EGU24-12158, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Severe Storms Research at ESSL

Pieter Groenemeijer1,2, Francesco Battaglioli2,1, Tomáš Púčik1, Alois Holzer1, and Mateusz Taszarek3
Pieter Groenemeijer et al.
  • 1European Severe Storms Laboratory - Science and Training, Wiener Neustadt, Austria (
  • 2European Severe Storms Laboratory, Wessling, Germany
  • 3Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznán, Poland

Convective storms are an important weather hazard in Europe as shown by the high number of severe wind gusts, large hail, tornadoes, and flash floods recorded each year in the European Severe Weather Database. A recent innovation to the ESWD was the introduction of the new tornado International Fujita scale for rating tornado and wind intensity from damage. In 2023, no fewer than 62182 new reports were entered, and reinsurer Munich Re estimated severe thunderstorms to account for the majority of weather-related losses in Europe in 2023 with a total damage of € 10 billion.

At the core of ESSL’s mission is conducting and facilitating research on severe weather at a European level. Over the years, the organisation has grown with support from its members which include most of Europe’s weather services and commercial sector partners. In addition to research ESSL is active in the area of forecaster training and the evaluation of novel forecasting and nowcasting applications at the ESSL Testbed.

The recorded multi-year trends of severe weather apparent in the ESWD are often dominated by non-meteorological factors, but for large hail indications are strong that its frequency is changing, illustrated by the new hailstone size record of 19 cm diameter in northern Italy in July 2023. ESSL’s recent models of large hail climatology across Europe and the world support these trends. A key challenge for the research community is to develop methods to estimate trends from ever higher-resolution reanalyses and climate models. This is not straightforward as even the highest resolution models do not resolve tornadoes or microbursts, let alone hailstones, and already show biases at coarse scales.

The mentioned work modelling severe weather has given new insights into which environmental characteristics are important to severe weather occurrence. For hail, we additionally studied the conditions under which individual hailstorms in 2021, 2022, and 2023 that were particularly severe. We show the importance of the vertical distribution of buoyancy and wind in a storm-centred reference framework, defined using radar-observed storm motion.

High vertical wind shear above the boundary layer and high CAPE above the -10 °C isotherm for hail, and a combination of vertical vorticity and strong streamwise vorticity for tornadoes. ESSL is collaborating with ECMWF to develop forecast tools based on these concepts. That said, many questions remain, for example regarding the pre-convective environment and mountain ranges, and with the developing storms. For instance, an important concentration of severe weather is evident surrounding the Alps. To address related questions, ESSL has taken the initiative for a multi-year multi-national field campaign in central Europe called TIM (Thunderstorm Intensification from Mountains to plains), in which it will collaborate with a large number of research institutes.

How to cite: Groenemeijer, P., Battaglioli, F., Púčik, T., Holzer, A., and Taszarek, M.: Severe Storms Research at ESSL, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12158,, 2024.