EGU24-12271, updated on 20 Dec 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Harnessing Machine Learning and Principal Components Techniques for Atmospheric and Glint Correction to Retrieve Ocean Color from Geostationary Satellites

Zachary Fasnacht1,2, Joanna Joiner2, Matthew Bandel1,2, David Haffner1,2, Alexander Vassilkov1,2, Patricia Castellanos2, and Nickolay Krotkov2
Zachary Fasnacht et al.
  • 1Science Systems and Applications Inc, Lanham, United States of America
  • 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States of America

Retrievals of ocean color (OC) properties from space are important for better understanding the ocean ecosystem and carbon cycle. The launch of atmospheric hyperspectral instruments such as the geostationary Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) and GEMS, provide a unique opportunity to examine the diurnal variability in ocean ecology across various waters in North America and prepare for the future suite of hyperspectral OC sensors. While TEMPO does not have as high spatial resolution or full spectral coverage as planned coastal ocean sensors such as the Geosynchronous Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR) or GeoXO OC instrument (OCX), it provides hourly coverage of US coastal regions and great lakes, such as Lake Erie and the Gulf of Mexico at spatial scales of approximately 5 km. We will apply our newly developed machine learning (ML) based atmospheric correction approach for OC retrievals to TEMPO data. Our approach begins by decomposing measured hyperspectral radiances into spectral features that explain the variability in atmospheric scattering and absorption as well as the underlying surface reflectance. The coefficients of the principal components are then used to train a neural network to predict OC properties such as chlorophyll concentration derived from collocated MODIS/VIIRS physically-based retrievals. This ML approach compliments the standard radiative transfer-based OC retrievals by providing gap-filling over cloudy regions where the standard algorithms are limited. Previously, we applied our approach using blue and UV wavelengths with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) to show that it can estimate OC properties in less-than-ideal conditions such as lightly to moderately cloudy conditions as well as sun glint and thus improve the spatial coverage of ocean color measurements. TEMPO provides an opportunity to improve on this approach since it provides extended spectral measurements at green and red wavelengths which are important particularly for coastal waters. Additionally, our ML technique can be applied to provisional data early in the mission and has potential to demonstrate the value of near real time OC products that are important for monitoring of harmful algae blooms and transient oceanic phenomena.   


How to cite: Fasnacht, Z., Joiner, J., Bandel, M., Haffner, D., Vassilkov, A., Castellanos, P., and Krotkov, N.: Harnessing Machine Learning and Principal Components Techniques for Atmospheric and Glint Correction to Retrieve Ocean Color from Geostationary Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12271,, 2024.