EGU24-17092, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Record of high-stress deformation before and during an earthquake at intermediate-depth conditions

Giovanni Toffol1, Giorgio Pennacchioni1, Marco Scambelluri2, and Luiz Fernando Grafulha Morales3
Giovanni Toffol et al.
  • 1University of Padova, Department of Geosciences, Padova, Italy (
  • 2University of Genova, Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences, Genova, Italy
  • 3ETH Zürich, Structural Geology and Tectonics Group, Zürich, Switzerland

Exhumed pseudotachylytes (quenched coseismic frictional melts) and their wall-rocks represent a source of information to investigate earthquake mechanics at hypocentre depth. Pseudotachylytes produced at eclogite-facies conditions in subducted oceanic rocks are of particular interest as they open a window into the elusive mechanics of intermediate-depth earthquakes1.

Here we present observations from pseudotachylytes hosted in oceanic gabbros and peridotites from Moncuni (Lanzo Massif, W Alps). These pseudotachylytes record seismic faulting occurred at ca. 70 km of depth during subduction of oceanic lithosphere and have been explained as the result of brittle failure under high differential stress in dry rocks2,3.

We focus on the pervasive damage surrounding pseudotachylytes within olivine-bearing gabbros. Brittle deformation comprises aseismic (cataclasite bands and foliated cataclasites) and coseismic (pulverized domains with shattering in-situ) features associated with the pseudotachylyte veins. Fluid-absent conditions promoted preservation of the pristine brittle features, including pseudotachylyte glass, throughout the exhumation path.

Pseudotachylyte veins and the associated sharp micro-faults are commonly bound by cataclastic domains. Locally, these domains develop an S-C fabric with ultracataclasites along the shear planes. This fabric shows a progressive localization of strain toward the core pseudotachylyte that cut through the S-C fabric, with the cataclastic aggregates proximal to the pseudotachylyte frequently impregnated by melt. Wall-rock olivine grains show evidence of low-temperature plasticity (deformation lamellae and undulatory extinction) and microfracturing. Both deformation lamellae and microfractures are oriented perpendicular to olivine c-axis. These deformation microstructures are also shown by olivine clasts within the cataclasites bounding the pseudotachylytes suggesting a temporal sequence of (i) crystal plastic deformation and (ii) shattering and pulverization. The small olivine clasts in contact with the sharp margin of the pseudotachylyte show substructures a few hundred nanometres in size and are characterized by absence of Kikuchi diffraction patterns. The lack of diffraction bands is interpreted as evidence of extremely high density of dislocations leading to amorphization of the material.

We interpret the low temperature plasticity of olivine and the progressive evolution of the S-C fabric to represent the precursory stage of stress localization predating the abrupt propagation of the seismic rupture, whose instantaneous high stress pulse is recorded by the shattered olivine clasts.


[1] Toffol et al., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 578: 117289

[2] Scambelluri et al., Nature Geoscience, 2017, 10.12: 960-966

[3] Pennacchioni et al., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 548: 116490

How to cite: Toffol, G., Pennacchioni, G., Scambelluri, M., and Grafulha Morales, L. F.: Record of high-stress deformation before and during an earthquake at intermediate-depth conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17092,, 2024.