EGU24-5774, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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myDewetra-VOLTALARM: a transboundary impact-based early warning system increasing resilience of Volta basin communities against hydrometeorological hazards

Anna Mapelli1, Andrea Libertino1, Giulia Ercolani1, Mirko D'Andrea1, Nicola Testa1, Matteo Darienzo1, Simone Gabellani1, Marco Massabò1, Rafatou Fofana2, Salifou Dene2, Boukary Niampa2, Maxime Teblekou3, Ramesh Tripathi4, and the Voltalarm member states national agencies*
Anna Mapelli et al.
  • 1CIMA Research Foundation, Savona, Italy (
  • 2Volta Basin Authority (VBA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • 3Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • 4World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

The Volta Basin, spanning six countries in West Africa, faces significant challenges from both floods and extreme precipitation. To address these challenges, the myDewetra-VOLTALARM system was developed as a collaborative transboundary early warning system (EWS) through the joint efforts of an international Consortium, composed by the Volta Basin Authority (VBA), the Global Water Partnership for West Africa (GWP-WA) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and national institutions of the six riparian countries.  

myDewetra-VOLTALARM embraces an impact-based forecasting approach, focusing on the potential consequences of severe hydrological events on vulnerable communities. This is achieved through state-of-the-art hydro-meteorological modelling chain generating precipitation and discharge forecast with lead times of up to five days, coupled with impact assessment tools that translate these forecasts into actionable warnings based on real-time risk information for sectors like civil protection, agriculture and livelihoods, protected areas. By focusing on potential impacts,  myDewetra-VOLTALARM empowers stakeholders to make risk-informed decisions and implement timely mitigation actions, thereby reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing community resilience. The strength of myDewetra-VOLTALARM hinges on the collaboration, built-up through the implementation process, among the riparian countries, fostering data exchange and enabling a comprehensive understanding of hydrological dynamics across the entire basin. Harmonized risk assessments lead to consistent warning products and mitigation strategies, while the publication of the results on the open-source  myDewetra-VOLTALARM platform ensures transparency and accessibility for all stakeholders. 

A cornerstone of myDewetra-VOLTALARM's impact is the co-produced flood and heavy rainfall impact bulletin, issued jointly by national and regional authorities twice per week. This bulletin provides critical information, enriching and validating the model results with the expertise and local information/measurements of the national institutions, on which the Volta Basin Authority bases its advisories, tailored to specific locations and sectors. The Flood and Heavy Rainfall Impact Bulletin ensures a consistent flow of information at the basin scale and it integrates in the existing national procedures for early warning and civil protection, allowing all the stakeholders to stay informed and adapt their preparedness measures as the hydrometeorological situation evolves. 

myDewetra-VOLTALARM serves as a model for effective early warning systems in shared river basins. Its impact-based forecasting, transboundary cooperation, and co-produced Flood and Heavy Rainfall Impact Bulletin hold the potential to significantly reduce the impacts of floods and extreme precipitation, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable future for the Volta Basin communities.

Voltalarm member states national agencies:

Boris Polynice Anato, Martial Dossou, Gildas Tossou, Edouard K. Pétin Ouattara, Ahmed Lamine Soumahoro, Gerard Zongo, Rayimwendé Zoungrana, Lazare Wendyam Sawadogo, Adama Mariko, Ibrahima Traore, Joshua Asamoah, Sylvester Darko, Richard Abaare, Abla Agboto, Kudzo Séna Salomon Etoh

How to cite: Mapelli, A., Libertino, A., Ercolani, G., D'Andrea, M., Testa, N., Darienzo, M., Gabellani, S., Massabò, M., Fofana, R., Dene, S., Niampa, B., Teblekou, M., and Tripathi, R. and the Voltalarm member states national agencies: myDewetra-VOLTALARM: a transboundary impact-based early warning system increasing resilience of Volta basin communities against hydrometeorological hazards, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5774,, 2024.