STIX electron flux maps allow the quantitative determination of the number of accelerated electrons in solar flares
- 1MIDA, dipartimento di matematica, università di genova, genova, Italy (
- 2osservatorio astrofisico di torino, istituto nazionale di astrofisica, torino
- 3institute for data science, fachhochschule nordwestschweiz, switzerland
- 4department of physics and astronomy, western kentucky university, KY, USA
This talk shows that imaging-spectroscopy analyses from data recorded by the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on-board Solar Orbiter allow to disentangle the two factors that determine the observed hard X-ray spectrum of a solar flare, i.e., the density of the accelerated electrons and the ambient target density. More specifically, we show, for the first time in a quantitative way, that in the case of some peculiar events characterized by a significant coronal emission, the number of non-thermal electrons accelerated by the flare is relatively small and that a high rate of such electrons is stopped before they can reach the chromosphere
How to cite: piana, M., volpara, A., massa, P., emslie, G., krucker, S., and massone, A. M.: STIX electron flux maps allow the quantitative determination of the number of accelerated electrons in solar flares, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15888,, 2024.