EGU24-18578, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Testing high-resolution block modeling of the India-Eurasia collision zone with GPS, InSAR and geological fault slip rate data

Gang Zheng1, Tim Wright1, Richard Styron2, Jin Fang1, Qi Ou1, Dehua Wang1, Jianghui Geng3, Bin Zhao4, Dongzhen Wang4, and Jingnan Liu3
Gang Zheng et al.
  • 1COMET, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  • 2Global Earthquake Model Foundation, Pavia, Italy
  • 3GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
  • 4Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, Wuhan, China

The India-Eurasia collision zone is the largest deforming region on the planet with numerous faults and widespread earthquakes, extending from the Himalayan Front to north of the Tien Shan. Developed from plate tectonic theory, block models have long been used to describe the crustal deformation in the collision zone, and GPS data are often invoked to constrain and test the models. Although previous block models perform well against GPS data on the whole, the detailed performance in many areas of the collision zone remains uncertain due to sparsity of GPS data and the low resolution of the fault database used to define the blocks.

In this study, we process the raw GPS data collected via regional continuous GPS observation networks and Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) up to 2021, mainly located in Tibet, and obtain our core GPS velocity field with 420 continuous and 872 campaign stations. We further incorporate published GPS velocities, mainly located in the Himalaya and Tien Shan regions. We convert these velocities into our core solution to keep all the velocities in a consistent reference frame. As a result, we provide the densest and up-to-date GPS velocity field in the India-Eurasia collision zone including 2811 stations. Although the stations from CMONOC have been presented before, our updated velocities are more robust as they are derived from a longer time span, e.g., 5 years more than Wang and Shen [2020]. Also, we add an extra 351 stations for the collision zone compared to Wang and Shen [2020], most of which are continuous stations, over 300 of which have never been published. Wright et al. [2023] presented the first high-resolution InSAR velocity field for whole Tibet. Constraints from the InSAR data enable us to effectively evaluate the detailed performance of block modeling in Tibet, especially in the remote regions where the GPS data are sparse.

We incorporate the GPS and InSAR velocity fields, and 170 Quaternary fault slip rates into a recently-developed high-resolution block model with 237 blocks by Styron [2022] to predict block motion and fault slip rates throughout the collision zone. The block model fits the data well in general, although there are some significant residuals. The predicted slip rates along ~900 faults from the model are generally small except for those along several major faults, including the major Tibetan strike-slip faults, which have larger slip rates but still within the level of 10 mm/yr, and the Main Himalayan Thrust, which has a convergence rate at the level of about 15 mm/yr. The predicted slip rates show along-strike variations, and are consistent with previous geodetic studies. We then use our results to assess the limitations of tectonic block modelling for applications in seismic hazard assessment and in understanding the geodynamics of continental tectonics. The results suggest that tectonic strain has two modes: a few major faults exhibit focused strain and high slip rates; between these major structures, deformation is more continuous.

How to cite: Zheng, G., Wright, T., Styron, R., Fang, J., Ou, Q., Wang, D., Geng, J., Zhao, B., Wang, D., and Liu, J.: Testing high-resolution block modeling of the India-Eurasia collision zone with GPS, InSAR and geological fault slip rate data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18578,, 2024.