EGU24-16819, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The Galileo for Science project: Non-Conservative Forces modeling for the Galileo FOC satellites

Carlo Lefevre1, Massimo Visco1, David Lucchesi1, Feliciana Sapio1, Roberto Peron1, Marco Cinelli1, Alessandro Di Marco1, Emiliano Fiorenza1, Pasqualino Loffredo1, Marco Lucente1, Carmelo Magnafico1, Francesco Santoli1, and Francesco Vespe2
Carlo Lefevre et al.
  • 1Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology, Rome, Italy
  • 2Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (CGS), Contrada Terlecchia, 75100 Matera, Italy

The Galileo for Science Project (G4S_2.0) is funded by the Italian Space Agency and has several goals in the field of Fundamental Physics to be achieved by exploiting the satellites of the Galileo-FOC Constellation. In this regard, a key point is to obtain a suitable satellite orbit solution by performing an accurate Precise Orbit Determination (POD). To this purpose modeling in a reliable way the complex effects of the Non-Conservative Forces, i.e. of Non-Gravitational Perturbations (NGPs), is essential. The activities undertaken in the construction of a Box-Wing model and of a Finite Element Model of the satellite will be presented with the preliminary results obtained by including these models into the POD of the Galileo satellites. In particular, using the orbital element residuals obtained from a POD we can test our new models and the improvements in POD quality.

How to cite: Lefevre, C., Visco, M., Lucchesi, D., Sapio, F., Peron, R., Cinelli, M., Di Marco, A., Fiorenza, E., Loffredo, P., Lucente, M., Magnafico, C., Santoli, F., and Vespe, F.: The Galileo for Science project: Non-Conservative Forces modeling for the Galileo FOC satellites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16819,, 2024.