EGU24-12767, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The SERPENTINE Project Data Center

Raúl Gómez-Herrero1, Francisco Espinosa Lara1, Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco1, Laura Rodríguez-García1,7, Ignacio Cernuda1, Mario Roco1, Rami Vainio2, Nina Dresing2, Yulia Kartavykh3, Emilia K.J. Kilpua4, Domenico Trotta5, Illya Plotnikov6, Daniel Price4, Bernd Heber3, Timothy S. Horbury5, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber3, and the The SERPENTINE Team*
Raúl Gómez-Herrero et al.
  • 1Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain (
  • 2University of Turku, Turku, Finland
  • 3University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
  • 4University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 5Imperial College London, London, UK
  • 6IRAP, Toulouse, France
  • 7European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Since its start in 2021, the Solar EneRgetic ParticlE aNalysis plaTform for the INner hEliosphere (SERPENTINE) Project funded by EU H2020 program is using multi-spacecraft observations to investigate the origin of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) and providing new tools and datasets for the heliophysics community. SERPENTINE distributes new catalogues covering past and recent multipoint observations of SEP events, as well as their associated coronal mass ejections and interplanetary shocks. New SEP-related high-level data products from BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter missions, with added scientific value will be also provided in the near future. In this work, we summarize the structure, contents, and functionalities of the SERPENTINE Project Data Center (, a web-based interface providing open access to the various catalogues and high-level data products resulting from the project.

This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004159 (SERPENTINE).


A. Afanasiev, E. Asvestari, F. Carcaboso , I. Cernuda, A. del Pino , N. Dresing, W. Droege , F. Espinosa Lara, G. Farwa, V. Genot, J. Gieseler, R. Gómez-Herrero, B. Heber, H. Hietala, T. S. Horbury, M. Jarry, I. C. Jebaraj, T. Jokilehto, Y. Yulia, A. Klassen, E. Kilpua, A. Kouloumvakos, V. Linho, C. Mazelle, D. Morosan, S. Nyberg, P. Oleynik, D. Pacheco, C. Palmroos, I. Plotnikov, J. Pomoell, D. Price, M. Roco, L. Rodríguez-García, J. Rodríguez-Pacheco, A. Rouillard, N. Talebpour Sheshvan , D. Trotta, R. Vainio, S. Valkila, L. Vuorinen, N. Wijsen, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, A. Yli-Laurila

How to cite: Gómez-Herrero, R., Espinosa Lara, F., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Rodríguez-García, L., Cernuda, I., Roco, M., Vainio, R., Dresing, N., Kartavykh, Y., Kilpua, E. K. J., Trotta, D., Plotnikov, I., Price, D., Heber, B., Horbury, T. S., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. and the The SERPENTINE Team: The SERPENTINE Project Data Center, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12767,, 2024.