temporal characteristics of turbulent density fluctuations are not well understood. 
Currently, these are generally measured in-situ, using data from satellites or rockets that provide instantaneous measurements along the track.
However, to obtain a complete description of the fluctuating fields, time-series of volumetric measurements are needed.
In this work, we develop tools to characterize the statistical properties of ionospheric density fluctuations using multi-point measurements that are applicable to incoherent scatter radars such as the upcoming EISCAT_3D.
We utilize data from the AMISR radars in Resolute Bay, Canada, and compute the structure functions of ionospheric electron density fluctuations under various seasonal and geophysical conditions. We examine the nature of the fluctuations associated with multiple polar patches in more detail, shedding light on how energy is redistributed across the scales. 
With the upcoming EISCAT_3D radar, this project aims to investigate and resolve outstanding issues about the structuring of auroral dynamics and the physics involved in creating density irregularities. 

How to cite: Rexer, T., Spicher, A., Vierinen, J., and Kvammen, A.: Exploring Characteristics of Turbulent Density Fluctuations in the Arctic Ionosphere with Multi-Point Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16036,, 2023.

Duan Zhang, Qinghe Zhang, Kjellmar Oksavik, Tong Xu, Zanyang Xing, Larry Lyons, Desheng Han, Hongbo Zhang, Yuzhang Ma, Zejun Hu, Jianjun Liu, Yong Wang, and Xiangyu Wang

Throat auroras and polar cap patches are common phenomena in the polar ionosphere. An observation campaign was organized, with all-sky imagers at Yellow River Station in Ny-Ålesund in Svalbard, the EISCAT Svalbard Radar, and coordinated low-altitude spacecraft observations. During periods of radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), observations showed that poleward moving throat auroras were linked to poleward moving ionization patches. Throat auroras are produced by soft-electron precipitation associated with dayside magnetic reconnection. The red line intensity of throat auroras is found to be correlated with dayside reconnection events. Dense plasma from lower latitudes was transported poleward by enhanced convection associated with the throat auroras to form electron density patches. This is potentially a new patch formation mechanism that is associated with throat auroras and magnetic reconnection for radial IMF. Moreover, the patches were found to E × B drift in the anti-sunward direction.

How to cite: Zhang, D., Zhang, Q., Oksavik, K., Xu, T., Xing, Z., Lyons, L., Han, D., Zhang, H., Ma, Y., Hu, Z., Liu, J., Wang, Y., and Wang, X.: Can Throat Auroras Create Polar Cap Patches?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3306,, 2023.

Gareth Chisham and Mervyn Freeman

Measurements of ionospheric flow vorticity can be used for studying ionospheric plasma transport processes, such as convection and turbulence, over a wide range of spatial scales. Here, we present the spatial variation across the northern hemisphere high-latitude ionosphere of probability density functions (PDFs) of ionospheric vorticity as measured by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) over a six-year interval (2000-2005 inclusive). These PDFs are subdivided for different polarities of the By component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF), which allows the separation of the observed PDFs into two distinct components. These components relate to: (1) The large-scale ionospheric convection flow driven by magnetic reconnection, and (2) Meso- and small-scale processes such as turbulence. The convection vorticity PDFs are single-sided and well fit by Weibull distributions, whereas the turbulence vorticity PDFs are double-sided and symmetric, and are well fit by q-exponential distributions. Both the observed model distributions can be understood in the framework of solutions of the stationary Fokker-Planck equation for different environmental plasma conditions.

How to cite: Chisham, G. and Freeman, M.: The balance between turbulent and convection-driven plasma vorticity in the Earth’s ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2276,, 2023.

Jaroslav Urbar, Luca Spogli, Antonio Cicone, Lasse Clausen, Yaqi Jin, Alan Wood, Elizabeth Donegan-Lawley, Lucilla Alfonsi, Claudio Cesaroni, Daria Kotova, Per Høeg, and Wojciech Miloch

Non-linear couplings of the Earth’s ionosphere with the geospace environment occur in a largely varying range of spatial and temporal scales. As some radio remote sensing techniques like GNSS measurements suffer from artificial radio frequency interference (RFI) at the smallest scales representing ionospheric scintillation, is it advantageous to have ionospheric scales observations based on in-situ measurements.

We investigated the variability of the in-situ plasma density and magnetic field measured by Swarm satellites creating the climatology of their scales by leveraging the Fast Iterative Filtering (FIF) technique.

FIF is able to provide a very fine time-frequency representation decomposing any non-stationary, nonlinear signals, into oscillating modes, called intrinsic mode components or functions (IMCs or IMFs), characterized by their specific frequency.

The results are obtained by time-integrating the instantaneous time-frequency representations, provided through the so-called “IMFogram”. These IMFograms have the potential to show the greater details of the scale sizes and their variations, illustrating the time development of the multi-scale processes during various disturbances of geospace.

How to cite: Urbar, J., Spogli, L., Cicone, A., Clausen, L., Jin, Y., Wood, A., Donegan-Lawley, E., Alfonsi, L., Cesaroni, C., Kotova, D., Høeg, P., and Miloch, W.: Spatio-Temporal Scales of Plasma Density in Topside Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3387,, 2023.

Yaqi Jin, Lasse Clausen, and Wojciech Miloch

The polar ionosphere is often highly structured with significant plasma irregularities, influencing the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) service that relies on trans-ionospheric radio waves. Due to the practical usage, there is a high demand for modeling and forecasting of ionospheric irregularities. In this study, we develop a climatological model based on the long-term dataset (2010-2021) of rate of change of the total electron content (TEC) index (ROTI) maps from the International GNSS Service (IGS). The IGS ROTI maps are daily averaged in magnetic coordinates. In order to develop a climatological model, the ROTI maps are decomposed into a few base functions and coefficients using the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) method. The EOF method converges very quickly, and the first four EOFs could reflect the majority (96%) of the total data variability. Furthermore, the first four EOF base functions reflect different drivers of ionospheric irregularities. For example, the first EOF reflects the averaged ROTI activity and the impact of the solar radiation characterized by F10.7; the 2nd EOF base function reflects the impact of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz and electric field; the 3rd and 4th EOF base functions reflect the dawn-dusk asymmetry in the auroral oval and polar cap, and therefore related to the IMF By. To build an empirical model, we fit the EOF coefficients using geophysical proxies from four different categories (namely, solar radiation, magnetic indices, IMF, and solar wind coupling function) based on linear regression. The preliminary data-model comparison shows satisfactory results with a good correlation coefficient and adequate errors.

How to cite: Jin, Y., Clausen, L., and Miloch, W.: Modeling of ionospheric irregularities in the Arctic region based on empirical orthogonal function method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16041,, 2023.

Joana Pereira, Anna Morozova, Teresa Barata, and Tatiana Barlyaeva

The total electron content (TEC) variations over the Portuguese Mainland (Lisbon) and the Islands (Azores) are studied during the declining phase of the 24th solar cycle (December 2014 – November 2018). The two main goals of this study are (1) to understand main features of the TEC variability during quiet and disturbed days for the Portuguese territory and (2) to find similarities and differences in such features between the Continental (Iberian Peninsula area) and Oceanic (Azores area) parts.

Also, two methods to analyse TEC variations are used: TEC variations relative to a “quiet day” variation and the principal component analysis (PCA). Comparison of these methods and suggestions for the use of PCA to study TEC are made.

How to cite: Pereira, J., Morozova, A., Barata, T., and Barlyaeva, T.: Variations of the ionospheric total electron content over Portugal Continental and Azores, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8233,, 2023.

Erik Schmölter, Hanna Dühnen, and Jens Berdermann

Changes in solar activity are dominant drivers of long- and short-term variations in the upper atmosphere, which can affect each other through complex processes. Regular signatures in the ionosphere are caused, for example, by the 27-day solar rotation period and may be described with a delay of 1 to 2 days in addition to the respective amplitude. Such signatures and the associated delayed response of the ionosphere are influenced by several long-term variations (e.g., seasonal variations or 11-year solar cycle) as described in preceding studies. Here, we present the influence of solar flares on the ionospheric 27-day signatures providing a first insight into the interactions with short-term perturbations. Therefore, we present the response of different thermospheric and ionospheric parameters during X-class solar flare influenced 27-day signatures. We show in particular how the occurrence of solar flares can change accumulation processes and the resulting delay. The observed changes are especially dependent on the phase of the 27-day period in which the solar flares occur. The longest delays are observed for solar flares occurring during the ascending phase of the 27-day solar rotation period. The results are discussed in respect to preceding studies. Finally, we provide an outlook on a possible extension of the analysis by including M-class solar flares as well as additional space weather data sets and modeling results.

How to cite: Schmölter, E., Dühnen, H., and Berdermann, J.: The impact of solar flare induced ionospheric disturbances on 27-day signatures in the T/I-system: preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2504,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall ST/PS

Chairpersons: Alan Wood, Yaqi Jin, Jaroslav Urbář
Simon Bouriat, Simon Wing, and Mathieu Barthélémy

Data analysis was performed using 17 years of DMSP SSJ/4/5 data to characterize the relations between the solar wind drivers and the electron low-energy fluxes measured on both magnetic poles (magnetic latitude above 55°). Inputs are solar wind velocity, density, dynamic pressure and Bz of the interplanetary magnetic field. Median of electron energy flux for each MLAT-MLT pair have been computed for given values of solar wind drivers. Results highlight that high velocity, density or pressure implies higher energy flux overall, higher polar rain energy fluxes, and wider nightside oval. There seems to be a positive correlation between polar rain and solar wind density as opposed to what Riehl & Hardy (1986) found. As a function of Bz, the oval width as a “U” shape and the polar cap activity a “V” shape, with their minimum at Bz around zero. 

Riehl, K. B., & Hardy, D. A. (1986). Average characteristics of the polar rain and their relationship to the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 91 (A2), 1557-1571. Retrieved from doi:

How to cite: Bouriat, S., Wing, S., and Barthélémy, M.: ectron Aurora and polar rain dependencies on Solar Wind Drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17309,, 2023.