EGU24-15749, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Exploring the Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Fractures Utilizing the mini-SIMFIP Probe

Tom Schaber1, Julian Osten1, Mohammadreza Jalali1, Alexander Cadmus2, Leonie Welsing2, Paul Cook3, Yves Guglielmi3, Raul Fuentes2, and Florian Amann1,4
Tom Schaber et al.
  • 1Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany (
  • 2Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
  • 3Energy Geoscience Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
  • 4Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems (IEG), Aachen, Germany

The SIMFIP (Step-rate Injection Method for Fracture In-situ Properties) probe is a downhole displacement tool designed to measure injection-driven fracture displacement in an isolated borehole interval in three dimensions. The resulting displacement and interval pressure data can be used to estimate fracture characteristics such as fracture stiffnesses, strength and hydraulic properties from borehole measurements. SIMFIP results have also been successfully implemented in a stress inversion routine that allows the calculation of the full stress tensor from a single measurement.

As part of the SPINE (Stress Profiling IN Enhanced geothermal systems) project, a laboratory-scale deformation tool, the mini-SIMFIP probe has been developed. The probe, with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 65 mm, can be installed in laboratory to study the 3D deformation of intact rock and fractures in different type of rocks. Preliminary tests were conducted in a decimeter-scale true triaxial test apparatus containing a cuboid granite sample with an oblique saw-cut laboratory fracture. Two boreholes crossing the fracture can be isolated and equipped with the mini-SIMFIP probe. Fluid injection into the isolated interval opens the fracture or induces hydraulic shearing under anisotropic stress conditions. The resulting dataset can be used to quantify measurement uncertainties associated with the field SIMFIP protocol, to benchmark stress inversion protocols against known stress boundary conditions, and gain better insight into hydro-mechanically coupled processes.

How to cite: Schaber, T., Osten, J., Jalali, M., Cadmus, A., Welsing, L., Cook, P., Guglielmi, Y., Fuentes, R., and Amann, F.: Exploring the Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Fractures Utilizing the mini-SIMFIP Probe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15749,, 2024.