EGU24-5967, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Gross Nitrogen Transformation: Insights from 15N Tracing in a Gas Sampling Incubation Experiment

Barira Shoukat Hafiza1,2, Wolfgang Wanek2, Magdeline Vlasimsky1, Mohammad Zaman1, Gerd Dercon1, Maria Heiling1, and Christian Resch1
Barira Shoukat Hafiza et al.
  • 1International Atomic Energy Agency, NAFA-Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition Laboratory, Austria (
  • 2University of Vienna, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Nitrous oxide (N2O) stands out among greenhouse gases due to its global warming potential, surpassing carbon dioxide by 310 times and methane by 16 times over a 100-year period. Its primary source lies in the application of fertilizers to agricultural soil. Despite its significance, traditional methods for understanding the intricate relationships within gross nitrogen (N) transformation processes are limited in their analytical depth.

Current research increasingly centers on the N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio, offering valuable insights into the efficiency of nitrogen transformations and the potential for N2O emissions. Quantifying both gases, however, poses challenges that demand specialized techniques. Leveraging isotopic methods, such as the introduction of enriched NO3− and monitoring 15N labelled denitrification products, proves instrumental in unravelling N2O sources and facilitating emission mitigation strategies.

This study aims to contribute to this knowledge by measuring N2O and N2 and identifying their sources using a 15N tracer. Soil samples were collected from a 0-15cm depth at Grabenegg, an agricultural site in Austria. Two treatments were applied, with 15NH414NO3  for treatment one and 14NH415NO3 for treatment two, both at a rate of 100 kg N/ha (equivalent to 150 kg N/ha when expressed as 100 mg N/kg soil). The incubation experiment spanned 10 days in 850ml glass jars at 60% WFPS, involving seven sampling days. Soil analyses included ammonium and nitrate content through colorimetric methods, pH determination, and 15N analysis using an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) following an adjusted Brooks microdiffusion.

Gas samples extracted from the jars over a two-hour period underwent analysis for CO2, CH4, and N2O content using a Picarro G5102-i isotopic and gas concentration analyzer. Integration with N tracing models yielded crucial insights into the connections between substrates and N transformation products, shedding light on the impacts of synthetic fertilizer and enabling the quantification of transformation rates.

How to cite: Hafiza, B. S., Wanek, W., Vlasimsky, M., Zaman, M., Dercon, G., Heiling, M., and Resch, C.: Gross Nitrogen Transformation: Insights from 15N Tracing in a Gas Sampling Incubation Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5967,, 2024.