EGU24-14586, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Archive prototype for Space Weather phenomena chains from the Sun to the Earth: CAESAR for ASPIS

Marco Molinaro1 and the CAESAR Team*
Marco Molinaro and the CAESAR Team
  • 1INAF, Astronomical Observator or Trieste, Trieste, Italy (
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

CAESAR (Comprehensive Space Weather Studies for the ASPIS Prototype Realisation) is a project funded by ASI (Italian Space Agency) and INAF (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics) for the development of the prototype of ASPIS (ASI SPace weather InfraStructure). We report here design considerations, challenges and final status of the creation of a database for the ASPIS prototype, which will allow for the study of the chain of phenomena from the Sun to Earth and planetary environments. The database is aimed at handling the heterogeneity of metadata and data while storing and managing the interconnections of various Space Weather events. On top of the database, interfaces for users, including a graphical web interface and an advanced Python module (, have been developed to facilitate data discovery, access, and analysis. The high-level metadata, to inform the discovery phase in the database, have been collected using an internally developed tool, ProSpecT (Product Specification Template). This tool utilises JSON Schema and JSONForms to create a web interface to guide the data providers in describing their "Products" and generate a JSON object with the necessary metadata. The metadata structure starts from the IVOA VOResource standard, tailored to suit the CAESAR project's requirements. At present, approximately 100 product descriptions in JSON format have been collected and used to create wiki-like documentation pages besides helping in examining formats and metadata details for the implementation of the database prototype. The graphical web interface helps the users discover, filter, and access the database content, while also provides more advanced analysis tooling. Moreover, sits on top of commonly used Python packages like SunPy, scikit-learn, matplotlib to help integrate research analysis with other tools and research domains. The database has been built keeping in mind adherence to FAIR principles and with the idea to make it easily interoperable with other research data infrastructures in the Space Weather or sibling research domains.


Monica Laurenza, Dario Del Moro, Valerio Formato, Carmelo Magnafico, Federico Benvenuto, Alessandro Tacchino, Alessandro Perfetti, Stefano Scardigli, Loredana Vigliano, SciGe Liu, Mirko Stumpo

How to cite: Molinaro, M. and the CAESAR Team: Archive prototype for Space Weather phenomena chains from the Sun to the Earth: CAESAR for ASPIS, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14586,, 2024.