EGU24-16258, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Investigation of ion flux response to magnetic dipolarization events in the Jovian magnetotail using Juno/JEDI data

Georgia Moutsiana1, George Clark2, Matina Gkioulidou2, Ioannis Daglis1,3, and Barry Mauk2
Georgia Moutsiana et al.
  • 1National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Department of Physics, Athens, Greece (
  • 2Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), Laurel, Maryland, USA
  • 3Hellenic Space Center (HSC), Athens, Greece

The acceleration and energization processes of charged particles in planetary magnetotails are commonly associated with magnetic dipolarization events and are thought to share similarities among the various magnetospheres of our solar system. In the present study, we focus on Jupiter’s extensive and massive magnetosphere, characterized by multispecies plasma in diverse charge states, resulting in a varied set of acceleration-relevant factors that can be examined. During Juno’s prime mission, we utilize magnetic field data from the MAG instrument, and energetic ion data from JEDI-090 and JEDI-270 identical instruments, which provide measurements for the energy, angular, and compositional distributions of hydrogen (∼50 keV to ∼1 MeV), oxygen (∼170 keV to ∼2 MeV) and sulfur (∼170 keV to ∼4 MeV) ions. In particular, we examine and present the typical response of hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur ion fluxes, as well as pitch angle distributions, to local magnetic field dipolarizations in Jupiter’s magnetotail, focusing on observations at radial distances beyond 30 RJ. As part of our ongoing work, we plan to conduct a comparative analysis of energization processes around dipolarization events in the magnetotails of both Earth and Jupiter, in an attempt to discern similarities and differences in the associated mechanisms for these two planets.

How to cite: Moutsiana, G., Clark, G., Gkioulidou, M., Daglis, I., and Mauk, B.: Investigation of ion flux response to magnetic dipolarization events in the Jovian magnetotail using Juno/JEDI data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16258,, 2024.