EGU24-3574, updated on 12 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The perspectives of finding of giant CLIPPIR-type diamonds in weakly diamondiferous kimberlites of the north of Yakutia (Western Anabar region) using method of 5E Mitchells’s diagrams and cluster analyses

Alexandr Ivanov1, Vladimir Zinchenko2, Igor Ashchepkov3,4, Svetlana Babushkina5, Oleg Oleinikov5, and Pavel Shelkov6
Alexandr Ivanov et al.
  • 1Mirny, Russian Federation (
  • 2Catoca Mining Society LLC, Luanda, Angola
  • 3V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • 4Institute of Geology, SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia
  • 5Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals, SB, RAS, Yakutsk, Russia
  • 6Diamonds of Arctic, prospecting company group, Moscow, Russia

Finding of the giant diamond in Ebelyakh of CLIPPIR type of IIa type (Moor, 2014) suggest that similar diamonds should be found in the source kimberlites in Anabar basing and nearest Northern fields located within collision Khapchan terrain. To predict the finding authors are using the method of 5E diagrams based on the principle of analogy of the compositions Fe/(Fe+Mg) – Cr/(Cr+Al) – (Mn,Na) (Mitchell, 1986) for satellite minerals (Gar, Cpx, Chr and Ilmenites) of diamond (DSM) comparing with the etalon diagram for Karowe pipe (reference) and any other pipe. The forecast is quantified by the probability of convergence of these compositions using the division to the cluster groups. It was shown that the convergence of the DSM compositions of the Karowe and Grib pipes is 74%, which can be regarded as an indicator of the possible presence of diamonds in the predicted CLIPPIR pipe (Zinchenko et al., 2021).

 The application of this technique to two weakly diamondiferous kimberlite pipes of the Anabar region is demonstrated that the Leningrad pipe (Lower Devonian) have probability (75%) and Malokuonamskaya (Lower Triassic) (20%). Methods of constructing 5E diagrams and complementary PTXfO2 diagrams by I.V. Ashchepkov (2010-2023) of reconstructed lithospheric mantle sections (SCLM) to predict the crystallization of CLIPPIR diamonds. The petrological meaning of such characteristic suggest diamond formation in pipe in permeable mantle within protokimberlite magmatic chamber located near the lithosphere boundary and  connected with the asthenospheric source supplying by low oxidized magma, sulfides and extra pressure. The pipe should be surrounded by the low oxidized mantle eclogites rich C and dunites with the high pressure-temperature and Mg-rich ilmenite-chromite metasomatites.





Fig.1.  Mitchels’s diagram for minerals from Leningrad  and Malokuhamskay (B) pipes in comporisond with the Karowe pipe (contur lines) Cr- pyropes, Cr-diopsides, Ilmenites, Cr -spinels together. B. Triangle Na-Mn-Ti and C. Triangle Na-Al-Cr for Cr-diopsides and pyropes. D. distributions of the cluster groups for different minerals. E. Correltions of diamond grade with TiO2 in garnest, Cr-diopsides and Cr-spinels and Fe2O3 in ilmenites

The application of this technique to two weakly diamondiferous kimberlite pipes of the Anabar region is demonstrated that the Leningrad pipe (Lower Devonian) have probability (75%) and Malokuonamskaya (Lower Triassic) (20%). Methods of constructing 5E diagrams and complementary PTXfO2 diagrams by I.V. Ashchepkov (2010-2023) of reconstructed lithospheric mantle sections (SCLM) to predict the crystallization of CLIPPIR diamonds. The petrological meaning of such characteristic suggest diamond formation in pipe in permeable mantle within protokimberlite magmatic chamber located near the lithosphere boundary and  connected with the asthenospheric source supplying by low oxidized magma, sulfides and extra pressure. The pipe should be surrounded by the low oxidized mantle eclogites rich C and dunites with the high pressure-temperature and Mg-rich ilmenite-chromite metasomatites.





Fig.2. PTXFO2 diagram for all xenocrysts from Leningrad (A), Malokuonamskaya (B) and Karowe AK-6 pipes. Symboles see legend

Russian Science Foundation grant 23-17-00030

How to cite: Ivanov, A., Zinchenko, V., Ashchepkov, I., Babushkina, S., Oleinikov, O., and Shelkov, P.: The perspectives of finding of giant CLIPPIR-type diamonds in weakly diamondiferous kimberlites of the north of Yakutia (Western Anabar region) using method of 5E Mitchells’s diagrams and cluster analyses, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3574,, 2024.