EGU24-18172, updated on 09 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
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On the different contributions to the peculiar topography of the Iberian Peninsula

Ana M. Negredo1,2, Javier Fullea1,3, Olga Ortega-Gelabert1, Carlos Clemente1, and Julien Babault4
Ana M. Negredo et al.
  • 1University of Madrid, Geophysics. Faculty of Physics, Madrid, Spain (
  • 2Institute of Geosciences IGEO (CSIC, UCM), Madrid, Spain
  • 3Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), Dublin, Ireland.
  • 4Department of Geology and Geophysics. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC), Madrid Spain (

The topography of the Iberian Meseta located between the Pyrenees-Cantabrian Mountains and the Betics Chain is moderately high (660 m on average) compared to the high plateaus on Earth (> 1 km) albeit higher than the topography of the surrounding western European plate. The Iberian Meseta encompasses Cenozoic sedimentary basins, active or inactive Alpine mountain ranges, and low-relief erosional surfaces represented by plateaus with elevations between 600 and 1400 m asl. It is commonly accepted that ~600-700 m surface uplift occurred during the Cenozoic, but the underlaying processes and the precise timing of the onset of the plateau growth are strongly debated. The main objective of the present study is to find out to what extent the topography of the Iberian Meseta has a crustal, lithospheric or a sublithospheric origin. We used the results of a recent modelling based on the joint inversion of both the crustal and lithospheric mantle structure. It encompasses an integrated geophysical-lithological multi-data modelling. The inversion is framed within an integrated geophysical-petrological setting where mantle seismic velocities and densities are computed as a function of temperature and composition whereas crustal density, shear and compressional wave velocities are lithologically linked based on empirical relationships from global petrophysical databases.

We computed the relative contribution to topography of crustal and lithospheric mantle thickness variations and density structure. The topography of the Alpine mountain belts in Iberia is largely associated with thickened crust. We find that the elevated topography in the NW Iberian Meseta (elevation > 700 m) is mostly related to the lithospheric mantle thinning. This is in agreement with Inversion of topographic data, landform dates, and erosion rates suggesting a late Cenozoic mantle-related surface uplift of several hundreds of meters in NW Iberia (EGU24-11613) and in the central Iberia (EGU24-16382). Similarly, a thin and warm lithospheric mantle is responsible for the positive elevation of the onshore Mediterranean margins. A negatively buoyant lithospheric mantle causes >1 km subsidence in the Gibraltar Arc and western Pyrenees.  We solved the Stokes flow to evaluate the contribution of temperature-related buoyancy forces at asthenospheric depths. These forces cause a long wavelength topographic response located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula reaching a maximum value of only 100-150 m, which is much lower than the values reported in previous works assuming an isostatic balance.

How to cite: Negredo, A. M., Fullea, J., Ortega-Gelabert, O., Clemente, C., and Babault, J.: On the different contributions to the peculiar topography of the Iberian Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18172,, 2024.