EGU24-11106, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Impact of vegetation on urban open-channel flow: Practical experiment with 2D IBER hydraulic simulations in Monterrey, Mexico.

Jacob Jesús Nieto Butrón1, Nelly Lucero Ramírez Serrato2, Selene Barco Coyote3, Fabiola Doracely Yépez Rincon4, and Mariana Patricia Jácome Paz2
Jacob Jesús Nieto Butrón et al.
  • 1Faculty of Engineering, UNAM, CDMX, Mexico(
  • 2Natural Resource Department in Geophysics Institute, UNAM, CDMX, Mexico(
  • 3University National of State of Hidalgo, Hidalgo, Mexico(
  • 4Geomatics Department in Faculty of Civil Engineering, UANL, Nuevo Leon, Mexico(

Flooding is a constant danger in many cities. To prevent and mitigate their impacts, mathematical modeling is carried out to simulate the behavior of the flow within the environment and define the possible flood zones. Incorporating vegetation in hydraulic models is pivotal for understanding its impact on flow characteristics, sediment transport, and channel morphology.

The Santa Catarina River in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, grapples with irregular water flows. During dry seasons, minimal water levels promote unchecked vegetation growth along its banks and bed, potentially obstructing normal flow. Conversely, extreme weather events like hurricanes lead to rapid surges, sweeping away vegetation and debris. Balancing this fluctuation—from sparse to intense flows—presents challenges in managing the river's vegetation, necessitating strategies that reconcile environmental preservation with urban infrastructure resilience.

For this purpose, This study utilized two hydraulic models through IBER to assess vegetation's impact on flood simulations. One model employed a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), portraying terrain topography. The second model used a Digital Surface Model (DSM) integrating manually digitized vegetation from (2020) Google Earth imagery. Assigned heights of 3m for shrubs and 15m for trees emulated their impact on water flow. Both the DEM and DSM, with a 5-meter resolution, were obtained via LiDAR techniques from the INEGI government web platform. the models also utilized a land use classification obtained from a Sentinel-2 satellite image (from 2023). Hydrological data for both models were derived from the cumulative rainfall during Hurricane Alex in 2010.

The findings highlight significant changes in flood patterns attributed to vegetation. Its presence alters the flow, shifting the flood zone towards a southwest residential-commercial area. In this integrated model, the maximum depth reaches 16.78 meters, compared to 10.70 meters in the DEM-based hydraulic model. Additionally, the consistently affected area deepens from 2 meters to 4.37 meters when considering the vegetation-inclusive DSM-based approach.

These findings underscore the crucial role of vegetation in shaping flood pathways within urban environments, emphasizing the need to consider both natural and human-introduced elements in flood risk management strategies. Future research directions could explore the evolving impact on populations across varied flood zones and conduct comprehensive cost evaluations regarding risk mitigation, recovery efforts, and infrastructure fortification. These avenues present promising trajectories for further studies, offering insights into the socio-economic and financial implications of diverse flooding patterns in urban settings.

How to cite: Nieto Butrón, J. J., Ramírez Serrato, N. L., Barco Coyote, S., Yépez Rincon, F. D., and Jácome Paz, M. P.: Impact of vegetation on urban open-channel flow: Practical experiment with 2D IBER hydraulic simulations in Monterrey, Mexico., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11106,, 2024.