ERE4.4 | Sustainable solutions for proactive mine and quarry waste management and raw material supply valorization
Sustainable solutions for proactive mine and quarry waste management and raw material supply valorization
Convener: Adriana Guatame-Garcia | Co-conveners: Elena Marrocchino, Feven Desta, Antonello Aquilano, Philipp Büttner, Giovanna Antonella Dino, Hernan Flores
| Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Orals |
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Meeting the climate goals and supplying the needs of society and industry could increase the production of minerals by nearly 500% by 2050. These targets require the pursuit of increasingly diffuse and lower-grade deposits, which present emerging environmental, societal, and technological challenges for mine waste management. The extraction and processing of mineral resources generate a vast amount of solid and liquid waste globally (i.e., billions of tons of waste rock, tailings, slag, and fly ashes). All these materials can negatively affect surrounding environments via poor-quality drainage and air pollution. However, mine residues also bear significant amounts of minerals (e.g., residual ores, rare earth elements (REE), critical raw materials (CRM)), which have the potential to become mineral resources. In the last decades, mining activity and extractive waste management were approached considering the environmental hazards and landscape degradation. But nowadays, innovative and technological processes allow us to reduce, reuse and recycle such industrial residues. More sustainable exploitation practices give us opportunities to exploit the enormous volumes of mineral waste as an important source of raw materials. Yet, there are further challenges related to exploring, characterising, recovering, reprocessing and testing recovered materials, and modelling mine wastes to realistically assess the prospects for sustainable exploitation. It should become the norm to maximise the use of resources to reduce the volume of disposed materials and to mitigate the risk of environmental damage associated with the increasing global demand for raw materials and mineral resources.
In this session we will discuss:
-Sustainable mine waste management strategies
-Innovative tools and enhanced methodologies in active and legacy sites for environmental/risk monitoring
-Identification of potential secondary resources (e.g., REEs, CRM)
-Characterisation of geomaterials, their environmental interactions and decay
-Technological developments for waste sampling, characterisation and environmental assessment
-Innovative mineral exploration, extraction, and (re)processing technologies, including geometallurgy
-Mine waste sites rehabilitation and repurposing
Part of this session is related to the UNESCO IGCP-746 project RESOURCES4ALL
Keywords: extractive waste; circular economy; sustainable mining; raw materials and critical raw materials characterization, mine waste management

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room -2.16

Chairpersons: Adriana Guatame-Garcia, Giovanna Antonella Dino
On-site presentation
Carlos Ruiz Cánovas, Jose Miguel Nieto, Manuel Olias, Francisco Macias, Maria Dolores Basallote, Rafael León, Jonatan Romero, and Rafael Pérez-López

Mining is a critical activity aimed at providing commodities for economic developing. However, the generation of wastes in the vicinity of the mines may lead to severe environmental problems and human health risks. Therefore, mining companies have to face huge investments in remediation options. This situation is especially challenging in historical mine sites, which accumulate large amounts of metal-rich wastes without any environmental regulation [1]. However, these wastes could be a source of critical raw materials due to the high concentrations observed for some elements. This is especially important in those countries with absence of primary deposits, which suffer from a strong external dependence for supply. The recovery of these critical raw materials could constitute a great opportunity to satisfy the internal demand and at the same time help to offset expensive waste treatment costs. However, the effective recovery of these valuable elements requires a vast amount of previous work such as site-by-site studies to determine the potential metal grade in wastes and deep investigation of mineralogical siting of valuable metals in these wastes or selective recovery methods. In this sense, there are some social, economic and technological barriers that must be overcome to achieve the final recovery. In this sense, the use of waste materials has commonly met resistance in the industrial sector and only being accepted after proved experience is achieved. On the other hand, the application of technologies may face technical and economic barriers such as the non-selectivity of extraction and recovery methods developed and the high initial costs which put in risk the return on investment and the cost efficiency of the recovery scheme [2]. Therefore, deep case-by-case investigation is required to achieve cost-effective secondary source of critical raw materials from wastes.


[1] Cánovas, C.R., Macías, F., Basallote, M.D., Olías, M., Nieto, J.M., Pérez-López, R., 2021. Metal(loid) release from sulfide-rich wastes to the environment: the case of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 20, 100240.  


[2] Cánovas, C.R., Macías, F., Pérez-López, R., Basallote, M.D., Millán-Becerro, R., 2018. Valorization of wastes from the fertilizer industry: Current status and future trends. J. Clean. Prod. 174, 678e690.

How to cite: Ruiz Cánovas, C., Nieto, J. M., Olias, M., Macias, F., Basallote, M. D., León, R., Romero, J., and Pérez-López, R.: Recovery of critital raw materials from mining wastes: challenges, opportunities and barriers., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3837,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Anita Parbhakar-Fox

Australia, whilst host to many greenfield exploration and new mining activities, also contains at least 50,000 abandoned or historic mine sites. These may not necessarily present immediate or long-term environmental risks (e.g., noxious dust or acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) formation), but may still contain mine waste (e.g., tailings, waste rock, slag) ultimately requiring rehabilitation. Who is ultimately required to fund and complete rehabilitation may be controversial and/or contentious depending on the circumstances of mine closure. However, across Australia, there is a growing recognition that these sites may contain critical raw materials (CRMs), particularly those required for the energy transition leading to the birth of several research programs to investigate the secondary prospectivity of mine waste. In addition to individual mining companies, Geoscience Australia and the Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory and South Australian Governments have commissioned research to investigate the tenor and deportment of critical metals (as identified by the Australian Government) including cobalt, rare earth elements (REE), vanadium, indium, gallium, germanium, selenium, antimony, bismuth and manganese. Currently, over 40 sites have been sampled (targeting tailings, waste rock and metallurgical wastes including slag, phosphogypsum slimes, spent heap leach and coal combustion products) and assessed using an integrated geometallurgical testing program.

Early results have identified REEs (lanthanum and cerium) in tailings and waste rock at the Mary Kathleen mine, Queensland. New metallurgical extraction methods are being developed to enable ‘greener’ recovery. In addition, cobalt has been identified in the waste associated with iron-oxide copper gold (IOCG) and sedimentary hosted copper deposits in the North West Minerals Province, Queensland encouraging operational mines to consider mineral processing plant modifications to recovery this battery metal. Distinct manganese enrichment has been observed in wastes associated with Broken Hill type deposits, whilst indium is associated with volcanic hosted-massive sulphide (VHMS) and greisen deposits. Ongoing research is focused on developing business cases for CRM extraction at fertile sites. Post extraction, additional valorisation opportunities are being sought (e.g., aggregates, sulphuric acid production, ore sands) for the residual waste, and those barren (in CRM terms). By considering mine waste in these terms, Australia has an opportunity to significantly establish and grow their circular economy and take steps towards meeting their ambitious economic targets (AUD $26 Billion by 2025).

How to cite: Parbhakar-Fox, A.: The critical importance of mine waste- an Australian Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4871,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Bernd Lottermoser

Since the first scientific observations on mine wastes hundreds of years ago, we have gained some phenomenal knowledge of mine wastes based on a great diversity of characterisation protocols and tests. Traditionally, such mine waste characterisation provides information on current and future environmental conditions, because current mining operations manage mine wastes based on a linear economy thinking (“take-make-dispose”). By contrast in a circular economy ("make-use-return"), mining should produce little waste, any raw material losses to waste streams should be minimized, and any waste generated should be characterized for possible reuse, recycling or remining. In fact, mining can make substantive contributions to circular economy systems, by designing wastes out of entire value chains and looping mine wastes back into the material flows. As part of this new approach, historic mine waste piles of diverse mineral commodities have moved into focus as potential sources of metals and industrial minerals (e.g. phosphogypsum) as well as critical raw materials (CRM). The objective of this contribution is to review the various tools available to characterise mine wastes on a macro to micro scale for circular economy systems. Such a new approach requires protocols and test methods that support novel recovery technologies, innovative environmental advances and new by-product value chains. Yet, today’s waste characterisation protocols and test methods still focus on environmental risks, have serious limitations, are riddled with uncertainties that are hard to quantify, or only allow predictions of waste properties that represent best estimates. The time has come to drastically improve our scientific efforts to precisely characterise mine wastes on all scales for circular economy purposes (micro to macro scales). This route to greater confidence in the characterisation of mine wastes will come from new macro approaches (e.g. remote sensing, monitoring of waste dumps), meso tests (e.g. infield analyses, sensors), and micro laboratory analyses (e.g. computed tomography). There is reason for optimism that the required progress is possible. In future, researchers have to provide new tools that support innovative circular practices and novel approaches to resource recovery from mine wastes.

How to cite: Lottermoser, B.: A review of protocols and tests to characterise mine wastes for circular economy strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1797,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Maryam Zarrinderakht, Silvano Salvador, and Alan Martin

Pit lakes are a common feature of the post-closure landscape at mine sites where mining voids are allowed 
to fill with surface runoff, direct precipitation, and groundwater. Pit lakes also commonly serve as focal points 
for post-closure water management, often serving as a receptacle for various mining-related drainages and 
the final point of discharge for mine effluents. Therefore, an accurate and acceptable numerical model 
capable of predicting pit lake water balance, mixing characteristics, and water quality is needed to support 
post-closure management. In this paper, a coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model (PitMod) for water 
quality prediction is described. The model, described in Crusius et al. (2002) and Dunbar (2013), simulates 
the physical and geochemical evolution of pit lakes over pit filling times ranging from monthly to century time 
scales. Within PitMod, the pit lake is approximated based on a one-dimensional, horizontally averaged 
vertical layer scheme. PitMod calculates the time-dependent vertical distribution of physical and geochemical 
pit lake properties, including temperature, salinity, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen. In this regard, the 
physical component of PitMod considers the effects of pit morphology, climate data, multiple surface and 
sub-surface (groundwater) inflows/outflows, precipitation/evaporation, surface ice formation/melting, vertical 
mixing due to surface wind stress, convective circulation, and turbulent mixing. The geochemical portion of 
PitMod utilizes a customized version of PHREEQC, capable of a wide variety of aqueous geochemical 
calculations, including speciation, saturation index calculations, mineral equilibria, surface complexation 
(adsorption) reactions, ion exchange, and redox processes. The model can also incorporate predictions of 
dissolved metal scavenging by biogenic particles in response to lake primary production.
PitMod, which has been applied at over 50 mine projects since 2002, incorporates physical processes like 
those found in other lake models such as DYRESM (Imerito, 2007), and has been validated against field 
observations. However, unlike DYRESM, PitMod offers the advantage of being able to incorporate various 
non-conservative geochemical and biological processes that are relevant to predictions of long-term water 

How to cite: Zarrinderakht, M., Salvador, S., and Martin, A.: A coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model for the prediction of mine pit lake water quality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1188,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mandana Shaygan, Thomas Baumgartl, and Mansour Edraki

During mining activities in Australia, overburden is removed and deposited on the land in the form of waste rock dumps. When these waste rocks are exposed to atmospheric conditions and during rainfall events, they can create adverse environmental impacts through acidity and salt generation and release of metals, affecting surrounding environments, particularly final voids and water ways. The potential for impacts can be managed by rehabilitation, for example, by using soil and vegetation covers, and in some cases a barrier layer that excludes most of the rainfall from the underlying rocks. Apart from the generic objectives of rehabilitation i.e. safe, stable, non-polluting and being able to sustain a post-mining land use, cover design objectives include quantitative performance measures. Covers are intended to reduce oxygen ingress and/or net percolation into waste rock dumps. There are examples of failed covers in Queensland, Australia, due to a combination of factors such as inappropriate predictions of material performance and/or water balance. Even a very small water percolation may flush the reaction products out of waste dumps and release a significant load of acidity as seepage. Therefore, the efficiency of the cover depends not only on net percolation, but also on a range of other actors including the pre-cover conditions of the dump, the mineralogy and particle size distribution of rocks, structure of the dump and temperature and microbial activity. In Queensland, during development of Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure (PRC) plans, cover design planning needs to include identification and specification of the objectives of the cover system. If the objective is to reduce or eliminate residual environmental risks, then all relevant factors should be considered in design. In the case of coal mines of Queensland, a series of case studies have been conducted to classify, characterise and evaluate the ability of salt generation for different waste rocks. This provides an opportunity to recommend a guideline for the most effective cover design in a subtropical environment. These studies showed that firstly, the intensity and longevity of salt release are waste rock specific, and are linked to their original lithology, intrinsic salts, the presence of minerals and the magnitude of the dissolution and adsorption–desorption processes. The typical rehabilitation technique in Australia involves creating a landform using waste rocks, placement of soil on top of the waste rock pile and seeding, to create conditions for plant growth on the landform. Salt release from the waste rocks is one of the key factors that can limit plant growth, not only by creating saline seepage, but also by upward salt movement during dry periods. Therefore, attention should be given to the waste rocks sizes and their degradation degree to help determine their optimal placement in the cover design, as initial particle size and their dispersivity govern salt generation. Hydro-geochemical models, which can perform complex scenarios and mechanisms, and also include climatic scenarios, can be used to predict the salt and water movement within and from a cover design and thus predict the efficiency of the designed cover.

How to cite: Shaygan, M., Baumgartl, T., and Edraki, M.: Cover design considerations for mine waste rock dumps in subtropical environment , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9592,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yi-Ru Wu, Yi-Chung Chen, Rou-Fei Chen, and Kuo-Jen Chang

The mining industry, which encompasses national resource management, environmental and ecological impacts, is becoming increasingly important to sustainable development policies. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) provides a spatial distribution of numerical terrain features and the ways in which the model can be constructed and mapped have evolved through a variety of technologies, including aerial photography, airborne LiDAR and drone mapping, DTM can be subdivided into Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This study therefore proposes to integrate multi-technology DTMs with terrain metrology analysis to accurately define the land use profile of a mine site over time to provide transparent land use information and monitor environmental changes. In addition to estimating assessment of the mine site is investigated, and vertical accuracy analysis based on spatial grid sampling and the 2018 airborne LiDAR DEM is conducted to assess the error between data to calculate surface volume variation and demonstrate elevation profile changes. According to the results of the accuracy analysis, the 2003 aerial photography DTM showed a larger average error of -0.19 m with a standard deviation of ±1.71 m compared to the airborne radar and UAV; the 2015 airborne radar DEM showed an average error of 0.00 m with a standard deviation of ±0.11 m; and the 2022 UAV DSM showed an average error of 0.00 m with a standard deviation of ±0.10 m. Aerial photographic DTMs can demonstrate the early geomorphology of the study area; airborne LIDAR DEMs can present a wide range of high-precision and high-resolution topographic information features that can penetrate vegetation; and UAV DSMs can reflect regional surface changes, such as mining volume variation in open pit mines. 

How to cite: Wu, Y.-R., Chen, Y.-C., Chen, R.-F., and Chang, K.-J.: Applications of Multi-temporal DTMs in Mining Management and Environmental Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15511,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jaeyoung Choi

A series of materials, including sand (S) silica blue (SB), iron-exchanged sand (IES), zeolite 13X (Z), ironexchanged zeolites (IEZ), and the waste material acid mine drainage sludge (AMDS), were used as adsorbents for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from a feed stream in a pilot (bench)-scale study. Artificially polluted H2S gas streams were created using a gas cylinder with 10,000 ppmv of H2S in nitrogen (N2), which was used for further dilution. The adsorption performance of each sorbent material was assessed by dynamic breakthrough analysis. The sorbents were analyzed via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. The efficiency of H2S removal was observed and compared between adsorbents under various operating conditions, such as different contact times and initial concentrations. The AMDS was discovered to have highest adsorption efficiency for H2S, of all adsorbents studied here. The Yoon-Nelson, Thomas and Adam-Bohart models were applied to study the effects of H2S concentration and flowrate on adsorption of H2S on AMDS, and the maximum adsorption capacity of 312.73 g g1 was attained
at 1000 ppmv and 0.5 L min1 of H2S concentration and flow rate, respectively. This study found that all tested adsorbent materials have appreciable H2S adsorption capacity and AMDS in particular is an appropriate adsorbent for treatment of H2S-contaminated steam. Moreover, AMDS is a waste material and is available in abundance; hence, AMDS could be a practical choice for the adsorption of H2S from biogas.

How to cite: Choi, J.: Removing hydrogen sulfide from a feed stream using suitable mine raw materials, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1057,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Magnetic carbon-based biomaterials for the recovery of pollutants from contaminated water
Roberta Pulcher, Nicolas Greggio, Diego Marazza, Enrico Dinelli, and Alessandro Buscaroli
On-site presentation
Tamara Đorđević, Peter Nagl, Christian L. Lengauer, Uwe Kolitsch, Goran Tasev, Todor Serafimovski, Ivan Boev, and Blažo Boev

The laterite Ni ore smelting operations at Vozarci, North Macedonia, which produces ferronickel since 1982, have produced large amounts of smelting wastes dumped at the smelter. In May 2022 we have sampled three different types of slags occurring in these slag dumps. Slag 1 was produced using predominantly ore imported from Indonesia, slag 2 was formed using the ore from the nearby Ržanovo mine and slag 3 was produced using predominantly ore imported from the Ivory Coast. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy analyses showed that slags 1 and 3 contain between 43–47 wt.% SiO2 and slag 2 35 wt.% SiO2. Relative to slags 1 and 3, slag 2 is enriched in iron (40 wt.% Fe2O3). Furthermore, slag 2 is characterized by a large Cr content (ca. 17400 ppm of Cr2O3). A combination of powder X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDS analyses (of polished aliquots) showed that the slags consist of silicate glass, synthetic equivalents of orthopyroxenes (enstatite), clinopyroxenes (clinopyroxene, diopside, pigeonite, augite), olivines (forsterite, fayalite) and subordinate spinel-group phases (chromite, magnesiochromite, magnetite, trevorite), sulphides (pyrrhotite and FeS-NiS phases) and intermetallic compounds (metallic Fe with up to 10 at.% Ni and remnants of ferronickel). All three slags contain significant amounts of the following potentially toxic elements: Co (20-87 ppm), Cr (9600-17400 ppm), Ni (500-730 ppm) and Zn (150-380 ppm). The phase assemblages and textures in the Vozarci slags are similar to those in other pyrometallurgical slags produced during reworking of silicate and sulphide ores. Although the slags 1 and 2 have been exposed to atmospheric conditions for about 40 years, those occurring in the dumps are not much affected by weathering. At present, we have identified the following alteration products: (i) abundant iron oxy-hydroxides (including lepidocrocite) (slag 1), (ii) minor nesquehonite, MgCO3·3H2O (slag 2) and (iii) syngenite, K2Ca(SO4)2·H2O (slag 1). Since slag 3 is newly deposited slag, it is not weathered at all.

Financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and Austria´s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD), (WTZ Grant MK 06/2022) is gratefully acknowledged.

How to cite: Đorđević, T., Nagl, P., Lengauer, C. L., Kolitsch, U., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., and Boev, B.: First insights into mineralogy and weathering of the slags produced by smelting lateritic Ni ore at Vozarci, North Macedonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15985,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Elena Scibilia, Olga Odrzygóźdź, Trine Sogn, and Kurt Aasly

Well-developed soil is the starting point for good cultivated land, which is a prerequisite for food production. For many years there has been a decline in cultivated areas in Norway and in recent years we have seen an increasing conflict between the conservation of topsoil and the reduction of areas for use for development and infrastructure. Although there are political goals to increase cultivated areas, the reality is that more and more productive land is disappearing. There is little land available that enables the cultivation of food grains, and 35% of the remaining arable land is bog, which is not desirable to cultivate due to the effects on the environment.

The GREEN MOVE project aims at creating methods to maintain cultivated land by sustainably moving soils from the infrastructure affected sites and reconstructing agricultural soils to alternative locations avoiding important conflicting societal interests. The project aims at proposing an informed and strategic approach to a highly ambivalent issue that may enable both sustainable development of important infrastructure as well as preservation of valuable soil resources.

One of the objectives in the GREEN MOVE project is to evaluate the potential of utilizing crushed waste rocks and other mine tailings to improve subsoil properties at new locations securing agronomic plant production. To do it we need to build knowledge on how to determine the potential of utilizing crushed waste rock and other mine tailings to improve the susoil layers.

Selected waste rock materials from ongoing infrastructure projects (e.g. tunnel masses) and waste rock material from Norwegian mining industry will be characterized by use of XRD, XRF and SEM to analyze mineral content and surface characteristics. Grained rock fractions of < 2mm will then be used in simple column leaching experiments in the laboratory to determine lability of chemical components from the waste rock materials. The potential weathering rate of the different waste rock materials will also be explored in the laboratory when exposed to and being in equilibrium with still water and weak organic acids (mimicking plant root exudates). The grained fraction < 2 mm of selected waste rock materials will then be mixed by soil and/or peat and used as growth medium for plants in simple greenhouse experiments as well as in field soil lysimeters. The most promising waste rock materials will finally be used to build up soil B-horizons in field experiments with agronomic plant production. In the soil B horizon the waste mineral material will be mixed by soil and/or organic matter. Prior to the field experiments a careful selection of texture classes of the waste rocks needs to be done to secure the soil porosity, pore size distribution, permeability and water holding capacity. In the field experiments soil quality parameters and yield will be measured. 

How to cite: Scibilia, E., Odrzygóźdź, O., Sogn, T., and Aasly, K.: GREEN MOVE project: Utilization of  waste rocks and mine tailings in building B-layer after soil relocation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16590,, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Liam Bullock, José-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, and David Benavente

The Paris Agreement goal to limit the global average temperature increase to below 2°C cannot be achieved without atmospheric CO2 removal (CDR) on the order of tens of gigatonnes per year by 2100. Such a formidable challenge requires an urgent assessment of all possible routes to CDR, as further delayed mitigation will have an increasingly damaging effect on the environment. The challenge is pertinent to industrial sectors which produce several Gt of CO2 per year and are susceptible to financial impacts due to nascent carbon taxes worldwide, and other negative environmental impacts brought on by the generation of vast amounts of solid and liquid waste materials (e.g., rock cuttings and overburden, fine mine tailings, glassy slags, fly ashes and desalination reject brines). Geochemical CDR strategies in such industrial wastes, where the natural process of rock weathering and carbonate precipitation is utilised to uptake CO2, is a potentially significant CDR approach for bicarbonate (alkalinity) and carbonate generation, requiring material assessment and enhancement schemes to fully realise the high removal potential.

The DETAILS project (Developing enhanced weathering methods in mine tailings for CO2 sequestration; Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement ID: 101018312) is exploring the CO2-water-solid waste material reactivity of a range of mine tailings, slags and fly ashes, sourced from industrial centres globally. The range of materials includes those considered to be chemically and mineralogically promising for CDR (e.g., mine tailings derived from olivine dunite, Ni sulphide and diamond kimberlite operations, carbonate marble fines), materials with limited or unknown CDR potential (e.g., Al-bauxite-related red muds, borate tailings, ilmenite tailings, products from SO2 processing, copper smelting produced slags and combustion fly ashes), and materials generally considered unfavourable (e.g., Cu and fluorite tailings). For all materials, the key to CDR strategy utilisation is the ability of favourable minerals to undergo significant dissolution for alkalinity generation and possible subsequent carbonation, on appropriate human timescales (e.g., seconds up to decadal), either naturally or through achieving enhanced rates of dissolution and precipitation.

Changes to water chemistry through reactions with CO2 and powdered material samples were monitored throughout the experiment. These include changes to pH, alkalinity, silica, Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations, (Mg-Ca cations required for reactions with CO2 to produce stabilised bicarbonate and carbonate ions). Preliminary results reveal that Mg- and Ca-bearing minerals within some wastes react with CO2 to form alkalinity, suggesting potential for CDR strategies. Methods to increase reaction rates will be explored, such as a microbially-induced pH switch to increase the kinetics of mineral dissolution and mineral carbonation (e.g., oxidation and reduction reactions associated with microbial metabolisms active in sulphur and nitrogen cycling). A better understanding of reaction kinetics for a wider range of industrial wastes will help future projects to confirm or re-consider the viability of materials for CDR strategies, and to better identify opportunities for upscaled pilot schemes with further implemented geochemical CDR methods to speed up reaction kinetics.

How to cite: Bullock, L., Fernandez-Turiel, J.-L., and Benavente, D.: Experimental investigation of multiple industrial wastes for geochemical carbon dioxide removal strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-384,, 2023.

Clemens Hartmann and Traugott Scheytt

Significant amounts of sediments are stored in natural lakes and dams. In the Erzgebirge, Germany, these sediments were eroded from surrounding areas and are often contaminated by metal(loid)s. This leads to a potential risk for water quality. The sediments themselves reduce the water storage capacity of these reservoirs. Decreasing capacities of landfills necessitate comprehensive treatment and recycling strategies to reduce the solid concentrations of the main contaminants (As, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn). The aim of the study was to determine the spatial and fractional distribution of concentration and chemical bonding conditions of these metal(loid)s in the sediments of the investigation area to derive effective treatment technologies. For this, the total solid concentration, and the leaching behaviour of the metal(loid)s have to be determined. Therefore, representative samples were studied under reducing conditions using ‘aqua regia digestions’, sequential extractions with the fine grained fraction (≤ 0.063 mm), and elution tests with precipitation water and ultrapure water. The results show that pH, grain size and metal(loid) concentrations of the eluate and the solid depend on catchment areas, flow conditions, deposition conditions within the dam, and sediment depth. Maximal solid concentrations were detected between 30 cm and 60 cm sediment depth. There is no significant difference in solid concentration of the metal(loid)s between the fine grained fraction and the coarse grained fraction (> 0.063 mm, ≤ 2 mm). The main contaminants are bound in different proportions to non-residual compounds, thus less to silicates. The dissolved concentrations of the metal(loid)s, determined by the elution tests with the two solvents considered, do not differ significantly from each other. The study shows that mobilization may be an effective treatment option for these subaquatic sediments, but its evaluation requires further investigation.

How to cite: Hartmann, C. and Scheytt, T.: Concentration and chemical bonding conditions of metal(loid)s in mining contaminated subaquatic sediments of the Hüttenteich near Berthelsdorf, Saxony, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1371,, 2023.

Hernan Flores, Tobias Rudoplh, and Stefan Möllerherm

The use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) at different scales has become a big ally for a large range of applications in remote sensing, especially within the mining life cycle. In this contribution, we explore the use of HSI sensing, particularly to monitor mine waste at different constellations that might face environmental damaging phenomena: Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). Failure to accurately monitor and remediate such a complex process, leads to long-term impacts on ecosystems and human health, in addition to significant financial consequences and reputational damage to operators. We propose a workflow to integrate hyperspectral visible to near-infrared (VNIR) data, together with mineralogical and geochemical data to precisely map the extent of acid mine drainage using machine learning algorithms. Collected data from the field and further laboratory analyses on a few specimens provide the ground-truth and training data to support the proposed mapping algorithms. Results consist of semi-quantified concentration of dissolved metals, physicochemical properties in water bodies, and associated AMD minerals sub-products (e.g., goethite, jarosite, schwertmannite) within mine waste materials, as well as mineralogical characterization for predictive modeling at laboratory scale.  Regardless of the scale of acquisition, spectral imaging represents a cost-effective tool to enhance the quality of classical environmental analyses both in active and post-mining scenarios, which can increase the overall accuracy of the monitoring, allowing frequent and multi-temporal observations to reveal risk scenarios, take fast corrective actions and keep a continuous control.

How to cite: Flores, H., Rudoplh, T., and Möllerherm, S.: Hyperspectral sensing as a tool for smart environmental monitoring in mine waste management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7324,, 2023.

Yikai Liu, Simone Molinari, Maria Chiara Dalconi, Luca Valentini, Maurizio Pietro Bellotto, Giorgio Ferrari, Graziano Rilievo, Gabriella Salviulo, and Gilberto Artioli

With the unprecedented urbanization in the last decades, massive solid wastes containing potentially toxic elements (PTEs) have been generated and dumped, which can be detrimental to soil health and affect flora and fauna. To minimize the exposure risks, delivering in-situ or ex-situ sustainable management of solid wastes continues to be one of the biggest public health challenges worldwide. Concurrently, in-situ high-performance solidification/stabilization© (S/S) has been proposed as a remediation strategy to prevent the release of pollutants in the stockpile sites, with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) being conventionally used as a cost-effective binder. However, growing concerns related to the substantial greenhouse gas emissions associated with the OPC production process and the limited PTEs retention capacity of OPC make the application of OPC under scrutiny. In this work, we examined the feasibility of minimizing the use of OPC in the S/S process of pyrite ash, a typical Pb and sulfate-rich solid waste generated in the sulfuric acid production industry. Four alternative binders (CEM/IIIB, calcium aluminate cement, white-steel-slag and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag mixture, and alkaline-activated ground-granulated blast-furnace slag) were tailored as solutions alternative to conventional OPC, with the aim of mitigating the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and promoting the PTEs retention. The experimental characterization and geochemical modeling of the stabilized products revealed the different interactions between the applied binder scenarios and pyrite ash, which clarifies the roles of hydration products and the binding systems’ microstructures on the Pb and sulfate leachability. Further, we evaluated the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint and cost analysis associated with each binder-pyrite ash system. Overall findings underscore that applying these alternative binders could be pivotal in the envisaged carbon-neutral scenario and offer technical benefits in future field trials if the growth of the cement-free roadmap continues.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Molinari, S., Dalconi, M. C., Valentini, L., Bellotto, M. P., Ferrari, G., Rilievo, G., Salviulo, G., and Artioli, G.: In-situ remediation enlightens a down-to-earth pathway for managing the pyrite ash dumps in Italy: challenges in potentially toxic elements retention and CO2 mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9294,, 2023.

Oscar Kamps, Fardad Maghsoudi, Feven Desta, and Mike Buxton

In the current energy transition, many governments have made plans to reduce energy production by coal. Therefore, Germany has set the ambition to close coal mines in 2030 (Wehrmann et al., 2021). The many years of mining produced a large amount of mine waste, used as a landfill. In the TRIM4mining project, a consortium of industry and academia investigate the environmental impact of coal mine waste. The samples used for this study are from the Schleenhein and Profen lignite mines in East Germany. Throughout the project, various samples were collected of specific lithologies in the mine, lithology mixtures and two drill cores of 50 meters drilled on the mine waste dump.

This study focuses on testing the applicability of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) for analysing lignite waste material samples. Here, the data is discussed regarding the liquefaction potential, acidification potential, secondary recovery, and heavy metal concentration. An additional abstract is submitted to present the result on how FTIR data can be used for regression modelling with the aim to integrate geochemistry and spectral infrared data for mine waste characterization.  

Preliminary results have shown clear spectral features that can be used to distinguish coal, silt, sand and clay material. Every meter of the waste material is measured to allow a core logging analysis. Besides the interpretation of the coal, clay, sand and silt fraction, various data analysis techniques are applied to interpret smaller variations in the FTIR data, that could be of interest to the environmental impact of coal mine waste.

How to cite: Kamps, O., Maghsoudi, F., Desta, F., and Buxton, M.: Fourier Transform Infrared data analysis to analyse the environmental impact of coal mine waste, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16221,, 2023.

Fardad Maghsoudi Moud, Oscar Kamps, Feven Desta, and Mike Buxton

Due to technological advances demand for rare earth elements (REEs) have been increased. However, exploration or secondary recovery of these elements has not been done properly except for a few countries in the world that supply REEs, such as China. Many studies using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) have been conducted on analyzing, and finding relationships of the REEs with other elements. Although these laboratory measurements are accurate, they are expensive and time-consuming. Also, a methodology or a model that helps geologists estimate the REE contents in situ is missing. Therefore, we combine the results of ICP with Fourier-Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to model and predict the REE contents within soil samples of mine waste dumps. The FTIR is a portable instrument that has shown many potentials in measuring mineral and organic material absorption features within the Mid-IR range.

Several studies have indicated the potential of lignite mines in the enrichment of REE minerals. Therefore, we have chosen two lignite mines: Profen and Schlenheein within Germany.  During the Miocene, different sub-tropical plants were developed within catchment basins. The decreased plants were covered by soil and glacial during the ice age. Then, the decreased plants sunk into swamps and decomposed into peats. Two parameters of ground heat and pressure led to the H, O, and nitrogen removal and formation of coal seams at the end of the Tertiary.

From the Profen area as our model training area, some of the thirteen samples (70% of the data used for training and 30% for testing), and from the Schlenheein area as our testing area, some of the hundred samples (all data were used for testing and validation) were collected from different waste dumps. The samples were used to collect the FTIR spectra and ICP-MS, and X-ray Diffractograms (XRD). The FTIR spectra were interpreted and validated with the XRD outputs. A matrix consisting of FTIR wavenumbers and their corresponding reflectance value, and ICP elemental content were created. The REEs were considered as the target parameters for modeling and FTIR wavenumbers were used as input parameters for modeling using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR). The SMLR models were investigated by checking the corresponding molecular bands assigned to the wavenumbers within the models and ensuring mineralogical sensibility. For the evaluation of the models, coefficient determination (R2) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were computed. Finally, the models were applied on the testing data of the Profen area to assess their performances. Finally, the models were applied on the Schlenheein area and assessed.

The results showed that Ti has a high correlation with Y and other REEs (approximately 0.7). Also, the presence of titanite was confirmed by the XRD as titanite. Therefore, titanite is the main source of REEs within the waste dumps which was identifiable via the FTIR wavenumbers. The Profen Y model showed an R2 of 0.6 for training and testing and 0.55 for the Schlenheein area. The models showed that the FTIR is a powerful tool to quantitatively predict REE contents with an acceptable R2 and RMSE.

How to cite: Maghsoudi Moud, F., Kamps, O., Desta, F., and Buxton, M.: Multi-sensor approach for modeling rare earth elements within the lignite waste dumps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16360,, 2023.

Jakub Kierczak, Błażej Cieślik, Anna Pietranik, Alicja Łacińska, and Keith Bateman

Carbon dioxide, which is a direct product of the combustion of fossil fuels is the main component that enhances the greenhouse effect on Earth. For years, solutions have been developed to reduce the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. One of the methods of CO2 reduction is the mineral carbonation of rocks and anthropogenic materials. As a result of the reaction of silicates with CO2, new carbonate minerals that are stable under surface conditions are formed. Ultramafic rocks are considered one of the best substrates for mineral carbonation with the experiments showing relatively high carbonation efficiency. This is because they contain abundant Mg-rich minerals (olivine, serpentine) that readily react with CO2-rich fluids to form Mg-carbonates and silica. However these rocks contain also high abundances of metallic elements, in particular Ni, Cr, and Co, that may be mobilized during the carbonation experiments. This presentation aims at the characterization of selected ultramafic mine waste, in terms of the metallic element content. The goal of our research is to answer the question of whether it is possible to simultaneously bind both CO2 and metallic elements using mineral carbonation experiments.
We have chosen three types of ultramafic rocks for our study, two are from abandoned quarries and the third is a mine waste accompanying magnesite exploitation. Their chemical composition is characteristic of ultramafic rocks with high contents of silica and magnesia (both up to 40 wt %), with minor Fe2O3 and alumina (up to 10 and 3 wt % respectively). Metallic element content reaches values of up to 3,400 mg kg-1 for Cr, 2,500 mg kg-1 for Ni, and 125 mg kg-1 for Co. Two rocks represent partially serpentinized peridotites, whose main minerals are olivine and serpentine. The third rock is serpentinite, composed almost exclusively of serpentine group minerals. The minor phases in all the rocks are chlorite and spinel group minerals, with variable chemical compositions ranging from magnesiochromite through Cr-magnetite to magnetite. Peridotites contain amphiboles as minor components whereas carbonates (dolomite and magnesite) and sulfides (mainly Ni-Fe sulfides) were identified as accessory minerals in all the samples. The main Cr-bearing phases are the spinel group minerals, in the case of Ni these are serpentines and olivines, while Co is mainly concentrated in sulfides. Bulk chemical analyses of magnesite veins, naturally occurring in one of the quarries, revealed up to 250 mg kg-1 of Ni, and up to 3 and 5 mg kg-1 of Cr and Co, respectively. Although this indicates that magnesite has the potential to structurally incorporate Ni, further investigations are required to constrain the incorporation mechanism and the potential for the immobilization of Cr and Co in carbonate minerals.
The work is funded by the National Science Centre, research project No. 2021/43/B/ST10/01594.

How to cite: Kierczak, J., Cieślik, B., Pietranik, A., Łacińska, A., and Bateman, K.: Ultramafic mine waste - potential material for CO2 storage and metallic elements immobilization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5427,, 2023.

Giovanna Dino, Susanna Mancini, Marco Casale, and Manuela Lasagna

Extractive waste (EW), including tailings, are produced in large quantities during mining activities.

In recent years, the linear economic model (based on “take-use-and-throw” approach) has been replaced by a circular approach, in which even waste and extractive residues acquire importance through sustainable use and recovery.

The use and recovery of EW shows also positive technological (in term of technological innovations), economic and social (in terms of new expertise and skills linked to sustainability), and environmental impacts (to be evaluated and faced to reduce the ecological footprint).

The use and recovery of EW takes place through the application and development of innovative protocols linked to waste exploitation (sustainable and environmentally friendly), i.e. BAT, which aim at the technological and process improvement of the activities and at the production of renewed, highly performing green materials. Mining waste and tailings, if suitably characterized, can be used to improve and make sustainable the works connected to the management of mining activities.

The qualitative-quantitative characterization of EW is essential not only for any subsequent reuse but also for assessing the extent of environmental impacts (AMD, dust, high concentrations of heavy metals, etc.) in the various matrices and risk to human health and the environment.

The application areas of use vary according to the type of waste and mining tailings, the morphological characteristics of the deposits, and the geological, geomorphological and logistic context of the area.

In this study, some examples of sustainable use of tailings and mining waste are presented (i.e. use of calcareous tailings to reduce acid drainage and the production of artificial substrates for environmental rehabilitation, waste for mining backfills, waste/landfill waste recovered for extraction RM/CRM, etc.). Further to this, positive impacts on the economic, environmental and technological/social level are also analysed. The latter actions, together with energy saving and the adoption of appropriate financial instruments, contribute to the transition of mining activities into "sustainable mining".

How to cite: Dino, G., Mancini, S., Casale, M., and Lasagna, M.: Use and recovery of mining waste and tailings for sustainable management of works related to extractive activities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6013,, 2023.

Carmela Vaccaro, Antonello Aquilano, Giovanni Soro, and Elena Marrocchino

The extraction and processing chain of ornamental stones involves a long trail of waste throughout the process. In fact, about 20-22 % of the original block becomes waste in the cutting operations [1], and it goes up to 75 % of the excavated material when considering the entire chain from extraction to sawing, cutting, and polishing [2]. These percentages are higher in leuco-granite quarries as they are often crossed by dikes and small pegmatite intrusive bodies which are landfilled due to aesthetic defects that make them unusable in the context of ornamental stones.

The waste generated in the context of quarrying activities produces significant landscape and environmental problems due to the high volume and the possible presence of rare metals (Critical Raw Materials - CRMs) that can be mobilized and diffused in the hydrosphere and biosphere. In fact, massive accumulations of waste strongly impact the territories hosting the quarries due to land consumption and as possible sources of pollution [3].

The region of Sardinia (Italy) is the main producer of ornamental granite, with currently more than 350 active and inactive quarries, and huge amounts of waste from granite processing have accumulated in quarry areas throughout the region and these quarries are also near archaeological and landscape interest areas.

This paper focuses on a quarry located in the municipality of Buddusò, in the quarrying district of northern Sardinia. In this quarry, which has been active for over forty years, massive waste deposits have been created and can be seen a few km away from the site.

The aim of this work is to characterize from a geochemical and petrographic point of view the granite waste coming from the quarry and the products obtained through the processes of crushing and gravitational and magnetic separation of the minerals operated on such waste. This is to evaluate the possibilities of recycling granite waste for possible use in the context of the ceramic industry and to explore the possibility of extracting REE since this waste is rich in allanite (rare earth epidote).

The results of the analyses highlighted a rather homogeneous chemical-mineralogical composition of the samples taken from the various landfills present in the quarry under study.

As regards the results of the analyses carried out on the products obtained through the working processes on granite scraps, they have highlighted a high potential of these materials for possible use in the context of the ceramic industry. In fact, the composition of these products showed very low Fe2O3 content (< 0.35 %) and falls within the compositional ranges proposed by Fabbri & Fiori [7] of raw materials for mixtures to produce stoneware.



  • Rana, A. (2016). J. Clean. Prod., 135.
  • Silveira L.L.L. et al. (2014) In Tecnologia de Rochas Ornamentais: Pesquisa, Lavra e Beneficiamento; CETEM/MCTI: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Chapter 7.
  • Lokeshwari M. & Jagadish, K.S. (2016). Procedia Environ. Sci., 35.
  • Fabbri, B. & Fiori, C. (1985). Min. Petr. Acta, 29.

How to cite: Vaccaro, C., Aquilano, A., Soro, G., and Marrocchino, E.: Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of granite quarry scraps for their valorization as raw materials for ceramic products., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3582,, 2023.

Lorenzo Tinti, Gianni Lobosco, Marco Medici, Antonello Aquilano, Luca Emanueli, and Carmela Vaccaro

At the end of their activity, quarries require environmental recovery in order to ensure a new balance between the quarry site and its physical and ecological context. Moreover, the activities of the ornamental rock extraction produce a large amount of extraction waste which profoundly modify the site's topography in an increasing way as the accumulations are formed progressively during the quarrying process. These wastes can be either recycled as secondary raw materials (e.g., in the context of the ceramic industry) or reused within the quarry site to mould a new topography and a new landscape as a result. Earth sciences and landscape architecture should constitute the disciplinary basis on which to develop the recovery project associated with the supply of secondary raw materials and the environmental improvement of the quarry site. This contribution discusses the case study of the Buddusò granite quarry (northern Sardinia, Italy), where a design methodology based on topology alteration of the site was applied. Through 3D survey and parametric design, it is possible to calculate the waste volumes within the excavation site and estimate how much and in what way the waste material can be recycled and reused. The first phase of the process consists of taking orthophotographic images by drone with subsequent georeferencing through G.P.S. points acquisition. After processing the acquired data, the topography of quarry volumes is recreated in an explorable 3D model. The last phase concerns the design management of the site topology through the application of parametric design tools. The objective is to create an adaptive project based on parameters such as: the balance between excavation and fill volumes; the recycling potential of waste material; the dynamics of water runoff; the ecological and ecosystem site potential; the site accessibility. The presented design methodology can be carried out either in the pre-quarry phase and/or during the quarry's operation, which allows an a priori assessment of what the future landscape will look like as a consequence of quarrying activities and subsequent site recovery. In practical terms, the presented methodology become a preliminary tool for the assessment of landscape evolution scenarios and ensures that the extraction cycle can be completely closed by reintegrating waste volumes into the recovery process. 

How to cite: Tinti, L., Lobosco, G., Medici, M., Aquilano, A., Emanueli, L., and Vaccaro, C.: POST-QUARRY LANDSCAPE. 3D representation and topology alteration as a tool for landscape recovery and secondary raw material procurement in the context of granite quarries., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12445,, 2023.

Marco Casale, Giovanna Antonella Dino, and Claudio Oggeri

The improvement of safety conditions of unstable rock slopes can be achieved through the use of explosives, for the removal of unstable rock elements. This technique is often applied because, most of time, drill and blast operations, where they can be used, are cheaper and faster than other techniques and require less subsequent maintenance interventions.

When the activity is performed in an area that can be reached by vehicles (quarry area, slope above a road, etc…) it is possible to recover the blasted material.

Depending on the size of the unstable element to be removed, this kind of operations often lead to the production of large quantities of blasted rocks, which most often ends up at landfill or is marginally reused in unqualified manner (construction of temporary tracks, filling voids left by extractive activity, etc…).

Reusing blasted rocks can offer several benefits: more sustainable engineering practices, economic, environmental and social benefits; in particular, this way of operating can preserve natural resources and prevent the production of unwanted waste. As a rule, on-site and nearby-site reuse is preferred to meet sustainable goals. Specific cases where blasted material has been adopted for both slope protection and final rehabilitation works, in a quarry area, can be mentioned.

Unfortunately, due to unclear legislation, lack of technical data and extreme variability of the materials produced (for instance quantity, size and physical properties), the use of blasted material is not common: It can be estimated that only 20-30% of these materials are currently reused properly.

To improve this practice, the type of reuse must be a design goal since the beginning of the planning phase.

According to the quality of the rock mass and the type of blasting, different by-products can be obtained, i.e. armour stones to be applied in hydraulic engineering works, gabion stones, drainage stones and crusher run as a mix of different types of aggregates, that can be employed as paver layer on road construction.

When ornamental stone quarries are involved, hard rock fragments are obtained for high mechanical performances.

The main purpose of blasting demolition of unstable rock elements, as mentioned, is to improve the safety conditions of the site, depending on local features, as well as by the safety of the workers, that can force the blasting scheme geometry and firing and impose important limitations on the operating techniques.

Two case studies will be presented, both in the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (VCO; Piemonte - NW Italy) extractive area; they show how the blast design can be arranged to obtain different fragmentation and greater quantities of a specific by-product, according to the local needs and specific reuse.


Key words: by products, blasting, muck reuse, solid waste, slope protection.

How to cite: Casale, M., Dino, G. A., and Oggeri, C.: Reuse of by-products coming from blasting of unstable rock elements., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8606,, 2023.