EGU24-10773, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Airborne surveys for the detection of Flavescence Dorée in vineyards

Virginia Strati1,2, Matteo Alberi1,2, Alessio Barbagli3, Stefano Boncompagni4, Luca Casoli5, Enrico Chiarelli1,2, Ruggero Colla6, Tommaso Colonna3, Michele Franceschi1,2, Fabio Gallorini1,3, Enrico Guastaldi3, Nicola Lopane1,2,3, Andrea Maino1,2, Gian Lorenzo Mazzoli,4, Fabio Mantovani1,2, Filippo Mantovani7, Federica Migliorini4, Dario Petrone1,3, Silvio Pierini3, Kassandra Giulia Cristina Raptis1,2, and Rocchina Tiso4
Virginia Strati et al.
  • 1Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (
  • 2INFN Ferrara Section, Ferrara, Italy
  • 3GeoExplorer Impresa Sociale s.r.l., Arezzo, Italy
  • 4Regional plant protection service, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • 5Provincial phytosanitary Consortium, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • 6Provincial phytosanitary Consortium, Parma and Piacenza, Italy
  • 7Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Computer Science Department, Barcelona, Spain

Flavescence Dorée (FD) is one of the most severe diseases affecting the main viticultural areas of Europe primarily due to a vine-specific leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus, which indirectly transmits the pathogen to the plant's phloem. In infested grapevine areas where the disease is epidemic and is allowed to spread uncontrolled, epidemic flavescence dorée had catastrophic consequences on yield. Once infected, plants are beyond cure; the only options are severe pruning or total removal. This devastating disease compromises plant growth and can damage entire wine-producing regions, causing substantial economic losses. Delayed symptom recognition contributes significantly to the spread of FD, making early detection strategies essential to effectively manage and mitigate the disease's impact on vineyards.

In this context, remote sensing marks a paradigm shift compared to traditional ground-based surveys. The acquisition of high-resolution images from aircrafts or drones enables efficient scanning of large vineyard areas and detecting subtle changes in leaf color or vigor, enabling faster responses and precise interventions.

In this case study the Radgyro, an experimental aircraft designed for environmental monitoring, surveyed during the initial stages of the disease onset a vineyard of Sangiovese grape variety located in the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), covering collectively approximately 19 ha with a single 17 min-flight. The centimeter-level resolution of the images acquired by the optical sensors mounted on the Radgyro were automatically processed off-line through a tailored software. The analysis pipeline includes the processing of RGB index maps, where carefully tuned index thresholds were adopted to identify the pixel groups with leaf color attributable to FD symptoms. Spatial clustering algorithms are applied to eliminate noise and isolate potentially diseased plants. The final outputs of the process are the potentially diseased plants, FD density and incidence maps, i.e. prescription maps which provide direct operational guidelines for the FD containment interventions.

On field validation surveys revealed that the process analysis detected 86% of true positive and only 1% of false negative, underscoring an excellent agreement between the remote and ground surveys. Thanks to the high quality of the acquired images and the automatized process analysis, this methodology revealed effective in identifying FD symptoms in the single leaves with a precision comparable to traditional and time-consuming ground-based surveys.


This study was supported by the project PERBACCO (Early warning system per la PrEvenzione della diffusione della flavescenza doRata BAsato sul monitoraggio multiparametriCo airborne delle COlture vinicole) (CUP: E47F23000030002) funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region.

How to cite: Strati, V., Alberi, M., Barbagli, A., Boncompagni, S., Casoli, L., Chiarelli, E., Colla, R., Colonna, T., Franceschi, M., Gallorini, F., Guastaldi, E., Lopane, N., Maino, A., Mazzoli,, G. L., Mantovani, F., Mantovani, F., Migliorini, F., Petrone, D., Pierini, S., Raptis, K. G. C., and Tiso, R.: Airborne surveys for the detection of Flavescence Dorée in vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10773,, 2024.