EGU24-10073, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Global SV wave upper mantle model.

stephanie durand, yanick ricard, fabien dubuffet, and eric debayle
stephanie durand et al.
  • LGL-TPE, UCBL1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, Villeurbanne, France (

We present the latest update of the global SV model developed by our team, in Lyon. It is based on the waveform modeling of more than 3 millions Rayleigh waves recorded since 1976. The tomographic model is built using the same automated scheme as was presented in Debayle et al., GRL 2016, while the number of data has increased by a factor larger than 2. For each seismogram, we obtain a path average shear velocity and quality factor model, and a set of fundamental and higher-mode dispersion and attenuation curves from 40s to 250s. We incorporate the resulting set of path average shear velocity models into a tomographic inversion. Due to the drastic increase of data, this second step of inversion became too computationally costly. We rewrote it so that the largest matrix to invert has now a size (number of geographical point)**2 instead of (number of data)**2. Thanks to these improvements we reduced the correlation lengths from 4 deg down to 1deg.  We will focus in several geographical areas and geological objects, to emphasize the improvement in precision of this new model. We will also present our new online tool ( available to explore this tomographic model and to compare with existing ones.

How to cite: durand, S., ricard, Y., dubuffet, F., and debayle, E.: Global SV wave upper mantle model., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10073,, 2024.