EGU24-10106, updated on 14 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Probing the Micromechanics of Velocity Strengthening Laboratory Faults using Ultrasonic Waves 

Michele Mauro, Michele De Solda, Carolina Giorgetti, and Marco Scuderi
Michele Mauro et al.
  • Sapienza University of Rome, Earth Science, Rome, Italy (

Geophysical and geological evidence highlighted that faults can slip in a wide spectrum of modes, ranging from stable aseismic creep to unstable dynamic slip. Rocks composition plays a key role among the multiple factors favoring a specific type of frictional sliding. 

In particular, phyllosilicates in fault zones can change the mechanical behavior of the rocks involved in deformation. A relevant example is the presence of smectites (hydrated phyllosilicates) in subduction zones that are thought to influence the updip limit of the seismogenic zone. This group of clay minerals exhibits remarkably low friction values due to their platy microstructure and the tendency to absorb water within their lattice, making faults particularly weak. Therefore, studying the mechanical properties of clay minerals, especially smectites, has become crucial to illuminate the dynamics leading to the generation/arrest of large earthquakes in subduction zones.

Frictional laboratory experiments make it possible to evaluate the stability of experimental faults using the Rate and State Friction (RSF) framework. However, upscaling these phenomena and laws formulated in the laboratory to natural cases is still challenging due to a fundamental lack of understanding of the microphysical processes governing friction, mainly due to the empirical nature of the laws.

Modern friction theories propose that the frictional forces holding the fault in place are controlled by small asperities defining the real contact area (RCA). In the laboratory, experimental faults can be probed with ultrasonic waves to investigate the mechanics and evolution of contacts under applied stress variations.

Here, we present preliminary results on the stability of experimental faults with varying percentages of montmorillonite gouge (a specific type of smectite). The experiments are conducted using the biaxial apparatus BRAVA2 in the Rock Mechanics and Earthquake Physics laboratory at Sapienza University of Rome. 

Velocity steps experiments are performed in Double Direct Shear (DDS) configuration to obtain RSF parameters under different normal stress conditions. The apparatus is equipped with a recently developed UW generation and acquisition system.

The system comprises longitudinal and transversal polarized piezoelectric transducers, where a well-characterized pulse and frequency response allow the exploitation of information contained in the entire waveforms. The variation of transmitted amplitude, compressional, and shear velocity is used to track the changes in elastic properties. 

The synchronization procedure between mechanical and ultrasonic measurements will allow inferring the physical processes leading to RCA evolution from the obtained data.

How to cite: Mauro, M., De Solda, M., Giorgetti, C., and Scuderi, M.: Probing the Micromechanics of Velocity Strengthening Laboratory Faults using Ultrasonic Waves , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10106,, 2024.