EGU24-8431, updated on 13 Dec 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The evolution of turbulence, stratification, and the surface jet in Diurnal Warm Layers

Mariana Miracca Lage1, Claire Ménesguen2, Lucas Merckelbach1, Julia Dräger-Dietel3, Alexa Griesel3, and Jeff Carpenter1
Mariana Miracca Lage et al.
  • 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Small-Scale Physics and Turbulence, Germany (
  • 2Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Spatiale, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, University Brest, Brest, France
  • 3Institute of Oceanography, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

The ocean's upper layer is inherently turbulent and constantly forced by momentum and buoyancy fluxes, and their interplay operates to mix and/or stratify the first meters of the water column. Incoming solar short-wave radiation acts to stabilize the upper layer, whereas the wind transfers momentum to the ocean and acts to vertically mix the water column. However, if the wind is not strong enough to trigger mixing, stratification in the near-surface is immediately formed in a layer of O(10) m thickness, called the diurnal warm layer (DWL). Above the bottom boundary of the DWL, shear production can be enhanced leading to large dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) rates, i.e. high turbulence. Based on observational data from an ocean glider with a mounted microstructure package and drifters, we show the evolution of three DWLs sampled on the rim of a mesoscale eddy in the South Atlantic ocean (32oS, 4oE) with respect to temperature and buoyancy anomalies, potential energy and dissipation of TKE. In the near-surface, temperature and buoyancy anomalies increase with the evolution of the DWL, and the latter has the same magnitude as the time-integrated surface buoyancy flux. We also show the development of a diurnal jet with magnitude of O(10) cm/s that veers with the wind. Late in the afternoon, when the diurnal jet is fully developed, the bulk Richardson number (Rib) indicates that the stratified layer related to the DWL becomes marginally unstable (Rib ~ 0.25). During this period, the potential energy also decays, suggesting that the enhanced turbulence within the DWL acts to destroy stratification through turbulent mixing. We further assess whether a one-dimensional turbulence model is able to reproduce the observed DWL’s characteristics and the change in stability throughout the day.

How to cite: Miracca Lage, M., Ménesguen, C., Merckelbach, L., Dräger-Dietel, J., Griesel, A., and Carpenter, J.: The evolution of turbulence, stratification, and the surface jet in Diurnal Warm Layers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8431,, 2024.