EGU24-13626, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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How can spatial parameter sensitivity analysis enhance streamflow calibration routines in hyper-resolution hydrological models?

Luiz Bacelar1, Hongli Liu2, Guoquiang Tang3, Noemi Vergopolan4, Naoki Mizukami3, Andy Wood3, and Nathaniel Chaney1
Luiz Bacelar et al.
  • 1Duke University, CEE, United States of America (
  • 2University of Alberta
  • 3National Center of Atmospheric Research
  • 4Princeton University

Efficiently modeling water and energy fluxes across spatial scales has historically involved grouping landscapes based on hydrological similarities. The HydroBlocks (HB) modeling framework, using unsupervised machine learning of high-resolution environmental datasets, emerges as a robust tool for representing heterogeneity in Land Surface Models (LSMs). This framework effectively discretizes complex gridded LSMs, such as Noah-MP, into spatially unstructured Hydrological Response Units (HRUs), facilitating the modeling of hydrological processes at hyper-resolution (10-100 m) with computational efficiency suitable for continental and global simulations. However, extending process-based hydrological models to such scales does not inherently ensure heightened simulation accuracy. For operational purposes, especially in flood warning systems, calibrating new LSMs remains imperative. Therefore, this study proposes a spatial parameter sensitivity methodology based on the pyVISCOUS algorithm, with the potential to facilitate HRU-level parameter calibration and enhance the application of hyper-resolution resolving LSMs for real-time streamflow prediction.

Our investigation delves into the relationship between spatial parameter sensitivity and model discretization across the Contiguous United States (CONUS), mainly focusing on surface and subsurface runoff states. Two clustering architectures were used to generate HB HRUs for an ensemble of simulations varying Noah-MP LSM parameters. The simplified HB configuration clusters HRUs based on terrain and hillslope variations, while the formal HB incorporates finer-scale land heterogeneity from high-resolution land cover and soil properties maps. Results reveal that saturated hydraulic conductivity was considered the most sensitive parameter for runoff production independent of the HRU grid configuration. The infiltration controlling parameter REFDK was ranked as the second most important in first-order sensitivity and had a higher spatial impact (% of HRUs) over the experiment with a higher level of clustering small-scale heterogeneity. Lower sensitivities were found in HRUs classified as urban areas, while soil properties parameters demonstrate reduced sensitivity near streams, where the floodplain remains closer to saturation. We intend to demonstrate that excluding the least sensitive HRU groups within a defined parameter range from calibration could potentially minimize computational costs while preserving physically realistic spatial patterns of LSM fluxes and states at field-scale resolutions, mitigating artifacts introduced by conventional methods (e.g. constant parameter multiplier over subbasins).

How to cite: Bacelar, L., Liu, H., Tang, G., Vergopolan, N., Mizukami, N., Wood, A., and Chaney, N.: How can spatial parameter sensitivity analysis enhance streamflow calibration routines in hyper-resolution hydrological models?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13626,, 2024.