EGU24-16199, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Seismicity recorded by DIVEnet, a temporary network covering the northern Ivrea-Verbano Zone

Simone Salimbeni1, Judith Confal1, Silvia Pondrelli1, György Hetényi2, and the DIVENet Team*
Simone Salimbeni et al.
  • 1INGV, Sez. Bologna, Bologna, Italy (
  • 2University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

As part of the ICDP-DIVE project (, the temporary seismic network DIVEnet has been installed across the northeastern part of the Ivrea Verbano zone (IVZ). The DIVE project aims to find answers to fundamental questions about the lower continental crust and its transition to the mantle with two scientific boreholes and a combination of geochemical, geological and geophysical analyses. Since due to Alpine collision lower crustal rocks are at the surface, and the Ivrea geophysical body is at a very shallow depth (locally ~1±1 km b.s.l.), the site is unique and offers an excellent frame for new discoveries. The DIVE project includes a first drillhole DT-1B which has been completed in Ornavasso, and a second, currently ongoing DT-1A in Megolo. To monitor natural seismicity as well as drilling-induced noise and possible signals in the area, we have deployed DIVEnet in Autumn 2021, a temporary seismic network consisting of 13 seismometers. In September 2023, a broadband borehole instruments has been lowered in the first, completed borehole and is now recording at 250 m depth. This long-term monitoring produced a catalog of local seismicity that shows that the main seismic activity is located around the well-known principal tectonic lines of the region, i.e. the Insubric Line, which, geologically speaking, are considered as inactive. Seismic monitoring techniques have been redefined to improve the detection ability, which has become possible thanks to tested and continuously improved quality checks. Additionally we use the data for various geophysical analyses. Together with other permanent and temporary seismic stations in the region, receiver function analysis and its back-azimuthal harmonics are being calculated to get a better image of the IVZ by checking the presence of anisotropy in this anomalous body and its surrounding lithosphere.



DIVENet Team:

Adriano Cavaliere, Stefania Danesi, Emanuela Ercolani, Irene Molinari, Lucia Zaccarelli (INGV, Sez. Bologna, Italy) Carlo Giunchi (INGV, Sez. Pisa, Italy) Konstantinos Michailos (Univ. Lausanne, Switzerland) Claudia Piromallo, Giovanna Cultrera, Rocco Cogliano, Gaetano Riccio (INGV, Sez. Roma1, Italy) Alberto Zanetti (Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, IGG-CNR, Pavia, Italy)

How to cite: Salimbeni, S., Confal, J., Pondrelli, S., and Hetényi, G. and the DIVENet Team: Seismicity recorded by DIVEnet, a temporary network covering the northern Ivrea-Verbano Zone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16199,, 2024.