EGU24-13179, updated on 13 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Experimental data and models for radio diagnostics of extreme impacts “from above” and “from below” on ionospheric space weather: VLF, LOFAR and GNSS

Yuriy Rapoport1,2, Volodymyr Grimalsky3, Andrzej Krankowski1, Leszek Błaszkiewicz1, Paweł Flisek1, Kacper Kotulak1, Adam Fron1, Volodymyr Reshetnyk4, Asen Grytsai4, Vasil Ivchenko4, Alex Liashchuk2, and Sergei Petrishchevskii4
Yuriy Rapoport et al.
  • 1University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland (
  • 2National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (NCCSSAU)
  • 3CIICAp, Autonomous University of State Morelos (UAEM), Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico (
  • 4Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (

Radio diagnostics, including scattering of electromagnetic waves (EMW) by spatiotemporal disturbances of the ionospheric plasma in the ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies, Hz), VLF (Very Low Frequencies, kHz), HF (High Frequencies, MHz) and microwaves (GHz) ranges, is one of the most effective methods for detecting and studying extreme modifications of ionospheric “space weather”. Such modifications are caused, in particular, by influences “from above” (from the Solar wind and magnetospheric storms) and “from below” (from tropical cyclones, earthquakes and volcanoes) and other Natural Hazards. Such ionospheric modifications are manifested, in particular, in the excitation of TIDs (Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances) and scintillations on various scales of the HF waves detected by LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) Radio Telescope.

In combination with other ionosphere sounding techniques (as GNSS) LOFAR can give a complementary insight to the ionospheric structures. We present LOFAR scintillation observations compared with GNSS-observed ionospheric irregularities in order to assess the ionospheric plasma structures. Classified ionospheric scintillation data will be presented. These include quasi-periodic, quasi-pulse, flare-like and other disturbances detected on the LOFAR radio telescopic systems in Poland, Great Britain, Germany and other countries. Spectral processing of LOFAR data is currently being carried out to identify various types of ionospheric disturbances, including TIDs, that characterize ionospheric space weather. We are currently developing TID modelling methods aimed at comparison with experimental data. Theoretical and experimental data on ionospheric disturbances associated with the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcano in January 2022 are presented and the results of their comparison are discussed. Based on the data-driven approach, effective current sources associated with lightning discharges caused by the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcano are identified in the ULF (Ultra-Low Frequency), ELF and VLF ranges. In particular, theoretical results are given on: (i) the excitation of the first and second modes of the Schumann resonator; (ii) the fundamental possibility of simultaneous excitation of coupled global Schumann and local Alfvén resonators. The results of applying the model for the scattering of HF electromagnetic waves (EMWs) on ionospheric disturbances such as increased and decreased plasma densities will be presented. The effects of birefringence, the dependence of EMW frequency on time in moving plasma, diffraction and dispersion of EMWs will be included, based on the advanced method of Complex Geometrical Optics.

An information is provided on the Ukrainian Ground-Based Space Weather Monitoring Network. This network includes GNSS stations, VLF receivers, Magnetotelluric stations, Ionosonde and magnetometer INTERMAGNET. Examples of corresponding measurements are presented.

Yu.R. and L.B. are grateful, for partial funding this research, by National Science Centre, Poland, grant No 2023/49/B/ST10/03465, “Modern Radio-Diagnostics of the Ionosphere using LOFAR and GNSS Data”

How to cite: Rapoport, Y., Grimalsky, V., Krankowski, A., Błaszkiewicz, L., Flisek, P., Kotulak, K., Fron, A., Reshetnyk, V., Grytsai, A., Ivchenko, V., Liashchuk, A., and Petrishchevskii, S.: Experimental data and models for radio diagnostics of extreme impacts “from above” and “from below” on ionospheric space weather: VLF, LOFAR and GNSS, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13179,, 2024.