EGU24-2761, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The islanding effect of river basin city-regions under climate changes: vulnerability and resilience

Chi-Tung Hung, Wen-Yen Lin, and Chun-Fang Liu
Chi-Tung Hung et al.
  • Ming Chuan University, School of Design, Dept. of Urban Planning and Disaster Management, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (

This study focusing on the vulnerability and resilience in the downstream areas of the Da-an river basin (Dajia district and Houli district) centeral Taiwan. The study addresses the urban governance on compound disaster in the upstream Da-an river basin, including Taian township and Jhunan township in Miaoli county, Zhuolan township, and the Heping district in Taichung city. The research also explores how these townships adapt to extreme weather impacts and post-pandemic industrial adaptation. Our research employs various methods such as field surveys, in-depth interviews, literature reviews, and statistical data analysis: (1) By investigating and analyzing tourism camping areas in the aforementioned townships, we examine the environmental vulnerability of their industries and land use. This includes environmentally sensitive areas and agricultural and pastoral lands in indigenous areas, as well as issues related to vulnerable policies; (2) Agricultural production and marketing and government responses to different stages of impacts from extreme climates and diseases are being reviewed regarding the adaptive planning of local governments; (3) A vulnerability assessment framework applicable to settlements in islanding areas of the upper Da-an river is constructed by utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) for overlay analysis to discuss the relevant assessment influencing factors in camping areas. The research aims to clarify how watershed townships, under the influence of climate change, transform based on local tourism characteristics and agricultural industries post-pandemic. Particularly, it explores the mitigation measures demonstrated by local governments and private operators in the face of climate change and land exposure, showcasing the resilience of governance at different levels of government and private entities. Two aspects are found on this research: (1).The tourism vulnerability of townships in the upper Da-an river basin, particularly the crisis of camping tourism sites and land exposure, along with the island effect of their settlements. (2). Adaptive mechanisms of industrial resilience in watershed townships under the impact of the pandemic.

Keywords: river basin, extreme weather, islanding effect, city resilience, urban disaster, city vulnerability.

How to cite: Hung, C.-T., Lin, W.-Y., and Liu, C.-F.: The islanding effect of river basin city-regions under climate changes: vulnerability and resilience, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2761,, 2024.