SM4.2 | Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 08:30
Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes
Co-organized by NH4
Convener: Qing-Yu Wang | Co-conveners: Shunsuke TakemuraECSECS, Mariano Supino, Natalia Poiata, Kate Huihsuan Chen
| Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 0.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X2
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 08:30
Slow earthquakes are widely observed in subduction zones, where they episodically release the tectonic strain built-up in the brittle-ductile transition zone. Given their proximity to the seismogenic megathrust, a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes may shed light on the stress condition of the megathrust fault. With improved quantities of data and advanced technologies, the nature of slow earthquakes has been intensively investigated in a variety of tectonic environments over the past decades. This session aims to offer a broad space for discussion of the recent advances in slow earthquakes.
We seek studies ranging from lab to volcanic and tectonic scales and from diverse geological and geophysical (including but not limited to seismic and geodetic) observations to imaging and modeling. We welcome abstracts focused on earthquake detection, scaling, source, rupture process, and fluid or/and heterogeneity effects. Within the larger context of this session, we also seek abstracts illuminating the connection between slow and fast earthquakes.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 0.16

Chairpersons: Qing-Yu Wang, Mariano Supino, Kate Huihsuan Chen
On-site presentation
Hui Liu, Yen Joe Tan, and Robert Dziak

Understanding how earthquakes initiate lies at the heart of earthquake physics and analyzing foreshock sequences is one way to probe the initiation process of large earthquakes. A few oceanic transform fault (OTF) earthquakes have been observed to have more foreshocks compared to continental earthquakes. It has also been proposed that OTFs accommodate plate motion primarily by slow creep instead of rapid seismic slip, though with significant along-fault variability. These characteristics make OTFs unique laboratories for probing the physical processes underlying foreshocks and their relations with slow slip events. However, in the past, detailed studies at OTFs have been limited due to their distance from land-based seismic stations. Since 2015, small arrays of ocean-bottom seismometers and hydrophones have been permanently deployed on cabled seafloor observatories in the northeast Pacific Ocean, allowing for monitoring of seismicity on the Blanco Transform Fault (BTF) using the earthquake’s radiated hydroacoustic energy (T-phase). T-phases propagate through the SOFAR channel in the world’s oceans with little attenuation, allowing for the detection of low-magnitude earthquakes at large distances. In this study, we apply a suite of techniques to detect, associate, and locate foreshocks and aftershocks of large mainshocks occurring along the BTF since 2015. We define a mainshock as the largest event occurring within two weeks and a radius of 50 km. 19 Mw  5.0 mainshocks are selected from the GCMT catalogue. However, we are only able to analyze 12 mainshocks due to data availability issues. We use the STA/LTA algorithm to detect T-phase arrivals one week before and after each mainshock through the continuous waveforms recorded on both OBSs and hydrophones. For each detection, we then use the relative station arrival times compared to the mainshock to make sure we only retain events close to the mainshock, i.e., its foreshocks and aftershocks. We then employ the GLOBAL mode Non-Linear Location (NLLoc) program for event localization using a 3D ocean sound velocity model. Compared to the IRIS catalogue which only has a minimum detection level of magnitude 3, lower-magnitude T-phase events are successfully detected by our method. Using our T-phase catalogue, we quantify how the BTF sequences compare with earthquake sequences observed at continental transform faults and test the various proposed models to explain foreshock spatiotemporal behavior and the partitioning of seismic and slow slips along the BTF.



How to cite: Liu, H., Tan, Y. J., and Dziak, R.: Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Earthquake Sequences on the Blanco Oceanic Transform Fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6821,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giuseppe Costantino, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Mauro Dalla Mura, Mathilde Radiguet, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet

The stress that accumulates on faults due to tectonic plate motion can be released seismically and aseismically. The seismic release of stress takes place during earthquakes at short time scales (seconds to minutes), and can be identified on seismic records. The aseismic part of this stress release occurs during Slow Slip Events (SSEs), that last from days to years and do not radiate energetic seismic waves. SSEs are monitored with dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) networks that record the deformation induced at the surface. A precise identification of slow slip events is key to better understand the mechanics of active faults and to better describe the role of aseismic slip in the seismic cycle. Yet, the characterization of SSEs of various sizes from existing GNSS networks is challenging, and extensive SSEs catalogs remains sparse and incomplete: for example, 64 events for SSEs in Cascadia (Michel et al., 2018), 24 long-term SSEs (Takagi et al., 2019) and 284 short-term SSEs (Okada et al., 2022) in Nankai, Japan. Traditional SSE characterization either focus on specific events, identified visually with high signal to noise ratio (e.g. Radiguet et al., 2016), use time series decomposition approaches such as ICAIM (independent Component analysis inversion method) (Michel et al., 2018; Radiguet et al., 2020), or, for small events, geodetic template matching (Okada et al., 2022; Rousset et al., 2017).

We focus on the Cascadia subduction zone, where a link between slow slip and bursts of tremors has been established (Rogers & Dragert, 2003). In this direction, tremor catalogues can be used to validate potential SSEs detections against the spatiotemporal distribution of tremors. Moreover, a catalogue of SSEs has been recently assessed by (Michel et al., 2019), providing additional benchmark to our analyses. We generate synthetic SSEs from synthetic dislocations (Okada, 1985) using the slab2 model (Hayes et al., 2018). Each SSE template, assumed as a sigmoidal-shaped transient, is further added to a window of noise obtained from real GNSS data (Costantino et al., in prep.).

We develop a deep learning-based method for the systematic detection and characterization of SSEs using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in combination with a Graph Neural Network (GNN). We test our method both on synthetic and real position time series. Results on synthetic data are consistent and show a detection trade-off between the SSEs location, magnitude and the density of the GNSS network. Results on real GNSS positional time series show a good agreement with existing catalogues (cf. Michel et al., 2019). Moreover, new detections have been carried out, which correlate well with the temporal distribution of tremors, suggesting that those events could be new SSE detections, which will be further validated by assessing their spatial-temporal consistency through scaling laws output by the deep learning model.

How to cite: Costantino, G., Giffard-Roisin, S., Dalla Mura, M., Radiguet, M., Marsan, D., and Socquet, A.: Detection and characterization of slow deformation from GNSS data by deep learning in the Cascadia subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16838,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Shih-Han Hsiao, Kuo-En Ching, Wu-Lung Chang, Pei-Ching Tsai, Slawomir Giletycz, and Chien-Liang Chen

    An ongoing triggered slow slip event (SSE) on the inland Hengchun fault after the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake in Taiwan is proposed in this study by analyzing the coordinate time series of 13 continuous GNSS stations, 37 campaign-mode GNSS stations and 3 precise leveling routes in Hengchun Peninsula from 2002 to 2022. Four surface velocity patterns have been determined based on these geodetic data: (1) the interseismic period from 2002 to the 2006 Pingtung offshore earthquake; (2) the 2nd period after the earthquake to April 2010; (3) the 3rd period from April 2010 to 2016; (4) the 4th period from 2016 till 2022. In general, a velocity discontinuity is discovered approximately located at 1-2 km east of the currently known Hengchun fault trace. Then we evaluate the slip deficit rate and slip rate distributions of the Hengchun fault through baseline inversion model and coseismic fault model, respectively. The modeling results shows that Hengchun fault is a reverse fault with a minor left-lateral component. Two asperities are shown in the southern and northern segments, respectively. Furthermore, the energy on the asperities has been gradually released from south to north after the 2006 earthquake, even though the postseismic deformation has faded. On the other hand, the geological investigation results also indicate that surface ruptures were generated on the Hengchun fault until 2017. Therefore, we infer that (1) the temporal pattern changes of surface velocity in Hengchun Peninsula are driven by the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake; (2) the Hengchun fault ought to be relocated at 1-2 km to the east; (3) a SSE occurs on the Hengchun fault after the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake. (4) the energy keeps releasing through the SSE after the earthquake and decrease the earthquake potential in Hengchun Peninsula.

How to cite: Hsiao, S.-H., Ching, K.-E., Chang, W.-L., Tsai, P.-C., Giletycz, S., and Chen, C.-L.: An ongoing triggered slow slip event after the 2006 Pingtung offshore earthquake in Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4667,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Raymundo Omar Plata Martinez, Takeshi Iinuma, Fumiaki Tomita, Takuya Nishimura3, and Takane Hori

The Nankai subduction zone is considered as a region with a high seismic risk. Large earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 8 have occurred and will recur in the future. Additionally, several observations of slow earthquakes at the shallow and deep plate interface have continuously been being happening. Large and slow earthquakes originate from different types of frictional characteristics, mostly driven by an accumulation of interplate slip deficit. Here, we present results from geodetic observations to estimate the slip deficit rate at the Nankai subduction zone based on displacement rate data of the dense onshore GNSS array as well as that of the offshore GNSS-Acoustic stations during the period 2002 to 2016 (Nishimura et al. 2018). After removing co-seismic and post-seismic deformations due to earthquakes in other regions, we estimated the slip deficit rate at the plate interface by using a trans-dimensional reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Tomita et al. 2021). To obtain a smooth slip distribution without imposing smoothing constraints we used a Voronoi partitioning for slip parameters, in which the number of cells is automatically set during the inversion, based on the spatial resolution of data. In contrast to previous slip deficit inversions at the Nankai region, we included scaling weight factors for different types of data. The scaling factors were parameterized to be adjusted in the inversion procedure. Furthermore, we used elastic Green Functions estimated from a three-dimensional heterogeneous structure of the Nankai regions (Hori et al. 2021), instead of a homogeneous medium as previously done. We accomplished a new model of slip deficit rate for the Nankai subduction zone that complements previous models. Regions with high slip deficits agree with the rupture areas of historic large earthquakes. Lastly, the location of deep and shallow slow earthquakes agrees with estimated intermediate values of slip deficit. The slow earthquake region defines the transition between a locked and unlocked plate interface, while shallow slow earthquakes can also be generated by shallow heterogeneous patches or subsurface structures at the subducting plate.

How to cite: Plata Martinez, R. O., Iinuma, T., Tomita, F., Nishimura3, T., and Hori, T.: The slip deficit rate, slow and fast earthquake at the Nankai subduction zone., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15859,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Chris Marone

A central goal of this work is to understand the extent to which fault friction vs. pore fluids and other factors is the cause of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of fault slip behaviors. Slow earthquakes and quasi-dynamic modes of fault slip such as tremor and LFEs have now been observed in essentially every tectonic setting, which suggests that the underlying mechanism(s) are generic rather than specific to a particular fault setting, rock type, or tectonic regime. Here, I discuss lab data that illuminate the mechanics of slow slip. I focus on frictional stick-slip failure events, the lab equivalent of earthquakes, that reproduce slow slip and the full range of slip behaviors observed on tectonic faults.  These studies document repetitive slip events and the complete lab seismic cycle for the full spectrum of slip behaviors from aseismic creep to slow slip and aperiodic elastodynamic failure. Working with data for repetitive slip events is critical for understanding the underlying mechanics. In the lab, we also document the rate of frictional weakening with slip kc = σn (b-a)/Dc  ––the so-called critical stiffness–– where σn is fault normal stress, (b-a) is the friction rate parameter and Dc is the critical slip distance. We measure kc for the same conditions of the slow slip events by altering the machine loading stiffness. These works assess directly frictional instability theory, which predicts the slip stability transition when the elastic stiffness of the fault zone k equals the frictional weakening rate kc. The lab work confirms friction theory in relation to the transition from stable to unstable slip but it also reveals additional complexity showing that kc varies with slip rate. Several works now document the velocity dependence of kc(V) and its role in dictating slow slip in the lab. These works show complex behavior near k/kc ≈ 1 including slow slip, aperiodic failure and chaotic motion. I discuss these results in the context of basic questions that remain regarding how slow ruptures can propagate quasi-dynamically, at speeds far below the Rayleigh wave speed, and how tectonic faults can host both slow slip and dynamic earthquake rupture.

How to cite: Marone, C.: Slow Earthquakes and the Spectrum of Fault Slip Modes: A View From the Lab, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5886,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Michelle Almakari, Harsha S. Bhat, Navid Kheirdast, Carlos Villafuerte, and Marion Y. Thomas

Over the last decades, new observations of complex slip dynamics have emerged. We now observe a continuum of transients energy release happening on fault systems, such as slow slip events, LFEs and tremors. Present quasi-dynamic numerical models are capable of producing such complex slip events on fault planes by considering more realistic complex fault geometries. We aim in this study to bridge the gap between source modeling and observations by generating synthetic surface records. 

For this, we consider a fault system which consists of a main self-similar rough fault, surrounded by a dense network of off-fault fractures. We embed our 2D quasi-dynamic fault zone in a 3D elastic half-space and cover the free surface with a wide array of colocated broadband accelerometers and high rate GPS stations. Over multiple seismic cycles, we record broadband signals at 50 Hz and high rate GPS at 1 Hz. We aim to understand how the different sequences of complex behavior that we observe on the fault plane are recorded on the stations. What are the different contributions of the main fault and off-fault fractures to the radiated signals recorded on the stations? 

How to cite: Almakari, M., Bhat, H. S., Kheirdast, N., Villafuerte, C., and Thomas, M. Y.: How is geometrical complexity in fault zone recorded by geodesy and seismology?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7998,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jesús Muñoz-Montecinos and Whitney Behr

Slow slip and tremor (SST) has now been observed along many subduction margins worldwide, and the phenomenon is commonly linked to fluid and/or fluid pressure variations and migration. Crucial to understanding and modeling how fluids and seismicity might interact are estimates of porosity (Φ) and permeability (k) in and around the deforming subduction megathrust shear zone. Constraints on k from deeply buried metamorphic rocks are difficult to obtain, however. Experiments and some small-scale field observations indicate very low k for subduction-related lithologies, on the order of 10-18m2 or less. However, thus far no attempts have been made to quantify the large-scale (or transient) permeability of subduction shear zones at deep metamorphic conditions.

Here we use structural, microstructural and geochemical observations on an exhumed sliver of metamafic rocks, with thermal conditions comparable to the Cascadia subduction zone, to quantify the hydrological properties of the deep SST source region. The study locality (Megas Gialos, Syros Island, Greece) records structures consistent with ductile deformation during subduction, underplating, and subsequent partial exhumation under high pressure greenschist facies conditions within the subduction shear zone. 

The 100-m-length outcrop we studied consists of mafic greenschists with a strong ductile foliation and several generations of syn- to late-kinematic dilational faults and veins. Evidence for both along- and across-dip fluid flow is preserved in the form of metasomatic selvages parallel to the foliation, foliation-parallel quartz veins with foliation-perpendicular growth fibers, and dilational faults oriented at high angles to the foliation. The orientations and cross-cutting relationships between the foliation and multiple vein generations indicate the veins acted as transient fluid-flow conduits opened cyclically during background distributed viscous flow under extremely low differential stresses. In thin section, most of the veins exhibit crack-seal textures, consistent with episodic hydrofracturing. 

To estimate the porosity and 2D permeability tensor from outcrops, we mapped the youngest generation of veins using high resolution drone models, then used Matlab-based software FracPaq to calculate permeability. Our assumptions include a) the latest generation of veins were at some stages opened simultaneously or in close succession (consistent with evidence for very low differential stress magnitudes), and b) the characteristic opening aperture was assumed to be an average of measured crack-seal widths in thin section. This approach yields an estimate of Φ of ~0.8 to 8% and an anisotropic k of 6.0x10-15 to 1.4x10-14 m2 in the along-dip and across-dip orientations, respectively. These values are 3+ orders of magnitude greater than would be inferred for the background unfractured rock. They are broadly consistent with estimates of k from geophysical observations of tremor migration patterns, and with models of the permeability contrasts (background/transient) required for viscous compaction of fluid pressure to lead to unstable slip. The method we demonstrate can be applied to other outcrops with subduction contexts and can provide essential ‘ground-truthed’ data to test assumptions of fluid flow in the deep tremor source region.

How to cite: Muñoz-Montecinos, J. and Behr, W.: Quantifying paleo-permeability on the deep subduction interface from exhumed rocks: a case study from Syros Island, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2888,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Michael Everett Mann, Geoffrey Abers, and Patrick Fulton

The interface between a subducting and overriding plate usually exhibits low seismic velocities within a thin (<6 km thick) layer. The hydrologic and petrologic conditions surrounding this layer control the behavior of the plate interface fault, which shows a wide range of rupture behavior from the megathrust through the down-dip transition to tremor and slow-slip. Many analyses of the properties of this plate interface low-velocity layer (LVL) use receiver functions (RFs), which sample sharp seismic velocity gradients and depend primarily on the time separation between RF phases from the top and bottom of the layer, to provide diagnostic estimates of thickness and Vp/Vs. Previous hypotheses for plate interface rupture behavior have invoked high pore-fluid pressure to explain inferences of apparently high Vp/Vs (exceeding 2.2) along the seismogenic zone and the adjacent down-dip slow-slip region determined from RF analyses. However, new higher-resolution analyses of scattered teleseismic P-wave coda that sample this region in two different subduction zones reveal Vp/Vs within the range of normal lithologies (1.6-2.0) and remove the observational requirement for a thick region of high pore-fluid pressure. These results agree with recent laboratory analyses of the properties of exhumed megathrust rocks. Instead, the mechanical properties of a thick damage zone surrounding the interface or entrained sediments explain both the scattered-wave observations and observed fault rupture behavior in the seismogenic zone and deeper. Pore pressure could play a role, but it may operate more locally or intermittently than conventionally thought. Additionally, from this analysis we find that the frequency content of the scattered phases generated at the delimiting boundaries of the LVL are limited and do not provide enough resolution to include direct (up-going P-to-S converted waves) conversions in LVL RF analyses without biasing the results to high values of Vp/Vs and thickness.

How to cite: Mann, M. E., Abers, G., and Fulton, P.: The environment surrounding the subduction zone plate interface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16875,, 2023.


Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X2

Jessica Allen and Ting Wang

    Episodic tremor sequences comprised of overlapping low frequency earthquakes (LFEs) occur frequently along the San Andreas Fault. Accompanying slow slip activity has been detected from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, confirming occurrence of the episodic tremor and slip (ETS) phenomenon here.        
    The characteristics of slow slip events (SSEs) impede comprehensive detection, making it challenging to study their occurrence patterns. We utilise extensive LFE data from a long running high resolution seismic network to gain insights into this more frequent and easily detectable aspect of the ETS process, with the aim to have a detailed understanding of the occurrence patterns and properties of LFEs. This will strengthen methods for the detection and modelling of SSEs.    
    Hidden Markov models were used to study the occurrence patterns of LFE events. Based on these models, LFE events along the San Andreas Fault can be classified into different states. Each state is a proxy for changes in the generating mechanisms that give rise to LFE events, with potential contributors including pore pressure and fault stress. We use the classification to illustrate a detailed picture of temporal changes in LFE activity - including the effects of events such as the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, and to highlight the diverse behaviours displayed across generating locations. 
    The evolution of LFE activity over space and time gives additional insights into how slow slip may propagate. We use clustering methods to reveal patterns in the migration of activity between spatially distinct generating locations, and identify locations with similar characteristics that are likely influenced by the same generating circumstances. 

How to cite: Allen, J. and Wang, T.: Spatiotemporal Variation in Low Frequency Earthquake Recurrence Along the San Andreas Fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-896,, 2023.

Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Marielle Malfante, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet

Subduction megathrusts are the largest earthquakes occuring worldwide. Yet the generation of large subduction earthquakes is still poorly understood. Recent research revealed that aseismic deformation in the form of slow slip events (SSEs) might play a key rule in the build-up of these events. However, SSEs are hard to observe directly, due to there slow nature. One way to identify and study aseismic deformation is through co-occuring signals, for example, low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs). Yet these events are again difficult to observe due to their low signal-to-noise ratio and emergent onsets.

In this project, we build machine learning models to identify low-frequency earthquakes. These models are more flexible and transferable than the commonly employed template matching techniques for LFE detection. We focus on deep learning based models, building upon their excellent performance for the picking and detection of regular seismicity. To train and evaluate these models we have compiled a collection of LFE datasets from multiple world region in a format tailored for machine learning. We integrate our LFE detector into the SeisBench library to allow easy application of the model in future studies.

How to cite: Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Marsan, D., and Socquet, A.: Detecting low-frequency earthquakes with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6369,, 2023.

Satoru Baba, Eiichiro Araki, Yojiro Yamamoto, Takane Hori, Gou Fujie, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Takashi Yokobiki, and Hiroyuki Matsumoto

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) measurement, which uses a fiber-optic cable as a strain sensor, allows us spatially high-density observation than seismometers; therefore, DAS has been widely used for seismic observations recently. We conduct DAS measurement with an offshore fiber-optic cable off the Cape Muroto, along the Nankai Trough in southwest Japan. This area is a typical area with adjacent occurrences of slow and megathrust earthquakes. As the relationship between slow and megathrust earthquakes is pointed out (e.g., Obara and Kato, 2016), monitoring of slow earthquakes with a high resolution is necessary to understand tectonic conditions in subduction zones. Although many studies have observed regular earthquakes by DAS measurement recently, there are few studies which observed slow earthquakes with DAS. We observed shallow tremors, a type of slow earthquake in a frequency range of 2–10 Hz, by DAS measurement.

We detected 28 shallow tremor signals off Cape Muroto by using DAS from January 30 to February 8, 2022. The signals of these tremors were also observed in broadband seismograms of the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquake and Tsunami (DONET) data. We manually picked the arrivals of the tremor signals in root-mean-square envelopes of DAS and DONET waveforms and located the tremor events at the point where the residual between synthetic and observed arrival times is the least by the grid search. Synthetic travel times were calculated based on a one-dimensional S-wave velocity structure model representing the area near the Nankai Trough (Nakano et al., 2013). The tremors were located mainly around 135.7ºE and 33.8ºN, which corresponds to a subducted seamount peak indicated by Nakamura et al. (2022).

The amplitude of tremor signals in the frequency range of 2–10 Hz observed in a DAS channel is 1–2 nstrain. Assuming a plane wave, the velocity waveforms can be calculated by multiplying the apparent velocity by the strain waveform (e.g., Daley et al., 2016). The apparent velocity of the tremor signal propagation was estimated to be ~4 km/s in DAS data; therefore, the amplitudes of the velocities were estimated to be 4000–8000 nm/s, which is similar to or one order larger than that in broadband seismometers of the nearest DONET stations. In detail, tremor signals in DAS data are composed of several phases with variable apparent velocities, and these phases are coherent within only 50–100 m. Generally, the duration of tremors observed in the DAS channels (40–60 s) is longer than that observed in velocity waveforms of DONET broadband seismometers (30–50 s). Comparing the waveforms of regular earthquakes in DAS and ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) at the same location in December 2019, we found that the duration of the regular earthquakes in the DAS strain waveform is also longer than that in the OBS velocity waveform. The difference in waveform characteristics may be caused by that in the sensitivity of the incident angle between DAS and OBS.

How to cite: Baba, S., Araki, E., Yamamoto, Y., Hori, T., Fujie, G., Nakamura, Y., Yokobiki, T., and Matsumoto, H.: Characteristics of shallow tremor waveforms observed by distributed acoustic sensing using offshore fiber-optic cable at the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3294,, 2023.

Yohei Hamada, Takehiro Hirose, Wataru Tanikawa, and Takahiro Suzuki

Earthquake faults are stationary in a critical state where they either slip or not.

The fluid pressure fluctuation in the fault zone at this critical state is thought to be one of the factors that cause a variety of earthquakes that progress from slow to fast. This process of earthquake generation has been studied using the conventional "slip displacement - rate control" method, however, this does not reproduce the process of initiation and acceleration of slip as natural earthquake generation. In this study, we conducted experiments to induce spontaneous fault slip using a rotating friction apparatus that can control torque and fluid pressure rather than slip rate.

First, as a simple experiment, a sample (standard SiO2) whose frictional behavior was measured at low and constant velocity was used to continuously and gradually increase torque (0.3 N-m/s) under normal stress of 5 MPa. Slip started when the torque reached 200 N-m (corresponding to a shear stress of 4 MPa and a coefficient of friction of 0.8) and gradually accelerated to 170 microns/sec, at an acceleration of 20 micron/s/s. We also conducted an experiment in which the fluid pressure was increased in steps after the axial pressure and torque were applied at fixed values in advance, and similar acceleration behavior was obtained here as well. For both experiments, the termination velocity was 170 microns/sec and did not accelerate to the cm/sec order, which was set as the limit. These could have reproduced the onset of the slow earthquake, but it is also possible that the result may have been due to experimental problems that the torque was not controlled and decreased with the onset of the slip. The presentation will include this and other experimental results, as well as the interpretation of the torque-controlled experimental results and initiation of slow earthquake.

How to cite: Hamada, Y., Hirose, T., Tanikawa, W., and Suzuki, T.: Spontaneous Earthquake generation Experiments by Controlling Shear Stress in a Rotating Shear Apparatus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3900,, 2023.

Wei Peng and Kate Huihsuan Chen

Understanding the aseismic slip and its interplay with seismic slip is central to seismogenesis as it ultimately controls the space-time patterns of seismicity. The aseismic slip has mostly been documented on subduction zones, where the aseismic slip occurs close to the plate rate during the interseismic period and accelerates after/preceding a nearby mainshocks. In tectonically-active continental regions, the intensive efforts of mapping and characterizing aseismic slip have been made to strike-slip faults. Due to lack of recognized creep on dip-slip faults, the nature of fault creep and its role in large earthquake generation in dip-slip creeping fault remains unclear. Whether the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes?

The two segmented, ~150-km-long, creeping fault systems in Taiwan are characterized by fast deep slip rate (4-5 cm/yr), large damaging earthquakes, repeating earthquakes, and swarm activities. They provide a rare opportunity for studying the nature of fault creep in the dip-slip faults. As a boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, the Longitudinal Valley on the eastern Taiwan is composed of two parallel structures with opposite dipping direction: the east-dipping Longitudinal Valley fault (LVF) to the east and the west-dipping Central Range fault (CRF) to the west, with the surface separation of shorter than 10 km. Since 1990, thirteen M6 earthquakes have occurred along the two faults. To understand the characteristics and mechanisms of earthquake interaction between the two adjacent active faults, three major works are conducted: (1) Identifying earthquakes that are responsible for the LVF and CRF activities based on relocated seismicity (2) Identifying earthquake clusters using a statistics-based algorithm (3) Quantifying the interaction between seismicity on two separate faults using the spatiotemporal distribution of earthquake clusters (3) computing the static stress change to verify the stress triggering relationship between the two adjacent faults.

Each of the two adjacent faults can be both divided into three segments. We found that only the southern segments exhibit strong interaction in earthquake clusters. On December 10, 2003, a M6.4 earthquake in the southern LVF likely triggered a M5.3 earthquake in southern CRF that occurred 8 days later, as promoted by 0.8 bar stress change. On April 1, 2006, a M6.2 earthquake in southern CRF on the other hand, is capable of triggering a M6.0 earthquake in the south segment of LVF two weeks later, imported by 0.6 bar stress change. Given that the southern segment of the LVF is characterized by the creep rate of 2-3 cm/yr on the surface and ~4 cm/yr at greater depth below 10 km, while the other segments reveal stronger fault coupling, we argue that the nature of fault creep may control the triggering potential in the adjacent fault. 

How to cite: Peng, W. and Chen, K. H.: Stress change and fault interaction of adjacent dip-slip, creeping faults in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3766,, 2023.

Kate Huihsuan Chen, Kaj Johnson, Roland Burgmann, and Robert Nadeau

Earthquake can be triggered by small stress changes from local to distant earthquakes, seasonal forcing, and human activities. While the calculated magnitude and sign of stress change greatly varies with the assumption of source stress drop, receiver fault geometry, and consideration of aseismic slip, the near-field stress triggering can be easily misinterpreted. With a large number of repetitive occurrence times, small repeating earthquakes provides a unique opportunity to examine and model the extent to which fault interaction in the form of static stress changes and transient postseismic fault creep produces the observed aperiodicity in the occurrence of these events. Using the 655 repeating earthquakes (repeater) and M>1 4499 earthquakes during the period of 1984 – 2004 (before the M6 Parkfield event), the significant triggering between small earthquakes were previously documented as the increased rate of events producing(incurring) higher stress changes during the days preceding(following) a repeater. However, how to describe the stress in the vicinity of earthquakes has been a challenge especially that (1) the negative static shear stresses could be mistakenly resolved on the closely-located receiver and (2) the role of afterslip induced by very small earthquakes on the stress interactions could be largely underestimated. In this study, we propose the stress model that properly represents the relative three-dimensional location of the events and determine the instantaneous static stress fields associated with each event as well as the time-dependent contributions from afterslip. We hope to provide a better interpretation of the short-term triggering between the closely-spaced small earthquakes on the creeping strands of the SAF.

How to cite: Chen, K. H., Johnson, K., Burgmann, R., and Nadeau, R.: The role of afterslip in the stress interaction between repeating earthquakes and microseismicity in Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4600,, 2023.

Shunsuke Takemura, Kentaro Emoto, and Suguru Yabe

We propose a method for estimating broadband source time functions of seismic slow earthquakes, which can reproduce observed seismograms at both bands of very low frequency earthquake and tectonic tremor. In our method, we assume the broadband characteristics of seismic slow earthquakes (e.g., Ide et al., 2008; Masuda et al., 2020).

In our method, first, we estimated source time functions of very low frequency earthquakes using filtered seismograms at frequencies below 0.1 Hz via the simulated annealing method (e.g., Takemura et al., 2022ab). To achieve broadband source time function, we added random temporal fluctuations into obtained smooth source time function of very low frequency earthquakes. This approach is similar to previous studies for regular earthquakes (e.g., Koyama, 1985; Hisada, 2000). We assumed that fluctuations of source time function can be characterized by a von-Kármán autocorrelation function. A decay rate parameter of a von-Kármán autocorrelation function can model various decay rates at high-frequency ranges.

We confirmed the validity of our method using synthetic seismograms, which were made from Green’s function datasets using a 1D velocity model and the Brownian-walk source time function model (e.g., Ide, 2008; Ide & Maury, 2018). Our estimation well reproduced target seismograms of synthetic seismic slow earthquakes.

In our presentation, we will introduce our methodology and applications at shallow plate boundary in Nankai.

How to cite: Takemura, S., Emoto, K., and Yabe, S.: Estimation of broadband source time functions of seismic slow earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2181,, 2023.

Qing-Yu Wang, William Frank, Rachel Abercrombie, Kazushige Obara, and Aitaro Kato

Low-frequency earthquakes are repetitive seismic events that occur downdip of the seismogenic megathrust where slow aseismic fault slip dominates the tectonic budget. These tiny events, distinct from regular earthquakes, have the potential to provide in-situ constraints on the fault rheology where slow slip occurs, but are hard to study due to their small signal amplitudes. We take advantage of the unique geometry of seismicity in the Nankai subduction zone, where low-frequency earthquake sandwich regular earthquakes, to study the source signature of low-frequency earthquakes and the local seismic structure. We isolate two 10 km-radius depth columns, one where low-frequency earthquakes periodically occur and one where they do not. Taking the collocated regular earthquakes below and above the subducting plate interface, we develop a three-step cluster-based approach to correct for local site effects, extract the accurate Empirical Attenuation functions, and apply them to the correction of Low-frequency earthquakes. The falloff of corrected displacement spectra inversely obeys the 𝝎-square hypothesis with a maximum possible corner frequency of fc at ~2 - 3Hz. The local 1-D vertical structure inverted from earthquake travel times suggests a distinct difference in the ratios of seismic attenuation and velocity. Assuming seismic waves go through similar paths within depth column, the local attenuation is insufficient to generate specific low-frequency spectral content that differs from fast earthquakes. Instead, our results support a relative contrast of Q over depth with a higher Q at shallow depth above the zone of low-frequency earthquakes. This high Q layer may serve as an impermeable layer and produce an environment with enhanced pore-fluid pressure and heterogeneous frictional characteristics different from the zone with regular earthquakes. This particular condition favors low-frequency earthquakes and generates distinct nucleation procedures or/and rupture processes of low-frequency earthquakes from regular earthquakes.

How to cite: Wang, Q.-Y., Frank, W., Abercrombie, R., Obara, K., and Kato, A.: What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9067,, 2023.