EGU24-16173, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Designing and delivering user-driven products and services through Copernicus Marine Service 

Valentina Giunta, Corinne Derval, Laurence Crosnier, and Muriel Lux
Valentina Giunta et al.
  • Mercator Ocean International, France

The Copernicus Marine Service is one of the six pillar services of the Copernicus program. It follows a user-driven process by taking into consideration user feedback to consistently improve its portfolio of products and services. Mercator Ocean International (here MOi) is entrusted by the European Union to implement the Copernicus Marine Service over the 2021-2027 period. Consequently, MOi is maintaining a permanent dialogue with users to collect their requirements and support them in the use of the service. Public Core users, such as policy stakeholders and regional sea conventions, are the main target, but Copernicus Marine Service is open to all communities (Core and non-Core users). Thus, MOi manages and analyses feedback from all users on the current service and their requirements for the service evolution. The user feedback process is dynamic and constantly evolving to target specific audiences and expertise. Currently, user needs are being collected through diverse channels and sources, such as through the User Support team, but also through training and surveys. To plan the service evolution, feedback from groups with specific expertise is needed to help fill the gap in what is being offered and to improve the data quality. As an example of these target audiences, the Champion User Advisory Group (CUAG), formed by active users of Copernicus Marine Service, and the National Marine Stakeholders Group, formed by member states, were consolidated. These groups allow regular interactions and communication among expert users and policymakers, which have been proven to be resourceful sources of feedback that help towards better services and data products. Among the main needs expressed by users, increasing spatial and temporal resolution of global models and reanalysis products, having longer ocean forecasts, and improving quality data are the top priorities.  With the added value of feasibility studies, these inputs are considered and evaluated internally and discussed with the producer's centers to ensure that the planned roadmap is aligned with the user requirements. Additionally, knowledge gaps and cutting-edge scientific developments are identified to plan the service evolution activities in the short, intermediate, and long term to better serve marine policy implementation and scientific research. In conclusion, the goal of this user-driven approach is to give Copernicus Marine Service the capacity to effectively answer users’ needs on ocean monitoring and forecasting at European and global levels. 

How to cite: Giunta, V., Derval, C., Crosnier, L., and Lux, M.: Designing and delivering user-driven products and services through Copernicus Marine Service , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16173,, 2024.