EGU24-2840, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Effects of cryospheric hydrological processes on future flood inundation and the subsequent socioeconomic exposures in Central Asia

Ning Wang1,2, Fubao Sun2, Hong Wang2, and Wenbin Liu2
Ning Wang et al.
  • 1National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China (
  • 2Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Floods and their subsequent socioeconomic exposures are increasing in most parts of the world due to global warming. However, less attention is given in the arid Central Asia (CA), in which floods usually occur in data-scarce high-mountainous regions with complex cryospheric hydrological processes (CHP). In this study, an improved hydrologic-hydrodynamic model coupled with a glacier mass balance module was developed to enhance flood simulations in CA. The effects of the CHP on future flood inundation and the subsequent socioeconomic exposures were also investigated. We found that the simulations of daily streamflow and flood magnitudes improved significantly over the selected hydrological stations after considering the glacier mass balance. Our estimations indicated that the flood inundation and its dynamic evolution generally agreed with satellite observations. Moreover, CHP-induced (rainfall-induced) flood inundation plays a significant role in China’s Xinjiang and Tajikistan (other regions of CA). The CHP would amplify the effects of future flood on socioeconomics in CA, with population (Gross Domestic Productivity, GDP) exposure up to 2.25 million persons/year (150 billion $ PPP/year) for 2071 – 2100. These findings could provide scientific evidence to improve the understanding of CHP effects on future floods and the subsequent exposures, informing the prioritization and design of flood mitigation strategies in CA.

How to cite: Wang, N., Sun, F., Wang, H., and Liu, W.: Effects of cryospheric hydrological processes on future flood inundation and the subsequent socioeconomic exposures in Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2840,, 2024.