AS5.3 | Recent Developments in Numerical Earth System Modelling
Recent Developments in Numerical Earth System Modelling
Convener: Werner Bauer | Co-conveners: Jemma Shipton, Christian Kühnlein, Hiroe Yamazaki
| Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.11/12
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Orals |
Thu, 10:45
Thu, 14:00
In weather prediction and climate modelling, numerical models of the Earth System are used extensively. For both the atmosphere and ocean components such models consist of a fluid dynamics solver (dynamical core) coupled to physical parameterizations to represent processes that occur below the grid scale (physics). Over time these models have become capable of sophisticated simulations. Research and development is constantly being undertaken to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of the dynamical core, the physics, and their coupling.

This session encompasses the development, testing and application of novel numerical techniques for Earth system models, including governing equations, horizontal and vertical discretizations, structure preserving methods, time stepping schemes (including parallel in time schemes), advection schemes, adaptive multi-scale models, physics-dynamics coupling, regional and global models, classical and stochastic physical parameterizations.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 0.11/12

Chairpersons: Werner Bauer, Jemma Shipton
Virtual presentation
David Randall, James Hurrell, Andrew Gettelman, William Skamarock, Donald Dazlich, Thomas Hauser, Sheri Mickelson, Brian Medeiros, and Lantao Sun

EarthWorks is a high-resolution, coupled, global storm-resolving Earth System Model which is aimed at both weather and climate applications. All components share the same geodesic grid. The target grid spacing is 3.75 km for all components, and the target performance is one simulated year per wall clock day by 2025. 

While EarthWorks uses the CESM framework, its atmosphere, ocean and sea ice components are based on the MPAS (“Model for Prediction Across Scales”) dynamical cores. These components are coupled using the CMEPS (Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems) developed for CESM. 

Our presentation will focus on the results of both fully coupled and AMIP simulations with various horizontal grid spacings. We will also mention various problems encountered and overcome along the way.

How to cite: Randall, D., Hurrell, J., Gettelman, A., Skamarock, W., Dazlich, D., Hauser, T., Mickelson, S., Medeiros, B., and Sun, L.: EarthWorks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16797,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thomas Rackow, Xabier Pedruzo Bagazgoitia, Tobias Becker, Sebastian Milinski, Irina Sandu, Michail Diamantakis, Helge F. Goessling, Ioan Hadade, Jan Hegewald, Nikolay Koldunov, Alexei Koldunov, Tobias Kölling, Kristian Mogensen, Dmitry Sidorenko, Jan Streffing, Nils Wedi, Lorenzo Zampieri, and Florian Ziemen

Global coupled simulations that can resolve atmospheric storms and mesoscale oceanic features at the kilometre-scale have recently become possible to run over short time slices, for example on a seasonal timescale. Here we give an overview of the first multi-year simulations performed with ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), coupled to both the NEMO and FESOM2 ocean-sea ice models, for the H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project. The project aims to build a new generation of eddy- and storm-resolving global coupled Earth System Models. Along with ICON, the other model participating in nextGEMS, the IFS-based models form the basis also for Digital Climate Twins of Earth as envisioned in the European Union’s ambitious Destination Earth project. nextGEMS relies on several model development cycles, in which the models are run and improved based on community feedback. In an initial set of storm-resolving coupled simulations (Cycle 1), the IFS was integrated for 75 days. For Cycle 2, IFS has been run at the operational 9 km resolution as a baseline, and at 4.4 km and 2.8 km global spatial resolution for up to 1 year of simulation (4.4 km). To our knowledge, the 8-months long 2.8 km simulation in Cycle 2 represents the first fully coupled simulation ever of this duration at this high level of spatial detail and is made available to the public. The runs at 9 km were performed with the parameterization for deep convection active as in the operational system, while at 4.4 km and 2.8 km, separate experiments with IFS were run both with and without the deep convection parameterization.

We document the model improvements made to IFS-FESOM/NEMO based on the lessons learned from the first Cycle 1 runs, which were included for the second round of Cycle 2 simulations; these mainly consist in vastly improved conservation properties of the coupled model systems in terms of water and energy balance, which are crucial for longer climate integrations, and in a more realistic representation of the snow and surface drag. Cycle 2 also targeted eddy-resolving resolution in large parts of the mid- and high-latitude ocean (better than 5km) to resolve mesoscale eddies and linear kinematic features (i.e. leads or cracks) in sea ice. For IFS-FESOM, this is made possible thanks to a recently refactored ocean model code that can be linked as an external library and that allows for efficient coupled simulations in the single-executable context with IFS, via hybrid parallelization with MPI and OpenMP.

How to cite: Rackow, T., Pedruzo Bagazgoitia, X., Becker, T., Milinski, S., Sandu, I., Diamantakis, M., Goessling, H. F., Hadade, I., Hegewald, J., Koldunov, N., Koldunov, A., Kölling, T., Mogensen, K., Sidorenko, D., Streffing, J., Wedi, N., Zampieri, L., and Ziemen, F.: Storm- and eddy-resolving simulations with IFS-FESOM/NEMO at the kilometre scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16453,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nicholas Kevlahan, Gabrielle Ching-Johnson, and Thomas Dubos

Adaptive global circulation models (GCMs) have the potential to significantly improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of climate simulations by dynamically adjusting the local grid resolution to ensure a specified numerical tolerance or to track features of interest.  We have developed the global dynamical cores WAVETRISK-ATMOSPHERE and WAVETRISK-OCEAN to explore the strengths and weaknesses of dynamical GCMs. 

The main open challenge of adaptive climate modelling is how to appropriately couple the dynamical core to the physics. The physics should ideally be “scale-aware”: adjusting the parameterization as necessary based on the current local resolution (or disabling it entirely if the physical phenomenon becomes fully resolved).  A related question is whether the grid adaptation criteria should be based on the physics as well as the dynamics. Such scale-aware physics parameterizations remain poorly understood.  In this talk we report on initial progress in coupling WAVETRISK-ATMOSPHERE to Hourdin’s (1992) “simple dry physics”.

A better understanding of scale-aware physics will also improve non-adaptive climate modelling, since such models currently require extensive tuning each time the resolution is increased. An additional goal of this project is to develop a set of test cases for the simple physics that could be used to compare dynamical cores using a well-understood and standardized physics package.

This is joint work with Gabrielle Ching-Johnson (MSc student, McMaster University, Canada) and Thomas Dubos (LMD, École Polytechnique, France)

How to cite: Kevlahan, N., Ching-Johnson, G., and Dubos, T.: Coupling simple dry physics to a dynamically adaptive global atmosphere model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2394,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Stefano Ubbiali, Till Ehrengruber, Nicolai Krieger, Christian Kühnlein, Lukas Papritz, and Heini Wernli

We present the ongoing development of a Python implementation of a finite-volume non-hydrostatic dynamical core at ECMWF and its member state partners. The main drivers behind the model formulation are suitability for convective-scale resolutions and increasing multi-level parallelism. Sustainable software design with respect to emerging and future heterogeneous computing platforms is addressed by leveraging the GT4Py domain-specific framework. We further address aspects of implementing and coupling selected ECMWF model physical parametrizations using GT4Py. 

How to cite: Ubbiali, S., Ehrengruber, T., Krieger, N., Kühnlein, C., Papritz, L., and Wernli, H.: Towards a Performance-Portable Finite-Volume Dynamical Core for Numerical Weather Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15904,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sakina Takache, Frederic Chevallier, Zoé Lloret, and Anne Cozic

Emission sources and sinks of long-lived greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as CO2 and N2O, can be localized and scaled by inversely modelling existing distributions of these tracers in the atmosphere. This is particularly useful for monitoring GHG emissions at a global level, for comparison, for instance, with the national inventory reports of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

To achieve inverse transport numerically, multiple approaches can be taken, notably variational data assimilation. This involves the optimization of the Bayesian cost function accounting for prior state errors and observation errors. Variational data assimilation can be implemented by adjoint modelling. This method is based on the modification of the tracer transport equations of general circulation models (GCMs). The transpose of the tangent-linear operator, called the “adjoint”, is applied to find the initial sources and sinks. Eulerian backtracking, also called “retro-transport”, is a simplified approach to adjoint modelling, where the roles of updraughts and entrainment are switched with downdraughts and detrainment, respectively, and vice versa (Hourdin et al., 2005a).

In our presented work, we implement both the adjoint method for inverse modelling (Lions, 1971; Marchuk, 1974, 1982) and the retro-transport method put forth by Hourdin et al. (2005a). Our newfound approach consists of adapting these methods to a hexagonal mesh. For this, we use the DYNAMICO dynamical core of the the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique-Zoom (LMDZ) GCM, which computes forward-in-time transport equations on a hexagonal mesh (Dubos et al., 2015). We add routines to DYNAMICO’s source code for the adjoint method, and alter the direction of fluxes to implement Eulerian backtracking.

The hexagonal mesh permits to reduce the computational cost traditionally attributed to inverse atmospheric modelling. Without the decreasing cell size as we approach the poles in a regular lon-lat grid, a hexagonal mesh covers the globe with a smaller number of nearly fixed-size cells. This directly reduces the size of input data and the number of operations. Further, the hexagonal mesh allows modellers to bypass the need for nonlinear cell-treatment at the poles of a regular lon-lat grid, increasing the accuracy of the retro-transport approximation. The increased computational efficiency of the hexagonal mesh paves the way for higher horizontal resolutions for global atmospheric inversion.

How to cite: Takache, S., Chevallier, F., Lloret, Z., and Cozic, A.: Higher-Efficiency Inverse Atmospheric Modelling by Virtue of a Global Hexagonal Mesh, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13070,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Joseph Mouallem and Lucas Harris

The current edge handling of the cubed sphere grid introduces numerical errors in simulations and creates grid imprinting due to the discontinuity of the great­-circle grid lines between two adjacent tiles. In this work, we implement a new edge/corner handling method to greatly reduce the grid imprinting in GFDL's dynamical core FV3. First, we extend on the duo-grid method (Chen 2021) to support halo updates of staggered variables. Second, we implement a corner handling algorithm to fill the corner regions using a lagrangian polynomial interpolation. Results of idealized shallow water test cases show that the new halo update methods are able to reduce the numerical noise at the edges/corners and thus reduce the grid imprinting in the numerical solution. This improvement is especially useful for coarse-grid models such as climate models in which the cube edges are most noticeable.

How to cite: Mouallem, J. and Harris, L.: Implementation Of The Novel Duo-Grid Within The GFDL FV3 Dynamical Core, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1688,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ray Chew, Tommaso Benacchio, Gottfried Hastermann, and Rupert Klein

Physical imbalances introduced by local sequential Bayesian data assimilation pose a problem for numerical weather prediction. For example, fast-mode acoustic imbalances of the order of the relevant slower dynamics destroy solution quality. We introduce a novel dynamics-driven method that suppresses imbalances arising from data assimilation. Specifically, we employ a blended numerical model with seamless access to compressible, soundproof, and hydrostatic dynamics. After careful numerical and asymptotic analysis, we introduce a one-step blending strategy to switch between model regimes within a simulation run. Upon assimilation of data, the model configuration is switched for one timestep to the limit soundproof pseudo-incompressible or hydrostatic regime. After that, the model configuration is switched back to the compressible regime for the duration of the assimilation window. The switching between model regimes is repeated for each subsequent assimilation window. Idealised experiments involving the travelling vortex, buoyancy-driven rising thermals, and internal gravity wave pulses demonstrate that our method successfully eliminates imbalances from data assimilation, yielding up to two orders-of-magnitude improvements in the analysis fields. While our studies involved eliminating acoustic and hydrostatic imbalances, this novel dynamics-driven method of achieving balanced data assimilation can be extended to eliminate other undesired imbalances, with significant prospective applications in real-world weather prediction.

How to cite: Chew, R., Benacchio, T., Hastermann, G., and Klein, R.: Balanced data assimilation with a blended numerical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1254,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Alessio Sclocco, Gijs van den Oord, Graziano Giuliani, Ivan Girotto, Erwan Raffin, and Ben van Werkhoven

Within the ESiWACE-2 project, a work package was dedicated toward providing services to the European earth system modeling community; the primary aspect of these services was the advancement of weather and climate model components towards exascale hardware architectures. As the bulk of this software is MPI-parallelized Fortran code, significant leaps have to be made in design and engineering to utilize the potential of e.g. GPU-equipped supercomputers that constitute the majority of (pre-)exascale systems that will emerge in the near future in Europe. The service was organized in the form of a call for projects, where awarded modeling groups would benefit from a 6 person-month collaboration with HPC experts within the ESiWACE consortium.

One such project has been the regional climate model RegCM, a state of the art limited area model, developed by the Earth System Physics section of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) for long-term regional climate simulation. RegCM has participated in numerous intercomparison projects and is designed to be a public, open source, user-friendly and portable code that can be applied to any region of the world. The RegCM userbase extends beyond Europe, both toward industrialized countries (e.g. the US) as well as developing nations. Its development iteration has seen the addition of a non-hydrostatic dynamical core which, coupled with model 1D packages solving the sub-grid scale physics of convection, water phase change, boundary layer, short and long wave solar and long wave earth radiation interaction, permit the model a time integration to produce a climate scenario simulation. The model has an internal coupling with a surface community land model for atmosphere surface interaction description (CLM4.5).

Within the ESiWACE-2 service project, we have accelerated this dynamical core to GPUs using the OpenACC programming model. Within the limited timeframe we have adopted three main optimizations: (i) the restructuring of zonal and meridional advection loops to expose full three-dimensional parallelism, (ii) the use of direct GPU-to-GPU communication through device-aware MPI calls, and (iii) the minimization of GPU-CPU exchanges by excluding any data transfers back to the host, except for I/O and physics parameterizations.

Using these programming techniques, we were able to construct a dynamical core for RegCM that runs exclusively on the GPU. For benchmarking, we use the ‘Alps’ test case, a 3km-resolution mesh with ~14M grid columns over the Alpine region, representative of the future convection permitting model configurations. Benchmarks on the JUWELS-Booster supercomputer show an acceleration by more than a factor of two at low node counts (1-3) which diminishes when higher node allocations are used; at 8 nodes, both CPU- and GPU-versions have comparable speed. For the previous-generation system Marconi-100, the accelerated version is observed to be consistently faster by a factor ~2.7.

Looking forward, performance profiles indicate that the GPU-resident code is mostly bound by MPI-communication latency within the advection substepping. Techniques to mitigate these penalties are currently being investigated. Moreover, more fine-grained parallelisation of complex loops, such as tuned tiling instructions, can further improve the performance of the nonhydrostatic dynamical core of RegCM.

How to cite: Sclocco, A., van den Oord, G., Giuliani, G., Girotto, I., Raffin, E., and van Werkhoven, B.: Acceleration of the non-hydrostatic dynamical core of RegCM using GPUs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7333,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hendrik Tolman, Neil Jacobs, Louisa Nanace, and Henrique Alves

In the last few years, operational modeling of the environment at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  (NOAA) in the USA has been moving towards a Unified Forecast System (UFS) approach based on open source community models and tools. For NOAA, the main benefits of this approach are to more rapidly transition innovations into operations, and simplifying NOAA’s production suite of models around selected UFS applications. For the broader community, this approach makes operational models easily available for a broad range of research, as well as for testing new ideas in a vetted, near-operational environment. The collaboration and cooperation of the UFS community are powered by the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC). EPIC is a virtual center managed by the Weather Program Office at NOAA’s Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and designed to ensure that the UFS is an efficient, effective, and user-friendly community modeling system. Additionally, EPIC ensures that NOAA’s operational needs and the Research and Development community are supported with effective Research to Operations and Operations to Research processes. NOAA furthermore drives the development of the UFS by a focus of internal NOAA resources on UFS applications. And by generally requiring applicants to NOAA Funding Opportunities to perform their research and development with UFS tools and approaches.  The presentation will outline the basic principles of the UFS, as well as progress made so far. The latter will highlight code releases and operational implementations, UFS governance, and progress with pre-operational prototype coupled models. 

How to cite: Tolman, H., Jacobs, N., Nanace, L., and Alves, H.: The Unified Forecast System: linking operational and research environmental modeling through an open source community approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10012,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Josh Hope-Collins and Colin Cotter

Modern numerical weather prediction requires vast amounts of computing power, so highly scalable algorithms are essential on massively parallel modern hardware. However, once the strong scaling limit is reached for spatial parallelism, the wallclock time increases with the number of timesteps. This limits the ability to provide higher resolution forecasts on an operational schedule. Parallel-in-time methods overcome this limit by exposing time parallelism, in addition to the spatial parallelism exposed by traditional domain decomposition.

ParaDiag is one such method, which reduces the coupled system for multiple time-steps into a block-diagonal matrix that can be solved in parallel. We will present recent progress on the application of ParaDiag to compatible finite element discretisations of PDEs for atmospheric flow, which are particularly challenging for time-parallel methods due to their highly oscillatory nature. These solvers are implemented as an open source general library using Firedrake, an automated code generation framework for the solution of finite element methods.

Various ParaDiag formulations are explored for linear and non-linear models, and their parallel scaling is compared. Their performance is compared against time serial methods to find the parameter ranges where the greatest speedups are achieved. We identify the main difficulties faced by ParaDiag and describe our approaches to overcoming these, including solution strategies for the block systems within the ParaDiag matrix, and improving the convergence of nonlinear models.

How to cite: Hope-Collins, J. and Cotter, C.: Parallel-in-time solution of finite element atmospheric models using ParaDiag, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12375,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Werner Bauer and Long Li

We introduce a stochastic representation of the rotating shallow water equations and a corresponding structure preserving finite element discretization in Firedrake. The stochastic flow model follows from using a stochastic transport principle and a decomposition of the fluid flow into a large-scale component and a noise term that models the unresolved flow components. Similarly to the deterministic case, this stochastic model (denoted as modeling under location uncertainty (LU)) conserves the global energy of any realization. Consequently, it permits us to generate an ensemble of physically relevant random simulations with a good trade-off between the representation of the model error and the ensemble's spread. Applying a compatible finite element discretisation of the deterministic part of the equations combined with a standard weak finite element discretization of the stochastic terms, the resulting stochastic scheme preserves (spatially) the total energy. To address the enstrophy accumulation at the grid scale, we applied an anticipated potential vorticity method (APVM) to stabilize the stochastic scheme. Using this setup, we compare different realizations of noise parametrizations in the context of geophysical flow phenomena and study potential pathways to fully energy preserving stochastic discretizations.

How to cite: Bauer, W. and Li, L.: Towards compatible finite element discretizations of stochastic rotating shallow water equations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4133,, 2023.

Hyun Nam and Suk-Jin Choi

 As for a tracer transport scheme, the spectral element method (SEM) has a good accuracy in the  L2-norm error analysis since it uses relatively high-order continuous polynomials. However, the fact  that the basis functions for SEM are globally continuous makes it difficult to preserve important property such as positivity of tracer advection, which results in oscillations in numerical solutions. Moreover, this may cause difficulties in maintaining conservation of mass in long-term integration. Therefore, in many studies, many efforts have been made to reduce or eliminate these oscillations. Among them, this study attempts to apply a positivity-preserving limiter used in finite volume and discontinuous finite element method to SEM. It was proposed by Zhang and Shu (2010) in the highorder positivity-preserving discontinuous Galerkin schemes without losing local conservation or high-order accuracy. 

 The Korean Integrated Model (KIM) is employing SEM for a tracer transport scheme and has a kind of sign-preserving limiter to reduce oscillations currently (Guba et al.). The limiter prevents all undershoots up to machine precision in a highly deformational advection test case. As a primary result, this study aims to analyze the numerical results in terms of accuracy, mass conservation, oscillation magnitude, comparing to two types of limiters (positivity-preserving limiter & sign-preserving limiter) with original one of KIM. 

How to cite: Nam, H. and Choi, S.-J.: Apply a positivity-preserving limiter of spectral element method to KIM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3029,, 2023.

Shuyun Zhao, Xinyu Ma, Hua Zhang, and Wuke Wang

The double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) bias is an outstanding bias in many climate models. This work assesses the annual-mean double-ITCZ problem in the models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) based on several quantitative indices. Within the forty-six CMIP6 models, nine models from mainland China are evaluated as a group to verify the effort of model development from one perspective. The double-ITCZ bias and its large inter-model spread still exist in CMIP6 models. The overall performance of the models from Chinese mainland is similar with all CMIP6 models. It is found that the top-five models with relatively low double-ITCZ biases can effectively restrain the frequency of deep convection and related sea surface temperature (SST) bias in the southeastern Pacific dry subsidence region, which highlights the necessity of improving convective physics in climate models. Impacts of model resolution on the double-ITCZ problem are examined by comparing the high- and low-resolution groups in CMIP6 and High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP) historical experiments, respectively. Increased resolution in atmospheric models is found to be able to reduce the positive precipitation bias over the tropical southern Atlantic, and improve the simulation of deep convection frequency and convective precipitation ratio there. However, the double-ITCZ bias over the Pacific is not improved significantly by increased resolution.

How to cite: Zhao, S., Ma, X., Zhang, H., and Wang, W.: The double-ITCZ problem in CMIP6 and the influences of deep convection and model resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4139,, 2023.

Jan Streffing, Tido Semmler, Dmitry Sidorenko, Felix Pithan, and Stephan Juricke

We present intermediate results as well as ongoing work on improving the post-CMIP6 climate model of the Alfred Wegener Institute, AWI-CM3. A baseline version of the model was completed in 2021 with an above average performance when compared to other CMIP6 models. Close investigation of surfaces fluxes revealed that v3.0 can be further improved in a number of ways which will also benefit other climate models.

As a first step we reevaluated old coupling simplifications and assumptions made years ago. At the air-sea ice interface we corrected the gradient of surface sensible heat flux / wind speed vs. (2m air temp - sea ice surf temp), by using a nudged version of AWI-CM3 and evaluating against in situ data from the MOSAiC-Expedition. We added the coupling of ocean current feedback, as well as new latent and sensible heat fluxes resulting from precipitation entering the ocean with a different temperature and state than the ocean surface. As a precursor to subsequent Earth System Model (ESM) development we included the coupling of mass and heat fluxes of snow falling on ice-sheets. The resulting AWI-CM3 v3.1 shows increased ability to represent the current climate and historic climate change.

Furthermore we present ongoing work towards AWI-CM3 v3.2, where among other improvements we will include the coupling of sub atmospheric gridscale information from the higher resolution ocean grid, via a stochastic method. Finally we give a brief outlook on our efforts to link up with the EC-Earth climate and earth system model community for common cryosphere, vegetation and isotope developments towards two comprehensive ESMs.

How to cite: Streffing, J., Semmler, T., Sidorenko, D., Pithan, F., and Juricke, S.: A set of deterministic and stochastic model improvements for the AWI-CM3 climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11818,, 2023.

Jemma Shipton, Colin Cotter, and Beth Wingate

Parallel-in-time algorithms provide a route to increased parallelism for weather and climate models, addressing the issue of how to make efficient use of future supercomputers. In this talk I will present an overview of the approaches implemented in Gusto, the compatible finite element dynamical core toolkit build on top of the Firedrake finite element library. Compatible finite element methods are of interest for weather and climate modelling due to their conservation and wave propagation properties on non-orthogonal meshes such as the cubed-sphere. These non-orthogonal meshes allow for better scaling from spatial domain decomposition than meshes based on the latitude-longitude grid which have grid points clustered at the poles. However, the sequential nature of classical timestepping algorithms is a bottleneck to increased parallelisation. Numerical weather prediction is a challenging application for time-parallel schemes due to the hyperbolic nature of the partial differential equations that make up the dynamical core. Several different time-parallel schemes are under investigation in Gusto: parallel exponential integrators using a rational approximation (REXI); asymptotic parareal, which uses averaged equations to construct the coarse approximation; and schemes based on deferred correction. I will give an overview of these methods and present the latest results and challenges.

How to cite: Shipton, J., Cotter, C., and Wingate, B.: Towards parallel-in-time algorithms for numerical weather prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9496,, 2023.

Yann Gaillard, Peter Szabo, and Christoph Egbers

In a geophysical point of view, large scale prediction of atmospheric flows become more and more important to forecast e.g. extreme weather conditions that are observed in recent days more frequent and may relate to the overall climate change.  The AtmoFlow experiment is a small scaled laboratory spherical shell to investigate such atmospheric flow fields in a miniaturized model of a planet. Besides this physical experiment, numerical simulations are performed to analyze the resulting convective patterns in more detail. The experiment is composed of two spherical shells, which can rotate independently. The temperature on the shell's surface can be defined as a heated equator and a cooled pole. To model the terrestrial gravitation, an electric potential is applied on a dielectric fluid confined between the shells. This so called dielectrophoretic force triggers the formation of buoyant patterns, and is in fact the artificial equivalent of terrestrial gravitation. 

The simulations are processed with a custom programmed solver in the OpenFOAM ecosystem. It covers all predefined rotation combinations starting with no rotation, solid body rotation and differential rotation. The latter are the latest results of the computational simulation campaign and used to investigate the influence of the artificial central force field to differential rotation. While differential rotation can cause the well known Taylor vortices, it has to be noted that the cell formation induced by the central dielectrophoretic force field maybe significantly extubated and thus new convection patterns may arise.  This in fact is the overall focus of this study to understand the underlying physical process of such pattern formations. The analyses focus first on the amount of convective heat that these patterns are able to transport, and second to quantify their shape and intensity via a spatial Fast Fourier Transformation to identify the most dominant structures. Finally, statistical moments will provide an estimation about the shape and location of vacillating patterns.

How to cite: Gaillard, Y., Szabo, P., and Egbers, C.: AtmoFlow: Thermo-electrohydrodynamic convection in the thermally driven spherical shell with differential rotation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1841,, 2023.

Nell Hartney, Jemma Shipton, and Thomas Bendall

The shallow water equations are widely used in the development of weather and climate models, being computationally cheap while still retaining many pertinent features of atmospheric dynamics. The usual shallow water equations, however, model a ‘dry’ atmosphere and so neglect moist processes and moisture effects. Including moisture in the shallow water system offers a framework in which to develop more challenging test cases for parallel time-stepping schemes, arising through numerical complexities that moisture introduces and relevant because of changing trends in supercomputer architectures necessitating interest in parallel-in-time. This talk will discuss the implementation of moist shallow water models in the dynamical core toolkit Gusto, which mirrors the compatible finite element approach being taken in the next-generation UK Met Office model. We will highlight the advantages Gusto offers for rapid prototyping and flexible implementation of different moist shallow water models and describe progress towards running moist shallow water tests cases (both from the literature and newly-devised for this purpose) in Gusto.

How to cite: Hartney, N., Shipton, J., and Bendall, T.: Moisture with Gusto: towards moist shallow water test cases using the Gusto dynamical core toolkit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3660,, 2023.

Luca Arpaia, Christian Ferrarin, Marco Bajo, and Georg Umgiesser

Ocean model performances are highly related to the vertical coordinate system implemented. We study geo-potential (or z-) coordinates and we focus on the numerical treatment of the moving free surface. Typically z-coordinate models are coded with a surface layer with varying but not-vanishing thickness, which limits the vertical resolution in areas with high tidal range. We propose a z-coordinate algorithm that, thanks to the insertion and removal of surface layers, can deal with an arbitrary large tidal oscillation independently of the vertical resolution. The algorithm is based on a classical two steps procedure used in numerical simulations with moving boundaries (grid movement followed by a grid topology change) which leads to a stable and accurate numerical discretization. With ad-hoc treatment of advection terms at non-conformal edges that may appear due to insertion/removal operations, mass conservation and tracer constancy are preserved. This algorithm can be reverted, in the particular case when all layers are moving, to other surface-following z-coordinates, such as z-star. With a simple truncation error analysis and realistic numerical experiments, we show the performances of z-coordinates with surface layer insertion/removal in coastal environments.

How to cite: Arpaia, L., Ferrarin, C., Bajo, M., and Umgiesser, G.: z-coordinates with surface layer insertion/removal  for accurate representation of free-surface flows in ocean models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9551,, 2023.

Timothy Andrews, Beth Wingate, and Jemma Shipton

There is an ever-increasing demand for longer and higher resolution numerical simulations of the weather and climate. To achieve this with reasonable wall-clock times, it is desirable to use as large a time-step as possible, whilst retaining a stable and accurate solution. However, this is very challenging in the presence of highly oscillatory linear waves; there are explicit time-step limits and losses in accuracy with implicit methods. This talk will highlight where non-linear errors can result from large time-steps and provide metrics for quantifying this. We begin by re-casting the non-linearity as a product of linear waves. In the Rotating Shallow Water Equations (RSWEs), this allows for key dynamics to be expressed as three-wave ‘triad’ interactions. A non-linear ‘triadic’ time-stepping error is computed using linear stability polynomials. A number of explicit and implicit time-stepping methods (such as RK4, TR-BDF2, ETD-RK2) will be compared analytically in the RSWEs. Next, two new test problems enable analyses of large time-step simulations. The first is of a Gaussian perturbation to a RSWE height field. A proposed metric, relating to the kinetic energy distribution over temporal frequency, quantifies phase errors in the height reformation. The second test case initialises linear waves which, via direct- and near- resonant triad interactions, will construct non-linear dynamics. Phase errors with large time-steps can be identified in the corresponding height fields. A first variant of this case will initialise only two waves; this will primarily instigate an energy exchange within a dominant triad. A second version, containing more slow modes, enables a re-distribution of fast mode energy into rings in wavenumber space.

How to cite: Andrews, T., Wingate, B., and Shipton, J.: Quantifying the accuracy of large time-steps in highly oscillatory systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14086,, 2023.