EGU24-17417, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Bringing the gap among citizens and ICT tools through storytelling to testify the local impacts of climate change during time

Paola Salvati1, Giuseppe Esposito1, Simone Facchinetti4, Ivan Marchesini1, Umberto Mezzacapo2, Simone Sterlacchini2, Debora Voltolina2, and Antonella Galizia3
Paola Salvati et al.
  • 1CNR, IRPI, Perugia, Italy (
  • 2CNR, IGAG, Milano, Italy
  • 3CNR, IMATI, Genova, Italy
  • 4Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy

Citizen science is increasingly used to engage the public in scientific processes to raise awareness and promote actions towards climate change and sustainability. In addition, citizen science initiatives allow the creation of multidisciplinary contexts engaging citizens, and also stakeholders, to foster scientific awareness and active participation to the definition of adaptation actions. With this vision in mind, this abstract describes the citizen science activities set in the municipality of Chiavari (Genoa metropolitan area), where different agreements have been signed with the municipal administration, municipal Civil Protection and two high schools to launch training programs started in May 2023. 
The training activities consider the use of a webapp for landslides and flood reporting to describe past geo-hydrological events. The webapp provides a form aimed at describing the characteristics (speed of the run, height of the water, etc.) a specific phenomenon occurred in a specific date; the output result is a map of the reports. The webapp is based on KoboToolbox, an open source software to create reports and geolocating entities, and students exploit it through their mobiles, and/or the device they prefer. A first field campaign was organized to collect local data and experiences via interviews (and storytelling) with local persons; the campaign was highly impacting for the students since there were also able to reconstruct a local historical memory. In a following meeting, students accessed (via QRcode) videos and/or images of the event with the aim of locate the site observed in the images/videos and compared their map with ARPAL official observation of the event. 
The presentation will outline the entire initiative, from the engagement to the webapp while reporting how the historical local interviews emphasized the actual impact of climate change in our own urban environments. The work is developed within the H2020 projects I-CHANGE (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition).

How to cite: Salvati, P., Esposito, G., Facchinetti, S., Marchesini, I., Mezzacapo, U., Sterlacchini, S., Voltolina, D., and Galizia, A.: Bringing the gap among citizens and ICT tools through storytelling to testify the local impacts of climate change during time, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17417,, 2024.