EGU24-18954, updated on 22 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Amazonian understory response to elevated CO2

Tomas Domingues1, Amanda Damasceno2, Sabrina Garcia3, Izabela Aleixo3, Juliane Menezes4, Iokanam Pereira3, Martin De Kauwe5, Vanessa Ferrer2, Katrin Fleischer6, Thorsten Grams7, Flávia Santana3, Iain Hartley8, Bart Kruijt9, Laynara Lugli7, Nathielly Martins4, Richard Norby10, Bruno Portela3, Anja Rammig7, Carlos Quesada3, David Lapola11, and the AmazonFACE team*
Tomas Domingues et al.
  • 1Universidade de São Paulo, FFCLRP, Biology, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
  • 2Ecology Graduate Program, National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus, Brazil
  • 3National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus, Brazil
  • 4Tropical Forest Sciences Graduate Program, National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus, Brazil
  • 5School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TQ, UK.
  • 6Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
  • 7Technical University of Munich (TUM), School of Life Sciences, Freising, Germany.
  • 8Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
  • 9Wageningen University, Water Systems and Global Change, Wageningen, Netherlands.
  • 10Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
  • 11Center of Meteorological and Climatic Research Applied to Agriculture (CEPAGRI), University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

The response of plants to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration depends on several factors such as life history of specific species, availability of water, nutrients and light, and the ecological context that the plants are found. Although several experiments with elevated CO2 (eCO2) have been done worldwide, none was performed in the Amazon forest understory focusing in a community growing naturally. The understory of the central Amazon is limited by both light and phosphorus. Understanding how such ecosystem responds to eCO2 is important to foresee how the forest will function in the future. Also, quantifying the response of this forest compartment helps to constrain Ecosystem Models that compute carbon and water fluxes.

For this study, we used the open-top chamber (OTC) approach, with a CO2 enrichment of +250 ppm above the ambient concentration. Eight OTC were installed (4 with ambient CO2 and another 4 with eCO2) in the understory of a natural forest in the Central Amazon, approximately 70 km from Manaus city. The eCO2 experiment started in November 2019 and, after 120 days, we quantified the average community response of the following photosynthetic parameters: light saturated carbon assimilation rate (Asat), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), apparent quantum yield (Φ), light compensation point (LCP), maximum carboxylation capacity (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax). After 240 days of treatment, we quantified mean individual leaf production and accumulated leaf production, leaf area (Lfarea). After 300 days, we quantified the increment in base diameter (BD), height (Ht) and relative growth rate (RGR).

Under eCO2, we observed increases in Asat (67%), Jmax (19%), Φ (56%), and iWUE (78%), in agreement with the hypothesis that plants near the light compensation point respond strongly to eCO2. We also detected an increase in Lfarea (51%) and BD (65%), indicating that the extra primary productivity was not allocated to growth in height, but to supporting more light intercepting organs (leaf and conducting tissues). No detectable changes were observed for the other variables.

Apart from the expected increase in assimilation rates, understory plants in Central Amazon responded positively to eCO2 by increasing their ability to capture and use light (leaf size, Φ, and Jmax). The increment in leaf area while maintaining E rates signifies that this forest compartment will increase its contribution to the whole forest water fluxes to the atmosphere. That might be related to the prevailing acquisitive strategy necessary for competing for phosphorus brought by water flow through plants. As a possible consequence, this forest might be less resistant to extreme drought associated with El Niño years.

Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES (grants 312589/2022-0) and São Paulo Research Foundation-FAPESP processes numbers (2022/07735-5) and (2015/02537-7). 

AmazonFACE team:

Amanda Rayane Damasceno, Sabrina Garcia, Izabela Fonseca Aleixo, Juliane Cristina Gomes Menezes, Iokanam Sales Pereira, Martin Gerard De Kauwe, Vanessa Rodrigues Ferrer, Katrin, Thorsten E. E. Grams, Alacimar Viana Guedes, Iain Paul Hartley, Bart Kruijt, Laynara Figueiredo Lugli, Nathielly Pires Martins, Richard J. Norby, Juliane Stephanie Pires-Santos, Bruno Takeshi Tanaka Portela , Anja Rammig, Leonardo Ramos de Oliveira, Flávia Delgado Santana, Yago Rodrigues Santos, Crisvaldo Cássio Silva de Souza, Gabriela Ushida Neves, David Montenegro Lapola, Carlos Alberto Nobre Quesada and Tomas Ferreira Domingues

How to cite: Domingues, T., Damasceno, A., Garcia, S., Aleixo, I., Menezes, J., Pereira, I., De Kauwe, M., Ferrer, V., Fleischer, K., Grams, T., Santana, F., Hartley, I., Kruijt, B., Lugli, L., Martins, N., Norby, R., Portela, B., Rammig, A., Quesada, C., and Lapola, D. and the AmazonFACE team: Amazonian understory response to elevated CO2, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18954,, 2024.