EGU24-20829, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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How the ionosphere is shaping the dynamics of the near-Earth plasma: Insights into mass coupling across the magnetosphere

Raluca Ilie and Jianghuai Liu
Raluca Ilie and Jianghuai Liu
  • University of Illinois, The Grainger College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, United States of America (

A long-standing question in studying the plasma dynamics in the magnetosphere pertains to the mass coupling between the ionosphere and the global magnetosphere. This presentation explores the connection between different plasma populations lying within and outside the magnetosphere, and employs an integrated computational approach to model the geospace environment, enabling a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of all significant heavy ion species. 

In this presentation, we explore the circulation patterns, transport, and energization of heavy ions as they are transported from the high-latitude ionosphere across the expansive magnetosphere, examining their influence on the dynamics of the inner magnetospheric plasma. Moreover, we present compelling evidence indicating that the presence of energetic heavy ions in the inner magnetosphere significantly contributes to the initial stages of plasmasphere refilling. This contribution stems from the composition of heavy ions within the plasma sheet, which primarily dictates the formation of cold protons through charge exchange with the geocorona, with the neutral density exerting a comparatively minor role. 

How to cite: Ilie, R. and Liu, J.: How the ionosphere is shaping the dynamics of the near-Earth plasma: Insights into mass coupling across the magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20829,, 2024.