EGU24-14020, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility on the Big Sur Coast, California, USA using Complex Network Theory

Vrinda D. Desai1, Alexander L. Handwerger2,3, and Karen E. Daniels1
Vrinda D. Desai et al.
  • 1Physics Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA (
  • 2Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

As a result of extreme weather conditions such as heavy precipitation, natural slopes can fail dramatically. While the pre-failure deformation is sometimes apparent in retrospect, it remains challenging to predict the sudden transition from gradual deformation to runaway acceleration. Recent advancements in remote sensing techniques, like satellite radar interferometry (InSAR), enable high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of deformation and topographic information, providing valuable insights into landslide detection and activity. 

Landslides are common on the Big Sur coast, Central California, USA due to active tectonics, mechanically weak rocks, and high seasonal precipitation. We use satellite InSAR data from Copernicus Sentinel-1A/B to identify 23 active landslides within our 175 km2 study site; one is Mud Creek, a slow-moving, deep-seated landslide that catastrophically failed in May 2017 and another is Paul’s Slide, which has experienced nearly constant motion for decades. 

We use multilayer networks to investigate the spatiotemporal patterns of slow deformation on the 23 active landslides. In our analysis, we transform observations of the study site — ground surface displacement (InSAR) and topographic slope (digital elevation model) — into a spatially-embedded multilayer network in which each layer represents a sequential data acquisition period. We use community detection, which identifies strongly-correlated clusters of nodes, to identify patterns of instability. We have previously shown [Desai et al., Physical Review E, 2023] that using high-quality data containing information about the fluidity (via velocity as a proxy) and susceptibility (slope) of the area successfully forecasts the transition of the Mud Creek landslide — the only formally slow-moving landslide in this collection to have catastrophically collapsed — from stable to unstable. 

Using multivariate analysis, we compare the traits of the active landslides, such as precipitation, vegetation, deformation, topography, NDVI, and radar coherence, against the results of the community detection. A strong indicator of instability is a combination of poor InSAR coherence and high displacement. Combined with community detection, we are able to differentiate between creeping landslides that are stable and landslides that display concerning trends that may warn of catastrophic failure.

How to cite: Desai, V. D., Handwerger, A. L., and Daniels, K. E.: Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility on the Big Sur Coast, California, USA using Complex Network Theory, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14020,, 2024.