EGU24-12497, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Lander Induced Thermo-Elastic Noise at InSight Location on Mars

Sreejaya Kizhaekke Pakkathillam, Philippe Lognonne, Sébastien De Raucourt, and Taichi Kawamura
Sreejaya Kizhaekke Pakkathillam et al.
  • Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France (

Understanding the intricate thermal dynamics on Mars is crucial for accurate scientific measurements, particularly for seismological studies. The InSight Mission to study the interior structure and composition of Mars has recorded the Mars seismograms and in-situ data for the initial assessment of Mars' geothermal heat flow. Given that these measurements are obtained in close proximity to the lander at the surface, a primary concern is the presence of thermo-elastic noise, originating from fluctuations in solar radiation, within the collected data. Experiments such as those conducted by SEIS on Mars have specifically identified this phenomenon, detecting noise during the eclipse of Phobos (Stähler et al, 2020). While managing periodic temperature variations of instruments is feasible, challenges arise with other factors, such as those associated with moving shadows on the ground and solar radiation fluctuations. This implies that the presence of the lander will introduce thermal perturbations, causing alterations in both local surface and subsurface temperature measurements. These challenges necessitate numerical quantification due to difficulties in filtering them from the data. Hence, this study investigates first how the shadowing effect from the lander's structure and solar radiation variations impacts subsurface soil temperatures and consideration of this effect on the tilt recorded on the seismometers. We develop a 3D numerical model within Comsol Multiphysics 6.1 finite element package. The key element in adapting this model for use on Mars is accurately replicating the illumination conditions on the surface. Based on sub solar latitude and longitude derived using the JPL Horizons Ephemeris output, an illumination model is set at the instrument site for a desired duration. Unlike the Moon, where no atmospheric contribution affects temperature variations, Mars possesses a thin atmosphere that contributes to convective heat transfer. First, an analytical model is employed to find the transient solution of temperature at any given depth and time instances. The solution to the energy balance analysis determines the boundary conditions at the ground surface, which are then applied in the heat conduction equations governing subsurface temperature distribution.  The numerical temperature distribution output at an unperturbed location, far away from the lander is then compared with the analytical solution.  Once the 3D model is calibrated, the resulting temperature profiles can be utilized to assess the tilt of the seismometer feet and the sensitivity to additional solar radiation fluctuations. The findings suggest that the presence of a lander can exert substantial effects on the surrounding temperature environment under Martian conditions. This can introduce noise into the data collected by the seismometer, emphasizing the importance of accounting for and mitigating such influences in both the design and data analysis.

How to cite: Kizhaekke Pakkathillam, S., Lognonne, P., De Raucourt, S., and Kawamura, T.: Lander Induced Thermo-Elastic Noise at InSight Location on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12497,, 2024.