EGU24-1231, updated on 12 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Thermal state and nature of the low crust in the Baikal Rift zone according to the lower crust xenoliths of Cenozoic volcanics and Paleozoic magmas. 

Igor Ashchepkov1, Andrey Tsygankov2, Galina Burmakina2, Sergei Rasskazov3, Yusef Ailow3, and Nikolai Karmanov1
Igor Ashchepkov et al.
  • 1Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Geology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation (
  • 2Dobretsov Geological Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
  • 3Institute of Earth Crust of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia

The lower crust and Moho pyroxenites and xenocrysts from Cenozoic volcanoes studied with the EPMA, SEM and LA ICP MS for trace elements evidence about the structure and composition of the transitional zone from the crust to mantle in Cenozoic volcanic regions In Vitim (picrite basalts), Dzhida, (Bartoy volcanoes) and Tunka valley (Karierny volcano). For the comparisons the lower crust xenocrysts from the Angara Vitim batholite were studied. The calculated PT conditions show the PT estimates are localizing within the Moho –and just beneath giving the vast range of temperatures. Lower they trace 90 mw/m2 geotherm. Within the crust the variation of temperature regime are varying from the conductive to advective. Xenocrysts and pyroxenite xenoliths mainly trace 90 mw/m2  SEA plume geotherm the area of the intrusions is over heated to 1350oC.

Fig.1 PT diagram for the xenoliths from Vitim Miocene  Picrite basalts

Fig.2 PT diagram for the xenoliths from Bartoy Pleistocene basalts

Fig.3 PT diagram for the xenoliths from Tunka Pliocene basalts

Fig.4 PT diagram for the xenocrysts from  Magmas of Angara-Vitim batholite

The granulites are typically represent the more colder conditions than SEA geotherm.  Xenocrysts from Angara Vitim batholith magmas reveal more depleted material of lower crust than those found in Cenozoic lavas and possibly are skialites. The xenocrysts and granulate xenoliths in Cenozoic lavas are mainly basic cumulates. The lower crust became more acid to the upper part. The lateral variations in the lower crust sampled material show enrichment in K2O at the boundary with the Siberian craton in Tunka, more metasomatic and hydrous nature in Dzhida zone and more basic and CaO rich characteristic in Vitim area.  These data give the evidence for the conditions of the creation of magmas of Angara-Vitim Batholiths.  It was created by the hot spot created kimberlites and basalts in north and Center of Yakutia in Silurian- Devonian time and Ingashi lamproites,  than it turned in Transbaikalia and after returned to central and Northern Siberia.   

 Supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Supported by Russian Science Foundation (23-17-00030). Work is done on state assignment of IGM SB RAS, Geological institute SB RAS Ulan Ude and Institute of Earth crust SB RAS, Irkutsk

How to cite: Ashchepkov, I., Tsygankov, A., Burmakina, G., Rasskazov, S., Ailow, Y., and Karmanov, N.: Thermal state and nature of the low crust in the Baikal Rift zone according to the lower crust xenoliths of Cenozoic volcanics and Paleozoic magmas. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1231,, 2024.