EGU24-19299, updated on 13 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
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TriGgeR mechanisms of Antarctic ice sheet INStability across the Plio-pLeistocene trAnsitIoN - GRAINSPLAIN project

Giulia Matilde Ferrante1, Laura De Santis1, Sergio Andò2, Robert McKay3, Denise Kulhanek4, Jenny Gales5, Matteo Perrotti6, Luca Zurli6, Satish Singh7, Michele Rebesco1, Renata Giulia Lucchi1, Tina Van Der Flierdt8, Tim Van Peer9, and Caterina Morigi10
Giulia Matilde Ferrante et al.
  • 1Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica sperimentale, Trieste, Italia (
  • 2University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italia
  • 3Victoria University of Wellington, Antarctic Research Centre, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 4Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
  • 5University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
  • 6University of Siena, Siena, Italia
  • 7Université Paris Cité, IPGP, Paris, France
  • 8London Imperial College, London, UK
  • 9University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  • 10University of Pisa, Pisa, Italia

Growing evidence suggests that portions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) could cross a tipping point over the next decades due to global warming. The Mid-Pliocene Warm Period (mPWP, 3.3-3 Ma, +2°C) is regarded as one possible geologic analog to the climate of the near future, and paleo-sea level during mPWP interglacials indicates that portions of the AIS were lost at that time. However, due to a lack of ice-proximal data, the timing, magnitude and trigger mechanisms of AIS retreats remain unconstrained. Here, we focus on the Ross Sea, where the IODP Exp. 374 Site U1523 recovered the first Antarctic Plio-Pleistocene record from a current-controlled sediment drift in an environment evolving from ice-proximal to open marine over time. U1523 is located where intrusions of warm deep water and outflows of cold water occur today, controlled mainly by the strength and route of the Antarctic Slope Current. To constrain the relative influence of oceanic currents and AIS dynamics on sediment erosion, transport and deposition across the Plio-Pleistocene transition (3.3-2.6 Ma), we integrate grain size, morpho-mineralogical, magnetic fabric analysis and geophysical logs from site U1523 with the multi-channel seismic line IT94-127A. We complement our dataset with a closeby box core (PNRA ODYSSEA exp., box core 08), that can be regarded as a present day analogue. Here, we present our morpho-mineralogical results on the box core and some specific intervals of the mPWP from site U1523. In particular, we perform single mineral Raman spectroscopy which, together with the entire suite of minerals and their relative abundance, highlight the different depositional environments and the source of the detritus, identifying local vs distant and magmatic vs metamorphic sources. Furthermore, we use the geophysical logs to perform rock physics correlation and we tie them to the seismic line, allowing the analysis to be extrapolated along the shelf.

How to cite: Ferrante, G. M., De Santis, L., Andò, S., McKay, R., Kulhanek, D., Gales, J., Perrotti, M., Zurli, L., Singh, S., Rebesco, M., Lucchi, R. G., Van Der Flierdt, T., Van Peer, T., and Morigi, C.: TriGgeR mechanisms of Antarctic ice sheet INStability across the Plio-pLeistocene trAnsitIoN - GRAINSPLAIN project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19299,, 2024.