ST3.4 | Couplings in the atmosphere-Ionosphere system
Couplings in the atmosphere-Ionosphere system
Convener: Maosheng He | Co-conveners: Yosuke Yamazaki, Larisa Goncharenko, Chao Xiong, Gunter Stober
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room L1
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall ST/PS
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 14:00
The ionosphere-thermosphere system is the portion of geospace where the neutral atmosphere interacts with plasma. These interactions are driven by numerous periodic and transient processes across broad temporal and spatial scales. Our session aims to communicate the recent advances in atmosphere-ionosphere couplings. We solicit observational and modeling studies on relevant couplings through, e.g., long-term trends, regular atmospheric circulation and oscillations (e.g., the El Niño–southern oscillation and the quasi-biennial oscillation), geological and meteorological transient atmospheric disturbances (e.g., sudden stratospheric warmings, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes), waves and wave-like perturbations (e.g., planetary waves, tides, gravity waves, and traveling ionospheric disturbances), and turbulent and other nonlinear processes.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room L1

On-site presentation
Shun-Rong Zhang, Ercha Aa, Juha Vierinen, Phil Erickson, Larisa Goncharenko, Anthea Coster, Wenbin Wang, and Liying Qian

The submarine volcanic eruption at Tonga on 15 January 2022 was a devastated geohazardous rated as VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) 5-6, which was the most powerful since the 1883 Krakatoa VEI 6 eruption. The release of enormous amounts of energy into the atmosphere triggered significant geophysical disturbances. In this presentation, we provide various upper atmospheric observations to demonstrate local, regional, and global ionospheric disturbances, including TID global propagation with the most intense, persistent, and consistent wave mode at 300-350 m/s phase speed , EIA deformation and x-cross pattern of EIA crest evolution, equatorial irregularities and bubbles, substantial plasma density depletion. Timing of these and many other observed ionospheric responses was consistent with the Lamb wave arrival, despite of other waves including acoustic and gravity waves as well as tsunami waves were also present in specific regions.  The eruption-excited atmospheric waves produced not only TID global propagation but also modulated the wind dynamos in both E and F regions, driving electrodynamic changes closely associated with EIA and EPBs phenomena at equatorial and low latitudes. These results suggested a new vertical coupling channel through which the intense atmospheric surface disturbance processes can produce far-reaching and long-lasting geospace impacts.

How to cite: Zhang, S.-R., Aa, E., Vierinen, J., Erickson, P., Goncharenko, L., Coster, A., Wang, W., and Qian, L.: Atmosphere-ionosphere coupling following the Tonga eruption: global multi-scale ionospheric effects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2886,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jaroslav Chum, Tereza Šindelárová, Petra Koucká Knížová, Kateřina Podolská, Jan Rusz, Michael Danielides, and Carsten Schmidt

The massive explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano on 15 January generated atmospheric waves that were comparable with those generated by the Krakatoa 1883 eruption. The waves were recorded around the globe and affected also the ionosphere. We focus on observation of atmospheric waves in the troposphere and ionosphere in Europe. The tropospheric waves are studied using a large aperture array of microbarometers and the ionospheric disturbances are detected using continuous Doppler sounding. It is shown that long-period infrasound (periods longer than ~50 s) is observed simultaneously in the troposphere and ionosphere about an hour after the arrival of the first pressure pulse (Lamb wave) in the troposphere. Data analysis confirms propagation approximately along the shorter great circle path both for the infrasound and the Lamb wave. It is suggested that the infrasound propagated into the ionosphere probably due to imperfect refraction in the lower thermosphere. The observation of infrasound in the ionosphere at such large distances from the source (over 16 000 km) is rare and differs from ionospheric infrasound detected at large distances from the epicenters of strong earthquakes, because in the latter case the infrasound is generated locally by seismic waves. An unusually large traveling ionospheric disturbance (TID) observed in Europe and associated with the pressure wave from the Hunga Tonga eruption is also discussed. In addition, a probable observation of wave in the mesopause region approximately 25 min after the arrival of pressure pulse in the troposphere using a 23.4 kHz signal from a transmitter 557 km away is shown.

How to cite: Chum, J., Šindelárová, T., Koucká Knížová, P., Podolská, K., Rusz, J., Danielides, M., and Schmidt, C.: Atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances in Europe induced by Hunga eruption on 15 January 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3289,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yang-Yi Sun, Chieh-Hung Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Yongxin Gao, and Jann-Yenq Liu

The explosive eruption of the Tonga underwater volcano (20.53°S, 175.38°W) occurred at ~04:15 UT on 15 January 2022. In this study, the networks of ground-based barometers, magnetometers, and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers recorded disturbances that traveled away from the eruption with acoustic speeds in the atmosphere and ionosphere. The primary disturbances with periods of several hours in the magnetic fields and total electron content (TEC) observations reveal the electrodynamics changes in the upper atmosphere and the coupling of E- and F-region dynamo. The atmospheric Lamb wave propagating upward caused the secondary waves in the ionosphere and seeds irregularities following the leading front of the primary disturbances. The global radio occultation technique onboard the FORMOSAT‐7/COSMIC2 (F7/C2) mission sounds the ionosphere in the vertical direction, which shows the large-scale disturbances with scale > 200 km in the ionospheric F region and irregularities. On the other hand, the co-located instruments, including a seismometer, atmospheric electric field meter, wind profile radar, magnetometer, and GNSS receiver, monitored perturbations in the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere simultaneously at a certain location (29°N, 103°E) that is ~ten thousands of kilometers northwest away from the eruption. The primary phenomena of the eruption-associated disturbances are the long-period changes (period of ~ 2 hr) in the ionospheric TEC and the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere (above 100 km altitude), indicating the interactions of the ionospheric electrodynamics. The secondary phenomena included wind disturbances in the troposphere, which contribute to short-period changes (up to ten minutes) in air pressure, ground vibrations, and atmospheric electric field. The near-surface disturbances propagating upward further triggered short-period variations in the geomagnetic field and TEC. The primary changes in ionospheric electrodynamics, wind disturbance in the lower atmosphere, its upward propagation, and the resonance reveal the complex coupling phenomena due to the eruption and enrich our understanding of the geosphere coupling.

How to cite: Sun, Y.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Zhang, X., Gao, Y., and Liu, J.-Y.: Tonga eruption-induced disturbances in lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere and their coupling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16536,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pierre-Dominique Pautet, Michael John Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, Jeffrey Forbes, David Fritts, Stephen Eckermann, Han-Li Liu, Jonathan Snively, Diego Janches, Burt Lamborn, Harri Latvakovski, and Erik Syrstad

The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE) is a new NASA mission aimed at investigating the effects of tropospheric weather on space weather. An Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM) airglow imager will be deployed on the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2023. This proven instrument will map the nighttime mesospheric temperature at the altitude of the hydroxyl (OH) layer (~87 km) during two years, providing 2D gravity wave (GW) fields over a 600 km field-of-view, every second.

Four state-of-the-art models will also help achieving the three science objectives:

  • Quantify the seasonal and regional variabilities and influences of GWs near the mesopause,
  • Identify the dominant dynamical processes controlling GWs observed near the mesopause,
  • Estimate the wider role of GWs in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM).

This presentation will give an overview of the AWE mission and describe the future data levels using synthetic images.

How to cite: Pautet, P.-D., Taylor, M. J., Zhao, Y., Forbes, J., Fritts, D., Eckermann, S., Liu, H.-L., Snively, J., Janches, D., Lamborn, B., Latvakovski, H., and Syrstad, E.: The Atmospheric Waves Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10168,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Manbharat Dhadly, McArthur Jones, and Douglas Drob

This investigation is focused on resolving daily diurnal eastward propagating tide with zonal number 3 (DE3) (3,3) Hough mode variations and their potential impact on the ionosphere, using TIMED/TIDI and SABER, ICON/MIGHTI, COSMIC-2 Global Ionospheric Specification (GIS), and TIME-GCM. A Hough mode fitting approach was used to estimate (3,3) amplitudes and phases from observations, while Fourier decomposition was utilized for TIME-GCM and COSMIC-2/GIS to validate and probe potential ionospheric impacts. In 2020-2021, TIDI, SABER, and MIGHTI (3,3) daily tidal estimates were in good agreement, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.73-0.83. In 2010, mean daily (3,3) amplitude variability in TIDI and SABER reached ~5 m/s and ~2 K, respectively, but could increase by a factor of 2 or more over a week. Furthermore, strong increases in DE3 from days to weeks correspond with similar increases in F-region ionospheric wave-4 amplitudes from both models and observations which signify the lower atmospheric meteorology impact on the ionosphere.

How to cite: Dhadly, M., Jones, M., and Drob, D.: Short-term Variability of the Non-migrating Tide DE3 (from SABER, TIDI, and MIGHTI) and its Impact on the Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8368,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lalit Mohan Joshi

High-rate radio occultation (RO) in COSMIC2 (FORMOSAT7) enables us to investigate the continuous variability of the ionosphere at a Spatio-temporal resolution which was unthinkable a few decades ago. We present unique characteristics of ionospheric wavenumber structures observed using COSMIC2 RO data, not reported before. Altitude-longitude maps of normalized electron density of local time ionosphere in the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region, indicate wavenumber structures with vertically tilted phase fronts. The longitudinal extent of a tilted wavenumber 4 (WN4) phase front approximates its zonal wavelength in the local-time ionosphere, i.e., ~900 in longitudes. WN4 filtered component indicates a more significant tilt (when visible), with a larger longitudinal extent of a wavenumber structure in the vertical plane. High latitudinal resolution investigation of wavenumber structure presents a significant difference in the characteristics of wavenumber structures at different geomagnetic latitudes within the EIA region. During the daytime WN4 structure in the EIA crest region is out of phase with respect to that in the EIA trough region. However, the two were observed to be in phase with each other during the nighttime. These characteristics also vary with altitude. Above 400 km WN4 structure in the EIA crest and trough region is seen to be in phase with each other at all local times. CREST. These results highlight that, while the direct role of non-migrating tides, which provides the vertical tilt to the wavenumber structure, maybe the dominant mechanism, however, electrodynamical transport of plasma in the EIA region driven by eastward zonal electric field during the daytime also plays a significant role in the formation of wavenumber structure. During the nighttime, in the absence of the fountain effect, wavenumber structures are driven by the direct forcing of non-migrating tides within the EIA region. The results will be presented and discussed in light of existing knowledge of the formation of wavenumber structures and the impact of non-migrating tides on the local-time ionosphere.

How to cite: Joshi, L. M.: Characteristics of ionospheric wavenumber structures in COSMIC-2 RO observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8943,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dimitry Pokhotelov, Florian Günzkofer, Larisa Goncharenko, and Philip J. Erickson

During geomagnetic storms, ionospheric plasma is transported across high latitudes by the enhanced solar wind – magnetosphere coupling. The anti-sunward plasma convection results in polar cap plasma anomalies, such as the tongue of ionisation (TOI). Fast plasma uplifts at sub-auroral latitudes, due to the vertical coupling via electric fields and/or thermospheric neutral winds, are generally responsible for these long-lasting TOI anomalies. Particularly in the North American sector, TOI anomalies, as well as associated electric drifts, have been detected in observations using global positioning system signals (total electron content), in-situ satellite measurements, and altitude-resolved profiles from ground-based incoherent scatter radars. Recent modelling developments have enabled simulations of the TOI anomalies, even under extreme geomagnetic storm conditions. In this study, rare direct observations of plasma uplifts by the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar (288.5°E, 42.6°N) during the geomagnetic storm of November 2004 are analysed and compared to first-principles numerical simulations. These indicate that enhanced convection electric fields are the primary source of plasma uplifts, at least during the storm's main phase, and that the choice of plasma convection model is crucial for accurate modelling results.


How to cite: Pokhotelov, D., Günzkofer, F., Goncharenko, L., and Erickson, P. J.: Observations and modelling of fast vertical sub-auroral plasma uplift during geomagnetic storms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8276,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Guojun Wang, Jiankui Shi, Zheng Wang, Zhengwei Cheng, Xiao Wang, and Sheping Shang

In this paper, the data measured with Digisonde at the low-latitude Hainan station from 2003 to 2016 are statistically analyzed to specify the diurnal average variations of the bottom-side F region ionospheric plasma velocity vector V. This is the first comprehensive analysis of Digisonde measurements of low latitude F region plasma velocities in the East Asian sector that use a database covering more than one solar cycle. The vector components VN, VE, and VZ are analyzed for two levels of solar flux and two levels of geomagnetic activity, respectively. The diurnal variations of the average VZ show three positive peaks near the prereversal enhancement (PRE) period, pre-midnight, and before sunrise, respectively, and a prominent valley in the early morning. The averaged VZ significantly increased with solar flux in the period of PRE during equinoxes, but it was only slightly affected by Kp. The VE component was westward in daytime and eastward in nighttime. The average eastward VE increased significantly with solar flux but decreased with Kp, whereas the average westward VE exhibited only a small variation with solar flux and Kp. The average VN was almost southward independent of solar flux and Kp. The plasma velocities over the Hainan station were mainly caused by the electric field and neutral wind. Our results show that the features of the vertical and meridional velocities over the Hainan station in the morning associated with the formation of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA).

How to cite: Wang, G., Shi, J., Wang, Z., Cheng, Z., Wang, X., and Shang, S.: Statistical study on plasma velocities in bottom-side ionosphere over low latitude Hainan station: Digisonde measurement, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10426,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Florian Günzkofer, Dimitry Pokhotelov, Gunter Stober, Ingrid Mann, Sharon L. Vadas, Erich Becker, Anders Tjulin, Njål Gulbrandsen, Johan Kero, Alexander Kozlovsky, Mark Lester, Nicholas Mitchell, Satonori Nozawa, Masaki Tsutsumi, and Claudia Borries

Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs) forced in the lower atmosphere are known to have a significant impact on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. In the ionosphere, they can generate Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs). These disturbances roughly occur on time scales of 15−80 min and are therefore often parametrized rather than directly resolved in ionosphere models. The energy and momentum transport by AGW-TIDs strongly depends on their wave parameters. Measurements of AGW-TIDs in the MLT region and determination of the wave parameters (vertical and horizontal wavelength, wave period and propagation direction) are therefore an essential step to improve ionosphere modelling. However, measurements that provide a good resolution in the vertical dimension (≲ 10 km) and time (≲ 10 min) as well as a large enough coverage in the horizontal dimension (≳ 300 × 300 km) are difficult at MLT altitudes. We show, that combined measurements of the EISCAT VHF incoherent scatter radar and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster allow to determine the wave parameters of AGW-TIDs across the whole MLT region. Fourier filter methods are used to separate wave modes by wavelength, period and propagation direction. The extracted wave modes are fitted with wave functions in time-altitude and horizontal cross sections which gives the wave parameters. The coverage regions of the two applied instruments are separated only by approximately 10 km in altitude, which allows to identify a single wave mode in both measurements. We present the developed techniques on the example of a strongly pronounced AGW-TID measured on July 7, 2020. As a first application, two measurement campaigns have been conducted in early September and mid-October 2022 to study possible changes in AGW-TID parameters due to the MLT fall transition occurring around equinox. Another possible application of our method is to infer thermospheric neutral winds from the observed waves. We demonstrate this process under the assumption of the anelastic dissipative gravity wave dispersion relation.

How to cite: Günzkofer, F., Pokhotelov, D., Stober, G., Mann, I., Vadas, S. L., Becker, E., Tjulin, A., Gulbrandsen, N., Kero, J., Kozlovsky, A., Lester, M., Mitchell, N., Nozawa, S., Tsutsumi, M., and Borries, C.: Combined measurements with the EISCAT radar and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster to determine AGW-TID wave parameters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9189,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jing Liu and Donghe Zhang

Ionospheric perturbations during the Sudden Stratosphere Warming (SSW) events reflect the lower atmosphere-ionosphere coupling and thus become a research hot-spot. Nevertheless, most previous related studies focused on the low latitude. Comparatively, ionospheric perturbations in the middle and high latitudes during the Arctic SSW events are relatively less studied. The current work analyzed the ionosphere perturbations in the American southern middle latitude during the Arctic SSW with total electron content and NmF2. Unexpected strong connection between the major Arctic SSW and the ionospheric variations in the American southern middle latitude were detected. Upper thermosphere circulation anomaly and the enhanced semi-diurnal lunitidal influence during the SSW may be crucial to such connection.

How to cite: Liu, J. and Zhang, D.: Ionospheric perturbations in the American southern middle latitude during the Sudden Stratosphere Warming events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12121,, 2023.

Coffee break
On-site presentation
Valery Yudin, Larisa Goncharenko, Svetlana Karol, Ruth Lieberman, Joe McInerney, Nicholas Pedatella, and Valery Yudin

The impact of the stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillations (QBO) and Semi-Annual Oscillations (SAO) and physics of gravity waves (GW) on the dynamics and transport in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) has been examined in simulations of two Whole Atmosphere Models (WAM and WACCM-X) during the last decade. In the low-latitude MLT the year-to-year variations of the diurnal tide amplitudes and mean flow of whole atmosphere simulations constrained below 40 km by reanalysis data are in the good agreement with the observed interannual variability. The Mar-Apr diurnal tide amplitudes simulated by models display the observed enhancements (~50-100%) of amplitudes during the westerly QBO years. The observed influence of QBO and SAO on the tidal dynamics in the MLT is well captured by simulations that are capable to reproduce the global and regional tidal variability deduced from the space-borne and ground-based measurements of temperature and winds. Comparisons between simulations and observations, along with the model sensitivity studies highlight needs to quantify and constrain impact of mesoscale GW dynamics and physics in whole atmosphere predictions.

How to cite: Yudin, V., Goncharenko, L., Karol, S., Lieberman, R., McInerney, J., Pedatella, N., and Yudin, V.: Interannual Variability of Tidal Dynamics in the Tropical MLT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11009,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Xinan Yue, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Feng Ding, Junyi Wang, Yihui Cai, Ning Zhang, Mingyuan Li, Yonghui Wang, Xu Zhou, and Zhongqiu Wang

Sanya (18.3°N, 109.6°E) Incoherent Scatter Radar (SYISR) is a newly built ISR in low latitude China. The unique features of SYISR include a single-channel directly connected T/R unit and antenna, a radar array monitoring and calibration network, environmental adaptability design and open architecture. Since 2022, we have run SYISR almost continuously. In this presentation, at first we will generally describe the technical details of SYISR. Then we will show the ionospheric observations made by SYISR, including equatorial bubble, ion line and plasma line results, and derivation of low latitude neutral wind and ionospheric electric field. At the end, we will introduce the development status of the SYISR Tristatic System.

How to cite: Yue, X., Wan, W., Ning, B., Ding, F., Wang, J., Cai, Y., Zhang, N., Li, M., Wang, Y., Zhou, X., and Wang, Z.: Low Latitude Ionosphere Observed by the Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5770,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yihui Cai, Xinan Yue, Wenbin Wang, Shun‑Rong Zhang, Huixin Liu, Dong Lin, Haonan Wu, Jia Yue, Sean L. Bruinsma, Feng Ding, Zhipeng Ren, and Libo Liu

The upper boundary height of the traditional community general circulation model of the ionosphere‑thermosphere system is too low to be applied to the topside ionosphere/thermosphere study. In this study, the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere‑Ionosphere‑Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (NCAR‑TIEGCM) was successfully extended upward by four scale heights from 400–600 km to 700–1200 km depending on solar activity, named TIEGCM‑X. The topside ionosphere and thermosphere simulated by TIEGCM‑X agree well with the observations derived from a topside sounder and satellite drag data. In addition, the neutral density, temperature, and electron density simulated by TIEGCM‑X are morphologically consistent with the NCAR‑TIEGCM simulations before extension. The latitude‑altitude distribution of the equatorial ionization anomaly derived from TIEGCM‑X is more reasonable. During geomagnetic storm events, the thermospheric responses of TIEGCM‑X are similar to TIEGCM. However, the ionospheric storm effects in TIEGCM-X are stronger than those in TIEGCM and are even opposites at some middle and low latitudes due to the presence of more closed magnetic field lines. DMSP observations prove that the ionospheric storm effect of TIEGCM-X is more reasonable. The well‑validated TIEGCM‑X has significant potential applications in ionospheric/thermospheric studies, such as the responses to storms, low‑latitude dynamics, and data assimilation.

How to cite: Cai, Y., Yue, X., Wang, W., Zhang, S., Liu, H., Lin, D., Wu, H., Yue, J., Bruinsma, S. L., Ding, F., Ren, Z., and Liu, L.: Altitude extension of NCAR-TIEGCM (TIEGCM‑X) and evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12894,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Fengjue Wang, Hermann Luehr, Chao Xiong, Jaeheung Park, and Yunliang Zhou

The Swarm satellite constellation provides an excellent opportunity to explore ionospheric current systems. In this study we performed a detailed analysis of the ionospheric radial current (IRC) and inter-hemispheric field-aligned current (IHFAC) estimates at equatorial and low latitudes derived from the single-satellite and dual-spacecraft (dual-SC) approaches. We found that the diurnal variations of average IHFACs from both approaches agree qualitatively with each other for all seasons. But the amplitudes of single-satellite results reach only about 70% of those from the dual-SC. This difference is attributed to the fact that only the magnetic field By component is utilized in the single-satellite approach, while both Bx and By components are considered in the dual-SC approach. Above the magnetic equator, the IRCs derived from single-satellite approach show spurious tidal signatures, caused by equatorial electrojet (EEJ) contributions to the dBy component. The EEJ does not contaminate dual-satellite results. Further, we improved the IHFACs from the dual-satellite approach by considering the local influence of the ambient magnetic field on current densities and normalize them to their ionospheric E-region footprints. Then we extend the analysis to ±60° MLat; the middle latitude IHFACs show features different from those at low latitudes. They are dominated by longitudinal wave-1 and wave-2 patterns. A superposition of these tidal components reflects confinement of the IHFAC modulation to daytime and the western hemisphere. The tidal signatures at middle latitudes are better organized in universal time than in local time. The strongest IHFACs appear at 18-19 UT, near noon in the American sector. This is related to the overlap with the South Atlantic Anomaly.

How to cite: Wang, F., Luehr, H., Xiong, C., Park, J., and Zhou, Y.: Improved field-aligned current and radial current estimates at low and middle latitudes deduced by the Swarm dual-spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4278,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Wen Yi, Jianyuan Wang, Xianghui Xue, Robert Vincent, Paulo Batista, Toshitaka Tsuda, and Nicholas Mitchell

We present the migrating tidal winds decomposed jointly from multiple meteor radars in four longitudinal sectors situated in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The radars are located in Cariri, Brazil (7.4°S, 36.5°W), Kototabang, Indonesia (0.2°S, 100.3°E), Ascension Island, United Kingdom (7.9° S, 14.4°W), and Darwin, Australia (12.3°S, 130.8°E). Harmonic analysis was used to obtain amplitudes and phases for diurnal and semidiurnal solar migrating tides between 82 and 98 km altitude during the period 2005–2008. To verify the reliability of the tidal components calculated by the four meteor radar wind measurements, we also present a similar analysis for the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model winds, which suggests that the migrating tides are well observed by the four different radars. The tides include the important tidal components of diurnal westward-propagating zonal wavenumber 1 and semidiurnal westward-propagating zonal wavenumber 2. In addition, the results based on observations were compared with the Climatological Tidal Model of the Thermosphere (CTMT). In general, in terms of climatic features, our results for the major components of migrating tides are qualitatively consistent with the CTMT models derived from satellite data. In addition, the tidal amplitudes are unusually stronger in January–February 2006. This result is probably because tides were enhanced by the 2006 Northern Hemisphere stratospheric sudden warming event.

How to cite: Yi, W., Wang, J., Xue, X., Vincent, R., Batista, P., Tsuda, T., and Mitchell, N.: Coordinated Observations of Migrating Tides by Multiple Meteor Radars in the Equatorial Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4606,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yangkun Liu, Jiyao Xu, Anne Smith, and Xiao Liu

The seasonal and interannual variations of global tides of neutral winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) are investigated based on the neutral horizontal wind data measured by TIMED Doppler interferometer (TIDI). The particular focus is on how the seasonal variation of tidal amplitude varies in response to solar cycle (SC) and to the quasi-biennial oscillation in winds in the lower stratosphere (SQBO). We find that the responses of seasonal variations of tides to SQBO and SC are comparable in magnitude to those of their corresponding annual means. Further, we show that the response patterns of seasonal variations of tides to SQBO and SC are not always similar to those of their corresponding annual means, which indicates that the tidal responses differ at different times of the year. In addition, we reveal that migrating tides show strong terannual oscillations (TAO) especially in meridional wind, whereas nonmigrating tides do not show obvious TAO.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Xu, J., Smith, A., and Liu, X.: Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Global Tides of Neutral Winds in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10550,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Atmosphere and ionosphere coupling during sudden stratospheric warming events
Yun Gong
Virtual presentation
Dan Li, Hong Gao, Jiyao Xu, Yajun Zhu, Qiuyu Xu, Yangkun Liu, and Hongshan Liu

In this study, the neutral wind observations from the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument onboard Ionospheric CONnections (ICON) are used to investigate the longitudinal structure of zonal wind between 100 and 300 km during daytime. The four-peaked structure is prominent in June and August, and transforms to the three-peaked structure with altitude in October. The longitudinal wavenumber 1-4 patterns (WN1-WN4) are extracted, then the altitude-month distributions of WN1-WN4 and their contributions to the longitudinal structure are compared. The amplitudes of WN3 and WN4 show seasonal dependence, and the amplitude of WN4 exhibits obvious vertical propagation from the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) to the upper thermosphere in summer and autumn. WN1 is an important contributor to the longitudinal structure, WN4 is the primary contributor in the lower altitude ranges in summer and autumn at three latitudes. The contributions of WN3 (WN1) increase holistically with latitude in summer (spring, autumn, and winter). And the main wave sources of WN1-WN4 are matched further in different seasons in the 100-106 km and 210-300 km altitude regions. The main wave sources of WN1 and WN2 have complex variations with altitude, latitude, and season, while WN3 (WN4) is clearly influenced by DE2 (DE3 and SE2).

How to cite: Li, D., Gao, H., Xu, J., Zhu, Y., Xu, Q., Liu, Y., and Liu, H.: Longitudinal Structures of Zonal Wind in the Thermosphere by the ICON/MIGHTI and the Main Wave Sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10463,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Lihui Qiu, Yosuke Yamazaki, Tao Yu, Erich Becker, Yasunobu Miyoshi, Yifan Qi, Tarique A Siddiqui, Claudia Stolle, Wuhu Feng, Jin Wang, and Yu Liang

The ionospheric sporadic E (Es) layer is a thin and dense metallic ion layer that occasionally appears at altitudes between 95 and 125 km. The layer-forming process is controlled by the vertical wind shear that is closely linked to the atmospheric tides forced by solar radiation. The diurnal, semidiurnal, terdiurnal and quarterdiurnal variations in the Es layer occurrence rate have been revealed by observations. However, how the gravity wave affects the Es layer has not been well revealed. Using the 1-D Es layer model driven by neutral winds from the HIAMCM model (High Altitude Mechanistic general Circulation Model), this work simulated the physical process of the Es layer evolution modulated by gravity waves. The results show the short-period metallic ion density disturbance (1.5-3h) caused by gravity waves. The sporadic E layer can be destroyed or enhanced by gravity waves.

How to cite: Qiu, L., Yamazaki, Y., Yu, T., Becker, E., Miyoshi, Y., Qi, Y., Siddiqui, T. A., Stolle, C., Feng, W., Wang, J., and Liang, Y.: Numerical simulations of metallic ion density perturbations in sporadic E layers caused by gravity waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6372,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Yosuke Yamazaki

Global-scale waves, such as tides and traveling planetary waves, are an important part of the meteorology of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. The amplitude and phase of these waves can be determined by analyzing longitude-time data given at a certain height and latitude. The standard technique is the least-squares Fourier method. However, it has difficulties in resolving the temporal variability of the wave activity. Tides and traveling planetary waves are known to show considerable temporal variability in the MLT region. In this presentation, a simple method to derive Fourier-wavelet spectra, which can resolve temporal variability of wave activity, is introduced. The technique enables to obtain a 'wavelet-like' spectrum, separately for eastward- and westward-propagating global-scale waves with different zonal wavenumbers. Application examples are presented using data from whole atmsophere models. The results suggest that the technique is capable of capturing bursts of global-scale wave activity in the MLT region during sudden stratospheric warming events.

How to cite: Yamazaki, Y.: A simple method to derive Fourier-wavelet spectra for studying global-scale waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6030,, 2023.

Guan Le, Guiping Liu, Endawoke Yizengaw, and Christoph Englert

We present space and ground-based multi-instrument observations demonstrating the impact of the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption on dayside equatorial electrodynamics. A strong counter electrojet (CEJ) was observed by Swarm and ground-based magnetometers on 15 January after the Tonga eruption and during the recovery phase of a moderate geomagnetic storm. Swarm also observed an enhanced equatorial electrojet (EEJ) preceding the CEJ in the previous orbit. The observed EEJ and CEJ exhibited complex spatiotemporal variations. We combine them with the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) neutral wind measurements to disentangle the potential mechanisms. Our analysis indicates that the geomagnetic storm had minimal impact; instead, a large-scale atmospheric disturbance propagating eastward from the Tonga eruption site was the most likely driver for the observed intensiYcation and directional reversal of the equatorial electrojet. The CEJ was associated with strong eastward zonal winds in the E-region ionosphere, as a direct response to the lower atmosphere forcing.

How to cite: Le, G., Liu, G., Yizengaw, E., and Englert, C.: Equatorial Electrojet and Counter Electrojet caused by the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2431,, 2023.

Jing Jiao

We report a world record of lidar profiling of metallic Ca+ ions up to 300 km in the midlatitude nighttime ionosphere during geomagnetic quiet time. Ca+ measurements (∼80–300 km) were made over Beijing (40.42°N, 116.02°E) with an Optical-Parametric-Oscillator-based lidar from March 2020 through June 2021. Main Ca+ layers (80–100 km) persist through all nights, and high-density sporadic Ca+ layers (∼100–120 km) frequently occur in summer. Thermosphere-ionosphere Ca+ (TICa+) layers (∼110–300 km) are likely formed via Ca+ uplifting from these sporadic layers. The lidar observations capture the complete evolution of TICa+ layers from onset to ending, revealing intriguing features. Concurrent ionosonde measurements show strong sporadic E layers developed before TICa+ and spread F onset. Neutral winds can partially account for observed vertical transport but enhanced electric fields are required to explain the results. Such lidar observations promise new insights into E- and F-region coupling and plasma inhomogeneities.

How to cite: Jiao, J.: Meteoric Ca Ion Transport From ∼80 to 300 km in the Midlatitude Nighttime Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4640,, 2023.

Helen Schneider, Vivien Wendt, Daniela Banys, Marc Hansen, and Mark Clilverd

Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSW) and Elevated Stratopause (ES) events are atmospheric wave driven winter phenomena, which lead to significant changes in atmospheric dynamics and temperatures. SSWs are characterized by a sudden warming in the stratosphere by up to 90K and a mesospheric cooling by up to 30K. At the same time the background wind decelerates and can even revers which modifies the vertical mass transport. Occasionally SSW are followed by an ES where the stratopause at 50-60 km vanishes and subsequently reforms in elevated altitude ranges of 70-85 km. This leads to a temperature increase of up to 50 K in mesospheric heights. The temperature increase during an ES is accompanied by strongly enhanced positive zonal winds and a downward directed mass transport, which leads to changes in neutral chemistry.
Very low frequency (VLF) signals transmission, which is used for long distance communication, is generally conducted from a transmitter station to a receiver station within the so-called wave guide. This is the region between the Earth surface and the bottom side of the ionosphere (~60-90 km), which is behaving as a reflection boundary. Any changes in D-region ionization are able to modify the propagation of the VLF signal.
The above described significant changes in wind, temperature and neutral composition during SSW/ES events occur within the VLF reflection heights and likely influence the VLF propagation.

For the identification of SSW/ES induced perturbations of the VLF signal we need to remove the typical seasonal variation and outliers caused by noise, technical adjustments or solar events.  For this purpose, a quiet time curve is required, which represents the seasonal VLF signal variation under undisturbed conditions, for each link respectively. We developed the quiet time winter curve with a polynomial fit of the wintertime composite. In preparation for the composite, the VLF data needed to be leveled due to artificial amplitude steps with technical origin in the timeseries. The leveling was done with help of the Pruned Exact Linear Time method. Additionally, outliers have been removed using the Median Absolute Deviation, a method from robust statistics.

The developed quiet time winter curve allows us to determine VLF signal perturbations, which we analyze to examine the impact of SSW/ES events on the VLF signal. Furthermore, by studying different links in high latitudes, we want to investigate if there occur longitudinally differences in the VLF signal perturbation as the ES events vary strongly with longitude.

How to cite: Schneider, H., Wendt, V., Banys, D., Hansen, M., and Clilverd, M.: The Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Elevated Stratopause Events on the VLF signal in high latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2624,, 2023.

Vivien Wendt, Helen Schneider, Daniela Banys, Marc Hansen, and Mark Clilverd

Radar waves with very low frequency (VLF) are reflected at the lower edge of the ionosphere, in the D-region. The D-region (60 - 90km) is influenced by the solar zenith angle and space weather from above as well as by dynamical and chemical processes in the mesosphere. During October there is a well-known sharp decrease of the daytime VLF amplitude between transmitter and receiver combinations whose great circle paths lie mainly in polar latitudes. Until now we do not know what causes the October effect. Space weather phenomena can be ruled out as a cause since their time scales are either too short or too long. The solar zenith angle, strongly influencing the seasonal variation of the VLF amplitude can also be ruled out as a similar behavior is not observed in spring. Thus, there is a strong assumption that neutral dynamical processes in the mesosphere play a major role. We assume and confirm that a regional warming in the lower mesosphere, occurring simultaneously and with similar characteristics as the October effect, plays a major role in the formation process of the October effect. The VLF reflection height is about 15km higher during nighttime than during daytime. This difference in combination with the location of the regional warming explains, why the October effect can not be observed during nighttime.

How to cite: Wendt, V., Schneider, H., Banys, D., Hansen, M., and Clilverd, M.: Why does the October effect not occur at night?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2511,, 2023.

Katerina Potuznikova, Petra Koucka Knizova, Jaroslav Chum, and Jacek Kerum

In our recent studies, we analysed coherency between the dynamics of tropospheric low-pressure areas on side and stratospheric and ionospheric variability on the other side. We have identified different types of atmospheric frontal movements in the troposphere associated with particular types of echo detected up to the F2 ionospheric layer on the digisonde measurements (ionograms, drifts) and Continuous Doppler sounder spectrograms. We found that, in addition to synoptic patterns of continental scale, disturbances in the ionosphere are caused by fast-moving midlatitudes frontal cyclones.

Another type of tropospheric situation, which especially in the summer causes observable changes in ionosphere parameters, are local storms caused by thermal convection possibly supported by local orography. The response of these storms in the ionosphere is significant despite the fact that they are meteorological phenomena of the subsynoptic scale (horizontal range of the unit km) and their duration does not exceed several hours).

In the present paper we focus on cases of meteorological storms that occurred in the period from 2014 to 2022 during low geomagnetic and solar activity. The selection of storm events was made based on measurements of both aerological data and surface meteorological data. Automatic detection of spread in hight and frequency in ionograms recorded by the DPS-4D digisonde is performed using convolutional neural network coded in python with help of the tensorflow library.

How to cite: Potuznikova, K., Koucka Knizova, P., Chum, J., and Kerum, J.: Search for dependence of ionospheric parameters on meteorological local storms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14172,, 2023.

Maosheng He

Most experimental investigations on planetary-scale waves in the mesosphere lower thermosphere (MLT) region are based on single-station or -satellite spectral analysis methods, which are subject to intrinsic spectral aliasing/ambiguity. To conquer the aliasing, the author developed and implemented dual- and multi-station spectral methods in a series of recent works. These methods were implemented on meteor radar observations and surface magnetometer observations. A variety of waves were discovered or investigated in terms of seasonal variations and responses to sudden stratospheric warming events, including lunar and solar tides (migrating and non-migrating), Rossby wave normal modes, quasi-two-day waves, ultra-fast Kelvin waves, and secondary waves of wave-wave nonlinear interactions between the previous waves. The current paper uses synthetic data to illustrate the three methods and reviews comparatively these methods and results in plain language.

How to cite: He, M.: Planetary-scale MLT waves diagnosed through multi-station methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6455,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall ST/PS

Ionospheric F-Layer Scintillation Variabilities as Observed by COSMIC/FORMOSAT‐3 During Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
Hailun Ye, Xianghui Xue, Tao Yu, Wen Yi, Yang-Yi Sun, and Xiangkang Dou
Na Li, Jinsong Chen, Xiaobin Wang, Zhimei Tang, and Zonghua Ding

Wind observations by Meteor radars from the year of 2009 to 2018 are utilized to knowledge the climatological characteristics at Mohe (53.1N), Beijing (40.3N), Wuhan (30.5N), Kunming (25.6N) and Sanya (18N). The tidal components with the period of 24h (diurnal), 12h (semidiurnal) are derived by the decomposition of observations using harmonic fitting method. The results show that the magnitude of diurnal tidal amplitude in the zonal and meridional winds increases with decreasing latitude, especially for the meridional wind. Annual and semi-annual changes dominate the main features. However, large difference of annual and semi-annual changes between the zonal and meridional could be seen clearly. Moreover, the diurnal tidal amplitude in the zonal wind at Mohe shows opposite changes above 90km and below 88 km, which is that the amplitude displays large value below 88km during February and March, while small value is prevailing above 90km during this time. When the diurnal amplitude above 90km is large accompanying with small value below 88 km. For the semidiurnal tide, the annual variation is clearly found for the zonal and meridional winds in their amplitudes at all stations. Meanwhile, the magnitude of semidiurnal tidal amplitude decreases with decreasing latitude, and that of meridional amplitude is larger than that of zonal amplitude. At all stations, the zonal diurnal tidal amplitude at Wuhan is largest above 88km in Spring and 94 km in Summer, that at Kunming is largest below 92 km in autumn and winter. The meridional diurnal amplitude at Sanya is biggest above 88 km in four seasons, and that at Kunming is biggest below 86 km in four seasons. For all seasons, the amplitudes in the zonal and meridional winds at Mohe are smallest. For the zonal wind, semidiurnal tidal amplitude at Beijing is largest at 82 – 94 km in Spring, 82 – 96 km in Summer, above 92 km in Autumn. Meantime, the semidiurnal tidal amplitude at Mohe is larger above 94 km and below 82 in Spring, above 96 km and 82 km in Summer, below 90 km in Autumn and at all heights in Winter. Simultaneously, the semidiurnal tidal amplitude at Sanya is smallest in Spring, Summer, Autumn and above 98 km in Winter. However, the variation of meridional semidiurnal tidal amplitude becomes complicated.

How to cite: Li, N., Chen, J., Wang, X., Tang, Z., and Ding, Z.: Variations of tidal waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere over China region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12901,, 2023.

Yuan Xia, Jing Jiao, Satonori Nozawa, Xuewu Cheng, Jihong Wang, Chunhua Shi, Lifang Du, Yajuan Li, Haoran Zheng, Faquan Li, and Guotao Yang

Based on the full-diurnal-cycle sodium (Na) lidar observations at Beijing (40.41°N, 116.01°E), we report pronounced downward extensions of the Na layer bottomside to below 75 km near mid-December, 2014. Considerable Na atoms were observed even as low as ~72 km, where Na atoms is short-lived. More interestingly, an unprecedented Na density of ~2500 atoms/cm3 around 75 km was observed on December 17, 2014. Such high Na atoms concentration was two orders of magnitude larger than that normally observed at the similar altitude region. Liberation of Na atoms from its reservoir (e.g., NaHCO3) near the Na layer bottom via neutral chemical reactions, which are accelerated by the largely increased temperature and concentrations of atomic H and O, is suggested to be the critical production mechanism of the enhanced Na layer below 75 km. The diurnal lidar measurements of the Na layer, zonal wind results from a nearby meteor radar, global satellite observations as well as reanalysis data presented here reveal the close correlation between the variation of Na layer bottom and planetary scale atmospheric processes. The longitudinal distributions of geopotential amplitudes of PW show that there exists unusual development of the amplitude of PW2, and the stratosphere near the lidar location is dominated by PW2 trough in mid-December. The out-of-phase temperature anomalies in the upper stratosphere and upper mesosphere are likely due to the modulation of GW filtering by stratosphere wind. The strong eastward wind in the upper stratosphere provides a favorable condition for the vertical propagation of westward GWs. Westward forcing could induce a poleward flow and drive downward circulation in the mesosphere, leading to adiabatic heating. Furthermore, the bottom enhancement on December 17, 2014 was also accompanied by clear wavy signatures in the main layer. The unprecedented Na density of ~2500 cm-3 near 75 km observed on December 17, 2014 is also greatly contributed by the adiabatic vertical motion of air parcel forced by the superposition of tide and GW.

These results provide a clear observational evidence for the Na layer bottom response to the planetary-scale atmospheric perturbations in addition to tide and GW through affecting the chemical balance. These results also have implications for the response of the metal layer to vertical coupling between the lower atmosphere and the mesosphere.

How to cite: Xia, Y., Jiao, J., Nozawa, S., Cheng, X., Wang, J., Shi, C., Du, L., Li, Y., Zheng, H., Li, F., and Yang, G.: Significant extension of the mesospheric Na layer bottom observed by a full-diurnal-cycle lidar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15306,, 2023.

Guoying Jiang, Jinfang Liu, Jiyao Xu, and Yajun Zhu

Responses of the middle and upper atmospheric (80-100 km ) wind to geomagnetic activities have been investigated using neutral wind data from 2012 to 2018 years, which were observed by Mohe, Beijing and Wuhan Meteor radars. Daily averaged wind data for geomagnetic quiet condition (Kp<=2 ) and geomagnetic disturb condition (Kp>=4) were chosen for comparison, and the variation characteristics of wind during geomagnetic disturbances were obtained. The observations show that the influence of geomagnetic activity on zonal wind varied with seasons and latitudes. For zonal wind, the effect of geomagnetic activity at higher latitudes tended to be more westerly wind in the upper mesosphere and more easterly wind in the lower thermosphere, and the differences between disturbed and quiet conditions were on the order of 3 m/s; while for the lower latitudes, it tended to be more easterly wind in the 80-100 km region, and the influence were about 5 m/s. In spring, the three stations had similar tendencies, and had no latitude differences. But the easterly wind in the middle atmosphere became stronger with the decrease of latitude in summer/winter. The effect of geomagnetic activities on the meridional wind had seasonal differences. The influence of geomagnetic activities in spring and winter was stronger than that in summer and autumn. In winter, the effect of geomagnetic activity on the meridional wind in middle and low latitudes was stronger than that in higher latitudes. According to the calculation results, the influence on zonal wind was about 5 m/s to 10 m/s, and on meridional wind was about 3 m/s to 5 m/s. The impact of geomagnetic activities on MLT wind can penetrate down to about 80 km. At this height, the influence on zonal wind was the strongest in spring, reaching 8 m/s, and on meridional wind was the strongest in spring/winter, reaching 5 m/s.

How to cite: Jiang, G., Liu, J., Xu, J., and Zhu, Y.: Responses of the middle and upper atmospheric wind to geomagnetic activities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4633,, 2023.

Fuju Wu, Xinzhao Chu, Lifang Du, Jing Jiao, Haoran Zheng, Yuchang Xun, Wuhu Feng, John M. C. Plane, and Guotao Yang

We report the first simultaneous lidar observations of thermosphere-ionosphere sporadic nickel and Na (TISNi and TISNa) layers in altitudes ∼105–120 km over Yanqing (40.42°N, 116.02°E), Beijing. From two years of data spanning April 2019 to April 2020 and July 2020 to June 2021, TISNi layers in May and June possess high densities with a maximum of 818 cm −3 on 17 May 2021, exceeding the density of main layer peak (∼85 km) by ∼4 times. They correlate with strong sporadic E layers observed nearby. TISNa layers occur at similar altitudes as TISNi with spatial-temporal correlation coefficients of ∼1. The enrichment of Ni in TISNi is evident as the [TISNi]/[TISNa] column abundance ratios are ∼1, about 10 times the main layer [Ni]/[Na] ratios. These results are largely explained by neutralization of converged Ni + and Na + ions via recombination with electrons. Calculations show direct recombination dominating over dissociative recombination above ∼105 km.

How to cite: Wu, F., Chu, X., Du, L., Jiao, J., Zheng, H., Xun, Y., Feng, W., Plane, J. M. C., and Yang, G.: First Simultaneous Lidar Observations of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Sporadic Ni and Na (TISNi and TISNa) Layers (∼105–120 km) Over Beijing (40.42°N, 116.02°E), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16212,, 2023.

Fang Wu, Guotao Yang, and Jing Jiao

The metal layers in the Earth’s upper atmosphere have received growing attention in recent years because of the discovery of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere metal (TIMt) Layers by lidar. In the reports of lidar detection TIMt Layers, the highest metal atom layer is Thermosphere-Ionosphere Na (TINa) Layers observed at Yanqing station (40.42°N, 116.02°E, Xun et al., 2019), while the Ca+ Ions Transport From ∼80 to 300 km were also observed at Yanqing station (Jiao et al., 2022). According to their morphological characteristics and occurrence frequency, and referring to the previous reports, the TINa layers observed at mid-latitude can be mainly classified into the following four types: lower thermosphere sporadic Na layers, dawn thermosphere-ionosphere Na layers, midnight thermosphere-ionosphere Na layers and mid-latitude thermosphere-ionosphere Na layers (Mid-TINa). Moreover, there are rare reports of the small scale horizontal distributions of TiNa layers. In 2014, another Na lidar was developed at Pingquan station(41.0°N, 118.7°E), which is about 250 km away from Yanqing station. By analysis data of these two lidar, the occurrence frequency, distribution, and morphological characteristics of four types TINa layers are studied.

How to cite: Wu, F., Yang, G., and Jiao, J.: Lidar Observations of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Na (TINa) Layers at two nearby stations in North China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11357,, 2023.

Zheng Wang, Pengdong Gao, Guojun Wang, and Jiankui Shi

The spread F phenomenon (SF), i.e., the spread characteristics on F trace in ionogram, is considered to be caused by ionospheric disturbances. The SF image features are considered to be corresponding to different physical mechanism. According to the URSI handbook of ionogram interpretation and reduction, depending on the shape of diffusion on ionogram, the SF all over the world could be divided into 4 types: FSF/RSF/MSF/BSF. However, we have found at low latitude, BSF is rare and strong RSF (SSF) is a major type. For the ionogram data obtained from Hainan Station (19.5°N, 109.1°E, magnetic 11°N), the Deep Learning technique is used for the image characteristics, making a model for automatic SF detection and classification at this station. No matter what the ionogram data formats or the ionosonde models, the model could automatic classify the SF as FSF/RSF/MSF/SSF for the first time.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Gao, P., Wang, G., and Shi, J.: Automatic Spread F Detection and classification at Hainan Station of Chinese Meridian Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10573,, 2023.

Changzhi Zhai, Yutian Chen, and Shunrong Zhang

The temporal as well as vertical and horizontal variations of the concentric traveling ionospheric disturbances (CTIDs) caused by hurricane Matthew on 7 October 2016 were reconstructed using 3-dimensional computerized ionospheric tomography (3DCIT) technology, based upon the GNSS data from the dense receiver network over North America. The frequency range of disturbances was determined by spectrum analysis, and a Butterworth band-pass filter was used to de-trend the total electron content (TEC) sequences in order to determine TIDs. A remarkable CTID segment was detected at a distance of 1000 – 1500 km from the hurricane eye at ~5:40 – 6:10 UT on 7 October 2016, moving westward with the horizontal phase velocity of ~153.4 m/s, the period of ~30 min and the horizontal wavelength of ~276.1 km. The positive and negative wavefronts dominated the CITD at different times during the event. From 4:00 to 8:00 UT, the altitudinal variation of the CTIDs in electron density exhibited clear downward phase progression predominately in the range of 150 – 400 km altitudes, however, the percentage electron density disturbances were larger below 250 km. The inverted cone-like geometry of CTID wavefronts was presented. The vertical phase velocities of the CTIDs ~1100 km away from the hurricane eye in the northwest direction near 88°W, 34°N were ~203.7 – 277.8 m/s, and at the same location, the horizontal phase velocities at 300 km altitude were ~149.1 – 181.5 m/s, slightly larger than those at 200 km altitude (~145.1 – 178.5 m/s). 

How to cite: Zhai, C., Chen, Y., and Zhang, S.: 3D reconstruction of CTIDs induced by hurricane Matthew on 7 October 2016, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1590,, 2023.

Tingting Yu, Wenbin Wang, Zhipeng Ren, Xuguang Cai, Libo Liu, Maosheng He, Nicholas Pedatella, and Changzhi Zhai

A thermospheric O and N2 column density ratio (ΣO/N2) depletion with long-duration (>16 hr) was observed by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk at the Atlantic longitudes (75W–20W) and middle latitudes (20N–50N) during the recovery phase of the 8 June 2019 geomagnetic storm. The National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) simulations reproduced the ΣO/N2 depletion patterns with a similar magnitude, and indicated that the composition recovery at middle latitudes began several hours after the beginning of the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storm. The TIEGCM simulations enable quantitative analysis of the physical mechanisms driving the middle-latitude composition changes during the storm recovery phase. This analysis indicates that vertical advection and molecular diffusion dominated the initial recovery of composition perturbations at middle latitudes. Horizontal advection was also a main driver in the initial recovery of composition, but its contribution decreased rapidly. In the late recovery phase, the composition recovery was mainly determined by horizontal advection. In comparison, vertical advection and molecular diffusion played a much less important role.

How to cite: Yu, T., Wang, W., Ren, Z., Cai, X., Liu, L., He, M., Pedatella, N., and Zhai, C.: Diagnostic Analysis of the Physical Processes Underlying theLong-Duration O/N2 Depletion During the Recovery Phase ofthe 8 June 2019 Geomagnetic Storm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3722,, 2023.

yuyang Huang and Chao Xiong

The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission measures the neutral winds from 88 km to 310 km altitudes, which provides a good opportunity to investigate the vertical distribution of neutral winds, especially their vertical shears. Based on over two years data from MIGHTI/ICON, we focused on the wind vertical shears at the low F region (from 88 km to 245 km) in this study. As the green line of MIGHTI works only on the dayside, only the dayside from 0600 to 1800 local time (LT) has been considered. As a result, there were 206 and 96 orbits were identified with clear vertical shears for the meridian and zonal wind components, respectively. Interestingly, such wind vertical shears occurred not only during magnetically disturbed periods, as there were 75.73% and 78.12% orbits with vertical shears identified in the meridional and zonal wind with Kp less than 2. Dependences of the wind vertical shears on local time (LT), geographic latitude (Glat) and longitude (Glon) have been further checked, and we found that the wind vertical shears have different trends for the LT dependence, e.g., the mean altitude of meridional (zonal) wind reversed from southward to northward (westward to eastward)  is higher at dawn, and then slowly decreases toward dusk; or the mean altitude of wind reversal is higher at dusk and slowly increases towards dusk. Such two kinds of altitude trends of the wind vertical shears were also found for the dependence on Glat, but not on Glon. The mean altitudes of wind reversal are around 160 km for most of the Glon sectors, with only a slight decrease or increase at the sector where the magnetic equator is far away from the geographic equator, indicating that the ion drag should also play a role in causing the wind vertical shears. The relation between the wind vertical shears at E (England et al., 2022) and low F region altitudes have been further investigated. From the orbits with wind vertical shears at low F region identified, there were about 90% orbits with also wind vertical shears simultaneously observed at the E region, but the altitude trends can be the same or opposite for the vertical shears at the two regions, even for the same orbit. Such a relation suggests that the causes for wind vertical shears at the E and low F region altitudes could be different.

How to cite: Huang, Y. and Xiong, C.: Dayside neutral wind vertical shear at low F region altitude observed by the ICON satellite, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4285,, 2023.