EGU24-15593, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Modes of detachment faulting at slow and ultraslow mid-oceanic ridges

Antoine Demont1, Mathilde Cannat2, and Jean-Arthur Olive3
Antoine Demont et al.
  • 1Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Equipe de géosciences marines, France (
  • 2CNRS-Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris-Equipe de géosciences marines,Paris, France (
  • 3CNRS-Laboratoire de Géologie - École normale supérieure, PSL University, Paris, France (

Large-offset detachment faults are commonly observed at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs), typically in areas with a moderate to low magma supply (e.g., 13º20'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Detachments are also found at nearly amagmatic sections of ultraslow MORs (e.g., 64ºE on the Southwest Indian Ridge), where the seismogenic lithosphere is unusually thick (> 15 km). There, detachments of opposing polarity form in sequence and cross-cut each other in a "flip-flop" regime. Prior studies have shown that marked strength contrasts, resulting from reduced cohesion and/or friction in fault zones, promote stable detachments. Here we present 2-D thermo-mechanical models based on geological observations to examine how strength contrasts between fault zones and the adjacent lithosphere impact the modes of faulting at an ultraslow and nearly amagmatic ridge axis.

We model the brittle lithosphere as a Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic material, where cohesion and friction diminish with increasing plastic strain. We explore a broad range of cohesion and friction contrasts between deformed and intact material. We also consider the influence of a strong, viscous lower lithosphere on the brittle deformation of the upper lithosphere by comparing simulations that use a dry olivine flow law with models where the brittle lithosphere sharply transitions into a low-viscosity asthenosphere. Fluid circulation in the shallow axial lithosphere is also considered, parameterizing both the cooling and the mechanical effect of hydrothermal circulation.

Our simulations produce three distinct regimes: (1) sequential development of horsts bound by two active antithetic faults, (2) formation of intersecting “flip-flopping” detachments, (3) runaway detachments. The latter case describes models in which a single detachment remains active. In nature, this endmember case is not observed, probably because it results in an excessive migration of the detachment toward its hanging wall. We show that these 3 regimes transition over a narrow range of cohesion and friction contrasts between deformed and intact material (the contrast in friction coefficient over which our simulations transition from regimes 1 to 3 is only 0.1- 0.2). Distributed footwall damage produces antithetic proto-faults, but their ability to mature as major seafloor-breaching faults depends on the degree of rheological weakening. A stronger lower lithosphere promotes such distributed faulting and modifies the onset of the persistent detachment regime to greater strength contrasts. The impact of hydrostatic fluid pressure on tectonic styles is relatively minor compared to fault weakening.

The results of these simulations are consistent with an analytical force balance model that compares the (localizing) loss of fault strength in the detachments to the (delocalizing) flexural force that develops in the surrounding lithosphere. Detachments persist when the magnitude of fault strength loss exceeds the maximum bending force. We find that runaway detachments require a total loss of integrated strength in excess of 1.5e12 N.m, equivalent in our models to a drop in friction coefficient by ~0.25–0.3 in fault zones. Thus, even a moderate frictional weakening, such as that allowed by the presence of lizardite in the fault zone (frictional strength of 0.45) enables large-offset (>15 km) faulting.

How to cite: Demont, A., Cannat, M., and Olive, J.-A.: Modes of detachment faulting at slow and ultraslow mid-oceanic ridges, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15593,, 2024.