EGU24-14694, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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A decade of the heat-pipe Earth hypothesis

A Alexander G Webb1, William B Moore2, Jiawei Zuo1, Thomas Müller3, Chun'an Tang4, Justin I Simon5, Peter J Haproff6, Chit Yan Eunice Leung1, Ariuntsetseg Ganbat1, Anthony Ramírez-Salazar7, Sandra Piazolo8, Qin Wang9, Dominik Sorger3, Emily J Chin10, Tim E Johnson11, N Ryan McKenzie1, Christopher L Kirkland11, H C Jupiter Cheng12, and Christoph Hauzenberger13
A Alexander G Webb et al.
  • 1University of Hong Kong, Earth Sciences, Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. China (
  • 2Hampton University, USA
  • 3University of Göttingen, Germany
  • 4Dalian University of Technology, China
  • 5NASA Johnson, USA
  • 6University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA
  • 7Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
  • 8The University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • 9Nanjing University
  • 10Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA
  • 11Curtin University, Australia
  • 12Appalachian State University, USA
  • 13University of Graz, Austria

In his classic contribution “A Heat Pipe Mechanism for Volcanism and Tectonics on Venus” [1989, JGR 94, B3, 2779-2785], Turcotte applied O’Reilly and Davies’ [1981, GRL 8, 313-316] model for Io’s volcanic heat transport to Venus, and further speculated that this mechanism might explain a thick lithosphere inferred for Archean Earth. The latter idea – to consider heat-pipe cooling for Earth – then lay fallow until roughly 15 years ago, when one of us (Moore) argued in talks and manuscripts (all rejected) that the cold, thick, and strong lithosphere generated by heat-pipe cooling might offer an alternative to subduction tectonics for generating the “too-cold” Hadean zircons reported by Hopkins et al. [2008, Nature 456, 493-496]. With the additional realization that the heat-pipe cooling mechanism might similarly account for the rocks preserved from the first half of Archean time, the concept of an early heat-pipe Earth finally received broad consideration just over a decade ago [Moore & Webb, 2013 Nature 501, 501-505]. 

Heat-pipe cooling is a hot stagnant-lid cooling mode based on our understanding of the active volcano-tectonics of Jupiter’s moon Io [O’Reilly & Davies, 1981]. Heat-pipes are not plumes: heat-pipes are conduits channeling melts upwards through lithosphere, whereas plumes commonly span the whole crust and mantle and accordingly have relatively complex histories. The heat-pipe Earth hypothesis posits that during the first third of Earth history, rapid volcanism dominated cooling from the end of the magma ocean period to the onset of (episodic?) plate tectonics. During the heat-pipe period, voluminous mafic volcanism resulted in protracted resurfacing, causing quasi-continuous burial of cold, hydrated surface materials that (1) cooled a single-plate lithosphere and (2) generated tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite melts deep in the lithosphere. It is noteworthy that the burial of surface materials to mantle depths – long seen as a distinguishing characteristic of plate tectonics – is a hallmark of heat-pipe cooling.   

The past decade has seen abundant explorations and tests of the heat-pipe Earth hypothesis, as well as renewed interest in the heat-pipe cooling mechanism for other terrestrial bodies. This presentation will review major results and consider key critiques. Highlights include demonstrations that heat-pipe cooling viably explains: (a) the early histories of the lithospheres preserved at Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Moon, and thus can be hypothesized as a universal cooling mechanism for early / hot terrestrial bodies in our Solar System and others [Moore et al., 2017 EPSL 474, 13-19; Peterson et al., 2021 Sci.Adv. 7:eabh2482]; (b) the Eoarchean development of the Isua supracrustal belt of southern West Greenland [Webb et al., 2020 Lithosphere 12, 166-179 and a collection of subsequent works], which was previously understood exclusively via plate tectonic models; (c) the initiation of a global plate network, as thinning and corresponding warming of lithosphere during waning heat-pipe cooling caused thermal expansion which overcame the tensional strength of the lithosphere [Tang et al., 2020 Nat.Comm. 11:3621]; and (d) Earth’s detrital zircon depositional records older than ~3.3 Ga [Zuo et al., 2021 EPSL 575:117182].  

How to cite: Webb, A. A. G., Moore, W. B., Zuo, J., Müller, T., Tang, C., Simon, J. I., Haproff, P. J., Leung, C. Y. E., Ganbat, A., Ramírez-Salazar, A., Piazolo, S., Wang, Q., Sorger, D., Chin, E. J., Johnson, T. E., McKenzie, N. R., Kirkland, C. L., Cheng, H. C. J., and Hauzenberger, C.: A decade of the heat-pipe Earth hypothesis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14694,, 2024.