EGU24-6616, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Why not drill into magma to understand the “dynamics and timescales in magmatic reservoirs”?

John Eichelberger1, Amel Barich2, Bjorn Gudmundsson2, Yan Lavallee3, John Ludden2, Bjarni Palsson4, Paolo Papale5, and Freysteinn Sigmundsson6
John Eichelberger et al.
  • 1University of Alaska, Alaska Center for Energy and Power, Fairbanks, United States of America (
  • 2Geothermal Research Cluster, Reykjavik, Iceland (
  • 3University of Munich, Munich, Germany (
  • 4Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, Iceland (
  • 5National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Pisa, Italy (
  • 6University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland (

How can we not afford to scientifically probe magma? Fifteen years of accidental drilling encounters with magma have shown that it can be done safely with recovery of magmatic and partial melt samples quenched in situ. More could be gained if preceded by thorough scientific preparation and followed by long-term monitoring. Through the panoply of instruments now available, we can measure temperature, pressure, strain, heat and mass transport and changes over time. In 2009, the Iceland Deep Drilling Program well #1 reached rhyolitic magma at 2100 m depth under Krafla Caldera. The project was exemplary in sharing provocative results, but only hints at what is possible. Equilibrium temperatures were estimated by traditional petrologic techniques to be 850 – 1100 C. Pressure estimates range from 40 – 90 MPa with both extremes seemingly problematic, because for the first time we know the depth of a magma body to 4 significant figures. The lowest value is below lithostatic and the highest could be inherited from deeper levels. Now it appears that the lower pressure is what magma “feels”. But without drilling, would traditional estimates be good enough? Magma is somewhere between 1500 – 4000 m depth and with temperature corresponding to some type of magma? Actually, we would not even know that shallow magma is there but now in hindsight we see it geophysically. Ground-truth testing is how methodologies are improved. Our situation is like speculating about the nature of the Moon without sampling it. The cost of probing Earth’s magma is high and the probability of success uncertain, but far less so on either count than for extraterrestrial exploration. On Earth we are more restrained by self-imposed limits than by our technical capabilities. Besides understanding the differentiation of our planet, we have two compelling reasons for bold exploration: 1) We need the baseload, magma resource with its far higher temperature, energy density, and more extensive thermal fracturing than conventional geothermal; 2) We need to raise the level of reliability of eruption forecasts by testing our magma-dynamic models directly, thereby saving countless lives. As with other endeavors that are expensive for a single country to undertake but that benefit all humankind, a way forward is through an international infrastructure, where teams of scientists can conduct experiments with magma and superhot fluids. This is analogous to particle accelerators and the complement to outer space travel: inner space.  The Krafla Magma Testbed is a much-needed step and an opportunity for all planetary, magma, volcano, and hydrothermal scientists to test their methods and ideas. KMT will drill a doublet of wells to magma for long-term monitoring and experimentation, respectively. The project, now organized as a legal entity within the Iceland Geothermal Research Cluster (GEORG), in partnership with the National Power Company of Iceland (Landsvirkjun), Iceland Energy GeoSurvey (ISOR), and a multinational team of scientists and engineers, under the aegis of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), is ready. Magma could have been intentionally explored before. It is time to ask, “Why not now?”

How to cite: Eichelberger, J., Barich, A., Gudmundsson, B., Lavallee, Y., Ludden, J., Palsson, B., Papale, P., and Sigmundsson, F.: Why not drill into magma to understand the “dynamics and timescales in magmatic reservoirs”?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6616,, 2024.